Chapter 41: You mess with the wolf, you get the fangs.

The blush from Mya’s cheeks was finally gone and she nodded: “Well, it goes like this…”, she then proceeded in telling him everything that happened ever since she arrived here. She only chose to omit the fact that Minx actually ended up speaking, she herself barely managing to wrap her head around that. Once she was done, Edward was left speechless and turned towards Minx.

Without saying a single word, he moved his arms around her neck and gave her a strong hug white gently massaging her fur. No words would ever be enough to thank her from saving his live once again.

After spending some time just hugging her in silence, he let Minx go and turned back towards Mya, surprising the girl by hugging her as well. Mya froze with her hands hanging besides her body, not really knowing how to respond to the unexpected gesture.

“Thank you too, Mya.” It was a bit difficult to wrap his head around everything that happened, but he knew that he wouldn’t possibly be alive without this two’s help.

Mya eventually responded to his hug as well and whispered back, feeling a bit emotional herself: “No need to thank me. I owe you one, remember?”

“No matter…” whispered Edward back as he released the blushing girl from the hug and said: “How are you?”

Mya knew what he was asking about and her eyes clouded over slightly as she nodded: “I’m better now. I might even consider returning to the dungeon in the foreseeable future. How about you?”

Edward realized he hasn’t really told her about it, so he replied: “I just came back yesterday from the dungeon. I found a really good party…”

Mya looked a bit disappointed but did her best not to show it as she said: “Oh.. I’m happy for you.”

Edward smiled at her attempt to hide her disappointment as he asked: “Do you want to join our party? I don’t know if they will agree since the level difference is quite large now, but I can at least give it a try. They are in need of a cleric either way.”

Mya perked up slightly and asked: “Are you alright with that? I’m quite weak..”

“It’s fine.” Replied Edward with a smile, “We’re all just level 8 and we can increase your level as we travel down towards the bottom floors.”

Mya nodded shyly and, after telling Edward to let her know when he was done speaking to the others and cuddling for a bit with Minx, she took her leave as well and returned to the church.

Edward, being left alone in front of the city gate, decided to postpone his visit to the city until later and, patting Minx on her head, started heading back into the forest.

Minx followed after him and, as they started closing in on their small hideout in the forest, a girl’s soft voice entered Edward’s ears, rooting him in place.

“Are you alright?”

Since Mya didn’t mention Minx’s ability to speak in her story, Edward was completely caught off guard, turning around and looking with an amazed expression at his companion.

“Did you just… speak?”

Minx nodded and Fenrir spoke from his right hand: [She’s using mana to project her thoughts in the form of words, quite smart.]. By this time, Fenrir also realized the reason Edward held onto his consciousness all that time and refused to turn.

Edward came close to Minx and said with a smile on his face: “I don’t really understand how this is happening, but I’m happy for you.”

Fenrir once again felt the need to explain: [Her level of existence must have evolved after she ate all those cores.]

Neither Fenrir or Edward knew how close Minx was to dying during her evolution, her surviving and evolving being nothing short of a miracle brought forth by her will to save Edward.

After reaching their little hideout, Edward noticed that it was completely ruined, with all the trees and grass around completely frozen. Taking a good look at the place, he turned towards Minx and said: “I guess this is because of your new powers? Mya said something about you using ice magic…”

Minx though Edward was reprimanding her for ruining the place and hang her head with a pitiable expression, causing Edward to chuckle and explain: “I’m not mad at you, don’t worry. I guess it’s about time we obtain that permit so you can follow me inside the city.”

Minx lifted her head with a shine in her eyes when she heard Edward was planning to take her in the city with him, but Edward cut her excitement down as he said: “That won’t be possible immediately. I need to go and arrange it with the beast tamers guild. Let’s hope that you threatening the guards on the entrance will not make things harder…”, ending his words with a sigh.

Minx once more lowered her head as she said: “I was scared you’ll leave me…”

Edward smiled and pat her head as he said: “I’m not scolding you. In fact, I’m thankful. If not for you I’ll probably be dead by now.”

Minx nodded as she perked up once more, Edward finding her change of mood quite funny. Sitting down on the cold, wet ground, Edward’s expression turned cold as well as he asked: “Mya said a fire mage called Rave attacked you?”

Seeing Minx not slightly, Edward hit his fist hard on the ice bellow, cracking it into pieces, and ignoring the blood flowing out of his fist said to Minx: “That got damned bastard attacked you and got away so easily? If only I was not so weak…”

Seeing his angry and frustrated look, Minx got closed and rubbed her head against his face, trying to comfort him. Edward moved to pet her a bit as he heaved a long sigh and said: “I’m alright. Even if I’m too weak now, there will come a day when I’ll be able to take on that bastard. When that day comes we’ll have our revenge.”

Minx nodded and said: “Minx is happy if Edward is happy.”

Smiling slightly, Edward decided he shouldn’t delay going into the city too much. As much as he wanted to spend some more time with Minx, he still got things to do. Grabbing the seven remaining gold coins he got from Circe and throwing the two cores to Minx, he said: “You can eat those as well. I don’t need the gold. Now, I’ll head into the city so that I can change my clothes and speak with the people at the beast tamers guild. After that, I’ll visit my master and the guild leader so I’ll probably be quite late. Be a good girl and wait here.”

Seeing Minx nod obediently, Edward also said: “Try to practice speaking more. It might help with you getting permission to enter the city.”

“Yes.” Replied Minx and Edward turned around before walking towards the city. As he was walking out of the frozen forest, he heard Minx speak softly from the back: “Come back soon, brother.”

While everyone else would have found it heartwarming, it only served to remind Edward of some things he was trying to forget. With a heavy sigh, he waved back without turning around and continued walking forward.

You are reading story Curse of the Mad Wolf at

As he reached the gate of the city, the guards allowed him inside without any issue. He was worried they might know he was one of the wolves, but it appears the guild master took care of everything. Looking at his natural underwear, he shook his head and made his way towards Violet’s inn. First of all, he had to change his clothes.

It’s been a month and a half since he last saw her and he couldn’t say he wasn’t just a little bit anxious. After passing through the demi-human residential district and attracting a few weird look due to his get-up, he found himself in front of the inn’s front door.

He reached forward, but hesitated slightly as his hand touched the door. Taking a deep breath, he pushed the door opened and stepped inside.

Edward’s apprehension flew out of his mind when he didn’t see Violet inside the main hall and the forlorn looks on the demi-human’s faces. Walking forward towards one of the demi-humans, he asked: “Is something the matter? Where is Violet?”

The demi-human lifted his head from the drink in his hand and, seeing a human speaking to him, he said with anger: “What? Have you not done enough? Are you not happy until you drive us all out?”

Edward was caught off guard by the man’s tone, not understanding what was happening, but one of the other demi-humans in the hall recognized Edward and said out loud: “Akh, give the kid a break, he’s one of the good ones.”

“Good ones my ass. They are all a bunch of stuck up pieces of trash.” The demi-human named Akh was obviously drunk, prompting the one who spoke in Edward’s defense to say: “Kid, forgive my pall here. It’s been a couple of bad days. If you are looking for the mistress, she’s in the first room on the second floor. She doesn’t spend as much time down here anymore..”

Edward thanked the demi-human and walked towards the stairs, not really bothering to argue with the drunk Akh. Climbing up to the the second floor, he walked up to the door with the number one written on it and lifted his hand to knock only to stop himself when he heard sobbing coming from inside.

‘What in the word happened?’ though Edward as he took another deep breath and knocked on the door.

“Coming.” A voice was heard from the inside, Edward recognizing it as Violet’s, just that it sounded a lot more hoarse than he remembered.

Not long after, following some rushing noises coming from inside, the door slowly opened and Violet appeared in front of him. She looked quite miserable, having lost quite a lot of weight since the last time Edward saw her. Her hair was also disheveled, with some broken strands actually falling off as the current from opening the door blew through it. There were traces of tears down both of her cheeks and she was wearing a worn out blanket over her shoulders, the corners of the blanket completely wet. Her tail was hanging low under the blanket, looking completely lifeless, seemingly in a competition with her ears to see who would look more pitiable.

As the imaged of the happy wolf girl skipping through the inn’s tables with a tray in her hands got overlapped by this pitiable wolf girl in front of him, Edward felt a tinge in his heart and asked with worry: “What happened?”

Violet didn’t expect to see Edward of all people, thinking it was just one of her customers, and froze on the spot, not really knowing what to say. She opened her small mouth to speak and, not really finding the words to say, tears threatened to start falling down her cheeks again as he body swayed slightly.

Afraid she will pass out and fall down, Edward quickly moved a hand and wrapped it around her thin waist to support her while asking: “Are you all right? Let’s sit down for a bit.”. As his words ended, he supported her back inside the room.

As he reached near the bed, Edward used one hand to move some clothes that were thrown onto the bed to the side and supported her to sit down before kneeling in front of her and saying with a concerned tone: “Take your time.”

“Thank you.” Said Violet weekly with a nod, her voice just as horse as before and took a few deep breaths to calm down her feelings and stop herself from crying.

“It’s good to see you, Edward…” said Violet after she calmed down slightly, a trace of happiness in her previously dull look.

“Can you tell me what happened?” asked Edward, softly grabbing one of her hands in an encouraging manner. Violet fixed her eyes on Edward’s hand and bit her lower lip to prevent herself from crying as she said: “It’s nothing…”

Edward made an awkward look, wondering if she actually thought he would believe her and just said: “Did those people came again? Did they do something?”

Violet actually shuddered slightly at Edward’s words, pulling her hand back with trembling eyes, but she didn’t say a single words in reply. Even without her speaking, Edward knew he hit the nail on the head and clenched his fist while saying: “I’ll figure something out…” before sitting out and trying to walk out.

Violet panicked, thinking he was about to do something stupid and reached out, grabbing one of his arms: “Don’t.”

Edward turned around and, because she moved her arm out of the blanket to grab him, he was able to notice a bruise right above her elbow. Frowning slightly, Edward grabbed the blanket and moved it off her shoulders.

Violet tried to stop it after realizing what Edward wanted to do, but was too slow. She was wearing a short sleeveless shirt that ended just above her belly button and he was able to notice some sharp bruises in the shape of straight lines on both of her arms and belly. He could easily imagine there were more but were all hidden by her clothes.

Seeing that Edward’s face turned pitch black, as did his eyes, Violet panicked even more and grabbed his other arm as well as she said with tears falling down her cheeks: “Please Edward, don’t do something stupid. It’s alright. I’m alright.”

“Alright? Are you calling this alright? Who did it? Was it those animals?” Edward didn’t notice, but with each words coming through his mouth, his voice was becoming hoarser as the hair on his arms started growing longer.

Violet, in a fit of panic, got up from the bed and wrapped her arms around his waist as she said: “They only trashed the place a bit and hit me a couple of times. Please don’t go after them. Please. You will only get hurt.”

Her words brought back some memories of his mother saying something similar in the past: “He’s just drunk and he didn’t hit me that hard. Let him be. We will be happy in the morning. If you go at him he will only hurt you as well.”

As his mother word’s overlapped Violet’s, Edward’s rage finally exploded and he activated his wolf shift on instinct. As Violet felt Edward’s body trembling and getting more hairy by the moment, she didn’t know what was going on and pulled back slightly, but when she looked at Edward she noticed that she was now hugging a full blown black wolf.

Startled, she got scared and pushed him away. Edward, seeing the terrified look in Violet’s eyes, he got some clarity back and realized what he has done. With his increased senses, he could actually feel some pungent odor coming from between her feet and he knew just how badly he had fucking up by letting his feelings get the best of him.

Taking a deep breath, he canceled his skill and turned back in front of the shaking Violet and said in the gentlest tone he could muster: “I’m sorry I scared you.”. As he was speaking, he extended a hand towards her, but Violet recoiled back on instinct, too scared to even hear his words.

Edward stopped himself from moving forward and, knowing he actually scared her into shock and it will be hard to calm her down, let out a sigh as he said: “I’m sorry.. I didn’t mean..” But he ended his words there and, grabbing Violet’s blanket, covered his naked body before moving towards the door with a downcast expression.

He was ashamed, scared, anxious and angry, at both those bastards for what they did to her and himself for loosing control and scaring her even more. He wanted to find a hole to bury himself into, but before that, someone had to pay. After walking out of her room, giving her a little time to calm down, he walked up to his room in the attic and easily broke the simple lock. After changing into a new set of clothes, he folded the blanket and placed two gold coins on it, mostly to pay for the lock and in case any more trouble came to her doorstep.

Walking down, he stopped for a second in front of her door, but not hearing a single noise, he continued walking down the stairs. Once he reached the main lobby, he gave all the demi-humans there a terrifying look.

“Someone here better explain what happened to Violet. Fast.”