Chapter 99: Chapter 99: Dragon Lacrima

Laxus´s eyes and the eyes of the other three widened in shock.

“Dragons still exist?! I thought they were only a legend.” Bickslow said.

“And yet, dragon slayer exists and the Zel and I call ourselves half dragons.” Aversia answered with a smirk.

Bickslow wasn´t able to say anything to that.

Laxus stepped forward and looked at the two half dragons.

“I haven´t gained dragon slayer magic through a dragon, but through a lacrima that was implanted into my body, by my father. As a kid I had a weak body and to help me, my father implanted a lacrima with dragon magic into my body.”

Everyone looked at Laxus with astonishment and shock, which was quite understandable.

Laxus was with more than 2,10 meters the tallest member of the guild, the only one that came close to him was Elfman, who had grown quite a lot over the last two years and was now around 2 meters tall.

Not only that but his body was practically radiating strength and power, the fact that he was one of the physical strongest members was proof of that.

So, no one could believe that Laxus had a weak body as a kid.

A bit embarrassed about everyone´s reaction Laxus blushed a bit and looked away.

“I would often get sick and bedridden.”

Zeldaris and Aversia needed a few moments before they realized what the first answer truly meant.


Laxus and his bodyguards were taken by surprise by Zeldaris´s outburst.

“What… what do you mean?” Freed asked.

“He means that you should be thankful that you are still alive. There are two possibilities of what that lacrima really was, and both are not good. Option one, the crystalized remains of a dragon, which is by far the worst option but also unlikely. Option two, the lacrima had been filled with the power that was filled with dragon magic from the remains of a dead dragon, which is more likely. As for the reason why option one is the worst one, because even after being dead for over four hundred years, the body of a dragon is still filled with more magic power than any human can imagine. To the point that even a tiny piece contains more magic power than any lacrima can even hope to contain.” Aversia explained, which only confused Laxus and the other three.

“Dragon magic is not something that anyone can just implant into someone and just be fine afterwards. Back in the village, we had to either restrict, extract the magic, or outright kill because they couldn´t handle dragon magic and berserk? And I don´t just mean that they had been influenced physically, oh no, they had been influenced mentally as well. Their emotions went out of control or went outright insane.

Even if it had only been a lacrima, the chances of you surviving and not been negatively influenced were practically zero.”

“But he has survived it.” Evergreen said, not sure what Zeldaris tried to say.

“Physically maybe, but mentally, no. The best beat that I have is that the dragon magic influenced his emotions in multiple ways, including enhancing them. Couple that with the insecurities that Laxus had because no matter what he did, it would all just be explained with, ‘Oh, this isn´t surprising, since he is Makarov’s grandson.’ Which built up for multiple years making him mentally unstable until the point were Laxus´s father had been kicked out of the guild, which was too much for him. In the end all of the pent-up frustration and anger exploded and was intensified by the dragon magic, by multiple times. Frankly, I am surprised that you were able to hold out so long.”

Evergreen, Freed and Bickslow stared with open mouths at Zeldaris and Aversia.

“As for your current situation. The fact that you lost and was able to let everything out, was in a weird way, a giant therapy session for you. And you mind should now be more resilient toward the influences of that lacrima.” Aversia finished.

“Then… then we could maybe…” Bickslow started to say.

“Stop it right there. Yes, it is an explanation for his behavior, but under no circumstances is that an excuse for what he has done. Everyone in the city had almost been killed, that is a sin that is not easily forgiven, if at all.” Aversia said with a stern voice and a look in her eyes that didn´t allow any objections.”

Laxus sighed before saying, “She is right, my crime is not one that can easily be forgiven.”

Zeldaris looked at Laxus and asked, “Do you understand the true meaning of master’s punishment?”

Laxus nodded, which only confused the three bodyguards.

“Good, then I won´t say anything more. Thank you Laxus, you helped us a lot. But before we leave, there are two things left.” Zeldaris said and handed Laxus a notebook.

Laxus was confused, but still took the notebook and opened it, his eyes widened in surprise when he saw that it had multiple dragon slayer spells, and ways to train written inside of it.

Laxus looked at the two half dragons in confusion.

Both Zeldaris and Aversia had a giant smirk on their faces.

“Surprised?” Aversia asked.

“Yeah… I mean. Didn´t you say that you won´t allow a second stain on the legacy of the dragon slayers?”

“We did, and we still mean what we said, but unlike those empty dolls, you can still prove yourself. And to do that, we wanted to grant you a fair chance. But it doesn´t change the fact that we will hunt you down when we decide that you are not worthy. The first stain is already big and heavy enough.” Aversia said while releasing her blood lust for a few seconds.

All four of them were shivering.

“What is that first stain? What does it mean to be a dragon slayer? And what are you two?” asked Laxus as he put the notebook away, he had already recovered from Aversia´s blood lust.

“Ahhh! Good questions, as a dragon slayer, you probably should know this. Then let me explain, the first stain is a certain monster. A monster that calls himself the king of dragons, and he is the thing that every dragon slayer will have to face one day.

Because that is exactly what a dragon slayer is, facing a being of such might that no one can even imagine. But neither you, Natsu nor Gajeel are even anywhere close to the might that the dragon slayers of old wielded, your paths are still long. The same goes for the two of us. And until we reach our goal, the answer of what we are will still be open.”

Zeldaris said and turned around, he had nothing left to say.

Aversia gave one last warning toward Laxus, that he shouldn´t trust his father, and then also left.


Laxus left the city shortly after that.

Many members had thought that Laxus would be punished over a long period of time and not being outright excommunicated.

But the punishment had other purposes as well.

Normally, excommunication from the guild wouldn´t be enough as a punishment, if the council would have been informed about it, they would have tried to imprison Laxus, something that Makarov didn´t want for Laxus.

But he could give the excuse that he gave Laxus the strongest punishment possible, and that any more would be for the council to handle and not Fairy Tails problem.

The council still had their hands full with managing the rebuilding process, so they didn´t had enough time for Laxus.

Makarov also knew the reason for Laxus´s frustration, he knew that he had struggled with the fact that everyone only saw him as his grandson and not as his own person.

He thought that Laxus would learn to ignore this and grow past it, but he was wrong.

The punishment was also to help Laxus, by making him wander the world, out of the shadow of Makarov and the guild.

To grow, to learn and to be learn who he was, just as Makarov´s own father had done, Yuri Dreyar.

(AN: *cough* dragon skeleton *cough*)

However, he would make sure that it would take a lot for Laxus to get back into the guild.


Sadly, that wasn´t the only thing that happened, Bonmu, Solas, and Jack disappeared, and the others from Raven Tail were dead, someone had killed them while they were still unconscious.

Far to the eastern side of the kingdom, deep in the wasteland that was at the border of the kingdom, the headquarter of the Raven Tail guild was located.

Solas, Bonmu and Jack had just arrived back at the guild, and were currently before their guild master, Ivan Dreyar.

“Seeing as only you three returned, I can assume that it didn´t go as planned?” asked Ivan while patting a raven.

“Yes, lord Ivan. We had underestimated them and lost. But we were able to infiltrate the mansion and have a look at that door that Gajeel mentioned.” Solas answered, while kneeling, he was sweating previously.

Ivan stopped petting the crow and looked at Solas, signaling him to go on.

“The door is protected with magic that we had never seen before. We had tried multiple things, but nothing had even the slightest effect on it. And it gives off that feeling, as if it were ancient, like really ancient.” Solas reported.

Ivan thought before a moment.

“Good, then we can safely say that it isn´t that for which we search. But also means that whatever is behind that door, must be important. We need to get our hands onto whatever it is.”

“Yes, lord Ivan.” Solas answered.

“Tell me, was Gajeel involved in the battles against you and the others?”

“No, he wasn´t.” Solas answered.

Ivan smiled and threw a shikigami on the ground, who then transformed into a copy of Gajeel.

“I told you that I would keep my word.” Gajeel said with crossed arms, clearly annoyed.

“Forgive me Gajeel. But I had to make sure that I could trust you.”

Gajeel clicked with his tung.

You are reading story Fairy Tails Half Dragons at

“Why didn´t you tell me that you could make dragon slayers and that Laxus was one.” Gajeel asked with raised eyebrows.

“Because they are fakes. As a child, Laxus had a weak body, so I decided to help him by implanting a lacrima with dragon magic inside his body, that he became my first test subject was pure coincidence.”

Gajeel tried really hard to keep his cool, but inside his head, he was freaking out.

‘That guy is mentally sick, he experimented with his own son! No wonder Makarov threw him out, he is dangerous.’

“What are you going to do with Laxus now that he has been thrown out of Fairy Tail?”

“A good question. Are out for revenge? Sadly, I have to disappoint you, these lacrimas are quite valuable and would sell for a lot of money, and we just lost four of them to your elder siblings. I will take the lacrima inside Laxus back, even if it means that he will turn back to his old self.”

‘The hell do you mean turn back? You know damn well that it would kill him.’

Gajeel couldn´t believe that this man was even closely related to Makarov, he was the complete opposite.

“But let´s not concern about stuff like this. Gajeel, I would like for you to come to our guild in person, then we can discuss our next steps.”

“As you wish lord Ivan.” Gajeel said while bowing.

“Good, continue your operations until I sent you the information. That is all.”

The projection of Gajeel disappeared.

“So, there are things that even you don´t know, eh, Precht.” Ivan said and started to laugh.


Meanwhile in the floating guild hall of Grimoire Heart, Ultear and another high ranked member of the guild, Azuma, had just returned from retrieving an important artifact from one of vaults under the council’s control.

“I hope you were successful, Ultear.” Hades said while sitting on his throne.

“Of course, lord Hades. We were able to retrieve the blade, just as you had asked. I would have brought it with me, if the council hadn´t moved it into one of the vaults, then I would have brought it with me, when I destroyed the council.” Ultear said while bowing.

“Don´t worry about such things, they are meaningless. Now, give it to me.” Hades said and reached out his hand.

Ultear brought out a sword hilt that had only a small piece of its blade remaining and gave it to Hades.

Hades inspected the blade in his hand and said, “Magnificent. This craftsmanship is beyond anything that I have ever seen.”

He brought the little remaining piece of blade to his arm and cut himself.

The blade cut into his arm; blood sprayed out of the wound.

“It can cut through my flesh with such ease. This is indeed Zeref´s blade.” Hades said as he raised the bloody blade into the air and laughed.

“How will this blade help us to resurrect lord Zeref, as far as I understand, it isn´t one of the keys required to awaken him.” asked Azuma.

“Are you doubting our master, Azuma?” Ultear said while narrowing her eyes.

“Let it be Ultear. His question is not without reason.”

“As you wish, please forgive me.” Ultear said and bowed again.

“You are correct in your assumption; this blade is not required in awakening Zeref. However, it will become an important asset for us, after Zeref repairs his blade. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Good. Our time is near, the resurrection of Zeref is not far away!”


Ok before you ask, yes, everyone assumes that Zeref is the one that forged the blade. Why? Because a lot of things are blamed on him or assumed to be created by him. Heck, even ACNOLOGIA was blamed on him. The one thing where he actively tried to intervene and tried to stop it.


Second thing, the ages of many characters of Fairy Tail and many more, should have done that sooner, but oh well…

All ages are of the year X784.

First Zeldaris and Aversia, both are 19 years old.

The ages of Natsu and Gajeel have never been official revealed, although I once thought that I saw one, but I was wrong. In my fan fiction, both of them are 18 years old.

Funnily enough, Wendy´s age had been revealed, at the time of her introduction she is 12 years old.

Rogue and Sting were 19 years old, when they were introduced, which was in the year X791, so they are currently 12 years old, just like Wendy.

I made sure that the three kept their cannon age.

As for the rest I will go from youngest to oldest.

Romeo, Happy, Carly and Lector are 6 years old. Frosch was never confirmed but probably the same age.

Sherria is 8 years old.

Beth, the read headed girl from Mermaid Heel, is 9 years old.

Yukino is 11 years old.

Rufus is 12 years old.

Araña is 14 years old.

Vijeeter (dancing guy), Eve, Orga, Kagura and Miliana are 16 years old.

Lucy, Juvia, Lisanna, Sherry, and Max are all 17 years old.

Risley, the chubby Mermaid Heel member, is also currently 17 years old.

Elfman, Gray, Cana, Laki, Jet, Droy, Alzack and Bisca are 18 years old. I could have sworn that Laki was younger.

Jenny, the model from Blue Pegasus, is also currently 18 years old.

Both Toby and Yuuka, the two guys from Lyons group, are also 18 years old.

Erza, Mirajane, and Lyon are 19 years old.

Freed, Evergreen, Nab, Hibiki and Ren are 20 years old.

Kinana is also 20 years old… Seriously? The girl that had been transformed into a snake, was the companion of Cobra and then transformed back into a little girl, only to have one hell of a glow up over the next seven years, was already 20? HOW? WHY? MY BRAIN IS MELTING!!!

Bickslow is 21 years old.

Joey and Chico are both 22 years old. For those who don´t know them, they are background characters in the guild, who pop up from time to time. Also, Chico was already 22? Huh, ok… For those wondering why I am not flipping out, we never saw her again after the seven years, so yeah.

Laxus and Warren are both 23 years old.

Wan, another background character, is 24 years old.

Both Reedus and Jura are 27 years old.

Surprisingly, Ichia is 29 years old.

Macao and Wakaba are both 36 years old.

Gildarts is 45 years old.

August is 87 years old.

Makarov is 88 years old.


As for Ultear, Minerva, Flare and Meredy, we have no official knowledge about how old they are.

Ultear in particular is difficult, there are multiple statements that are contradicting each other. But many people believe that she is around her early twenties. As for the other three? I will figure that out when they are being introduced.