Aversia flew toward one of the front legs of Nirvana, her claws covered in grey flames.
“[Chaos Dragon´s Crushing Fang]”
Striking with her flame-clad claws, Aversia struck out toward the left front leg and created a giant hole in it.
The leg stopped its movement and stood still in the air.
The other legs also stopped moving.
Meanwhile, Zeldaris had stopped spewing out flames and flew toward the shield with high speed.
“[Chaos Dragon´s Iron Fist]”
Zeldaris punched out and punched the barrier that covered the ruins.
Grey flames covered a good part of the shield again while the shield slightly shook from the force of the attack, but nothing else happened, the barrier withstood the attack.
It was the opposite, Zeldaris´s fist had been injured from the collision with the shield, causing the half-dragon to quickly withdraw his fist, surprised by the pain.
This was quite the surprise for him, not only had it been a long time since the last time that he or Aversia had been injured, but also that something was able to withstand their attacks.
Brain began to laugh loudly as he saw that this so-called dragon could not destroy the barrier.
Cobra and Midnight on the other hand turned around, going to search for the few pests that had managed to get onto Nirvana.
Brain didn´t notice how the two left, not that he would have cared.
He moved his hand over the interface and yelled, “I will show you the power of Nirvana!”
Aversia returned to Aversia, a mischievous smile on her face.
“Looks like someone has problems.” Aversia said, trying to tease Zeldaris, who in turn rolled his eyes in annoyance.
“The barrier seems to have been made to block actual dragons, so it would be impossible for both of us to break it.” Zeldaris said while looking at his injured hand, some scales had been broken and were covered in blood.
Aversia narrowed her eyes as she inspected the barrier.
“With the amount of magic that flows through the legs into the body of Nirvana, it´s not surprising that they can create something like that.”
Thanks to their draconic eyes, the two were able to see how the legs of Nirvana absorbed a massive amount of magic from the ground and brought it into the center of Nirvana.
“But it seems as if it hasn´t been able to power up completely. Some of the functions shouldn´t be working or barely.” Zeldaris added.
“Being sealed away for more than four hundred years did leave its marks on it, who would have guessed? Nonetheless, we need to quickly get through that shield, I don´t want to know what Oración Seis will do with it.” Aversia said and summoned a dozen flaming swords beside her, intending to try and see if she can break through the shield.
“*sigh* Be my guest. Not that I think it will be easy to break through it.” Zeldaris sighed and spoke.
Aversia sent her flaming swords flying toward the barrier and as they collided with the barrier, they could not penetrate through and stopped moving.
Aversia´s eyes widened in surprise, her swords didn´t even create a scratch on the shield.
“Now that´s something interesting.” Aversia said and looked at Zeldaris.
“When was the last time that we even struggled to defeat something? Because I sure as hell can´t remember anything that gave us even a good challenge ever since we stepped through Eclipse.” Aversia asked in curiosity.
“Six years ago, when we encountered the Beast for the first time and every other encounter, we had with it after that.” Zeldaris said without thinking.
“Oh right… To be fair that thing was able to just tank everything we threw at it and didn´t even seem to be bothered by it and I believe that it became more robust every time we encountered it.” Aversia said while preparing for the next wave of attacks.
Zeldaris shrugged his shoulders and prepared his next attacks as well.
Meanwhile, in the old ruins, Natsu and the others watched as the two half-dragons continued their assault on the shield.
“You have got to be kidding me, I have never seen them struggle like that!” Lucy said, her eyes wide in shock.
Erza clenched her fists as she looked toward the two half-dragons, especially Zeldaris.
Both Natsu and Wendy only stared in shock.
“We need to find a way to get rid of the shield or defeat the remaining members of Oración Seis on our own. Hibiki! Can you use your magic to scan Nirvana and find its weak points!” Erza said and instructed everyone to get ready to move.
Hibiki got to work and quickly scanned Nirvana, creating a detailed map of the ancient city.
“Wait… This is… Everyone, Jura and his team have made it onto Nirvana as well.” Hibiki said as he found Jura, Cherry, and Lyon on the other side of the ruins.
“Wait, really?” Gray asked, happy to hear about his friend but also surprised that he and his group had managed to get onto Nirvana.
The others were happy to hear this as well.
Hibiki promptly contacted Jura and talked with him for a few minutes.
Turned out that it was mostly thanks to the reformed Hoteye that they managed to arrive on time and safely get onto the ancient weapon.
The news that Hoteye had been influenced by Nirvana´s aura and was now a good guy that fought for love was honestly quite a shock for everyone but in a good way.
Erza quickly came up with a plan and through Hibiki instructed Jura and his group to find the shield generator and destroy it, so that Zeldaris and Aversia could start their usual one-sided slaughter of their opponents.
Meanwhile, Erza and the rest would deal with the remaining members of Oración Seis, who were probably already searching for them.
They would either distract them until the shield was deactivated and Zeldaris and Aversia could take over, or what Erza, Gray, and Natsu planned, was to defeat the remaining members and leave the small fries to the half-dragons, but most importantly was to stop Brain.
Erza, Jura, Anna, and Ichiya believed that Brain would be in the center of the ruins, where the altar was located and from where Brain was probably controlling Nirvana.
So, they decided that they would head toward the center, believing that the remaining two members would try to intercept them… And they were right about it.
You are reading story Fairy Tails Half Dragons at novel35.com
As they continued to walk, the city shook as a large explosion occurred on top of the shield.
Everyone looked up and saw a sea of grey flames.
In that one moment, a wave of poison came flying toward the group.
However, Erza, Natsu, Gray, Anna, and Ichiya reacted instantly and countered the wave of poison.
Natsu released flames that burned the poison to ashes, Erza did the same with her Flame Empress Armor, Gray froze the poison, Anna created multiple light shields and Ichiya used a perfume that neutralized the poison.
As poison had been dealt with, Cobra emerged from the ruins of a building Cubellios right beside him.
“You all make it pretty easy to find you, I heard you all from the center of the ruins.” Cobra said with a smile.
Erza and Gray readied themselves to fight against Cobra, but Natsu stepped before them and said, “Nah, he is mine.”
“Are you sure?” Erza asked, looking at Natsu to see how serious he was about it.
Natsu smiled and covered his fists in fire.
“Of course, I am! I AM FIRED UP! LET’S DO THIS HAPPY!” Natsu yelled and rushed toward Cobra.
“AYE!” Happy answered and flew followed Natsu.
Erza changed back into her Heart Kreuz Armor and signaled the others to move.
“Oh, so you dare face me? Good, I wanted to finish you myself.” Cobra said and covered his fists in poison.
“And I am going to pummel your face into the ground. After which I have a few questions for you!” Natsu said as he tried to punch Cobra´s face, who in turn countered with his poison-covered fist.
The two fists clashed, and a sizzling sound rang out, poison and fire fought against each other in an attempt to overpower their opponent.
But it ended in a draw and both Natsu and Cobra were hit by their opponent’s magic and pushed backward.
Not wanting to give Cobra any chances to run away, Natsu rushed quickly toward Cobra.
However, Cobra quickly dodged the attack with minimal effort.
“I can hear you. [Poison Dragon´s Claw]” Cobra said and kicked Natsu with a poison-covered leg.
Natsu yelled out in pain as the poison seemingly burned his skin leaving red marks behind.
“The old generation will fall before the new one.” Cobra said and kicked Natsu´s face.
“NATSU!” Happy yelled in worry as he flew toward Natsu and grabbed his back, flying quickly behind a house.
“Hah! As if that will save you. Let´s go Cubellios.”
Cubellios hissed in confirmation and sprouted a pair of black leathery wings.
Cobra jumped onto Cubellios back and the two chased after Happy and Natsu.
“Natsu are you okay?” asked Happy worriedly.
Natsu inspected his wounds for a moment, they weren´t as severe as he had thought but he could already feel that the poison was taking effect.
“Shit, that asshole is a pain in the ass.” Natsu said angrily.
“Natsu, you have to be careful, the longer the fight goes on the weaker you will become. You need to end it fast.”
“I know, I know but that annoying bastard seems to know everything that I plan. But how about we surprise him? We wait inside this building and when he enters it, we will take him by surprise.” Natsu explained with a playful smile.
“Aye!” Happy said happily, thrilled by the idea.
The two hurriedly went inside the building, both were confident that Cobra or the snake would quickly find them.
They hid beside the entrance, ready to attack as soon as Cobra would enter the building.
But suddenly the wall beside them began to crack open, it seemed that Cobra wouldn´t enter the building through the door.
Not bothered by this change of plans Happy and Natsu flew toward the part of the wall that was crumbling and punched through it, however on the other side was only the tail of Cubellios.
Confused the two looked around to find Cobra jumped down from above and punched the two in the back.
“Nice try but I could hear your little plan.”
“AHHHH! DAMMIT!!!” Natsu yelled in frustration and then noticed the flying snake.
“How the hell can your snake flying?”
Cobra clicked his tongue in annoyance and narrowed his eyes, not happy about the question at all.
“She simply can but are you sure that you should ask me about it, after all, I could ask you the same thing about your cat.” Cobra said angrily.
“Oh yeah! Happy is more than just a cat, he is my partner!” Natsu yelled.
If not for the purple bags under his eyes, you really wouldn´t think that a high amount of poison was flowing through his body.
“[Fire Dragon´s Roar]”
In annoyance, Natsu tried to hit Cobra with a point-blank Roar, but Cobra managed to dodge that as well.
Taking the opportunity, Happy quickly flew away with a very upset Natsu.
“I am a fan of the game cat and mouse, but I think it is about time to end this, Cubellios?” Cobra said while caressing Cubellios´s head.
The hunt was on.