Chapter 24
Where the hell am I?
What happened?
“Eh?! You’re not an orc, who is there?!” A girl’s voice was in front of me gasping in surprise, coming from a dark corner of the room. It was the voice of someone who was afraid.
“Who are you?” she asked desperately. I heard a rattle of something metal like chains.
It was kind of dark here, and it looked like it was underground somewhere. I turned around slowly looking at the whole place. It looked like stone castle like walls of carefully done masonry, and we were in a room of some kind. But my eyes were still getting used to the darkness. I looked around some more trying to figure out where I was.
It was puzzling at first.
One minute I was in Akira’s hut.
And now...I’m not sure what the hell this place is?
There were torches hanging from braziers outside a metal barred cell wall. It looked like a jail room of some kind with bars on the entire door, window, and other open areas, which included some kind of air vent, and a slot under the door’s window. I was trapped in a jail cell of some kind with the door shut and no way out.
“Wh-what is this place? Where am I?” I asked looking around. Was I trapped? How would I get out?
“You’re not the boss orc?!” the girl said in surprise again once she could see me finally from the corner.
“Do I look like an orc?!” I exclaimed. “I hope I’m not that ugly.”
“Uh, yeah, not an orc, definitely not an orc,” she said. But something about her behavior was completely off.
“Who are you? Where are we?” I asked suddenly. It didn’t appear that anyone else was here except for me and the girl.
I turned towards her and approached the dark corner. There she was tied to the bed, naked. At least the bed was clean, but she was tied spread eagled with her arms pulled in tight chains going to the top two bed posts each and her legs chained open, also in tight chains around her knees and ankles so everything was showing and she couldn’t close her legs.
Being one of the prime slaves of the orc harem, she of course was one of the best looking girls they’d ever captured since only the leaders get the good looking women. And of course the better looking girls would be secured to make sure they couldn’t ever get away, because they knew how hard it was to get a good looking one that didn’t have all kinds of guards around her.
The lower orcs fought over the chance to have even a few minutes with the others in the breeding pits. As a result of being one of the prime pics of the orc boss he’d chosen because not only was she a flower of flowers, but she had overly large boobs as well, but not as big as Asakura Sensei’s after all. I tried not to stare but couldn’t help but notice her nipples were long and erect and her eyes were dilated. Her nipples were the biggest and thickest I’d ever seen or…perceived to be possible though.
I frowned. Her eyes shouldn’t be dilated.
She also had a shiny silver collar on of some kind with some strange runes on it. Her hair was black and long in a ponytail as her only form of adornments of any kind though, and she did look Asian but wasn’t Japanese I think. Something about it was very close, but different in some way. At least that’s how it looked. She also wasn’t as young as I was being a teenager, but looked like she was mid or late twenties and very physically fit and toned abs and really light colored and beautiful skin. She was probably even just barely above Asakura by a slim margin and Asakura was the most beautiful girl I knew.
She'd been drugged it seemed. But with what I couldn't say. At least she seemed coherent. The effect of whatever she'd been drugged with was probably keeping her calm. Apparently it was a massive over time constant phase of endless aphrodisiacs of some kind and she had a lot of girl's fluid leaking out below dripping out onto the bed constantly because of it...and she was sometimes hiccupping. Sometimes she'd drool a bit and had a wild look in her eyes. She was obviously trapped in a state of sexual euphoria against her will, but that was also keeping her from being suicidal at the same time.
I felt bad. This was obviously a torture chamber. I’d put a stop to this…
But then I recognized her as one of the two girls in crystals that I’d recognized to not be from our group transporting here to this world. Were the others tied up like this too? This is…awful?! How could those animals do such a thing?!!
“I’m confused…how is it possible that you aren’t the boss orc? He’s so powerful. I’ve heard of people challenging him before, but in over ten years he hadn’t lost a fight,” the girl said giving me odd looks and sometimes blinking too much. She didn’t know whether she should be happy or sad. It looked like she’d been crying awhile ago and she seemed extremely jaded.
“Well I’m confused too. The last thing I knew I was in a tent lean to and I fell asleep,” I said.
The girl nodded, “I’m just…glad it’s not the boss pig orc. Every day he …beats me terribly, including biting me, and…other things…maybe my torment will someday end.” She shuddered. “Are you here to rescue me? Can you undo the chains? Please! I’ll do anything, just undo the chains!” She tried to shake and pull at them but it didn’t work, she could only bounce up and down a bit on the bed. It only made her shapely wide perky boobs shake more. Her skin didn’t look beaten or that she’d been bitten but I couldn’t tell why it was different from what she said. It had to be annoying having your legs exposing your hip like that in a frogs position though...
I leaned forward trying to not stare at her but then looked at the chains. They were in good condition and looked clean and new for some reason. But orcs shouldn’t have this kind of technology and even if they did I would think they could only produce something raw and ugly, not a polished steel chain like this one.
“Damn. It needs a key of some kind,” I said seeing a lock with a large old style keyhole in place holding it all together.
“You don’t have the key?! Oh no! Please don’t leave me here! Please!” she said dejectedly.
“Uh oh, no I don’t. I didn’t know I’d need a key anyway.”
“Dang it! I’m trapped for good aren’t I?” she asked. She was silent for a bit and too jaded to even cry.
“What is this place? Please I need to understand what this place is?” I pleaded.
She sighed, “It’s not like I can do anything anyway…hic*…. We’re in your dream, I think. But it’s my nightmare…hic*. That’s the best guess I can…erpp*…. figure …it…out.” She’s pretty upset and crying again.
“Eh?! Wait! How can we be in a dream? This isn’t my dream though, I don’t dream of torturing women and dungeons, so how can that be?” I asked.
She kept thrashing about, “I hate these stupid chains…he has us imprisoned in here somehow. In his nightmares…hic* Maybe this is his nightmare machine? This is partly the dream of the orc boss, but then you took over but he’s still got his settings active, I think. That’s how the demon box works, at least that’s what the fox girl says but she hasn’t visited me lately. She’s been trying to resist him but she can’t get me out or help me. I think there are others too. I can hear them sometimes but not see them. When he captured me he put me in some kind of crystal. But it’s so hard to remember that long ago when he put me in here. He interacts with us through sleep whenever he dreams. That’s why you can’t see any wounds on me either, despite all the torture play he does.”
“I’m sorry you’ve had a hard time. Hmm, so that’s how you use the crystals? I don’t remember seeing a fox girl though. Which cell is she in?” I asked aloud. And how do I even access the other cells? My mind had too much to think about right now and was in sensory overload from how beautiful she was.
“Oh you must know something right? Did you steal his crystals? Hic* …That’s …bold…hic*” she asked sneaky like and half crazy again.
“Well I killed him, sort of,” I said.
“Ehh?! You did? How?! The strongest in our group were all killed by him and his army. Seems like…forever ago…,” she said. She started mumbling something for a bit, but then finally calmed down after a few minutes. She looks really spaced out right now because of being drugged. She’d probably be crying a lot more than she is now if not for the drugging effect.
“Well I had help, my friend, and our teacher all together and a few others. But he killed quite a few people. We got lucky because he grew overconfident and under estimated us,” I said.
“Eh?! I didn’t think anyone could kill him. We …hic* …prayed for it several times though…hic*. We’d fought him for months under siege you see. He’d surrounded us and even with help from the natives we’d had a hard time,” she started twitching about again.
So it was possible to get the natives help somehow?
“So you say this was the settings used by the previous owner right? Even if you say it’s a dream, why here? Can we change where the dream takes place or open the doors to the cells? How do I change it?” I asked.
She sobbed some more, “he tortures us here. I think you know what that means. I’ve been here for years. He’s never let us out so I don’t know. If there was a way to change things then he wouldn’t ever tell me…hic* and nor has he ever done so…hic*. But if you can find the fox girl you might be able to find out how to let us out. It won’t be easy though. I’m sure he’s put a few traps in here to protect his toys from getting out. So you must be wary.”
I felt bad for her, but I didn’t know how to help her beyond talking to her.
“How did you kill him?” she asked suddenly and listening to me more intently. So then I explained it, while she was nodding and writing around. She was trying really hard to stay alert, but was drooling again, even though she was pretty. It was clear she wasn’t retarded but something here had warped her mind over time. She was still smart and had been smart and beautiful but now it was…somehow felt broken even though she was still hypnotically beautiful.
“Like I said, chemistry and everyone teamed up.” I turned towards her and added, “So who are you? Are you from this world? Or…?” I wasn’t sure how to word it.
Then her eyes widened in recognition and she seemed to appear almost like a very pretty normal girl. “Ah I should have recognized your school uniform, I didn’t even think about it. You are from Earth, aren’t you?! School uniform designs don’t exist …hic* like that on this world. Hic* Oh so that’s what you meant earlier…Wow. Me too! Me too!” She said excitedly.
Then she started crying again, except it was a kind of happy crying…I think. With girls with a deranged look it’s kind of hard to tell. She did seem like a nice girl in some ways…but…wow this was a lot to take in.
My jaw dropped open.
Then she added, “I’m Park Sunghee. 26 years old, single, and an adventurer, not that it did me any good since this is a hell world after all. We were on our way to a dungeon and he ambushed us. He killed a lot of us so quickly. So we fled to KoreaTown to warn them the orcs were coming. Then he sacked it and killed and captured everyone including me and a few others. I don’t think there’s anyone left in KoreaTown anymore, and he enslaved the other females, but I was…too pretty…now I wish I was dead.” She choked, and was sobbing. Then she shook the chains again feebly.
“That sounds like…a Korean name you have? And KoreaTown is a city here?” I guessed. Korean culture was a bit similar to Japanese, although mostly a lot of the old timers from both cultures hated each other from the days of the war. But a lot of them did business together still. It’s possible there might be options to advance a better position for survival if there were more people like Sunghee.
“Eh?!” I exclaimed. “So how did you end up in this world?” I asked, trying to resist getting desperate.
Her eyes looked overly intense, and while there was intelligence, it had somehow she gave off the feeling of a creature of darkness despite her human appearance. It was the result of her years of torment being here.
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“We were summoned somehow to this world when I was…gosh how long has it been? I don’t know…at least…eight to ten years? Let’s see…every time I saw the boss pig himself…hic* it meant 24 hours had passed for one hour here I think…but sometimes he’d gotten strong enough to see us more than one hour a day…hic*. But he’d sometimes visit each captive girl…hic* But a little while ago he killed the half-elf girl because she scorned him too much. Hic* So yeah, I think it’s been about…hic* 8 to 10 years in here….hic* I was in high school at the time, so you can tell from my age that we’ve been in this world a long time.”
“How did you even last this long?” I was completely astonished. She must have like amazing willpower just to even keep her sanity, even though that's probably hanging by a thread. It also means she was brought to this world when she was really young, like younger than Rina and I even by a few years.
She hiccuped again, “it’s a long story but somehow our school was pulled into this world. We’ve been fighting monsters ever since. Since our school had an athletics program over half of us survived the first week even with the monster attacks. Our school was mostly a boy’s school that had been turned into a co-ed school right before summoning, so that also gave us more combat power. But you see the monster attacks never stopped, and just kept coming at us. A lot of us died after that or were captured…as you can see. Most of us that survived after that ended up becoming adventurers,” she said looking a bit loopy and then suddenly I think something snapped inside of her. She still looked wildly crazy but at least she could answer my questions.
I in fact, was so desperate for answers I had to resist the temptation to want to shake them out of her and push her to talk faster. She knew how to survive but I couldn’t get her to concentrate! It was like the answers were on the tip of my tongue. If only I could get Sunghee to share what she knew! She was the key! I can’t believe what I’d found! She’d gone through all of what we were going through for ten years already!
But she was so ….sick….and hurt. How was I going to get her to talk?! Just getting one question answered was really slow with her.
She then wouldn’t talk to me for a few minutes and I had to calm her down and reminded her the orcs weren’t going to get her anymore. I also had to not get too close so I wouldn’t freak her out. This took some time, because her fear of them had become extremely horrific and sharpened to the point of crushing her very soul, it seemed.
Finally I got her calmed down enough to talk again.
“Why adventurers though? Why not just a normal life where you don’t have to fight?” I asked.
She shrugged, “the law among the people’s here of this world is if you can somehow get an adventurer ID card they are banned from trying to make you slaves. Hahaha… ironic….hahaha…it took me so long to get mine and then I was….hic* hic*….” she started breathing hard and then she was in a state of madness again.
“Snap out of it Sunghee. I need you to concentrate. So how do you get one of those adventurer ID cards,” I asked.
She looked dazed for awhile. “So itchy…again…these damn aphrodisiacs make me so horny even though I hate myself for what they make me feel.”
“Please can you help me?” I asked.
She didn’t answer so I tried again. “Sunghee, it’s not your fault what happened to you. What they did and how they forced you through things, that’s not who you are. You aren’t those experiences you are different. You can get past those things they did. Work with me please. I need your help. I’ll get you out of here when I can find a way but please help me,” I pleaded.
“Errrp….Hah….hahaha….hahahahaha…can you help me? I’ve got this bad….itch….hic* So now instead of an orc boss I get a kid. You look like my…hic*….little brother…hic*,” she shook her head. Her tongue was hanging out of her mouth in a strange obsessive look. She stared at me a bit too long so I backed up a step.
“Wait, how is it we’re talking? I don’t have the language magic. You said you were Korean right?” I said. This had me puzzled. Her Japanese was really good and there was like very little accent at all.
She laughed crazily again, but this time she was writhing about and trying to twist her hips and legs unsuccessfully. “Ah, so itchy. It itches down there. My little brother is so handsome…so handsome….sO hAnDsOme! Auuughhhhh,” she was still trying to get at her crotch to itch it while the fluid was still slowly leaking out her rose petals as she sang the last part to me.
“Please, focus, I need to know things so I can help you,” I pleaded.
This whole time I hadn’t gotten too close to the bed either because I wasn’t sure what would happen if I did. She was obviously traumatized.
I’m not sure if her mind is still even there, even though her body is super hot.
“Arrrgh…” she finally stopped struggling. “Well…ummm…trying to remember…hard to remember…oh…I think….hmm ….my parents traveled a lot between Korea and Japan because they own their own business so I speak Japanese but I’m actually Korean. I speak both languages and my parents taught me a lot of stuff with a lot of private tutors. Yeah, I remember now! All the people in my school are Koreans, …dead Koreans that is…hahaheh…but the truth is that I’ll probably die from my heart exploding if you ever let me out of here,” she said finally facing reality. Her wild look disappeared and she looked down sadly. Then she sniffed back a few more tears. Then she started breathing hard and writhing again with her hands clenching and un-clenching.
“That’s terrible,” I said.
“Gosh, so itchy. My nipples itch a lot too. Can you …you know?” She kept nodding to her nipples.
It terrified me. What was she thinking?! I stepped back away from the bed. I needed help for this. She…needed help but who would help me know how to help her?!
“That’s terrible too,” I nodded.
She giggled, and then sort of sniffled like she would start crying uncontrollably, “I wanted to meet a nice boy once. Now I’m ruined. Nobody will want me now. The orc messed me up too much. I’m sick inside. I’ve been his toy for years,” She said sadly, but then began panting in heat again. She stared off into space and looked really depressed.
My ears burned. I tried to not think about it too much.
“Please, our school just got summoned here too. We’ve only been here a day, and we don’t know anything about this place. I need information. How things work here, how to survive, what the jobs are, but we can’t…” my voice cracked in desperation. I’d become too emotional and had to stop.
Then suddenly her head cocked to one side…“Oh I remember….something like that. Let me guess, you found out all the window popups are in Egyptian?” she asked wildly in a weird haze. Then one of her eyes began to twitch, while the other one was fine while she hiccuped a few times again.
I tried not to notice, “yeah, big problem! And there are only two people in our group that can read them from whatever their talent is, and one of them is hurt. The other guy wants to become king and make everyone his slaves so we’re screwed. I need other options. Please Sunghee, please let’s help each other.”
She laughed crazily. “Actually I’m screwed….haha…..hah….screwed many times…I’m so messed up now. I can’t stop thinking about … because that’s all there is… and I’ve been drugged up so much. He gives me orc shaman drugs every time he comes in here but I’ve not been able to run away…hic*. That guy did ….hic*…. so many times and put so many....” She started to like half cry but was acting loopy again. Then she switched back and forth, and then was crying again.
“So is there an item or something you can get to open up being able to read the screen windows?” I asked.
After a minute she calmed down, though she was still writhing around. “Ahhh, hhaaahahh, hahaha so itchy. Oh man. Hey you are cute…whenever I wake up that guy would have his way with me and that’s all it was…sleep, get screwed literally…repeat…” she started crying but was still sexually excited. It was the strangest thing I’d ever seen.
I wanted to cast heal on her of course, but the problem was I didn’t feel rested up and strong enough yet, despite being in a dream state. I’d also have to figure out how casting would be different in the dream state. It could be harder or slower, or work differently with more or less power.
“Please Sunghee, I need your help. Do you speak Egyptian?” I asked. “Can you read their language?”
She shook her head. “It’s been a long time. I’ve been in this dream prison so long that things might have changed a lot since I’ve been out. I think….I think I’ve been in here for years, plus the time before I was captured being several years. The kids I was summoned with are probably in their late thirties by now, but time doesn’t pass in here so I haven’t gotten any older. I noticed because sometimes that orc boss would come in and tell me about a village that I’d known and had visited that he’d burned and sacked. Then an hour later he’d say a different one but he would look differently somehow. After the fox girl explained the time difference and stasis. It made sense that he couldn’t burn a village and then travel a hundred miles and burn another within two hours, which meant like anywhere from two days to a week for me.”
“Wow….” I didn’t even know what to say. It was too horrible to even imagine. I noticed it was getting harder and harder to even get an answer out of her. She was also kind of scary. She started to lash out and fight the chains, but couldn’t. It was tempting to want to have my way with her…but wouldn’t that just be adding to the ruin that was already heaped upon her?
How was I going to help her?
“I’ll get you out,” I said finally, after struggling with the idea for awhile. It was so tempting to keep her in here forever though. Nobody would ever know…but I decided to do what’s right.
This will be hard to fix...
But suddenly she looked horrified. “No! No, no no no no! You can’t! You can’t let me out! You see because I’m in the dream prison I can’t get pregnant in here. The effects of him torturing me won’t really hurt me here either, but once you let me out, what if time catches up with all of the afflictions he’s done on me? The beatings, the cuttings, the drugs all of it will all crash at once and catch up with me when the prison releases me. They….did things to me before putting me in here and a lot more after I was in here too. If you let me out you understand what will happen won’t you? Can you imagine having their….their seed in you and having to live with that? I’d kill myself at the first chance I got! You can’t let me out, but maybe you can make it easier to live somehow,” she gasped in horror. She started to cry uncontrollably and started shaking the chains again while mumbling stuff.
“Oh…so you really are stuck here then…” I asked totally floored with the difficulty of this situation. Wow, I’d have to be really careful. Her existence was so fragile I could end up hurting her even worse. This was seriously bad. I wanted to free Sunghee somehow and help her have a better life. It was not going to be easy.
But maybe the demon box had a key somewhere in the things in the box? Maybe I’d missed something? Could the key have a different appearance than I thought it did?
“Promise me you won’t let me out! Please!” she started crying until I agreed not to.
“What? That doesn’t make any sense...” I mumbled accidentally.
Then she muttered something strange, “….at least in this dream reality my wounds go away once you leave. I can’t starve while in here either.”
“Eh?! When was the last time you ate?!” I asked.
She couldn’t remember and told me so. Then she wouldn’t say anything for awhile. Would she die if I let her out then? It was horrifying. I wanted to give her a hug and tell her it was going to get better from here on but I was afraid of what would happen if I did. At any rate I couldn’t do much for her until I figured out how to change the dream settings of the demon box.
It was going to be very hard to get information out of her. I tried a few other questions but she was totally gone and no longer able to even answer back. I think I was lucky I’d gotten as far as I did.
I needed to find out how to activate and figure out how the job system worked here and to do so probably she was the only one who could help me. Also number two priority with just as much importance, was finding out if maybe Sunghee knew how to get in touch with the natives without being enslaved by them to get these adventurer ID cards. It might mean her having contacts of some kind, or knew who was trustworthy too.
But I still didn’t know how the demon box worked. Would it have me talking to Sunghee next time or to one of the other girls? I remembered clearly that four of the dark crystals were filled, and six were empty. But did I really discover everything in the demon box? I’d only found the hidden area of the box after some time had passed. Did that mean I might discover something else?
She still didn’t get a chance to explain why the natives were OK with adventurers. Did that mean they wouldn’t still try anything if outside the city walls either? At least now from what she’d said I could gather there were cities of some kind here.
But where were they?
And I had to make sure she wouldn’t hurt herself when I were to set her free after I’d figured out how exactly to do that.