Chapter 72
As I enter the dream state this time, I’m surprised when I find myself back at the orc training room.
I actually should set a goal to find out if there are other areas in here, and if there are other secrets.
Sunghee and Fox Girl are sparring together. They are using Sunghee’s spell skills to have summoned weapons of some kind made of energy like I’d seen her use before. It’s very surprising. When the weapons hit each other there are tons of sparks in many colors showering over the whole area. They also move as if in a dance with perfectly in sync with each other.
They seem to get along well and have great flow together from a lot of trust. It’s pretty amazing.
It’s beautiful.
It seems that Fox cheats a lot though using her magic. Sometimes when Sunghee gets too close to hitting her and puts her in a tight spot she does this quick gravity jump thing. I’m not sure what kind of skill it is, since I’ve never seen such things before. But when she uses it, it’s like she’s very quickly in another place usually behind Sunghee’s unguarded back.
I guess because of the shared mana pool regeneration rate Fox doesn’t have to worry about recharging her power anymore.
But Sunghee is used to watching for such visual trickery and underhanded tricks and immediately parries the blow. After I realize the point isn’t to be seen like a knight, but rather to survive I change my mind about it being underhanded. Actually she is just practical and doesn’t care what others think in the process.
They do seem a bit happier than before.
But do I take that to mean they are fully with me? Recent events have led me to believe so. Perhaps I need to investigate it a bit to see how far they will go?
“Eh? I thought we would end up back in the demon realm?” I asked.
“Heck no! You have to remember this is based on the demon box as the convergence of power and entities, not the demon realm itself being a focus at all. Think of the demon realm and its power like fuel, but not the steering wheel or the engine. The convergence is also the focal point and where all the energy is concentrated too. Where did you think we’d end up?” Fox’s nose is scrunched up.
“Eh? I wondered about that actually. But you have an idea how engines work is surprising,” Sunghee said.
“Of course I do. Bending reality means seeing and studying other realities,” Fox said quickly. She wouldn’t say more about it than that, however.
“Well…” I shook my head. It was too confusing to know everything all at once.
“I thought we’d end up in the demon realm too, actually?” Sunghee shrugged. She’d put down her weapon and was breathing hard. She stretches out and her arms are reaching out and up. She’s trying to push her bust out as she stretches taking in a deep breath.
Wow she is starting this game early huh? I didn’t realize how fixated she was on me. Her posture is very comfortable and close to me. She also avoids looking at or facing Fox when I’m around. Often I find her staring at me. Plus, its worse because of the pheromones; and she might have been fixated on me in the first place just from saving her.
Sunghee is dressed like she is a student of our school now. I can’t help but think the school uniform is tight however. They walk over to me. I’m secretly disappointed that she’s buttoned up the front. But when Fox isn’t looking she does undo the top two buttons, winking at me.
“Uh oh. Did something happen?” As usual Fox can pick up on these things easily, seeing the strained look on my face.
I start to explain the situation to them. After a long time and feeling tired of talking I finally finish. I did leave out the confession from Asakura however. But eventually they will probably catch on that I am close to both Rina and Asakura.
I’m not sure if that will be a good reaction or bad one?
“Wow. That’s a lot to take in,” Sunghee says. She’s scratching her chin.
“Yeah, I think so too,” I agreed.
“I guess it’s up to me again huh?” Fox looks a little smug, but she’s also trying to be helpful.
“You sure get into a lot of trouble,” Sunghee says smirking. She gives me a look like I’m a bad boy. Sometimes her leg brushes up against mine playfully while we sit and talk together.
Suddenly Fox starts talking animatedly. “I keep finding myself bailing you out don’t I? How could one of my disciples find trouble all the time?”
Sunghee echoed after her. “We do feel like you are so much trouble lately though it isn’t your fault. Of course I wish I could say that, but we’re just glad you are safe. But wow the frustrations keep mounting up don’t they?” she cringes and looks like she’s ready to tear out her hair.
“So what do we do? Please try to remember these scenarios are because we live in an evil world. It’s not my fault,” I asked.
“That’s true, sorry,” Fox and Sunghee both ended up apologizing.
“He could just pull out and rest in the demon realm for awhile right?” Sunghee suggests. She looks to Fox for confirmation. She’s pacing and has her hands on her hips. She doesn’t take her eyes off me.
She nods, “the problem is if he does that Rina and Asakura whoever they are, won’t be pulled over to this side yet. They are still not connected to his job skills as a Demon Summoner, or to the demon box yet.”
“Don’t you mean Soul Summoner?” I asked.
“Whatever, I’m tired of discussing which hieroglyphic it belongs too,” Fox sighs.
I don’t say anything against what she said after that, but something about being called a demon summoner really scares me.
“I am curious too if the meaning actually means Soul Summoner or Demon Summoner. There could be a big difference in the meanings of each,” I said.
“Nope, we’re your sex slaves! Sex Slave Summoner is OK to say to me directly,” Sunghee cries out happily.
I then just realized that Fox Girl didn’t get upset or object to it. The pheromones really do work!
I think both of them notice my eyes widening.
Fox gives her a scandalous look. Then with her mouth hanging open addresses me, “uh, she doesn’t speak for everyone OK?” But why did she hesitate to say that so long?
I can’t help but laugh at her reaction. “Yeah I understand.” Fox looks a bit uncomfortable and squirmy so I added, “don’t worry.”
Weird girl. Why is Sunghee so happy about it? I guess that means she’s totally wild huh? Or just loyal to a fault in a very obsessed way…or are the pheromones this much fun, I mean power? Seriously they even affected my thinking.
Fox is still as surprised as I am by her reaction. She then hits her in the arm.
“What?!” Sunghee asked.
I forget how beautiful Sunghee is sometimes. If you opened up a fashion or glamour magazine with a bunch of glamorous girls on it, she’d totally pass for one of them.
“Let’s not make our life any more difficult than it already is,” Fox said to her. Fox is making her realize something she said was off. But Sunghee seems to not realize what she’s said.
“I don’t get it?” Sunghee said.
Are they experiencing friction? They were like totally inseparable before.
Fox steps directly between her and me so that Sunghee doesn’t see me now.
“Shun is my disciple, my mage apprentice. I am not a sex slave,” Fox says proudly, as if she were in charge. I guess that’s how she was dealing with accepting our mutual situation. Actually I should have predicted her pride reaction. Still, she did show acceptance of me so that’s good.
“Whatever. Let’s figure this thing out,” Sunghee winks. I couldn’t help but notice there was nothing showy about her winking, and it was as long and as drawn out as possible. “Preferably as soon as possible.”
Oh my hell, she’s just like a more extreme version of Rina in her clingy nature. Crap…that was the last thing I needed. If both of them were together I’d be in so much trouble. They’d probably kill each other too. I would have to keep them separate till I could figure out a way to have them not fight.
With Asakura, she was so dignified and lady like that Rina wanted to be like her so much that everything was smoothed out. Plus the fact that Rina wanted a mother like figure and without realizing it Asakura sometimes did fill that role partly…
But Sunghee and Rina were both very aggressive. I’d have to think on this some more.
“Shun…” she winks at me again.
My mouth hangs open in shock again. She is very open about these kinds of things…
Fox blushes, “please. Let’s focus on the matter at hand.” She rolls her eyes, looking at me with an inside look that’s something like, ‘I can’t believe this kid.’
“So he only has one sex slave slot left right? Should he put in Asakura or his sister? It’s kind of an interesting question right?” Sunghee says. She’s thinking about it seriously. She looks down and mutters something.
“Or he could wait and save it for someone else?” Fox smiled at me hopefully.
“But you are already in here with me, you don’t need to worry about being left out,” Sunghee protested.
Fox’s cheeks turn crimson, “th-that’s not what I meant.”
“But they are people I’m…responsible for,” I said bringing them back on track. Seriously if I’m not careful they will always go off on a tangent.
“Ah, that’s true,” came back the reply.
“But shouldn’t it be better to focus on how to keep alive on that side? Talk me through it,” I suggested. “What’s the strategy that will help me...and us... survive the best?”
“He should totally summon me right?” Sunghee slaps Fox on the back with a toothy smile designed to cultivate favor.
Did she just shake her chest at me? It was very subtle. I wasn’t sure if I’d seen it or not, but then there’s a wink right after that.
If thinks kept going like this I was going to have to be very careful about being alone with Sunghee.
But Fox frowns. “Unfortunately we need to take it slow. It takes a lot of mana to summon a minion. The first time summoning a minion will take a huge amount of mana too. With his recent condition its not a good idea. It will take more mana to summon someone than it will to heal someone.”
“For real?!” My mouth is agape. Crap. Wow there was so much I didn’t know still.
“Unfortunately yes, ‘for real’,” Fox again nods.
“Guess that’s a no?” Sunghee asks.
“Well boosting your skills right now is probably the best thing. We’ll get there eventually but he’s at a critical point where if he screws up he can damage his mana core. It needs to get used to all this new stuff and stabilizes,” Fox sadly admits. “Of course I want out too.”
“So how do you know all this stuff? Did your mother or someone in your family teach you this?” I asked.
Fox nods. “Well to make a long story short several family members taught me. But this is like farming in a way. Think about how the seed grows. It uses adversity to toughen up its stem and roots. Then it grows, but without enough heat and adversity the stems and roots will be weakened while the top is still growing. At some point the encumbrances on the top get so big on the weak stem and roots that the whole plant dies; like a tomato plant especially. That’s the position you are in right now Shun.”
“Eh? So it’s like that?” Sunghee said.
I scratch my head. I didn’t want to be compared to a weak stemmed tomato plant but she was making a point to help me avoid being like that.
“Yeah I hate to say it, but you still have to consider the ‘what if’ situation of if Sunghee is right? ‘What if’ there is a triage situation where the dwarves die and you are about to be overrun? You will then have to retreat to this side and then find a back door into the normal world through the demon realm,” Fox says.
“Is that really possible to do a back door?” I asked.
“It is but…you’d lose that Rina girl, and what’s her name…Asaku something?” Fox says.
“Asakura,” I corrected. “Sorry Sunghee. Hang tight OK.”
“Wow I never thought you’d end up defending me?” Sunghee is looking at her strangely. “Aren’t you supposed to be my rival?”
“You know I want to avoid that problem at all cost. These are people that are helping me survive too. I can’t just ditch them.
“You wish,” Fox says. “You’ll never beat me. You’ve got skills, but I can move faster. I have more cheaty moves too.”
“Wanna make a bet?” Sunghee replies cheekily. She kind of made a prodding motion at her with her hip.
Did they hear a thing I said?
“Ladies, focus,” I cleared my throat. “We only have till morning to have this worked out. I need a good plan for dealing with the dwarves’ issues.”
“For starters we should up your skills, while I think of a strategy. Regardless of what you do, always upping your magic combat and physical combat skills together will keep you alive. Good mages don’t ignore the physical reality aspect of non-magic combat training,” Fox says.
She tosses me one of her summoned energy swords. They are strangely heavy, but I can’t figure out why. Fox seems to wield them as if they are nothing. When she swings them they are easily extremely fast and powerful. As she swings at me, I duck and she ends up taking a big chunk out of the stone masonry wall near me.
“Eh? I’ve only seen a few mages pull off something like that,” Sunghee says studying it. She’s careful not to get to close.
“OK, let’s do this,” Fox says eyeing me with a look of fascinated pain.
Uh oh...
She makes me practice my martial skills significantly. Rather than being nice she is extremely forceful and violent to the point of sometimes Sunghee having to intervene and intercept a blow or two that would have smashed my skull into cherry pie splatter.
“Easy Fox, he’s a newb still. You have to be careful,” she reminds her. Sunghee is unexpectedly very reliable. She makes Fox back off and not attack so strong or so fast but it doesn’t last very long before she’s right back up to the same old tricks.
By now I’m sure she had a tough childhood.
“Can’t we go a bit…slower?” I asked for mercy. My hands feel all sore too. Every time she hits my weapon with hers the rebound kills my arm bones.
But Fox is more demanding than before. “Tell that to the goblins. I hate goblins,” she hisses in return.
It makes me wonder if I should have said they were a different kind of creature instead. She’s getting really harsh with her criticism of my arm and footwork too.
“Put more arm into that block. Yeah, lift the elbow. If you have your feet like that, they’ll get you off balance and cut you in half,” she barks.
“Easy Fox, he’s just a kid,” Sunghee again says. Yet again she intervenes. But for Sunghee to intervene so well…has she done this type of harsh training before? She also doesn’t falter but stays right on top of things.
She is careful to make me go over my footwork though. She works on helping me realize whenever I move, if I’m attacked while moving I can be put off balance easy. It then in turn can mess up my defense. She also makes me practice using the runic shield with it. We also work on properly focused sword movements. Sometimes she cuts up and bashes the runic shield. But she doesn’t waste my mana too much. Occasionally she kicks me.
Occasionally Fox’s energy sword cuts a gaping hole in the shield. It’s scary when the blade gets too close to my face.
“Caught you open again,” she warned, chiding me.
I use a heal spell every now and then because of my hands getting blistered and bruises on my legs from her kicks.
“I’m only doing this because I care,” she says with a tough love attitude.
“I’m not an alcoholic mom and don’t need tough love,” I said sarcastically.
Sunghee laughs.
She also says later the training applies to the axe as well. She intends to make me go pro on both of them so I can be versatile. I’m a bit surprised on why she’s making me learn her energy sword wielding techniques. It’s a good weapon, but it’s a spell really manifested into a physical form. It’s also something that attracts a lot of attention because of how much it glows and all the sparks it throws off.
“But the good side of this is with your heals you can take more pain, and go longer,” Fox says while smiling.
I feel my spirit evaporate hearing it.
Still every time I want to protest she makes sure to cut me off, with various remarks or by becoming more aggressive in sparring.
I’m then informed by a stick tapping on my shoulder from Sunghee that I still am not properly balanced. She goes over a few things like Fox already told me and then some. I’m surprised that Fox tolerates it but she does. I then find out Sunghee is better at martial skills than Fox is.
That must be why Fox used that stepping skill earlier, I reasoned. She did it to avoid Sunghee overwhelming her. In the end it was much harder for Sunghee against magic however.
I am getting tired of this repetitiveness but they are both against me it seems. I feel persecuted as they take turns going against me and forcing me to work harder. At first they’d used a certain order and type of sword strokes but then it got changed as I got used to the speed and type of attacking.
“This is a typical empire traditional attack pattern,” Sunghee teaches.
“Empire?” I probed, hoping she’d tell me more.
“It’s not really important to go over the history right now. Suffice it to say, about a thousand years ago there were three human led empires in this area. The Egyptians are one of them. The other two, which were more powerful are already crushed,” Fox Girl said.
“Dang. I didn’t know that,” Sunghee admits.
“So is that why the Egyptians are so…aggressive?” I wondered aloud.
“It could be. It might not be the only reason but their seeing the other two go down in the face of monster and demon swarms wouldn’t have helped any,” Fox said.
“What a shitty world,” I said.
“Get used to it. That’s how it is on this world; so back to your technique. This sword technique has been worked over the years and many types of creatures emulated this technique and taught it to their descendants. It’s not so much that the technique does anything special, but rather it’s got good foundation for teaching people the basics.”
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I’m forced to go over it again and again and again. Then I am forced to over every skill I have several times. I have to stop and keep healing the palms of my hands every now and then from the hellish blisters that have formed.
“They’re just goblins. You are grinding me to the dust as if they are world champion fencers!” I protested.
“Just goblins?! Do you realize that goblins have been the backbone support of why the orcs are winning so much territory over the last fifty years?!” Fox yells too loudly.
“Hey, attention over here! Bad kid!” she tries to give me a terribly over powered head flick. I duck just in time, but have to redouble my defense efforts. She’s way too strong.
“But will….goblins …know of such things as the sword attack patterns you are teaching me?” I panted.
“Their joints are a bit different than humans too, so there will be some differences,” Sunghee says, thinking aloud while picturing something in her mind.
“Ah that’s true! I hadn’t thought about that!” Fox is strangely intellectually curious; so a new thought like this has her very animated now.
“But the main point is that you aren’t learning a super move but getting solid defense basics and so on. The goblins will be aiming for the same,” Sunghee says.
A light levity kind of atmosphere settles in. After awhile I can finally feel they are both with me and trying to help. Fox lets her guard down and accidentally smiles more than once. But despite being nicer she has to force herself to teach me properly.
She’s ruthless and makes me go over it still though, “maybe not directly. They aren’t traditionally educated like other species’. The same goes for orcs, but they are survivors and traits and skills of survivors are emulated still and taught even among goblins. They just might not know where it comes from or who came up with it. Learning the sword will help you deal with them, since they aren’t used to fighting bold opponents without using trickery, stealth, or ambushes.”
“Ah crap, so goblins are that type of creature?” I sulked.
“Creatures like that are more likely to make you run around, rather than fighting out in the open. They like sneaky stuff and trying to trick people,” Fox admits. “But you can still deal with them effectively. I think a sword will be better for them in the long run too, since they are more likely to have stuff that an axe may have trouble with. By switching over to a sword you will be able to improve and up your attack speed a bit. That can make a difference against poison users.”
“What?! Poison? When were you going to tell me goblins use poison? All this time nobody has said anything and I’ve been fighting them more than a day?” I cried out.
“You didn’t know that?” Sunghee asked. She gives Fox an odd look.
“Well the dwarves you were with probably did want to tell you but they didn’t speak your language. They also probably don’t have a lot of medical supplies so they couldn’t do much even if you were poisoned. Dwarves are resistant to poison and disease too; that may have made them overlook it, since they would take it for granted,” Fox said.
I sighed. “This is hard. I need a concrete plan and be able to get back with a better chance to survive and keep Rina and Asakura, not to mention survive myself, safe.”
“I’m glad you are protecting your friends,” Sunghee reaches in and gives me a wet kiss on the lips. She has to jump back though, as Fox glares at her and swipes at her to get her away.
“Yeah you should get with the program, buddy. It’s guaranteed in a goblin platoon that least one of them will have access to poison. But luckily enough they usually aren’t economically stable enough for all of them to have poison on their weapons,” Fox explains.
“Is that supposed to make me feel any better?” I asked upset.
I’m suddenly very worried. I do have the recently acquired cure disease spell. But I don’t know if it works for poison. Suddenly I’m worried about this.
Fox Girl nods. “It’s good you asked us now instead of later.”
We then spend several minutes discussing training for using it. It seems you can practice using it and still gain some skill with it in use, even if someone doesn’t carry a disease. It does have limitations however; you lose some effectiveness using it for poison instead of disease.
We ended up practicing it on Sunghee even though she’s not poisoned. I can feel the mana pulse when I use it. It feels very different from heal mana. It’s like it’s not healing but designed to pull dirt out of the body. In fact, Fox tells me to picture that idea in my mind while using it. I work on it a bit and find it also uses less mana than a normal heal spell does.
After working on that I practice using the buff strengthening spell I’d also learned, and of course the runic shielding got its practice time too. Fox makes me use both of them on both her and Sunghee often. For some reason since it’s a targeting party member spell to strengthen allies its necessary to try to touch someone else when using both it and the cure disease spell. Fox is careful and has me touch her hands to use it.
Fox blushes after awhile while I’m holding her hands. She’s after all made me hold both of them. She has her hands over mine and suddenly I find our fingers interlocked. She doesn’t let me pull away, but keep practicing the cure disease and the buff both now.
Is this normal to train this way?
Shouldn’t it be on a dummy or something?
“This feels weird,” Fox whispers under her breath strangely while she’s having me practice on her hands.
“Really? I don’t think it’s that weird,” I said defensively.
“You smell strange,” Fox sniffs at me a few times. “Can’t figure it out, but it’s not right somehow.”
Is that…nah it couldn’t be…
“Hey that’s not fair. I want a turn!” Sunghee pouts impatiently.
“You’ll get a turn don’t worry. As a master, it’s my duty to spend time with my disciple,” Fox says with dignity.
“Please continue,” she adds looking at me.
Sunghee snickers, but then gets kicked by Fox. “Bwueh,” after that she’s quiet.
After about twenty minutes, Sunghee gets impatient.
She pushes Fox out of the way, finally. “OK, my turn.” She gets a bit too close. She’s resumed a position similar to Fox had been doing with me with my hands over hers to practice the cure disease spell.
“How do I know when this one will be ready and strong enough?” I asked to Fox alternating it with some of the other weaker spells. She’s looking a bit sleepy. Uh oh, her narcolepsy is setting in again. Her head starts to nod off.
Sunghee notices it and changes position. She knocks me back and then forces me to put my hand on her chest. She opens up the top three buttons on her shirt and she tries to put my hand inside. I’m dangerously close to feeling her boob directly.
“What are you doing?” I protest and try to pull away. She’s fighting it of course. It’s weird that she wants me to feel it. Her hands are clamped down on my wrists now.
“Stop fighting it. I deserve a reward,” she whispers.
Fox is nodding off but interrupted by Sunghee, “Hey Fox, he’s trying to cheat and get away from practicing,” she tries to lie and tattle tale on me. Fox is too tired to look.
“Liar,” I tried to say but Sunghee cuts me off.
“You have to do it right. Your hand must be in contact with the skin. We have to practice your magic effectively! People who don’t do their homework become a failure!” she admonished tiredly.
Fox doesn’t look up, and her eyes are closed. “Yeah,…no….cheating. Do it…right. Slackers never…” She is fully asleep so quickly.
Sunghee is very forceful now. I’m surprised. She is forcing my hand against her heart and I feel my virtue bleeding as suddenly it’s fully on her boob. “OK practice healing! Do it now!” she orders. She’s giving me a look like she’s drunk.
“Hey cut it out!” I protest.
“Do I have to have Fox punish you?” She whispers. “You know I will…”
“Please!” I plead. That threat wasn’t fair. She knew I needed her to spot Fox in sparring from getting to rough. Fox was so forceful on just the sword practice. I begin casting cure disease and the buffs on Sunghee’s boobs.
But it makes me wonder. The buff creates a stat increase. If it’s tweaked for a specific body part directly what will happen?
I’m turning red in the face now and trying to say mantras and counting in my head to avoid being turned on by Sunghee’s boldness; it seems she’s trying to make me hers. I must never be alone with her or I’ll be in trouble for sure.
We wrestle for a few minutes. I’m trying to get away. Sunghee is stronger than I am from martial training over several years. I fail at retreating. She giggles and now we’re tickling each other. I cast cure disease spells every few minutes. But she is still trying to force me to have my right hand on her boob. Then she suddenly grabs the other one. I’m also losing the tickle fight. We collapse into more giggles and laughing.
Oh no!
She then pushes open her shirt more and she puts my left hand on the other boob with her forceful strength. Since I was trying to get away she elbows me in the gut to stun me. She’s an expert; apparently she can do it to stun me without causing real harm. She’s also had many years practicing swordsmanship while I’ve only been a student. She’s able to force her way easily.
Has she studied wrestling and judo too?
I recover but find I’m incredibly turned on. Sunghee is now French kissing me. Her jaw is like a steel trap trying to push me down. I keep losing to her strength. She’s trying to eat me fiercely and sucking on my mouth as much as she can. I’m afraid it will hurt; she’s so fierce and feisty.
“Wow, you taste good,” she shivers. She’s giving me a hungry predator look. “Keep practicing your skills,” she barely manages to say.
Oh heck. Why was I trying to get away? While casting more heal spells, I’m suddenly enjoying this. Sunghee’s boobs are wonderful.
We are then nearly caught when Fox girl, about five feet behind Sunghee’s back wakes up. “Oh I fell asleep. What was I thinking?”
Sunghee pulls out of our kiss just barely in time and pulls back from having pushed me down. She’s still looking at me oddly though. It’s like the look of a zombie looking at meat. It seems she’s barely coherent. Is this the effect of the pheromones? Maybe they are dangerous?
Sunghee is now staring off into space. Her tongue is hanging out too. Unexpectedly she blinks a few times and pulls out of it. Sunghee grabs my hands and we resume the normal position sitting cross legged across from each other. Since Fox can only see Sunghee’s back, she can’t see that Sunghee is openly showing me her erect nipples. They manage to stay out of sight just barely from Fox, with so many buttons undone. But to me the view is too much.
I squirm a lot. It’s too much temptation. Plus her nipples it seems are always erect.
“You know you should spam these skills as much as you can as long as you don’t compromise the mana for the next day,” Fox admonishes while drawing something in the ground with a stick and her back towards us. It looks like she’s writing, but she’s forgotten how sexually aggressive Sunghee can be. “The more you cast these types of things, the more powerful it will get.” Any second she will notice what’s going on.
But is Fox somehow affected too? She doesn’t notice how things are going wrong, but she should be a lot more alert. It’s a strange weird unnatural feel almost like a real dream instead of an inner dimensional pocket. But I can’t explain why.
“You mean the mana core over our heart or the spell itself getting stronger?” I asked curiously. I tried to pull away my hand but Sunghee is pushing it down over her heart again. She won’t let me pull away from bare contact with her skin. I feel embarrassed. Somehow I’m holding her breast again with one hand, while the other is putting up a show of trying to do what we were supposed to be doing in the first place.
I pull away again. But Sunghee forces it back over her breast. She looks at me angrily and even hisses.
What? Was that pure aggression? I’m suddenly worried. Sunghee isn’t acting human and strangely animalistic with a hunger in her eyes.
“Both,” Sunghee says hiccuping. Her reaction time is also slower in responding, between trying to French me.
“Eh? You know about stuff like that?” Fox is surprised. She thinks Sunghee is talking about the mana core details, but she obviously meant both of something else.
But Sunghee frowns, “that was…right before I was… captured.” It’s surprisingly the only time I’ve seen her frown.
“I’ve been in parties with mages before.... At one point we had a beginner apprentice and an advanced apprentice together… They often talked about how to get stronger… Even just a couple dozen practices can significantly up the effect over time,” Sunghee adds shivering, almost unnoticeable. “But I don’t know the specifics of how they build spells and acquire spells. I don’t know how to increase your mana heart’s strength either…”
“Mana heart? Or Mana core?” I asked looking to Fox.
“They’re the same thing really, just different names. Are you OK? You seem like your acting funny?” Fox asked Sunghee innocently. She sounds sleepy.
“Oh, uh, yeah, sorry…I guess I’m tired too. I’ll work hard though. You already did a lot,” she replied.
Fox turns back to me. “Yeah, uh where was I…hmm, what was it again? Lost my train of thought,” she said. Then a few seconds later she speaks up again, “gosh, it’s like I’m in this brain fog right now. I…can’t…think…concentration is bad.”
“You’re feeling it…too?” Sunghee asks. She has already stopped trying to French kiss but only so Fox won’t notice. Her mouth and lips are twitching like a goldfish.
I’m terribly afraid Fox will catch me playing with one of Sunghee’s boobs.
“Hmm…feel tired…but less sleepy than before.” Fox shakes her head. Without realizing she’s a bit wobbly. “I wonder if I’m getting sick?” without realizing it she’s suddenly scratching her boobs through her illusion clothes. Then she scratches between her legs, also shivering.
No way! The pheromones are way stronger than I’d thought them to be! To affect Fox Girl, who has naturally high magic resistance is amazing! Holy shit! That’s why they are both acting like they are drunk! I’d seen evidence of them before. But it always amazes me how easily they disarm others. I hadn’t touched either of them that much either.
“You were saying something about a mana heart,” I said.
Neither of them respond for about ten seconds. Fox is still scratching at her own boobs. Sunghee moaned just then, though she tried to keep it quieter.
Suddenly she responds and shrugs, “that’s what a lot of humans call it. Some call it a second heart. We vaguely alluded to it when I mentioned it when you got manaburn.” She’s not as affected as Sunghee is. Sunghee is now pinching her nipples on the sly. I’m surprised. She tries to hide it when Fox is looking away. But when Fox looks this way she re-positions herself to hide it. She has her shirt open totally wide open now still though; too much to not notice.
Uh oh.
Fox will definitely notice soon and my fear of being caught is pretty high since Fox is so powerful. When she does, of course I will pay the price.
But Fox suddenly scratches her head with one hand and has forgotten she still has one hand on her right boob. She’s not taking it off, and starts licking her lips. Is it just me or did she like, almost waver as she stood there, as if she was about to stumble.
Somehow all this time I’ve still been casting cure disease on Sunghee.
“Yeah I remember that,” I confirmed.
While doing so I accidentally lean the energy sword that Fox gave me into the dirt floor. I’m very surprised when I inspect it later to find it’s melted the sandy floor into a puddle of glass and made a strange burning ash smell in the air.
We have to be careful to not step in the molten glass.
“Wow, I didn’t know it could do that?” Sunghee bends closer to look at it carefully. Fox Girl doesn’t notice that her shirt is open now? Weird.
Those must be some really powerful pheromones.
Fox looks at me carefully, and then back at the sparking mana sword that she’s borrowed to look at more closely, “how’d you make it get so hot? Mine doesn’t get that hot.” Are we still talking about the swords or…pheromones?
Of course she had to have meant the sword. The pheromones can even distract me it seems.
I slap myself into reality. I got so distracted I lost my train of thought. Her other hand is still on her boob. Somehow she and Sunghee are getting high off the pheromones it seems. They don’t even know they are touching themselves right now they are so high.
She then looks at the sword deeply. “Ah, it’s combined the magic power from both of us together into it. It was summoned and being fueled by my mana, but then you put some of yours into it and that boosted the effect. Seriously this thing will do some serious hurt.” Her hand just twitched? Or was it my imagination. She then drops the energy weapon on the ground. She looks dazed.
And she was having me spar with that thing this whole time?! I’m looking at it too but just suddenly realized I was super lucky I didn’t touch the blade of Fox’s weapon when we were training earlier. If I had I probably wouldn’t have an arm left, but a charred stump instead. It’s a terribly over powered weapon.
Now I finally have a good goblin weapon. All I have to do is talk her into letting me borrow it.
This could definitely work for chasing them out of the cavern. As long as I don’t burn myself with it; the danger of scraping it by my arm or one of the others gives it a lot of drawbacks. I am reconsidering if its too dangerous to use.
I thought I detected a twitching motion of Fox Girl’s hand on her boob. Sure enough about two seconds later it starts again this time more noticeably. She then clears her throat. Then she’s rubbing it without hiding it about ten seconds later. She’s acting like she’s in the bathroom alone!
She shouldn’t be willing to let herself be seen like this!
Sunghee grabs my hands and places them on her boobs again. It seems it feels therapeutic to her. She begins making me massage them in a circular motion.
“This feels so good,” Sunghee said thickly.
“Oh, you know I have to pee really bad,” Fox says very slowly. With no warning, suddenly she’s gotten rid of the robe and is sitting frog legged with her legs open in front of me completely naked. She pushes her hip forward toward towards me and then starts peeing in the dirt. She’s now openly showing me her rose petals while leaning back. The steady golden liquid keeps flowing for some time while she has a look like she’s sleep walking.
Wow. This is way more than I’ve bargained for.
Sunghee has somehow started crying, “I need you Shun! I need you so much!” she then hugs me forcefully taking off her shirt and throwing it on the ground. She’s hugging me directly and so tightly I can’t get away. Wow she’s really strong.
It’s the strength of cultivating a warrior spirit over the years.
It’s wonderful…somehow my hands are like moving on their own. Without noticing it, somehow I’ve ended up with my clawed hands latched onto Sunghee’s nipples. It’s almost like my hands have started moving on their own.
“Eh? How’d that happen?” I whisper in shock. I’m a bit scared because my hands were acting like someone else was moving them.
“I need you Shun!” Sunghee says again, and is bawling now and taking off her clothes. Uh oh, this is getting out of hand fast. Unlike Asakura’s loving calm peacefulness, this is like…aggressive openness.
Need? What did that mean?
Fox Girl is staring off into space still. She doesn’t bother to put her clothes back on. “You know Shun…I’ve always liked your face. You have a nice face. It kind of reminds me of a fox person’s face.” She says it thick tongued and really slowly while looking at me in the eyes.
By now I’m trying to openly keep Sunghee off me but it’s not working very well. She’s trying to wiggle her hip against mine. Right now I’ve got my clothes on, and she doesn’t. She’s trying to disrobe me.
But what kind of relationship is this? It’s actually bothering me. I don’t like one night stands. I’ve always thought people were healthiest in family relationships and didn’t like the idea of just going anywhere with anyone. I want to make sure this isn’t like something that I will feel bad and get hurt if they want to disappear later. Will the pheromones still make them my allies if I go all the way or will it end there? There are a lot of possibilities that could happen. I still haven’t seen a skill yet that is to ‘stabilize’ the slaves, their mentality being held to me, or for permanency of the pheromones right? Or have I? Will they go back to normal after this, stay the same, or will it get worse?
The pheromones are too strong and seem unstable. My brain fog is getting worse too, now that I realize I’m in one too.
I needed to get out of here fast. It’s too early. I liked Fox and Sunghee but this was happening so quickly. I needed to slow it down. I found myself intoxicated by the idea of three women, but it scared me that it was getting out of control this fast.
Somehow I needed to get control back.
Weird. My dick has swollen unnaturally large too. I can’t seem to keep it from poking out. It’s straining against my pants.
Is it bigger than before too?
I’m afraid of what I’ll do. I feel like it’s like my self control is almost completely gone. Unless I keep my body muscles tight throughout my body I’ll end up latching onto Sunghee and Fox. It’s like holding back a waterfall.
I can hang on, I told myself.
As long as I can make sure the girls are with me permanently first then it should be all right to be with them right?