Chapter 41 Part A
The others woke me up early after a brief rest; and some of them had already made preparations for the coming orc attacks and for putting our escape plan into action. Today was do or die with all seriousness and we’d already been trapped up here surrounded. Akira had managed to get a bit of sleep, and was barely getting up. Others were too terrified for a full sleep and were sort of bouncing between waking and sleeping.
Interestingly enough I couldn’t get over how amazing the power of the demon box was despite the orc problem being greater. I only had a mild stiffness in my muscles and a few bad bruises where I’d taken hits before, despite the reckless fury and training the Fox Girl had shown me. I also felt rested and ready to go.
Plus, I’d gotten tons of experience fighting orcs with the fox girl to get ready for this!
So cheaty…
I found out Yuriko had been in charge of getting people up and making sure everything was going well. She’d not had much sleep it seems, and has dark circles around her eyes.
I had been so tired I hadn’t even noticed that Rina and Asakura were both sleeping near me, but because of how rocky the ground was we were a bit spread out. Yumi was still dozing off, and the others had decided to give her a few extra minutes, since she seemed like she was in the worst shape thanks to Kenji and his zombies.
I rubbed the sleep from my eyes while thinking about my current state of mind. After all I’m not good at getting up in the morning so it takes several tries.
Now I was beginning to understand why the previous orc boss had become so strong as I considered possibilities. He’d been using the dream state to train as often as he could, while also training in real life’s reality during the day. He’d gotten an edge too in that he was training as if he had two days for every other person only having one. He probably actually enjoyed all the tormenting he was trying to do against Fox Girl, and she didn’t even know he’d been using it to rank up probably.
In fact he’d probably only died because of becoming overconfident when we’d engaged him back at the school. He wouldn’t have foreseen the dangers of a chemical attack.
The battle last night between us and the orcs around the hill hadn’t even been two hours of fighting, but I’d had more than that in personal training with someone who knew what they were doing.
Not only that, but I was able to gain loot from it, while still also being able to feel completely rested and healed up beyond a small amount of muscle soreness. But while thinking about it the muscle soreness was about still less than what I felt before entering the demon box’s dream state.
So I had my own personal dungeon? I still had yet to figure out how to utilize it, but…the possibilities were endless. It was spine tingling excitement to think about.
Or was there more to it than that? I kept wondering if there might be side effects too. If it’s a dark power or dark magic there must be a source for the power and that might be important to understand in dealing with the consequences.
There was a small problem in that Fox Girl said she was losing her magic in the previous time I’d met with her, and had used up a lot without being able to replenish it. That was a problem I’d have to solve or figure out if I was going to be able to have her train me still. If she had to sleep too and recover mana…perhaps I could figure out a way past that. But even if she could only do it like once a week that was better than nothing and would add up quickly.
But more than losing her magic, it’s very possible she actually just had a deficit of rest and mana regeneration if I understood how the box works right.
I continued to check my gear, clean my axe, and my spare weapons along with the others. Then I helped the others.
“You still think it was a good idea to rest?” Akira asked Akimoto.
“It wasn’t, but everyone was like almost no sleep or very little sleep in two days; plus hardly any food and they’d done some hard marching on top of it. We had to do something and it didn’t seem like there was a way forward,” he responded.
“Morning,” I said, yawning as I came up to them.
They both gave me an odd look. “You act like we aren’t even in a war. Are you going to keep your guard down like that all the time?” Akimoto accused.
“No, I just was really tired. We’d tried so hard for so long. The body breaks down when it doesn’t have any sleep,” I said.
“Yeah, that’s true,” Akira nodded. “It was hard for me to get up too.” He stretched out his great big muscles and Yuriko was staring at them with a strange look on her face.
“So just so you know at least three other girls have displayed beast mutation properties,” Akimoto said quickly.
Long silence…
“EH?! Three of them?!”
“That’s bad,” Akira echoed after me.
“It’s maybe bad, maybe good,” I objected.
Did Akira think his mutations were bad then? Of course I wouldn’t ask it to his face. I knew he didn’t like anyone referring to him as a goat man.
“Any idea what kind? Is it like Akira, or…?” I said.
“We’re not sure yet. Two of them have grown tails though, and they feel sore all over. I suspect other changes will be coming too,” he said.
“Tails? That sounds interesting,” Yuriko blinked her eyes a few times.
“You think so?” I asked.
Akira gave me a pleading look when Akimoto was turned away. He probably wanted me to help them.
I shook my head in response negatively. I was too weak. I would have to keep the heal mana and energy reserved for absolute emergencies, which meant I’d probably be trapped between choosing one of several options again. I’d felt burned out lately too.
“But that’s not that many compared to the whole group of us I suppose,” I replied.
“But like what kind of tail? Are they like scaly like a reptile or furry like a mammal, and short or long?” Akira asked.
“You are wondering if they’ll be like you?” Yuriko wondered.
Akira ignored the question.
“Both long and furry, but not sure if it’s like a dog, cat, or something else yet because it looks all the same,” Akimoto replied.
“So is our secret plan ready?” I asked. I’m sure they had gotten me up because it was just about time to put it into effect.
“Gnome gave us the ready signal right before we got you up. They’ve gotten everything all set up,” Akira said.
“Let’s go find out,” Akimoto said, pushing away from a boulder he’d been leaning against. Then he half turned to Akira, you and Yuriko will be keeping watch over the valley below the hill for a bit right?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Akira waved us off. But neither he nor I liked dealing with Akimoto. But if Akira went with me instead then there wouldn’t be a good front line facing the orcs watching our camp.
I then heard Akimoto describe Crow Summoner’s intel, briefing the others, saying there were at least two block military formations of orc units on the back side of the hill that we’d come from with a hundred orcs each, plus there were two full units down in the normal spot where they’d come from in front of us below the hill. They’d been working all night to draw in everything and surround us. I suspect that any survivors from the block of orcs that we’d annihilated were probably just stacked into the back of the other blocks.
Altogether that was roughly four hundred orcs against, our rag tag band of surviving students that was about thirty six people left. There really isn’t any positive angle to only 36 being left. But one thing of interest, is that of those remaining, the chances for them to have discovered a power or skill has risen a lot from having to get through the massive survival hump of this world.
But it was amazing that the orcs had gathered that many so quickly.
That was the next part of more bad news. It seems a few people had died during the night succumbing to their wounds. We were all sad to hear that and people offered a moment of silence for them. But nobody would talk either because they were too upset and depressed.
It wasn’t until later, that we’d discovered that somehow Kenji had looted some of those bodies also.
It was terrible to think that so few had made it out alive this far. We couldn’t count Yuta’s group of twenty something people because they were betrayers and had used us as sacrificial pawns. I wonder if they were even still alive, if the hills around us were being combed by this many orcs. Even the nearby hills I could see tiny ant like figures in the distance that I was certain were orc roaming scouts and patrols.
That’s it...all told around fifty five or fifty six survivors out of a whole high school?
What a mess...
But Akimoto himself was a bit of an exploiter and not fully with us either. All together in the last day that meant over forty kids had died following him, just hoping for a chance to survive. I felt he was somewhat unqualified, but even I would have had a hard time and had deaths.
Asakura then came over to greet me after waking up. She still had a comb hidden on her it seemed because she didn’t have bed hair and still looked like she came from a civilized society. I pulled her away the others so we could talk in low voices.
As we discussed this I relayed my concern on why so many had died.
“It can’t be helped. The problem was these types of engagements were genocidally inclined from the orcs end. They would never have accepted our surrender,” she said frowning as we talked about it.
“That’s true,” but deep inside I knew that but I think I was actually looking for comfort. Sometimes when bad things happen to us we look for that comfort from others even though we may have already heard the answers.
“Did you find what I need?” I whispered.
She then gave me a hug, holding me close. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she blushed, but then let me go.
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“What was that for?” I asked, hoping there was more. Hugs by beautiful women are really awesome after all. The warmth was good against the cold morning air too. It made me want to stay like this forever.
Still, I masked away my eagerness.
Her next statement was like a spear to my heart. “It’s just a brother and sisterly thing. So don’t get any ideas. You are like my brother. Thanks for all you do and you’ve kept me and Rina alive. I thought I should say so and give you a hug for keeping us alive. Of course it can’t be anymore than that, because I’m your teacher. Do you understand?”
Where did that come from? I thought she was like my supporter and now this?!
“We haven’t done anything wrong,” I protested.
She blushed but looked at me with a conflicted look. “It’s complicated Shun, I have responsibilities,” she said protesting. Still there was something about the way she was looking at me. It wasn’t the look of someone with dislike or rejection.
Uh oh, her words were negative and like she was turning me away. Something had happened.
“We can work it out,” I said.
“But I’m your teacher, even though I like you,” she said. “What if…someone finds out?” She sounded a bit worried.
No! I can feel the rejection flag incoming. Perhaps there might be a way to evade it if I’m proactive.
“But you know we have to try. Sometimes you get challenges. They are for breaking down!” I said.
“Hmm, that’s from my speech for the track meet against the other school huh?” she replied, remembering the words. “I don’t know Shun…” she looked down.
“People already see you with me anyway. In fact, we’re always together. Just let them get used to it. And we’re on a different world with different rules. It will take working together to survive anyway,” I said.
“But I…I don’t know Shun. The cost is so severe if we get in trouble,” she said.
“What will make you happy? That’s what you should be asking,” I reasoned.
“That’s…true…b-but this isn’t easy. I think it’s better to not proceed but just be like we’re together,” she looked down. She sniffed. She was getting emotional after all.
Note to self; have to get past the brother stage, or all is lost!
Suddenly my heart was thumping really fast. What do I do? I had to spin this somehow! It’s my duty!
To be involved with the beautiful and glamorous Asakura…it was something most people only fantasize about. I had to stop that dream from breaking.
Thump…thump…thump…my heart was racing like crazy.
My hands were all sweaty and suddenly I wished I could see a mirror to make sure my hair and face looked presentable and didn’t have any orc guts on them.
I panicked…what do I say? What do I say? What do I say?!
“It’s OK, we have to help each other. How will we survive if we don’t? And you won’t make it on your own, neither will Rina,” I said nervously. Step one, rubber has to bend but go slow so it doesn’t fracture in the cold.
“Ah, well …that’s…partly…” she considered it. She was looking down and seemed very conflicted.
“You are just worried about it because you were my teacher and I’m your student. But if you’d been a student too, we would’ve been together already,” I said. This felt awful; so far she’d been the only one with me the whole way so far. Rina was weak; Yumi wasn’t into me, but after Rina instead; Akira and Yuriko were all conditional on mutual direction. The others were even farther out than all of them.
“Shun, the truth is I’m really scared of making a mistake and rushing into things. But you are all we…err…I ….I mean the truth is….” She continued to stutter. She looked down then and somewhat strange in her expression.
“So you are saying that this is no good?” I seemed to sense. I could see like a dark cloud there on her face.
“No, not that! I mean…uh…the truth is I feel ashamed because I’m your teacher. Teachers and students being together is really bad! I could be fired Shun! Also they could put me in jail! And we can’t follow any temptations just because there aren’t any other dating partners available,” she tried to say but she was getting upset.
“You don’t need to feel bad. I’m an adult technically, and have had my birthday. And you aren’t a teacher anymore. But we need do each other. Rina and I need you, and you need us! Even Akira who is good wasn’t watching out for us very well in that recent battle. He often ignores companions in trouble because he’s so one track minded. If we don’t stay together we won’t survive,” I said seriously.
She paused and thought about it. “Teacher and student relationships mean trouble back home.”
I also wasn’t sure what to say. I didn’t want to push her into anything she didn’t want to. I thought I was trying to save her. But was I wrong?
“Ah maybe this is wrong then. If you aren’t happy then I don’t want you to be pushed into it,” I said finally. I can’t believe I was letting her go. I was about to turn away…
She grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. “Uh, I’m sorry. I mean…I didn’t know what to say. I’m so surprised by this. I need you to be strong OK? And uh, can you uh, continue to take care of me? It’s really selfish of me, but you are the only one here that acts responsible and there’s no other adults and that terrifies me. It’s really selfish I know and you already have to worry about Rina. I feel stupid and weak but you are the only one here that isn’t greedy or wicked that is still strong enough to survive,” she seemed to burst.
My face probably looked like it’d been hit by a shovel. She was asking me to take care of her but have the door closed on a relationship…this was hard to take. She was trying to be good and honest still, but…what about my future? It wasn’t wicked for me to be looking for someone to start a family with someday. There was this issue of a blurred boundary too.
Be like brother and sister? No…there had to be a better way! No!!
Suddenly she was crying. She started sobbing. She hugged me again. “I-I’m sorry Shun!”
Actually I didn’t feel mad at her. This whole setup was bad from the beginning and not her fault.
Negotiations failed!
I can’t negotiate against crying…it’s a death blow. It makes me weak and I can’t stand it. I don’t get mad but it’s like when a baby cries. You just go nuts wanting to fix the problem.
So was this more like she was seeing me as like a brother figure? That’s a bit disappointing. That’s not romantic at all. It’s like a totally different view because girls don’t want to date their brothers.
No! Asakura was like supposed to be the rational one. I thought I’d be able to get to know her better.
The pit in my stomach turned cancerous.
If it goes bad…I guess I’ll only have Sunghee and Fox Girl and … I still didn’t know how to unlock talking to Haruka or Ayumi Sensei yet.
I had to change this around. Fast! But what do I say?
Oh shittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt……I was losing my chance.
The seconds ticked by like they were minutes. Sensei stepped back. Oh damnit! I had to keep her talking so we could actually get to know each other.
Asakura coughed. She seemed to not know what to say either, but she was also feeling really shy. Her cheeks were a rosy pink of embarrassment. She hugged me saying she was sorry it wouldn’t work out, even though it was for a crying pillow. But her words were like the plague.
Her hugging me was getting me too excited. I had to do something about that too. I couldn’t handle her breasts hugging me without getting a reaction…
Darnn cock tease Sensei…
I didn’t want a hug if it was just a brother and sister hug. Dammit! I hadn’t expected a development like this. Although this feels so good. And her chests are so big...
“What did you think about what they said before?” Asakura asked suddenly breaking away. She seemed to be wanting to talk again, but I just wanted to leave…it didn’t feel good to have her say she didn’t think it’d work out.
Whatever…now she wants to talk to me classified like a brother? I felt so upset. The lump in my throat was getting bigger.
“Hmm, what? There were…so many…things talked about…which thing?” I reply.
That sounded so uncool! Ah fuck I’m messing up badly…I really didn’t want to be one of those forty year old middle aged men alone with no family…but I still felt like it’s too unbearable to talk to her.
Awkward silence ensues…
“So Shun, what’s your family like?” Asakura asked trying to break the ice.
“I have to go. I have things to do,” I said. I turned to leave again.
“Wait stop please! Don’t leave! Talk to me,” she said. She grabbed my arm. Her grip was really tight and she looked all panicky in her eyes.