Chapter 102: Chapter 102: Fantasia

It took Aversia a few moments to fully realize that she had actually won the contest.

Although she hadn´t initially cared about it, she was still happy about it.

But there was not much time to celebrate on this, because she and the other contestants had to get ready for the parade, that obviously included Zeldaris as well.

So, everyone walked toward one of the storehouses that the guild owned, there the wagons for the parade were being stored and the majority of the guild members were preparing them and doing the last checks before the parade.

On the way, both Zeldaris and Aversia could feel the magic power of a certain someone entering into the city.

The two smiled for a second before it dissapeared again.

Zeldaris and Aversia were not the only ones that managed to sense it, but Makarov and Vulcan did it as well.

Vulcan didn´t really care and continued with his work.

Makarov on the other hand, who was currently sitting at the guild hall drinking a beer, put down his drink and seemed lost in thoughts.

Memories of old, where he and Laxus had just bought some materials for the parade and were on their way back to the guild.

Laxus, who was just a child back then, had asked what his grandfather had planed for the parade and where he should watch so that he could see him.

Makarov laughed for a second before grinning at Laxus and said, “I won´t participate this year, instead you will be.”

Laxus was stunned for a second before he smiled.

“But… Will I be able to find you?”

Makarov laughed again and patted Laxus´s head.

“You don´t have to worry about me. You are going to be the star of the show, and I will watch from my seat.”

“Then I will do this while on the parade”

“Master… Master!” a voice awoke Makarov from his thoughts.

Makarov shook his head and looked around, to find the person that had called him.

It was Ophiuchus, still in her dress, who was looking at him with a worried expression.

“Are you alright master? You seem rather lost in thoughts. Was it about Laxus?”

Makarov´s eyes widened in surprise before he closed them again and begun to chuckle.

“It seems that my thoughts were easy to read.”

“No, not at all. It´s just that I noticed that you were still not the same.” Ophiuchus said while looking downward.

Makarov sighed, disappointed in himself, the situation with Laxus was still waying heavily on him, but he can´t forget that the members of Fairy Tail are his family, they are his children and he has to move forward, for them and himself.

“Looks like I had you and everyone else worried, I am sorry.”

“No, no, no! Master, you don´t have to apologize. Just as you are looking after everyone in the guild, we will also look after you.” Ophiuchus said with a smile.

Makarov laughed as he heard this.

“Thank you, Ophiuchus. You are right. I can´t continue like this forever and need to walk forward. “ Makarov said, emptied his beer and stood up.

“Well then, shall we also head to the others and prepare for the parade?” asked Makarov.

“Yes, I am already excited!” Ophiuchus said and the two headed toward the storehouse.


At the storehouse, Zeldaris and the others had just arrived and saw that the last preparations were almost complete.

Most of them were also already in their costumes.

And Juvia´s eyes became hearts the second she saw Gray in his prince costume.

Both Gray and Juvia would be performing together, a thing that Juvia had been excited for the second that she heard it.

Gray on the other side, sighed in annoyance but let Juvia be, he had already given up on stopping her or driving her away.

Aversia, Erza, Mirajane, Lisanna and the other girls went away to change into their costumes, while Zeldaris chose a good spot where he could get into his own costume.

A few hours later and it was finally time for the Fantasia Parade.

A large crowd had gathered around the path that the parade would take, many of them were wearing costumes, including a surprising amount of Happy costumes.

The front of the parade were Lucy, Bisca, Levi, Evergreen and Ophiuchus.

The five of them were on a floating wagon, wearing a pink dress and were dancing while waving with staffs that had large ribbons.

Next up were Cana, Wakaba, and Macao.

Cana, who was also wearing a dress, was making her cards dance in the air and created little affects around them.

Macao and Wakaba were combining their magic to create hearts and other things in the air.

(AN: In the manga, Cana was dancing with Lucy, Levi and Bisca. But I like the anime version more.)

Around the wagons, other members were dancing and or playing instruments.

The next wagon was Juvia´s and Gray´s, their wagon had only a small platform on which the two stand, otherwise the whole wagon was just a huge pool of water.

Juvia and Gray were holding hands and waved at the crowd.

But then, Juvia stopped waving and rose her hand.

The water behind her started to move and became a beautiful castle.

Gray then used his magic to freeze the castle.

Juvia then created an arc of water over them, the water continued to move over them, and Gray created the guild name in ice over it.

After them was Erza, similar to last year, she was performing a sword dance while multiple swords were flying around her.

She was also changing her armors and swords on a regular basis, each armor or dress more beautiful than the last.

You are reading story Fairy Tails Half Dragons at

Also, her dance changed every time that she changed her dress or armor.

After Erza were Elfman and Mirajane.

The wagon had a large tower on it.

Elfman, in his beast form, was standing before the tower, gripping it with one hand and lent toward the crowd while also roaring sometimes.

Mirajane on the other hand was standing on top of the tower, dressed in a beautiful dress and waved at the crowd.

Both Zeldaris and Lisanna had explecidley told her that she was not allowed to randomly transform into anything, they had no faith in her after what happened at the contest.

However, Mirajane did it none the less and transformed into a giant lizard, shocking not only the crowd, her fans, and Elfman.

Lisanna and Zeldaris desperately tried to not face palm at the sight of the giant lizard.

The two, Aversia, Bickslow and Freed were on the next wagon.

Lisanna was dressed in a white princess dress and stood on top of a large podium.

Zeldaris and Aversia were wearing fancy knight armors and were standing before the stairs that were leading up to the podium.

Bickslow and Freed were dressed up as dark knights and were attempting to get past Zeldaris and Aversia to get to Lisanna.

Meanwhile Bickslow´s babies were flying through the air while holding banners with the guild emblem on it.

Next up were Natsu and Happy.

Besides Natsu were two colums of small creatures that were pulling large torches, while Natsu himself was creating a large wall of fire behind him.

Happy was riding on top of one of these small creatures while wearing a suite and waving at the crowd.

Natsu begun his own performance by doing something similar to what Aversia did, while also sending out tongues of flames aboth the crowd from time to time.

And lastly there was Makarov himself, his wagon was a giant podium, where he was fooling around while wearing a colorful outfit with a hat that had cat ears and a cat tail that was attached to his pants.

Surrounding all of the wagons were multiple lights and small fire works, which were created by the members that were not performing at the parade.

Others were also doing their own things, like Laki that was flying through the air while riding a wooden horse.

Vulcan was watching all of this from the distance and was making sure that no problems were occurring.


On top of the roofs were the demons from the cursed island, watching and enjoying the parade.

None of them had ever seen something like this and were having a blast.

Inside the crowd were also a few other people that Zeldaris and the others had encountered.

Like Lyon and his group, a few former members of Phantom Lord that hadn´t been thrown into prison and a few people from the shipping company in Hargeon.

In one of the alleys of the streets, a someone was watching the parade from the shadows.

It was none other than Laxus himself, he had come back to Magnolia extra for the festival and the parade.

Looking at the expression of everyone and that of his grandfather, Laxus smiled a bit before turning away.

He only wanted to see this for a short time, before he wouldn´t be able to hold back his emotions.

However as soon as he took the first step, he halted and quickly turned around.


“Then I will do this.” young Laxus said and raised his hand.

The back of the hand was showing toward Makarov while the index finger was pointing toward the sky and the thump was pointing to the side.

“What the heck is that for?” Makarov asked in confusion.

“It´s a message. Even if I can´t find you gramps, this is proof that I will always be watching you.”

Makarov body shook as tears filled his eyes.


“Watch! Ok, Gramps?!”

This sign quickly became one of the symbols of the guild and only the emblem of the guild itself has more meaning than it.


Laxus eyes widened in shock as he saw Makarov doing the sign that Laxus had invented.

But it wasn´t just Makarov, every single member of Fairy Tail was doing it.

Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza, Juvia, Levi, Cana, Elfman, Mirajane, Lisanna and everyone else.

Even Zeldaris and Aversia did it as well.

And every single one of them knew for whom it was meant to be.

Laxus kneeled onto the ground as his legs lost their strength and tears streamed down his face.


Finally! I finally finished this arc! I thought that i would be able to finish it two chapters ago, but nope.

Also quick thing that i wanted to ad, which i had forgotten. You all remember the speach that Lucy gave in the anime, that stoped the other members from bickering and fighting with one anther, yes? Well, in the manga, that speach didn´t exist. Instead they all continued to fight and insult each other while attacking the floating lacrimas. God i love those idiots. And i like both versions.

Anyway, the next chapter will be a bit special.

As for my vacation, techniclly i can now continue it, but i will only believe it on tuesday, and not a single moment sooner.

Well then, see you all in the next chapter, bye. 

*begins to humm perfect time*