Chapter 79: Viera village.

In the morning of the next day, Flastrdra raised her head from under her wing and saw Edward staring intently at a water ball above his hand.

“What are you doing?”

Edward canceled his control over the mana and let the ball fall over his head. He looked towards the dragon that was slowly standing up and replied: “I’ve been practicing water control. Are you ready?”

“I am, but didn’t you sleep last night?”

“Let’s go. I’ll tell you on the way.” Said Edward with a wry smile as he wiped his face and started walking away.

The two followed Flastrdra’s directions towards where the viera were known to live while Edward told the dragon about his curse.

“Are you saying that happens every time you fall asleep or unconscious?”

“Indeed. It was difficult in the beginning, but now I’ve mostly got used to it. It also got me out of some shitty situations before.”

The dragon nodded its scaly head and said nothing more.

“How much longer do we have to walk and why can’t you just fly us there?” asked Edward, already getting restless after having walked for over two hours.

“It’s not that much longer. We’re more than halfway there. As for the reason we can’t fly, some dragons frequent their tribe for you know what. If they spot me, things might turn bad really fast.”

“Oh, I see. By the way, can you use your magic now?”

Flastrdra shook her head and said: “I wish I could. Until I find a summoning place, I won’t be able to form a contract with another spirit.”

“How can Minx use ice magic without one and you can’t?” Edward asked the question that has been bugging him for a long time.

“Because your wolf can absorb the water mana from the atmosphere directly and use it at will. Didn’t you notice that she also doesn’t have to practice and learn any spell, being fine with just manipulating the mana in the desired form naturally?”

“Us dragons are not born able to manipulate a certain type of magic. We form a pact with spirits just like you humans. There are dragons that can use spells of all other elements. I just had a higher fire affinity at birth and a fire spirit was chosen for me.”

“I did not know…” said Edward with a pensive look. “It’s weird for dragons to not be able to use fire magic since birth.”

“We’re born with extremely strong bodies and the ability to fly, but no inborn mana control ability. We are also to communicate our will by the use of our souls. That’s the way I’m speaking to you right now. There are legends of dragons in ancient times that could use mana the same way your wolf can, but I don’t know if they are true or just that, legends.”

“Wait, so you’re not speaking in the same way Minx does it?”

“Yes. Since she can manipulate mana so easily, she can use mana to transmit words, but we dragons use our souls for that. I must admit that I am somewhat envious of her. Mana control without the use of a connection to the Mother Tree is not something easy.”

“Minx is actually kinda amazing, huh?” muttered Edward under his breath, not expecting a dragon to think so highly of her.

As Edward was learning some new stuff about dragons and Minx, they finally reached the proximity of the viera tribe. Flastrdra raised one of her wings to stop Edward from proceeding forward and said: “Let’s stop here for now.”

“What do you mean?” asked Edward, a frown forming on his forehead.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not planning to stop you from going inside, but you want information, don’t you?”

Seeing Edward nod, Flastrdra said: “Then we need to come up with a plan. If a male human comes into their tribe, they will just charm and have their way with him. And my situation is even worse. To get information, we must make them believe you are a dragon. They would never dare do anything to a dragon so close to their kingdom.”

Edward understood the gist of it and relaxed again. “How do we do that?”

Flastrdra turned her eyes to look in the other direction, away from Edward and said: “I have a way, but I’ll need you to undress, lay flat on the ground and close your eyes. Face down would be preferred.”

Edward didn’t understand what she was planning, but he trusted her and did as he was told. When he felt water dripping on his back, he wanted to turn to see what was going on, but one of Flastrdra’s claws held his head in place.

After he was drenched completely, Flastrdra released his head, and Edward turned around to give her a questionable look.

“I didn’t do what you’re thinking… just my saliva is enough.”

“That doesn’t make it any less disgusting.” Replied Edward as shook his body to dry himself up.

“Their noses are very sensitive, a lot more sensitive than a normal magic beast. They would see through our lie in an instant if not for this.”

After he got dressed once more, Flastrdra said: “Alright. I’ll make a scene and you play along. Also, keep your head lowered like you are ashamed. After we meet with their leader, we can explain the situation to her.”

“Why will their leader want to help us?”

“I don’t know why, but their leader was always a lot more… normal, I guess. You’ll understand when we meet her.”

Edward nodded and followed Flastrdra with his head lowered as she instructed him to.

“Who goes there?” a pleasing voice resounded from the forest up ahead and shortly, a naked woman with wolf features blocked the two’s path.

Flastrdra used one claw to hit the viera, throwing her into a tree, and said: “What gave you the courage to question this princess? Are you viera finally tired of living?”

The wolf girl fell to her knees, panic obvious all over her face as she said: “I apologize, oh mighty dragon. I didn’t know. Please spare me.”

You are reading story Curse of the Mad Wolf at

Flastrdra snorted and said: “I don’t have time to deal with you. Take me to see your leader.”

The poor girl stood up and started walking forward. The viera girl led the duo until they reached a place fenced with wooden pillars at the base of a cliff. A few more viera approached Flastrdra and Edward, but all bowed before the two and didn’t dare to stare too much at Flastrdra.

“Can we ask why your highness comes to visit our place?”

“I came to find out which of your people had the gal to sleep with my fiancé. Now bring me to your leader or I’m burning your village to the ground today.”, said Flastrdra before using one wing to slap Edward to the ground.

‘This bitch.’ Edward stood back up but didn’t dare voice his thoughts, not to ruin their plan. He was going to give her a piece of his mind after everything was done. He was also surprised to see that all the viera here had the safe features as Violet. Violet wolf ears and tails.

All the viera started shaking once they heard Flastrdra’s words and inspected Edward to make sure they were not the one Flastrdra mentioned.

After a collective sigh of relief, one of the viera who seemed in charge of the rest said: “Please follow me, your highness. I’m sure the leader will give you an explanation.”

Edward and Flastrdra were led by that same viera inside the village. Edward looked around and noticed that the entire place was full of naked, sexy women. They would giggle and even have sex in the middle of the road, but the moment their eyes would land on Flastrdra, every single one of them will fall to their knees and turn quiet.

There were simple huts everywhere. They were so poorly built that Edward believed even a stronger wind will probably break them apart. If someone asked him to define the words ‘Simple Heaven’, he would for sure use this place as an example.

The leader’s place was located in a cave in the depths of the village, encircled by a sturdy wooden fence. It was the only place that might survive a stronger storm.

Once they reached the cave, the viera that led them there bowed towards Flastrdra and said: “I’ll go inform the leader. Can you please wait here for a moment?”

“Hurry up. I don’t have all day.” Said Flastrdra in a haughty tone and turned to look angrily at Edward: “If that bitch is somewhere around here and you don’t point her to me, I’ll roast you up into pieces…” she continued hurling insults to Edward while the viera woman rushed inside.

It took about five minutes until the viera woman returned. Seeing that Flastrdra was still busy cursing, she bowed and waited for her to finish. Flastrdra continued for about one more minute before turning to look at her.

“Please head inside, your highness.” Said the woman once Flastrdra focused her attention on her.

Flastrdra snorted and led Edward towards the cave entrance. There, an unexpected problem occurred. The cave entrance was large enough for Flastrdra to enter, but it was blocked with wooden planks, leaving only a normal person space to enter.

Edward gave Flastrdra a worried look, but she acted like she didn’t notice it and clawed the entire wooden entrance while muttering: “There savages, not even making an entrance fit for this princess.”

Edward smile wryly and followed her inside. Feeling his arm heating up, he frowned but said nothing since there was still the woman from before following behind them. After a couple of twists and turns, they reached the end of the cave. There was another woman, dressed in a set of fine white robes, waiting for them. Edward also noticed that she appeared to be the only one without violet eyes.

Flastrdra gave Edward a look and Edward understood what she meant almost instantly. Sighing softly, he hit Flastrdra’s leg and pointed towards the leader of the viera.

“She? The audacity.” Said Flastrdra in a rage before turning towards the woman that led them there: “Get out and start choosing your new leader. If this bitch doesn’t give me an explanation today, you will need one.”

The woman that led them there was already sweating profusely and ran away like she was just pardoned from a crime.

The leader was still calm and said with a bow once the other woman had left: “Your highness, I don’t know what is going on, but I can assure you I am still pure. I welcome your highness to test it if it will quench your anger.”

Flastrdra chuckled and said: “Allow me first to apologize for my words earlier.”

The woman lifted her head with a surprised look. “Your highness?”

“It was all a ruse to speak with you in peace. We actually require your help.”

The woman appeared even more confused as she said: “But is there a need to go through all that? With your status, you could have just requested a meeting with me.”

“Will your people would have led the fugitive queen Flastrdra and a human to meet with you without informing people of my race?”

The woman’s expression finally changed, and she took a step back, unsure of what to do next. Flastrdra was declared a traitor to the dragon race as well as a fugitive. If her tribe were to help her and the dragon king found out, their entire tribe would be wiped out.

“You are a rational leader and must know the best way to solve this situation.” Said Flastrdra next.

The woman hang her head and pondered for a moment before looking up and asking: “How can I help you?”

Flastrdra turned to look at Edward, who was observing the situation from the side.

Edward bowed towards the woman and said: “A pleasure to meet you. I’ve come here to ask for your help. The situation is like this…”

The leader fell silent and hung her head after hearing Edward’s story. She then shook her head and looked up at the two: “I apologize, but what you want to know pertains to a secret of my race and can’t tell you.”

“Are you sure that is your choice, little girl?” asked Flastrdra, her eyes contracting dangerously.

The girl seemed unafraid as she shook her head and said: “Killing me will serve no purpose. My people will just pick a new leader. After all the commotion from before, they are probably already doing this, and I don’t value my life enough to betray my sisters. I think it’s also in your majesty’s best interest to not cause too big of a commotion.”

“But isn’t Violet one of your sisters as well?” asked Edward, hoping to convince her to help, but the girl’s expression didn’t change at all.

“Just the offspring of a traitor. Is there anything else I can help you both with?”

Edward clenched his fists in anger and turned to look at Flastrdra for help, but the dragon looked just as stumped as he was. When the two were at a loss, Fenrir’s clear voice resounded throughout the room.

[I’m taking over.]