Chapter 77
The camp around us is wrecked.
“Jeez, what a freaking mess,” Asakura said seeing the whole place.
“She’s right. Man, there’s a lot of shit everywhere,” Rina admits.
They are both sizing up the damage and trying to figure out how to get their morale up enough to start.
“You know I hope you can develop some magic skills for cleaning stuff up,” Asakura said.
She has a point. That would be super useful. Even if you were an archmage and had total power if you had to still toil and grind your bones away cleaning and farming what’s the point of all that power…
“The tents are intact at least, but I can see a few of them are banged up,” I said.
“That’s good or I’d probably mutiny. I just want a clean dry place to sleep,” Asakura said. “I need at least that much to function.”
“Amen,” Rina echoed.
“Being able to sleep in peace is nice huh?” I admitted.
We’re surveying the site where the battle erupted.
There are guts everywhere from both goblins, and the dwarves. There isn’t a whole lot from us, thanks to the runic shielding spell. Technically the tents weren’t right on top of the battle site, but they were definitely close. But the collection, gathering, and sorting areas weren’t by our tent. Which was why our tent was still dry but the girls had lost all the stuff they’d scavenged.
“Do we know how many dwarves died yet?” I asked Asakura.
“Give me just a sec to find out for sure,” she replied.
Rina remains silent now that we’re talking about real life and death.
Part of me is anxious and resentful that we couldn’t save all of them. But in all fairness this was a super boss monster. To have any of us live was amazing already.
Asakura’s looking over the dwarves while we rest and I can see her making a tally in her head but because she hasn’t said anything yet I don’t know if she’s counting live or dead. It’s inevitable that I have to take a breather. The dwarves know it too.
But it’s a good thing because now I can see that the dwarves have their own medic too. There are two of them actually, but they don’t have magic. They are just using clean white bandages and some kind of chemical medicine paste on the wounds of the others.
We can see them working tirelessly even though they want to rest.
“Wish we can wash this filth off my overalls,” Asakura says to me. She puts her hand on my back, and it lingers there. She sort of gets closer and leans against me, very subtle like. I then feel her hand stroking the back of my neck too. Then somehow it’s turned into a massage.
“Oh that feels good,” I said.
“Nice job, you saved us. I know I can count on you,” she says.
Wow even with goblin guts on her she’s amazingly beautiful. I can’t help but notice her hand stays there, while we rest.
“So are you guys going to like make out now?” Rina says with flushed cheeks.
I don’t say anything but Asakura is furious. We both whirled and turn on Rina at about the same time. “You little devil! Man, I wish I had something to throw at you! Why do you do stuff like that?” Asakura has her hands on her hips.
I watch as they chase each other around for a bit. They are both playful and mischievous for awhile. The dwarves get a kick out of it too. At one point Asakura, who is more physically fit, pushes Rina to the ground. She wants to dunk her head in the pool, but can’t since we don’t know if the pool will infect us.
It’s too bad our clothes are ruined. We can’t change them but the goblin guts are awful.
“The water in there must be pretty deeply full of bad junk,” Rina says looking over into it.
“Get away from there. We still don’t have any way of knowing if the goblins are done attacking. Any minute stuff could start pouring through there again,” I barked.
Asakura pulls her away reluctantly.
We spend the next couple hours patching and cleaning everyone up and resting. It seems like the dwarves have decided to camp here for the night. They’ve put up small versions of some kind of one man pup tents up. Though dwarves are short, they have a lot of muscle mass and equipment so the tents are about the same size as they would be for a human.
I also can’t help but notice how orderly they are. The rows of tents are neat and in a certain pattern. I noticed they also kept the officers protected in the middle. They’ve done some kind of chemical solution to light a huge ass fire and are also burning the goblin bodies as best they can. What surprises me though is the slime filth secreted by that tentacle monster is actually flammable and some kind of oil. So while they burn the bodies they have to also be careful that they don’t have flaming spring, instead of a water spring.
How come the giant eye monster dissolved but his secreted slime didn’t? Is it like a harvest-able byproduct?
There are now stacks of goblins three bodies high on top of the burning structure. It looks bad when you can see their arms and legs sticking out of the fire, but at least they are already dead.
Well almost…
Turns out they found one goblin masquerading as dead. Apparently he was going to sneak out when the dwarf guards weren’t as alert, and when everyone was asleep. It might even be the one I’d wounded with a starry missile spell and couldn’t find.
The dwarf guards are chuckling as they haul this fellow kicking and screaming over to the burning goblin pile and throw him in head first. His screams ended pretty fast and scared the girls. But overall they didn’t have a choice; the goblins were trying to genocide us. If a creature was hell bent on genocide of others, they couldn’t have a conscience as a people. That’s really mind warping to think about actually.
How could as a whole the goblins so bad, they’d worship demons like that tentacle being?
Burning the bodies was a good thing, but I still found throwing a live goblin on the fire a bit distasteful. I can see why they felt justified however.
If we don’t this place will be full of disease and we don’t yet know when we’ll get out of here.
If that’s the case I may have to periodically spam cure disease on people just to make sure we don’t accidentally get a plague down here. I can’t risk not being proactive and working from a pre-maintenance view on life down here.
We’re also relieved when the dwarves come over and lend us a hand. They show us how to use some kind of chemical sanitation kit they use for after battles. It’s got some kind of primitive alcohol with wool and cotton wipes that they use, dipping it in the alcohol bottle and wiping the goblin filth off clothes, equipment, skin, face, and all over. Of course the whole setup, with a brush, two bottles of the chemical solution, some cleaning wipes, and some emergency bandages, and a sewing kit…for flesh (?), is all in a double sided metal container that almost looks like a Boy Scout mess kit. I’m also amazed at the consistency in that they’ve prepared enough gear for everyone to have first aid and clean up kits and nobody goes without.
But then we had to take turns changing clothes in the tent. The gnome overalls are probably going to be ruined. We’ll try to salvage them since we need everything we can. All that’s left is our former clothes and uniforms salvaged from the school we came from. But it doesn’t look good, though I admit I have no experience with this type of slime filth.
“Ah, we’re saved!” Rina cheers as we wipe each other down. Rina has to do herself, and is jealous when Asakura cleans me off. But first she cleans her face and hands. I wait, while watching her while she is making eyes at me. It reminds me she’s very interested in me.
I can’t help but think, ‘it’s about time’. We’ve really been like hit and miss for like the whole time we’ve been in this world. While looking into my eyes, she combs her hair back again and puts it in a pony tail. Then she comes to help me.
It feels really nice. She cleans my face first. I don’t particularly like alcohol though, because I’d seen a friend’s parent get into lots of trouble…but the alcohol solution as a cleaning agent feels good and like it’s purifying away the goblin filth from our fighting. It also feels good as the alcohol is evaporating off the skin.
It’s the kind of sleepy relaxing feeling you get when someone is cutting your hair. That’s how it feels as Asakura is cleaning me off.
“Rina you don’t mind giving us a minute do you?” Asakura asks.
“But I want to be here too,” she protested.
“I need a moment alone with Shun,” Asakura gave her a stern look.
“So do I.”
“Rina this is not negotiable,” Asakura said again.
Asakura started moving towards her so Rina surrenders.
To my astonishment, Rina is understanding, but only after a little bit of a push of course. She goes over to find one of the three dwarf tents that they’d set out for us to use. It’s amazing they even thought of us, since we’re outsiders. They must have noticed we don’t have hardly anything for supplies. With Rina over there, I also don’t have to worry about her being snatched while I’m having some time with Asakura.
Come to think of it…this is like the only time we’ve had private time. We had so many people wanting our time that there wasn’t anything else we could have done.
“That feels wonderful,” I said, as Asakura is helping me scrub off.
“Thank you. I’m glad I could help out. It’s the least I could do for all you’ve done,” she beams. She winks at me. Then I get a kiss on the forehead.
“You know I’m lucky to have you. Seeing Yuriko helped by Akira helped me to realize that. I want to tell you that and to be patient with me for needing time to realize that OK?” she squeezed my hand meaningfully.
We also both saw that in the end, Akira’s split did them more harm than if they’d stayed with us.
“No problem,” I said. I feel like I want to say something but it’s hard. I’m not good at being popular or social. What do other people say in this situation?
Her hands are also roaming over my neck with the cleaning solution. She also has to make sure she cleans my hair. She is careful and very thorough. I like the feeling of her hands on my skin. This is like when you go to a barber shop and you feel so good while they are cutting your hair that you start to feel really relaxed and sleepy.
“Sorry, I could do better if we had pure water,” she said. At some point she gets to a point where she’s becoming more relaxed and less inflamed in fear from the recent battle, but it takes some time.
But somehow I have to make sure I do this right. I’m worried about the effect of the pheromones. She’s touching me a lot. I’m sure this has a good chance of setting it off if her biology is anything similar to Fox and Sunghee. They were set off with less contact than this.
As she’s massaging me, I can’t help but her naked body is bumping into my back. It’s very soft.
She continues to wipe away tirelessly but as the minutes pass by she’s leaning onto me more and more. At first it was just a slight bump of the hips against my side and back. Then after a couple more minutes her forearms started brushing up against my shoulders and head more often while she’s combing my hair. Then I felt full on boobs pushing firmly into my back later on with even part of her weight. Because she’s now wearing a bulging out teenager’s school uniform with the top few buttons undone I can feel her almost as if she’s barely wearing a shirt at all; at least in terms of how she’s pushing up against me.
Is she doing it consciously or unconsciously?
I feel terribly nervous and conflicted.
It isn’t bad right?
I was going to be with Asakura anyway. We are good together. She’s stayed with me this whole time and there’s no one left. I decide I want to make her mine for good. I’d been under so much pressure that I hadn’t gotten a chance to ask her out on a date or return her affection from earlier. There were too many things that had popped up.
That’s bad.
It’s dangerous to neglect timing after someone invites you on a date. It wasn’t my fault though, seeing as how there were so many problems. Normally if you want to keep it going you have to make sure you do things right after and send a hint that you want it to continue right?
I wish I had more dating experience too. It wasn’t that I wanted more chances to fool around. I’m sure that would come along with the right girl, but I lacked knowledge of what steps to follow and how to even know if she liked you. I think most people don’t just want to surprise their dating partners either right? They want to be able to read signals and feel out how to go?
Also how do you like, make sure you go slow enough to make it last?
I’ve heard people that jump right to sex right away don’t bond well and will end up just divorcing each other? But I’ve also heard of other people that jump into physical relationship early and stay together just fine. I’m not sure which is true.
Maybe Rina might have some advice?
I’m worried about when is it OK to move ahead as it relates to having enough solidity and foundation to promote a lasting relationship. If you don’t know each other well enough will the relationship spoil?
I realize after thinking that, I must be completely exhausted to have a silly idea like that. I’m actually a bit sleepy, I think.
Rina’s advise would be something like, “Do her bro! Make sure you have sex at least ten times on the first date! Pop her cherry! Make sure she gets pregnant too.”
My thoughts are awoken when I realize Asakura is hugging me tightly again.
But we’re not done.
“I need a bit more time to get all the goblin filth off. I missed a spot,” she explains. Her face is kind of flushed as I sat on the rock.
I am starting to fall to sleep. It feels good, just sitting there. Her hands are comforting me while she cleans.
After a good half hour, I realize she should have been done already but her hands are still all over me. She’s now rubbing her chin and neck up against my face and neck from behind.
“This feels nice, like therapeutic even,” she said. Her chin is resting on the crook of my shoulder as she’s leaning into my back. Her clothes feel really thin and I can feel her body heat.
“Oh that feels good,” I said.
“Really? Do you like it?” she asks in a sweet whisper. She sounds almost giggly and bubbly now. She rubs her heavy boobs even fiercer into me now with only very thin material between us. Wow, they feel so big when she’s literally pushing them against me with no bra.
“Of course!”
She then wraps her legs around mine from behind as we sit together. It surprised me. She’s way too close. I can feel my heartbeat go up.
“We can do this anytime you want,” she kissed my head again.
“Shun, uh…are you mad at me?” she asked worriedly.
“Huh? No, why would you think that?” I asked.
“After the date, you remember? When we went to see the gnome kids and just walked around? You didn’t ask me out after that,” she said.
Ah crud. I’d been meaning to follow up on that. But things kept happening. Inwardly I was swearing fiercely. I didn’t think cussing in front of her would impress her though so I had to contain myself.
“So-sorry I meant to, but I was just having a hard time with so many problems and all the life and death events around us,” I said.
“A-are you…is that true?” she fumbled on her words.
“It’s true. I like when we go do stuff together. I liked when you asked me out too. I just have had to worry about keeping us alive and so I was trying to get to where it was safe enough for us to like continue,” I said.
“Oh thank goodness! I was afraid you were disappointed in me. I didn’t understand why you didn’t take me sooner.” She almost sobs out. She’s squeezing me super tight, both from her chest and from her legs. She’s teary eyed, from the sound of her voice. “I was so worried when you didn’t like try to do more or ask me out again after that. I was afraid I’d scared you away when I said those things to you around when we first got to the gnome’s village entrance.”
Is she crying? Err, was I supposed to ask her out? Does the older person ask the other out, the one with more resources, or should it always be the guy? Because Asakura back home was already started in life, I had wondered if she was going to ask me out for the next date. But if it was according to who was more stable here, maybe I should have asked her?
Plus on another world, all the previous types of rules and stuff get thrown out the window.
I clear my throat, what do I say? Think…talking to girls is way harder than it looks; especially really beautiful ones like Asakura. You might think that it’s easy but as the quality of the girl goes up, the risk goes up too. And as the risk goes up, so does the fear of have you overstepped your bounds.
I couldn’t risk losing Asakura. I think somehow she maybe also had feared the same thing after I’d started to show my mage skills. Thus, we were both going slow from worrying too much.
“Don’t worry, it’ll be OK. Also I want you to ask me whenever you want time. The truth is I’ve not got much experience. So I wasn’t sure how to even proceed,” I said.
“Ah, that makes sense,” I can feel her chin turning to face me. “You smell really, really good for some reason. What kind of cologne is that?” she suddenly said. It sounded like she’s confused or something trying to figure it out.
“Err, I’m not wearing cologne,” I said. That’s odd. Actually we should probably smell bad since we haven’t had a place with running water or electricity anytime recently; though we had been clean and bathed often still.
“Really?” She’s genuinely confused and not flirting with her reasoning, but she is flirting with her physical body movements. I can feel a very faint movement up and down my back with her upper chest.
I could hear her sniffing. “There’s something...smells nice...”
Oh, was this…ah she was getting the pheromone scent I think. Was that bad though it if was artificial? I felt really wary still of the pheromones. I didn’t know what they might do to others or myself.
The others hadn’t been aware of the smell.
Why is it different for her?
“Can we just sit like this for awhile?” she asked.
She held me tight for awhile still. It felt comforting. We were like that for about an hour, but a half hour into it I suddenly started to feel pretty horny.
But then something else happened.
“Hold still a sec,” Asakura said. She leans back for a sec, and I hear clothes rustling. She’d taken off her thin blouse! Now she’s completely bare, showing me everything from the waist up!
Then she leans back into me. It’s like doubly warm. I am feeling direct skin and her boobs pressing into my back. This feeling, I can’t even put in words. It’s every man’s dream to be able to lean into a boob pillow. It’s different from before. I can feel more.
“How does that feel?” she asked seductively.
“Are you…” but I was interrupted.
She giggled as a response. “I’ve got my blouse hanging only over my shoulders in case someone decides to walk by or come within sight of us. The front’s all open just for you,” she licks my ear. It tickles. Then she gives my ear lobe a small light playful bite.
“Wh-what if they see?” I asked in nervousness. I’m actually not sure what to do. My heart is racing. I’ve never been in this position before. We’re far enough from the dwarves they wouldn’t look over right away, I think. But…it was about a hundred meters away in an area of the tunnel where we knew there weren’t any goblins.
“I-I don’t care. I don’t know why. I should care. But I want you. Usually I’m like super conservative. But I feel like, I can’t wait,” She says excitedly.
By now she’s rubbing her boobs up and down and left to right over my back. She keeps doing this for a long time. It’s also more aggressive than before.
“Ohhhhhhh, hmmmmm,” she moaned almost so quietly I couldn’t hear. “Something about you, is just so…drawing me in.”
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“Oh that’s good,” I groaned quietly.
Her pressure intensified, and the movement increased also.
“Heh, you think so? To me it’s even better than you can ever know! It’s like I can feel this electric like feeling going through me when they are touching you. But if I pull away, the electric feeling changes; it’s like gone instantly. It’s like passing my hand over static electricity,” she pants heavily.
So that’s what the pheromones are like?
That means the pheromones are very noticeable and not subtle at all. I had thought all this time they were subtle and sort of pulled people in without their knowing. But in this case she’d identified that she was feeling something like a super magic vibrator that didn’t work in only a certain spot.
That means I would have to be very guarded with others and who was allowed to touch me. I may even have to have special clothes and figure out what kinds of material will block the pheromone conductivity that seems like it’s almost electric in nature.
But how do I word that. I need to find out more. What’s it doing to her?
“Really?” I asked. I put my hands behind me and I’m holding her hands while she’s rubbing her boobs up and down me.
Ever since the spanking incident its been impossible to not ignore how much bigger her boobs were than others…Even though Sunghee was beautiful, Asakura had her beaten hands down in size. But Asakura only lost in nipple size.
“Ahh, hhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, ooooooh, that’s good,” Asakura accidentally ends up drooling on me. Weird. I’m not into drool. At least it stopped right after that and was a momentary slip up. But she must be like super heating up. Her eyes have sort of a blank look too like she’s getting high.
“What’s it like, can you tell me again?” I asked.
“When I….rub….my…….you know on your back, it feels tingly and like…exciting inside me! It’s a very of feeling; it’s so weird. But it’s like we’re connected …somehow? I really…like this…,” she says heavily.
I hope she doesn’t follow that logic too closely. It’s better if they don’t realize how it’s influencing them. I’m not sure how they’d react to a biologically based mind control system, even if our feelings were real.
“Connected? Do you feel it everywhere or just in certain parts?” I asked curiously.
“Just the …parts only women have,” she then grabs my lips and starts french kissing me. Her lips are so tightly locked onto me that it’s hard to breath. She won’t let go either or unlatch herself. Her strength is pulling me at her more intensely now.
I failed to realize how much she’s getting into it. She’s writhing around like a snake. When I try to pull back from French kissing her, she follows me right along and won’t let me go. I hope we don’t get caught. Getting caught means loss of face.
The last thing I want is a bunch of dwarves seeing…
“Ah, you taste good,” she finally lets me breath.
“I need to breath,” I complained.
“OK, just let me….a bit more…We won’t get another…chance like this…for awhile.” She adds heavily.
She snatches my lips and suddenly I’m shocked when she’s suddenly having swung herself around in front and is now sitting in my lap straddling me. She’s now rubbing her crotch against mine. She’s now almost so savage she’s biting.
Wow this is very exciting. It’s way different than the girl coming up from behind.
“This is …too fast,” I said.
“It is too fast…but…too hard…to stop…,” she breathed heavily back.
“We don’t have to go fast.”
“Yes we do!”
Facing each other with our chests together is even better than from behind. I like new discoveries like this. This is the best thing so far. She then pushed and almost ripped my shirt tearing it off. She starts to pull up her skirt. But I stop her. I’m a bit scared to go this far when we’ve never gone into this territory before.
“What are you doing?” I said.
“I can’t stop. I don’t know why! Wow, this is so much fun. But I’ve never felt this wild before,” she exclaims in wonder. She would be afraid, of not being in control except she can’t stop.
“We shouldn’t go all the way! It’s too sudden!” I said.
“Just let me have a seat and get comfortable. We won’t go too far, don’t worry. We won’t go all the way. I’ll stop us when I’m ready to. Trust me,” she says commandingly, acting like she’s in control. Her eyes are telling me she won’t let me get away. Of course she keeps her lips locked onto mine the whole time, with only a brief breath to say what she needs to and to get air.
“Oh gosh, I want you so bad my teeth ache,” she whispered into my ear. Her hands were also shaking like crazy.
“My teeth hurt, when I’m not kissing you,” she whispered after that.
Mine were too, but for different reasons.
Suddenly she’s grinding her hips against mine while thrusting her breasts directly into my face. She somehow coils my face directly between them as I feel their warmth. It’s like being smothered in delicious warmth.
“Ouch, you bit me!” I replied, pulling back where she’d suddenly reached down and nipped me. But after nipping at me she sucks at the sore spot even more. It somehow inflames her insanity even more. Was she…the kind that they say like it rough? I’m confused. I don’t like roughness. Plus not having any experience.
I start to panic. Maybe we should stop and slow down.
I pull back in alarm. Why is she so aggressive? This is like borderline forceful and she can’t stop.
She grabs my head suddenly, and forces me to look into her eyes, which are only two inches from mine while her breasts are stretched out below her shoulders like cantaloupes. In real life cantaloupe shaped breasts are impossible, but hers are as close as it could get to being a real life dream. I can see she’s afraid but while I’m afraid of going too fast, she’s afraid I’ll leave.
Why do they bulge out like that?
That shape is so heavenly and pulling me in. It’s amazing…but prior to this I didn’t think a real cantaloupe size breast was even possible without implants. But these are definitely real.
“We can stop. We should get to a town first,” I tried to say.
She gives me an intense stare. “No, you can’t! Don’t leave! I’ll be good! I promise. Just don’t stop,” she said desperately.
Wow she’s crying. I hadn’t considered the pheromones might affect someone’s emotions too. Is it like how it triggers protective instincts?
I’m worried that if she gets too much of the pheromones too quickly it’ll be too much. What if something happens because of it? I recalled in the back of my mind the warnings for the advanced pheromones were really strongly worded.
Is pheromone poisoning a real possibility? I just realized if they can make her high there has to be a limit to how much is healthy.
She’s suddenly crying, “Don’t leave please! I’ll do anything! Shun…I…I care for you…Shun!” she slams me back against the cavern wall with a lot of force. I didn’t think she was this strong. I didn’t think a girl would be that strong.
But then I see her eyes are like…the pupils are dilated; very dilated.
Was that the first physical sign the pheromones have taken effect? In the future maybe I can watch for dilated pupils to tell if they are working on someone? It’s an interesting hypothesis. There are probably other signs that I’ll have to learn to spot and watch for too.
But then she bites me again, this time drawing blood. What the hell? She sucks it down like its candy.
“Ouch! Don’t do that. That’s too rough,” I protested and getting alarmed. It’s not supposed to be this rough your first time right?
“Ahghh! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Just…I feel…like something’s…wrong inside…” she kept sucking on me so hard my skin hurt.
“Hey ease up!” I protested. She’s like too violent in sex, and we were still only at second base. What the hell.
“Punish me!”
“What?!” I’m confused.
“I was bad…punishhhhh meeee. Maybe spank me like I spanked your cousin,” she has drool flowing down her chin, and is looking at me like I’m a subway sandwich.
“I’m not into rough sex,” I said.
But that was the wrong thing to say. It just inspired her more instead.
“Bite my nipples!” she huffed.
“What?! Are you crazy?!”
“Just do it! Bite…MY…NIPPLES!!” she forced her boobs in my face. The warmth is amazing. She kept repeating her order until I do it just to avoid getting nagged to death. I fake chewing on them. I do suck on them and bite them but only lightly since I don’t like violence. Her boobs are big enough I can easily chew on both of them at the same time. So I do so. I like this feeling. It’s like heaven.
Sunghee would feel like she’d lost the battle if they saw the size of these.
“Harder!” she cries out.
“Hmmm, mmm,shluuurppp*, no this….is…shhhp, good ….enough,” I can’t seem to get enough of them. I try not to show disappointment that Sunghee has better nipples than she does.
“Harder!!” this time when she says it, she’s louder than before.
I keep sucking but chew a little harder. But not so much it’ll hurt. I only nipped just enough for her to like it.
“Harder!” she’s so loud I’m afraid the dwarves down the tunnel will hear.
“Shut up! We don’t want them to hear!”
This is weird. Asakura is supposed to be quiet and timid. You could say she’s like a mild personality. But it’s like this is something deranged and crazy is set loose.
“Dammit Shun, just for once in your life, bit down on my nipples. Hard!” she threatened.
Strangely enough, I’m also fighting with my hands to keep her panties on. Her arms are in a contest between deciding to try to hold me down and force me or keep her panties coming off. She’s pushing them down her legs while I’m pushing them up.
This…shouldn’t be like this aggressive.
While biting down on her nipples she suddenly gasps. “Oh wow, that’s good. But not….haaaahhhh good enough…..more….bite harder…”
Suddenly her panties tear from her trying to rip them off. I’m really surprised. It was too fast for me to stop her.
“Oh damn, I’m sorry,” I said.
“Just bite my nipples or I’ll scream!” she said.
So I bit down hard enough to draw blood.
Suddenly she’s gasping for air. I’m kind of surprised when suddenly she starts peeing…
Wait…that’s not pee is it. She just ejaculated. It doesn’t smell like pee. It has a strange almost sweet smell?
Did she just ejaculate from biting her nipples? Her face is like she just got out of the shower and she’s gasping. But unlike the end of sex, she still won’t stop. I can’t keep her off me. She makes me suck on them for so long I feel lost in the clouds.
I start to lose track of time while she makes me chew on her nipples and boobs. The feeling is wonderful. We keep at it for like hours. Somehow the dwarves either haven’t noticed us or are pretending to not notice or bother us. I have a bad feeling like there’s no way they couldn’t have noticed.
At some point I realize we’ve been going at it for hours. Not only have I lost sight of the time, while sucking on her boobs she’s bouncing up and down on top my rod. I still don’t understand how it progressed this fast. It’s like there was no brakes in this car.
When did she put it inside her?
I’m covered in sweat and so are my clothes. It’s been so long the dwarves have changed the guard already after their four hour shift has gone to bed and this one’s been there awhile too. The fire and the goblin body burning fire has almost gone out.
Asakura isn’t responding to me when I try to talk to her. Instead she is just methodically doing a cowgirl position so wildly that her hair is flying all over. I’ve never seen or heard of something this weird because for some reason she can’t stop. It’s like she’s possessed. She won’t stop and her grip is terribly strong to the point of pain if I try to move. Her eyes are locked onto me wildly in addition to her iron like grip.
She is also moving erotically in perfect rhythm. She only sometimes changed how she moved but not the perfect timing of each interval. Sometimes she flowed from swishing her hips around in a figure eight for a few minutes, but then went right back to the perfect cowgirl piston position. She would also get mad if I stopped sucking on her boobs while she moved.
But for some reason she could barely move piston like up and down and still have her boobs be big enough for me to not let go off with my teeth while she moved.
That was a bit weird. I doubt there are many people that can do that. How did she pull it off?
My mind is glued to them somehow…
What’s also weird is that no matter how hard she pistons in line with me, neither of us gets too out of fluid. Strangely it’s like I want to pee inside her, but it’s like its holding back right before release. So the feeling wants to intensify and grow but can’t get past the point of release. But after releasing the feeling of needing sex only gets bigger and worse instead of calming down. I can’t remember how many times either of us has ejaculated after awhile. That’s the way it’s been for hours. It’s almost like I’m starting to release but not really releasing so the feeling is still caught of not being able to stop forever.
But from her side there’s a long trail of thin fluid that’s been leaking down all the way to her ankles from both side of her inner thighs. It’s spilled over her feet and most of it hit the ground between her toes and heels on the inside.
How could there be that much? It isn’t right. It’s not normal to be like this, I’m pretty sure. But I can’t say I can protest too much with it. Even though I noticed the details I’ve been getting steadily more distracted.
Although this was my first time, most the stories say you end after like twenty minutes of heavy thumping against each other. Because this was my chance at losing virginity I’m not sure how it’s really supposed to be like; I am suspecting something is wrong. But this is like so delicious it can never end. I’m worried it will stop. How do I get it to stop?
Is the demon box making it like this?
Wait…stopping would be bad. I can’t have this stopping. This is like the ultimate carnival ride. I want it to go on forever.
Also Asakura looks almost like she’s gone totally crazy. At some point she was crying in bliss and there are tear stains on her face. Why is she crying? She’s babbling incoherently now.
Every time I try to get her to slow down she starts to get violent. She’ll hit me, or bite, or start thrashing around. Girls shouldn’t be so crazy for sex that they get violent do they?
I feel bad only for about half a second. I’ve somehow forgotten about it that quickly.
Still I need to take responsibility. I have to take care of Asakura…so I can have more carnival rides everyday an inner voice darkly whispers in my brain. Where did that come from? But to do that I have to have her keep taking care of me right?
But then I forgot what I was thinking about. It feels so good to just stay like this forever. I can do that right? How do I make sure it never stops?
Strangely there’s no blood, even though Asakura has made me bite her nipples so much they should be bleeding like a sieve. In fact there’s no blood at all. That seems impossible, but for some reason I don’t feel guilty. I feel ecstatic. It’s special that she wants me to be her King…
This isn’t like me to think like this?
Wait, something is wrong with my thinking. This is the demon box in control. I need to cut it off. That box has shown itself to be a danger from day one. I can’t let it be the one in control. It’s also proof that the changes in both myself and Asakura are influenced by it, since it’s obviously impossible for someone to have sex this long in real life.
Something inside me too is trying to get me to dominate the other females all around me. It’s like an inner voice is making me try to prioritize if I should take Rina too, and should I do so before or after Sunghee and Fox.
Or how about all at once, a voice inside seems to be suggesting…
Oh, problem solved. That’s the best approach. Yeah, definitely…
I try to pull out of the fog. But even then after I’ve decided it firmly it’s too hard to come back. Only the thought of replacing Rina with Asakura is able to even get me to flinch away and not yet really stop. But I know that’s not me. I don’t want to take Rina…
What’s wrong with me? I never had any desires to take my sister before. She was always this thing to protect. How is it that I was facing such dark thoughts now? I shake my head to pull myself together. This isn’t me either, what’s going on?
I’m then slapped hard by Asakura, and she hits me hard in the face. It’s hard enough to knock out my teeth but for some reason they stay in. “Who the fuck said you could stop fucking! Hurry! Start it up again!” she almost screams.
We both look over and one of the dwarf guards is strangely looking over at us.
Uh oh, did he hear and understand us or didn’t he? My understanding is that only one of them has the language enchant. But they may investigate strange noises.
Asakura doesn’t let me stop but her fingers claw into my skin like daggers. “Don’t stop. Nobody said you could stop!” she just instead pushes me farther out of sight from the others.
“We’ll be seen!” I warned her through clenched teeth.
“So? That will only add to the thrill!” she huffs back, obviously not entirely sane.
It can’t be helped.
I’m starting to think that the pheromones are a trap. They have something else in them too, something that seems to be messing with Asakura’s blood and body chemistry or whatever the hell it is.
But then I lost my train of thought again.
What was it I was thinking about? I had forgotten momentarily because of how wonderful it is to feel Asakura pried around me so tightly.
I can’t stop, having Asakura bob up and down with reckless abandon. She then suddenly saw I was about to spurt again, and lifted off just in time to sink her upper mouth around it and drink the whole thing as if it’s whipped cream.
A few hours later, we’re seeing the dwarves wake up. By this time Asakura has drunk my cream from above and below, so many times I’m not sure anymore on the count.
But we both feel feverish and it’s like all we can think about is sex.
I’m worried now, that the effects won’t wear off. How will we even fit in? I ache to just want to have her sit on it all day. She aches for it too. When I pull off for any length of time she starts to try to hit me.
We’ve got a new problem. The dwarves will definitely notice she is totally bat shit crazy. What will they do when that happens?
What will I do? I can’t even think straight.
But Asakura still won’t let me go. Her arms are like a vice.