Chapter 92: Chapter 92: Aversia´s test

Natsu and Gajeel stared with open mouths at the sight of the wounded Zeldaris and Aversia.

Aversia had a wound on her right shoulder and the left side of her waist.

Zeldaris had a wound on his head and one right in the middle of his chest.

Both of them weren´t really bothered by these wounds and were more surprised that they were injured in the first place.

“Well, should have expected nothing less. Even if Zel and I are just a sad excuse for a dragon, dragon blood still flows through our veins, meaning that dragon slayer magic should work on us.” Aversia said in a self-mocking tone.

“After all, there is a reason why the saying goes ‘A dragon for a dragon’.”

As for the attackers, they were the four armored men that Solas and Bonmu had brought with them.

Their armor had a raven like design and was of a golden dolor, they also had capes that were adorned with feathers.


 “You guys aren´t the talkative type, aren´t you?!” Aversia said as she saw that none of the four saying a single word.

“We have ben created by Lord Ivan and have been tasked with exterminating you two!” said one of them.

Aversia chuckled as she heard that.

“You really think that you are able to defeat and or kill us? It´s seems like you don´t know with what kind of being you are dealing with!” Aversia said while her eyes became sharp.

“We do know what you are, half dragon. But do you know what you face, we are the new generation of dragon slayers, and we will crush you and the old generation.”

Zeldaris and Aversia laughed as they heard this.

“You really know nothing, welp. If you were to face the dragon slayers of old, the ones that lived in our village, then you would know how ignorant you really are. Compared to them, Natsu, Gajeel, Zel and I are just newborn babies.”

As Aversia said that Makarov, Levi, Max, and Warren became completely stunned.

Zeldaris and Aversia were easily two of the most powerful members of the guild, even Makarov would have to get serious in a battle against them.

Vulcan on the other hand laughed loudly.

Natsu and Gajeel on the other hand became embarrassed and looked away, they had forgotten that the dragon slayers at their village were absolute monsters.

“Say what you want, it is time for the new generation to surpass the old one.”

“Then be my guest. Zel, they are mine!”

Zeldaris rose an eyebrow.

“Are you sure?”

“You had your fun with Jellal, now it is my time for me to have some fun and with them that is only possible by fighting against all four of them at once.”

Aversia walked forward, right between the four armored men, while Zeldaris leaned against the entrance of the guild.

Aversia looked at each one of her opponents, a huge smile on her face.

“What are you waiting for, let´s have some fun!”

Without any hesitation, all four of them attacked Aversia with their fists.

The first one had his fist covered by ice that was even freezing the air around it.

The second one had his fist covered with jade, which was glowing with a faint light.

The third one had his fist covered with raging lightning, similar to Laxus´s lightning, only much weaker.

And the last one had his fist covered with a constantly moving stream of water.

Aversia only sneered as she saw the attacks.

“Weak!” was all that she said and grabbed the one jade dragon slayer by the arm and threw him toward the one with lightning and ice.

She then jumped to the side, evading the attack of the last one.

“Let me show you how it is done right! [Chaos Dragon´s Iron Fist]”

Her blazing fist hit her opponent right in the head and sent him flying toward the other three, who had just recovered, taking them by surprise.

But this time they weren´t taken by surprise and were able to react in time.

The jade dragon slayer caught his flying comrade while the other two were charging toward Aversia from different directions.

“[Ice Dragon´s Roar]”

“[Lightning Dragon´s Roar]”

The two of them used their roar to distract Aversia and get in for the kill.

However, Aversia also rushed forward while enveloping both of her fists with her grey flames.

The flames took on the form of wings and Aversia begun to spin around.

“[Chaos Dragon´s Wing Attack]”

As Aversia´s flames begun to rotate around her, they managed to hold against the two attacks, but her plan was not to defend.

She started to absorb some of the magic power of the two attacks, causing them to become weaker.

Aversia used this chance to focus her spell right at the space where the two attacks were meeting, causing a small opening to form, which she of course used immediately.

But as she used the opening two spikes made out of jade came out of the ground and a whip out of water was approaching from the front.

Aversia mostly ignored the spikes, letting them wound her on her left cheek and her right arm.

The whip was met with a flaming fist, evaporating in less than a second.

You are reading story Fairy Tails Half Dragons at

Not giving Aversia any time to breath two attacks came from the sides, but Aversia countered them with two flaming kicks.


While the fight was going on, were Gajeel and Natsu able to notice something strange.

Up to this point, Aversia had only used dragon slayer magic and not any of her other spells, not even her base spell ‘Dancing Lights’.

Both of them looked at Zeldaris with confused looks and Zeldaris was able to understand why they were so confused.

“She is not going to use any other spells other than dragon slayer magic; she wants to beat them solely with dragon slayer magic. I believe that she wants to evaluate them, to see if they have what it takes to become a real dragon slayer. Something that the two of you have yet to achieve, although to be fair you two are still only at the beginning of your journey as a dragon slayer.”


“Come on! Put your souls into this! This is pathetic, and you guys call yourself dragon slayers?!” Aversia yelled as she continued to evade the attacks and landed a few blows here and there.

She was disappointed by all four of them.

Although, they had trained their magic to an impressive level, considering the current level of magic and the fact that they had no real tutor with that magic.

But that was not important, what was important was the spirit and will that they had, which was barley any.

More important than even a body that could contain dragon slayer magic, was an iron like and unbendable will.

Dragon slayers had to fight against the living catastrophes that were dragons, and it took a lot to stand before one without shaking in fear.

The people of Dragnof were only able to get used to the dragons after a long period of time.

And it was not as if only the original dragon slayers had a strong will, both Natsu and Gajeel had strong wills that would never crumble, especially Natsu´s will.

As for this so-called new generation, all four of them showed barley any emotions, as if they were walking puppets, causing Aversia to get increasingly more irritated.

They were also fighting in a cold and methodic way, making their attacks quite predictable once you got used to their style.

“ENOUGH! THE LEGACY OF THE DRAGON SLAYERS HAS ALREADY BEEN STAINED ONCE! AND BY MY LIFE, I WON´T PERMIT A SECOND TIME!!!” Aversia yelled as she stopped holding back and went all out, transforming into her true form and unleashing her full power and her blood lust.

As the four felt the pressure from both the magic power and the blood lust, the four felt something that they thought that they had lost long ago, fear.

The flames of chaos were fully unleashed and the area before the guild entrance got fully enveloped by the destructive flames.

Aversia slowly walked out of the flames, spreading her wings, and looked down upon her opponents, her golden eyes shining brightly.

“Come slayers, your dragon awaits.”

The minds of all four dragon slayers were filled with terror and was not far from breaking.

The pressure from the magic power and the bloodlust was already terrifying enough, they had never felt something comparable toward it.

But it was those eyes, those golden monstrous eyes that were doing the most damage.

And there was only one way to describe them, monstrous.

 The four yelled out in fear and terror and attacked with all that they had.

The jade dragon slayer grew multiple large spikes on his body, which he then launched toward Aversia.

The lightning dragon slayer made a large spear out of lightning and threw it.

The water dragon slayer and the ice dragon slayer rushed toward Aversia; their arms covered with their elements.

Aversia rushed forward and met the first two head on.

“[Chaos Dragon´s Crushing Fang]”

Her claws ripped through their bodies as if they were tofu, leaving giant holes in their body while also burning them.

Aversia didn´t even slowed down as she finished the two opponents.

“[Chaos Dragon´s Iron Fist]”

Aversia punched out with her blazing fist, meeting the lightning spear head on and pulverizing it in an instant.

But the attack wasn´t over as grey flames shot out of her fist, melting the incoming jade spikes, and burning the remaining two enemies.

She then quickly approached the last two dragon slayers with high speed.

But before she could fully reach them, the two launched one last desperate attack, which Aversia dodged by jumped into the air.

“[Chaos Dragon´s Claw]”

(AN: Ok this spell has a really weird name; it is a kick, but it is called claw.)

With blazing legs, Aversia kicked the nearest opponent with all of her strength.

The sound of bones being crushed was clearly to hear as his ribcage caved in.

As she landed onto the ground she turned around and spew out a current of flames toward the last enemy, burning him into ashes.

Aversia quickly made sure that all of them were really dead and after she confirmed that all of them were dead, she transformed back into her human form and extinguished her flames.

“You may have had the strength to become dragon slayers, but you lacked the soul and the will of one. Zel, let´s go…”

Aversia stopped mid-sentence as the sky got covered by a dark explosion.

“Looks like someone unleashed the wrath of a certain demoness. Who ever is facing her, is truly unlucky.” Aversia said while smiling.

‘You are one too talk!’ was what everyone but Zeldaris thought in their minds.