Ok, only a short chapter today, because i have to study for three exams that i have this week, one being litteraly tomorow.
Zeldaris and Aversia were celebrating with everyone else that Juvia had joined the guild, although not officially yet.
They were happily drinking and laughing their asses od at Juvia´s attempts to hug him, which Gray was dodging surprisingly well.
But Gray stopped dodging after he thought a bit about it, Juvia had done a lot for them.
She had saved him at the surprise attack, had made it possible for them to approach the tower without being detected and fought together with Lucy to defeat Vidaldus, so he thought that she should get at least some reward.
Juvia of course took this chance and hugged Gray for a few seconds before letting go of him and sitting happily beside him.
“Wait that´s it?” Gray shouted in confusion.
Juvia looked at Gray while blushing.
“I mean, my love for you will burn for all of eternity, but I am also not going to force you into things that you don´t like.”
Gray was surprised at that, but he begun to sweat like crazy as he saw how a creepy grin appeared on her face.
“But I will drive every single woman away that will get between you and me.”
And begun to laugh creepily as well.
Everyone else were giving Gray their condolences, in their mind.
Zeldaris and Aversia looked to the west because they noticed that Acnologia was on the move again.
Over the last few years, he had been constantly on the move, although he had been rather quite lately.
So, him moving in their general direction was nothing new and they had learned to ignore it.
However, this time it was different because he was coming exactly toward them.
Both of them still had the hope that they were mistaking.
But with every passing second Acnologia was getting closer and closer, and their eyes could detect him clearer and more detailed.
“Shit! Natsu, don´t use your magic power for the rest of the day!” Aversia yelled toward Natsu, confusing not only Natsu but everyone else as well.
Luckily, Natsu quickly noticed how tensed up Zeldaris and Aversia were and knew that it was important.
“Ok, I will but what is going on?”
“That monster of a king is heading our way!” Zeldaris said while he and Aversia were stopping the flow of magic power inside their body.
Normally the magic power would be stored inside a special container inside the body and would only flow through the body when mage would activate a spell or when he forced the magic power to flow through his body.
Some mages had trained their magic to the point that they were no longer able to store it inside their container, forcing them to circulate their magic power constantly through their bodies.
Both Makarov and Vulcan were good examples for it.
Zeldaris and Aversia were also like that, but because of their draconic blood, and for them it was rather painful to stop the flow of magic power inside their body.
Natsu and Erza widened their eyes as they felt how the magic power that was leaking out of the two half dragons was disappearing.
“What do you mean the king is moving?” asked Lucy, a bit frightened by the whole situation.
Natsu, Erza, Gray and Juvia also were curious about that.
On the other hand, Shô and the other three were rather confused by this weird situation.
“Meow, what kind of monster are you talking about?”
Instead of answering the questions, Zeldaris and Aversia kept looking west ward and with every passing second their faces became paler and paler.
Their bodies started to tremble and sweet began to cover their bodies, for the fuel of their nightmares was upon them.
A loud and echoing roar shuck the earth and a massive shockwave hit the beach and the resort.
The sound of breaking glass was barely audible as every single window of the resort was breaking.
Trees were uprooted and sent flying or broke into pieces.
People flew through the air, not even knowing what had hit them.
You are reading story Fairy Tails Half Dragons at novel35.com
Zeldaris and Aversia were able to stand their ground, they covered their faces to shield them from the sand that was flying through the air.
Erza had stabbed ‘The Blade of Dragonf’ into the ground and was holding onto it.
Juvia had turned her legs into water and had dug them underground, while also holding onto Gray, who in turn was trying to freeze his legs to the ground.
Natsu was holding both Lucy and Happy, while trying not to get blown away.
Simon was doing the same thing with Miliana, Shô and Wally.
None of them had even the time to think about the situation as they were trying to hold on for dear life, but Zeldaris and Aversia could swear that they were hearing the roar of another dragon.
And just as quickly as the shockwave came, it disappeared.
Acnologia had flown away and was now flying north.
Natsu and the others needed a second to gather themselves and digest what just happened.
“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? THAT WAS A DRAGON! ZEL! AVE! EXPLAIN?!” Natsu yelled, saying the questions that were on everyone’s minds.
“That was our king, Natsu. That was the monster that is calling himself the king of all dragons and his death is the greatest task of every dragon and dragon slayer.” Zeldaris said, still keeping trac of Acnologia´s movement.
“But… But why, I don´t understand?!”
“That insane and destructive monster has only one goal, the total and utter destruction of all dragon kind and of every dragon slayer. And when he has done so, he will probably kill every human on this planet!”
Natsu opened and closed his mouth, the whole situation was too much for him and he couldn´t find any words.
“Are you sure about that?!” Erza asked.
“Yes, knowing him, he might even decide that just like that. ‘Oh, I am feeling rather board after killing dragon kind, how about I kill humanity next.’”
“Ok, what else are you hiding?!” Natsu suddenly asked.
Zeldaris and Aversia looked at Natsu and were considering their next answer.
Seeing that he didn´t get a direct answer Natsu asked again, “What are you hiding from me and why are you hiding it from me?”
Both half dragons sighed in defeat, they knew that Natsu would not stop asking about it.
“Ok, yes, we are hiding some things from you, and yes we will reveal everything when the time is right, but right now that would be only a burden on you, so please trust us on this!”
“Yeah, I trust you. I just wanted to hear know if you ever wanted to tell these things to me.”
The two half dragons sighed in relieve.
“That aside, I think it is time for us to get back to the guild.” Erza said while looking at the destruction that Acnologia´s roar had caused.
“Yeah, we should also get on our way.” Simon said, this scene would haunt him and the other three for years.
“To think that such a monster existed.” Shô muttered in utter disbelieve.
“Oh, believe me, you have seen nothing yet. That was only his greeting, if he had attacked us with his magic then it would have been similar to a strike from Etherion, only a few times stronger.” Aversia said, sending shivers down the whole group.
They quickly prepared their things, checked out of the resort, which everyone was doing at the moment and took a carriage toward Hargeon.
There, Simon, and his group said their goodbyes to everyone and took another carriage to the next city.
Zeldaris and Aversia had given them a bit of money, so that they could start their new lives.
Erza made them promise again that they would visit at the harvest festival.
Tears flowed down Erza´s face as she waved them goodbye, while the carriage was slowly getting smaller on the horizon.
They then took the train back toward Magnolia and not long after arrived at Magnolia.
On the way to the guild, Juvia became nervus.
“Don´t worry about it.” Gray said, trying to calm her down a bit.
And it did calm her down for a few seconds before she started to mumble, which Gray was not able to hear.
However, Natsu, Zeldaris and Aversia were able to hear it and all three of them decided to act like they had heard nothing, although their face said something else.
“I probably don´t even want to ask don´t I?” lucy said as she saw the faces that the three were making.
As they arrived where the construction side had been standing, all eight of them were looking with open mouths, because in this short amount of time, the guild hall had been finished and it was grander than they could have ever imagined.