Chapter 106: Special Chapter 4: Departure

A few hours later and Erza, Zeldaris, Aversia and Mirajane sat at the bar, all of them were feeling quite embarrassed over the situation, especially Zeldaris and Aversia.

All of them were aware that what happened wasn´t really bad or anything, but it was still embarrassing for them.

Especially thanks to Cana, Ban and Meliodas who were teasing for a long time, until Hawk and Elizabeth stopped them by tying them up and leaving them at one of the corners of the hall.

As for Ban, both half dragons were taking advantage over the fact that he was immortal and were using him to vent out some aggression caused by the constant teasing.

Currently, Zeldaris had his tail wrapped around Ban and was squeezing him into pieces, Aversia would have her turn in a few minutes.

Of course, Ban was not happy about the situation but he also didn´t had the strength to get out of the situation and every time that he tried to use his magic, it would get absorbed by the tail making it impossible for him to flee.

King was definitely having a blast and was enjoying every second of Ban´s predicament.

As for Diane, she was still sleeping peacefully outside.

Many other members of the guild also had a huge hangover, like Lucy, Levi, Natsu, Gray and Juvia.

Gajeel managed to avoid that fate by somehow being able to not overdo it, although the two half dragons were convinced that his enhanced physicality as an iron dragon slayer helped him as well.

On the other hand, Natsu over did it with the strong liquor, like the majority of the guild.

Mirajane, Aversia and Zeldaris tried to act as if nothing happened, Erza was currently other problems, such as dealing with the aftereffects of last night, aka the biggest hangover that Erza ever had.

Especially the half dragons tried to calm down, however the act of entangling their tails was just too embarrassing.

Dragons were normally beings that lived in solidarity and would only seek out a partner when their mating season arrived, which could take multiple decades.

But even then, they wouldn´t stay with their partner nor keep them at every mating season, however, there were a few dragons that wanted to live with a permanent partner.

And as a sign to express their love and their bond, they would entangle their tails with each other, which over multiple centuries became a general way for dragons to show affection and love.

Both Zeldaris and Aversia knew how much this act meant and represented, even though it was more of an accident than an act of love and compassion, and they were more than aware of it, it was still extremely embarrassing for them and both of them wowed in their minds that they would take this into their graves and never explain to the other members of the guild what it meant.

Mirajane and Erza were a lot more composed about it, although it was still embarrassing for them, which was puzzling for Erza, since she didn´t had any problems with stuff like that in the past with Natsu or Gray.

Mirajane had often shared a tent with Elfman and Lisanna, so she also hadn´t much of a problem with it.

And yet, for some reason, they felt embarrassed about it and something that they couldn´t explain, no matter how long they thought about it, although Erza had a few problems with thinking clearly at the moment.


While the four continued to sit at the bar counter, Makarov walked toward the tied-up Meliodas, while drinking some alcohol.

 “So, what are your plans from here on out?” Makarov asked.

Meliodas tilted his head and thought for a moment.

“Well… I would say that we are going to depart soon, trying to find a way back to Liones, there is still a lot for us to do.”

Makarov nodded as he heard Meliodas´s answer.

“That makes sense. This isn´t your country, nor do I believe that it is your world. I nor anyone else in the guild will try to stop you. However, do not forget, that the doors of this guild are always open for you and your friends.”

Meliodas was stunned for a moment before a small smile appeared on his face.

“Thank you.”


A few hours later and after everyone sobered up, Meliodas and the others stood before the guild, ready to continue their journey and trying to find a way back.

Everyone in the guild, except Vulcan who was looking after the holy knights until the Rune Knights would arrive, said their goodbyes to them and wished them good luck on getting back to their home.

Makarov gave them a bit of money, some food and some of the remaining alcohol for their journey.

Meliodas and the others gave their final goodbyes and departed, toward the west.

The members of Fairy Tail continued to stand before the guild hall until even the large body of Diane was no longer in sight.

“Do you think that they will be able to get home safely?” asked Lucy, concerned for her new friends.

“Who knows. But as long as they try, then I am willing to bet that they will.” Natsu answered.

“Aye, I agree.” Happy added.

Lucy smiled and nodded.

Not far behind the three, stood Makarov, Erza, Mirajane, and the two half dragons.

“What do you think, master? Will they be able to?” Erza asked, and the other three looked at their guild master.

“There is no certainty. There are still many mysteries in the world, the same goes for magic. But I am sure that as long as they continue on their way that eventually that they will be able to succeed. After all, something brought them here, so what says that they can´t get back the same way?” Makarov said while pondering.

Mirajane and Erza smiled as they heard this.

Zeldaris and Aversia on the other hand laughed a bit.

When Makarov turned around to ask them what they find so funny, Aversia said.

“It might come sooner than you think, gramps.”

Makarov tilted his head, Erza and Mirajane were also a bit confused.

“Ave and I have already lost their track; we can no longer sense their magic power.” Zeldaris added.

The eyes of the three widened as they understood what he meant by that.

Zeldaris and Aversia could sense the magic power of someone as powerful as Meliodas and the other sins from quite a distance.

Since the two could suddenly no longer feel them, there was a good chance that they were transported back to their kingdom.

“Seriously?! That was just too fast. And right after what I just said.” Makarov almost yelled in shock, before walking inside while mumbling something.

“Couldn´t you two just wait for a few minutes, I feel sorry for master.” Mirajane said while looking at Makarov in pity, Erza agreed with Mirajane.

“Sorry, I just couldn´t hold myself back.” Aversia said.

“Yeah, sorry.” Zeldaris added.

You are reading story Fairy Tails Half Dragons at

Erza sighed and looked back the way that Meliodas and the others went.

“None the less, I am happy that they managed to get back.”

“Yes, I can´t imagine that I would be able to do the same if something like that happened to me.” Mirajane said.

This made the two half dragons wonder; would they be able to do the same?

Maybe? Maybe not? All they could do was to wonder about it.


Meliodas and the others had just exited the city and entered a small forest when they suddenly exited it again and stood before Hawks mother.

“MOM!” Hawk yelled and quickly climbed up the giant body of his mother.

Hawks mother was a gigantic green pig that was almost as big as Diane.

And carrying on her back, she was carrying Meliodas´s tavern called the ‘Boar Hat’.

“Meliodas… Does that mean that we… returned?” asked Elizabeth while looking around.

“Seems like it… Man, that was easy!” Meliodas said and started to fondle Elizabeth´s butt.

“WAIT!? YOU ARE JUST GOING TO ACCEPT IT LIKE THAT!?” King yelled in confusion.

“CAPTAIN!!!!” Diane yelled in anger as she saw how he fondled Elizabeth´s butt.

“King why are you yelling like that. The captain has always been like that. We are back and that is what matters, everything else are just minor details.” Ban said while yawning.

“THOSE ARE NOT MINOR DETAILS, BAN!” King yelled toward Ban.

“Whatever… I could use a beer right now.” Ban said and jumped on the back of Hawk´s mother.

“You just got sober!” King yelled one last time before following him.

Diane followed suite and looked into the tavern through the large window.

Meliodas and Elizabeth continued to stay there, not moving.

“Do you think that we will see them again?” Elizabeth asked.

“Maybe, who knows. Maybe they will get somehow into the kingdom or so. Only time will tell.”

“I hope that we will.”


Meliodas and the others continued their journey toward Vaizel.

On the way, they had a few encounters, one of them being with Griamore and Elizabeth´s sister Veronica.

(AN: The manga and the anime have a few differences as well, I highly recommend reading the manga because there are many scenes that the anime did not do good or justice, and by that, I mean almost ever fight that includes Escanor. They did him dirty.)

But eventually they arrived at Vaizel and entered the tournament.

At the beginning only Meliodas, Ban and King entered it, because giants were forbidden in the town, after Diane had caused some major trouble and left her hammer behind.

But after an incident with a certain mushroom that shrunk her to a normal size, Diane also entered the tournament.

They also met Howzer on it, who at the beginning was afraid that Zeldaris was with them.

After beating him in a match, Diane told him that Zeldaris didn´t come with them and asked him how he escaped from the guild.

Howzer told them that he just woke up in the middle of the castle together with the others, still tied-up, needing the help of the surrounding Holy Knights.

He and the others had no idea how they returned and decided that they would forget about it, or at least try to, since the encounter had created a few broken egos and one or two nightmares for them, especially Jericho.

(AN: I am sorry but I just can´t stop. She is just so easy to bully.)

This only confused the group even more, but they had more important things to worry about, such as how to make the final match look like it isn´t set up.

Because it was between Meliodas and Diane, so the hammer was already theirs.

But the fight got interrupted by the arrival of Jericho, Guilla and one more holy knight.

Meliodas and the others tried to warn them, but it had been too late.

Large fire balls rained down from the sky, but just as they were about to hit the ground or a building, they started to melt into streams and flow into a certain direction.

A certain sound was clearly audible through the town.

And at its center stood two people that made Howzer shiver in fear.

Meliodas and the others opened their eyes in shock, they didn´t expect to see them so soon.

As the last bit of magic was devoured, one of them spoke.

“It´s been a while Seven Deadly Sins. For you probably only a fleeting moment or two, but for us it’s been over seven years” Aversia said and smiled.

“A lot has happened in that time, but instead of telling you that, let us how it to you.” Zeldaris said and flames erupted around them, covering their bodies.

Meliodas and the others stared as the flames continuously grew until two large humanoids silhouettes became visible and two roars shock the earth.


Hello there, thank you very much for reading and i hope you enjoyed it.

This is the end of the crossover with Seven Deadly Sins, or for now at least.

The last part was more of a teaser for what i have planned, and before you say anything i had to stop myself from writing further, less that i reveal too early, but it was really hard, i was just about to get into it. And it will probably take another 100 chapters or so to get to that point again. (DON`T TAKE THAT NUMBER LITTERAL!!! I AM BEING DRAMATIC! I HAVE NO IDEA HOW MANY IT WILL TAKE!!!)

Anyway, i said that the romance part would now begin, but that will take time. Love will not come from nowhere and has to grow, but i will now start to develop it and focus on it, and that little thing was my starting point. However, both Erza and Mirajane have still things from their past that they need to get over with, things that hold them bag. One of these things will be handled soon, but first there is a certain event that i need to cover. Meaning that the next chapter will be mostly focusing on one character specificly. Have fun guessing.

Anyway, i will see you all tomorrow, bye.