The party started following the road south, the same road Edward used when he first came to the City of Ashes. Remembering the time he was traveling towards the city together with Minx, Edward started rubbing Minx’s head while replaying their journey in his mind.
His thoughts were broken as Eddena came next to him and asked: “Did Ingvar tell you why I insisted for his party to come on this mission?”
“He mentioned you wanting to train me or something. What I don’t understand is why?” replied Edward, as he turned to look at Eddena, eyes full of curiosity.
Eddena shrugged and said: “Mostly because you are Circe’s disciple. She’s been looking for a disciple for quite a while, but declined all the young magi recommended by the noble families. When it was announced that she finally chose a disciple, that being you, it caused quite a scene amongst the nobles. A lot of people, me included, wanted to meet you but she declined or avoided answering any question about you.”
“When I met you yesterday, I asked you for that spar mostly out of curiosity. I was honestly quite disappointed. While you are not that bad, I couldn’t notice anything special about you besides that unique class. Not willing to let you embarrass my sister, I decided to train you and asked Ingvar to take you with him and join me in this mission.”
“That’s when I found out you actually have aptitudes in five classes, even one above me and the fact that you already picked two of the same classes I did. This made the thought of training you as an assassin bloom in my mind, but this still doesn’t explain why my sister was so adamant on picking you as her disciple.”
Edward nodded, finding her direct way of speaking quite refreshing. “I can probably answer that for you. She chose me because I happen to have maximum aptitudes in all magic elements, water included.”
Eddena chuckled and said: “I see… now it makes sense why she kept silent about everything. It also explains why she was not happy with you choosing subclasses that are not magic related.”
“Can you please explain it for me? I still don’t understand all this completely.”
“Well, you know someone can only have a total of five classes? One main class and four subclasses.”
Edward nodded and Eddena continued: “If you would have remained as a water mage until your reached advanced, I’m sure Circe planned on having you pick four other mage classes, once of each element. When you reached advanced water mage and intermediate with the others, you could have mixed all your subclasses with your main class into the elemental mage class.”
“Is that class really that strong?” asked Edward, finding the name quite endearing.
Eddena nodded and said: “There are not that many people that have reached that level so I don’t know exactly how strong it is. There were talks of one of them living in the far north of the continent, but he has never visited the City of Ashes as far as I’m aware of. The power of a mage able to use all the elements to perfection is not something to be take lightly. Not even I would dare take a mission to assassinate someone like that, even if we were at the same level..”
Edward got curious about something and asked: “Can you tell me what your level is?”
Eddena nodded and said: “I’m level 39, but don’t take my low level lightly. I can kill an ordinary mage even ten levels higher than me before he even realized what happened.”
“So, are you stronger than Circe?”
“Well, we haven’t really fought, but each class has it’s own advantages and disadvantages. While I could probably assassinate her if she wasn’t expecting it, I can never fight large groups of people the way she does, some of the spells she created being a complete horror for anyone going against her.”
Edward found her words quite reasonable and asked: “Do you think I made a mistake in choosing so many subclasses when I could have gone the elemental mage path?”
“Not really.” Responded Eddena before taking a small break to collect her thoughts and continuing: “While the thought of becoming an elemental mage sounds amazing, the path leading there is not an easy one. You will have to reach intermediate water mage without picking a single subclass before taking all the other mage subclasses and gaining enough proficiency in all elements to advance those subclasses as well. That’s the journey of a lifetime.. Your choice of classes is weird, that unique class being a complete mystery. You can easily mix into an assassin subclass, but since you can’t change your main class, it will never show its true potential as it will remain a subclass. Also, water mage doesn’t mix with the assassin class as far as I’m aware of, making advancing into a specialization not a possibility either.”
“Whatever…Now that you have already made your choices, you can only walk this path you’re on forward and see where it leads for yourself.”
“I see. Can I ask you how this mixing classes happens? No one has explained it to me yet.”
“Once you reach the requirements for adopting a mixed class, your tablet will do all the job for you. The classes that are compatible will mix together by themselves. You will also retain all the skills you learned before the two classes mixed together and gained access to new ones.”
Seeing that Edward appeared to have understood her words, Eddena said: “Now that we got that out of the way, what do you say we start your training?”
Edward nodded and asked: “I’m fine, but won’t we have to stop for that?”
“That won’t be a problem. We’ll train as we continue walking.” She then turned towards Kara and said: “Kara, take out your bow.”
Seeing Kara grab the bow from her back and holding it in her arms, she then turned towards Minx: “I heard you can use ice magic. Do you know the ice spear spell?”
Minx looked briefly at Edward, seeking his opinion. Seeing him nod, she formed a small ice spear above her head without saying a single word.
“Perfect.” Said Eddena as a small bow appeared in her hand out of nowhere.
“Kara and I will hide in the trees to the side of the road and start firing arrows at you. Don’t worry, we’ll dull the heads so you won’t get killed, but they will still hurt.”
“You must only use your senses to dodge our attacks while continuing running forward and are not allowed to use any spells or skills to block the attacks. Also, your wolf here will walk behind you and use ice spears to attack you once in while. Try to do it when he less expects it.”
Edward wanted to say something, but Minx got ahead of him and turned towards Eddena with an unfriendly look. “Minx won’t attack Edward.”
Edward pat Minx’s head to calm her down and said: “It’s fine Minx.” He could understand where Minx was coming from, him being not willing to hurt her either, but he also knew he needed to get stronger. If this training was going to make him stronger, he was willing to endure a little pain.
Minx looked up at Edward, unwillingness obvious in her eyes.
“I know you don’t want to hurt me, but the next time I get attacked by someone stronger than I am, if I can’t run while avoiding their attacks, I might die for real. A little pain today so that I can survive tomorrow is not a bad deal.” Said Edward with a smile, understanding Minx was having a hard time accepting this training.
Eddena didn’t comment on his words and just asked: “Are you ready?”
“I am.” Replied Edward. After his confirmation, Kara dashed in the nearby forest and Eddena disappeared on the spot.
You are reading story Curse of the Mad Wolf at
Edward rubbed Minx’s head playfully and said: “Go and walk a bit further back. I don’t want you getting hit by any attack.”
Three hundred feet away, in the thick foliage of the forest, Eddena appeared silently next to Kara who was jumping from one branch to another.
Looking at Kara, Eddena said while following after her: “I want you to use your full power and start from the joints. Same as Ingvar.”
“I can’t cancel my spells the way Faelyn does it. Even if I dull the heads, they will still pierce the skin.” Replied Kara, her eyes completely serious while focusing on Edward.
“Then consider this a training for you as well. A pierced joint won’t kill him anyway.” Replied Eddena as she disappeared again.
Kara sighed and placed an arrow on her bowstring. “I’m sorry Edward…”
Edward kept running forward, listening carefully for any attack that might come his way. Hearing a soft hiss coming from his right side, he put more strength on his right leg and moved towards the left to dodge the arrow.
Unfortunately for him, he was too slow to avoid it completely and the arrow still grazed his right knee. Being focused on dodging Kara’s attack, he missed another arrow coming from his left side and he got hit right in his ass.
“Argh..” Edward grunted and wanted to stop and check his behind, but then, he heard another hissing sound coming from the left side.
“Fuck.” Exclaimed Edward as he tried to move out of the way of the arrow. Being too slow once again, the arrow hit him straight in the back of the knee. It managed to pierce the knee for about half an inch before Kara finally managed to cancel the spell. Luckily, the pain made Edward stumble and fall to the ground, allowing him to avoid Eddena’s attack that was coming from the left side.
As he tried standing up again, a jolt of pain traveled from his right knee. He wanted to lay down and rest, but just as the thought came to him, another hissing sound came from the right side.
Doing his best to fight through the pain he was feeling, he jumped to his feet and started running forward again. Too bad that with an injured knee he was even slower than before, making the arrow aiming for his elbow hit true and create another half an inch gash.
As he grabbed his right elbow with his left arm, a new hissing sound entered his ears from the left.
“They really want to kill me…” mumbled Edward through gritted teeth. He knew he wouldn’t be able to avoid it in time and just prepared for the pain that was to come. Getting hit in his left thigh, he got propelled forward and fell to the ground face first.
Minx, unable to take it anymore, started running towards Edward to help him out. At that moment, a small voice drifted into her ear, making her freeze in place: “If you try to help him I’ll send you back and increase the difficulty of the training.”
Minx growled softly and stopped, her worried eyes fixed on Edward as he was slowly standing up once again.
The attacks stopped for a brief moment, giving Edward time to stand up, but started coming as soon as he managed to get up.
Edward managed to resist 20 more minutes under the continuous torture.
Laying down flat on his back, Edward’s clothes were died in blood and his face was contorted in pain. He has only managed to avoid three attacks and that was only by mistake. Until the end, Minx didn’t help Edward but she also didn’t attack as Eddena told her to.
Appearing next to Edward, Eddena forced his mouth open and emptied a red vial down his throat without a single comment. Edward wanted to complain, but before he could she disappeared once again.
Not long after ingesting the potion, he started feeling all the open wounds on his body closing really fast.
“A health potion?” he murmured, not aware those existed in this world as well. He didn’t have time to think to deeply as the hissing sound appeared once more. He knew this meant that the torture was not over and he quickly started running again.
The entire day was spend with Edward getting hit by Kara and Eddena’s arrows. When he couldn’t stand up anymore, Eddena would feed him another potion and the cycle will repeat itself. Eventually, seeing Minx was adamant on not attacking Edward, Eddena gave her role to Ingvar. He would just run behind Edward and attack randomly once in a while using his fists or legs.
As the sky started darkening, the party set up camp by the side of the road and Edward was finally given some time to rest.
Eddena walked over and said: “How are you?”
“After beating me up for an entire day you finally decided to ask how I’m doing?” asked Edward grumpily, already regretting his choice of agreeing to this training. He felt he was only getting pointlessly tortured and was not making any progress.
Eddena didn’t mind his tone and just took a seat next to him: “Do you really I beat you up because I wanted to?”
Hearing her since tone, Edward remained silent and waited for her to continue.
“You must be thinking, if she wanted to teach me how to dodge or avoid attacks, why was there a need to use so much strength? Why did the attacks stop only when I couldn’t move anymore? And so on..”
“This method of training, while cruel, is the fastest way to develop a person’s senses and reflexes. Your body and mind need to feel the pain and develop a subconscious desire to avoid it.”
“Oh, I really felt and want to avoid it. I assure you.”
Eddena chuckled at Edward’s words and summoned a small dagger in her hand, causing Edward’s body to tense up on instinct.
“You don’t understand. Watch.” As her words ended, Eddena made a quick throwing motion. The moment her throw ended, Edward heard a clang sound coming from Ingvar’s direction. Following the sound, the saw Ingvar with his weapon drawn and the small knife from before laying in front of him.
“He went through a training similar to yours. Tomorrow we’re leaving early.”