Chapter 107 Part A
Currently I’m ‘feeding’.
And its consensual.
We couldn’t help it. It was I think the demon genes. They make me extra thirsty after a fight and make my teeth itch like crazy. Plus there’s a psychological and body effect feeling when my mana is low that is influencing all of that together.
It helps in getting rid of all the aggression too. But strangely I don’t feel hateful even though that goblin shaman wanted to off me. I wanted it
So since I’d used so much mana I think I went into a feeding frenzy.
And now Asakura’s breathing super hard and there’s the sounds of her ,”aaah, aaahah, aaah, aaah!” echoing through the air. In spite of the stories, girls really do make noise while having sex…at least they do with sex demons. I don’t know about if supernatural features aren’t involved though.
Minutes before I’d ended up ripping Asakura’s clothes off so forcefully that her clothes are damaged. I sort of regret that part but half way through mind blowing sex I also remembered I have the summon equipment spell so I can replace the torn up clothes.
But it’s sort of a wakeup call that the demon genes are dangerous. I can’t stop drilling her in non-stop sex even if I wanted too and because it’s an emergency feeding too…even if people had been around us I think I would have blown my cover.
Also I swear that my thing…cough…has grown. I can’t prove it and it didn’t measure longer but somehow it doesn’t look the same as before. I swear I could hang Asakura from it and still move around because of how the weird demon steroids work.
“Shun…your eyes are like…they don’t look human,” Asakura gasped while I’m pounding into her. “Oh don’t stop that’s wonderful. Yes! Yes!!! Oh, harder…harder!!! More! That’s…what …heaven must…be like…ahhhhhhh,” she started sort of mixing a moan and scream at the same time.
“Moreeeeee!” she gasped out again a few seconds later.
I can’t talk though and it’s like I’m in autopilot mode.
But I’m conscious of her clothes being unrepairable.
Am I dangerous to be around, is a question that’s floating in the back of my mind.
What if I’d just been on the street and around a normal civilian?
I’m not different from a vampire except its not blood I’m after.
But I am managing to only be with my lover, so things are working out without the side effects being too bad. I’ll need to be careful how I manage this...
I can’t concentrate right now…
An hour or so of non-stop wild aggression on each other later Asakura and I return to sanity. Of course her sanity was only gone from the orgasms but mine was … I don’t know how to classify it exactly.
It does mean that I’m getting worse.
“Oh Gosh, that’s so awesome! Soo hungry,” Asakura said breathing hard after we collapsed into a heap. At first she had collapsed onto me but as we’re breathing hard she rolls us over.
“Here Shun…that was soooo awesome! My gosh! How do you do that? It was like heaven and the big bang theory happening all at once! Wow! Wow, wow, wow, wow! Can we do that again? Oh wait…um I mean…I want you to rest on me instead OK?”
She’s got a really beautiful sheen of sweat on her that emphasizes her muscle tone. It’s also really hot that she’s got milk leaking from her breasts all over her chest and body that’s mixed with the sweat.
She’s also stroking the hair on my hand empathetically, as she’s full of happy endorphins and love.
She insisted on me staying inside her though. When I try to pull out she won’t let me. It’s kind of cool in a way but scary too in that I think she’s getting addicted to sex. She keeps squeezing her thighs together to keep me inside. She’s in a euphoric bliss with me and still trying to catch her breath.
We still haven’t left the demon pocket dimension yet. I’m not sure how much time has passed. Maybe it was actually two hours but I’m not sure…and the starlight door has been constant and unmoving the whole time. Much of that last few hours I’d been drinking all the milk I possibly could straight from the tap until I couldn’t drink anymore. It’s the most fun that way. Of course even then she still wants me to keep trying and has been nursing me with great care.
“This…isn’t so…haaaaaaaaaa…. bad,” Asakura said. Currently she’s above me still trying to move around and get me started again. She still loves the cowgirl position like before. She’s not good at holding still and acting like she just ate a ton of sugar dosed into her system.
But after awhile it makes me tired. It takes a lot of energy to keep going that long. She seems to have more fervent energy than me too, which doesn’t make sense. Is it a feedback loop? Sometimes lately I swear I’d been gaining energy instead of losing it. Maybe if the sex goes on too long I’m charging them instead of them charging me?
“I love you Shun!” she’s crying tears of joy blissfully in some kind of heavenly euphoria. She hugs me while crying and it makes my face wet.
“We should have gone back to check on the dwarves huh?” she said feeling a bit guilty, while saying it her hand brushes the hair on my head back with her fingers. Funny her eyes still have a faint red glow to them. It’s almost imperceptible. I hope the others won’t see or notice it.
Her eyes have sort of a wild look to them. I think this is definitely very similar to mind control. Also she keeps hanging onto me in whatever way she can. Even though I’ve pulled out of her, she insists on holding my hand with a lover’s grip of intertwined fingers.
I’d been silent up till now.
“Wow! What just happened? I swear it’s getting better every time we make love, Shun!” Asakura is so excited.
I avoided responding to that. It’s best that I let her know slowly how badly I’ll need to be careful with her after this.
I have to be careful of not melting her mind either.
“Actually soldiers need energy to fight. I think the demon blood sort of compelled us to ‘recharge’. This isn’t any different than going to the mess hall…sort of,” I countered.
“Wow really? That explains all the intense urges I’ve been feeling,” she said with wild looking eyes.
I didn’t like that as an argument it sounds shady, but in this case it’s true.
“We better get dressed,” I said, lifting myself up. I want to stay as well and my body feels heavy and tired. I’m ready for a good sleep for the rest of the day I think.
“Oh come on, just one more round,” she pleaded. She tries to make me suck on her boobs again and pushed me back down, all the time squeezing her hips into mine with more pressure.
“Please…please Shun! Just a little bit more! It feels good when you bite my…nipples,” she pleaded.
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“You said that like ten rounds ago,” I countered.
“Ahh you’re right I did, didn’t I? But wasn’t it fun?” She looked embarrassed. She hops up and down excitedly to make them shake and bounce.
“Please!” she pleaded.
I guess once more wouldn’t hurt.
Wow, that breast bounce move she just did is wonderful.
“Just a bit,” I admitted carefully. If I wasn’t careful I’d never get her out of here.
“But why is it like this? It’s amazing! The physics are completely wrong too. I don’t get it. Why is it like this?” She is gushing with euphoric bliss still and it’s almost like her face is aglow with a mix of both happiness and mischief. She really glows when she smiles like this.
“Come on let’s get dressed. We need to check on the others,” I said again. Wow it’s hard getting her moving again.
“But it should be impossible to go that many times in a row without getting tired. The limits of our bodies physiology and biology shouldn’t allow us to be able to do repeat non-stop sex like that for so long?!” she stated in fascination.
“Demon genes, that’s the only explanation,” I said.
“Wow. Shun is it like that every time?!” her eyes are wide open.
I’ve just peeled my trousers and shirt on and then toss her the clothes she’d been wearing. Then I slip into my shoes and socks. She’s pouting again with her facial expressions of course.
“Come on hurry. We have to make sure they are safe,” I urged.
She gives me a look like I’m asking her to cross the Sahara without any water. “Meanie…”
She’s still not getting dressed but at least has started moving around and has stood up.
I sighed.
“Oh wait. My clothes are totally shredded!” she exclaimed.
“Oh sorry,” I said.
She held them up. Everything is gone except her shoes.
I can do this.
A naked Asakura and have the others in the dream state naked too. It’s a good plan.
Wait no. I stopped myself.
What was I thinking?!
She looks like she’s in a panic. Her next words shake me back to reality, “Shun! I can’t be like this around the dwarves!”
“Oh right…” I couldn’t hide my disappointment.
I ended up using the summon equipment spell. After fishing out a girl’s high school uniform skirt and blouse I gave them too her, to go with her sneakers.
“I kind of wish we were on a deserted island. Then I wouldn’t have to wear clothes,” Asakura said, winking at me.
Wow, did I heard that right.
She has to very carefully shimmy into the skirt. Since it’s built for a high school girl it’s a little bit too short and a bit tight for her full woman body, even though she’s not fat…except in the boobs. But the shirt is more challenging. When she puts the blouse on it’s trickier. Her boobs are definitely cantaloupe sized…like really, really cantaloupe sized so they won’t fit in the blouse well. Because of it, it makes the blouse look really slutty because she can only do up two of the buttons with the midriff exposed and a lot of cleavage hanging out.
Finally she’s ready.
“OK, let’s go!” she said.
“Oh, thanks for waiting for me,” she said while fixing her hair and pulling it back in a ponytail.
“It’s no problem,” I gave her a kiss on the cheek. Instantly she stumbles a bit, but then suddenly recovers like she’s been light headed. Oops…I shouldn’t have done that. I did it for empathy and because we’re really in love, but I forgot any contact whatsoever with people that I have is…almost like I’m making them drunk on love. She reels back and forth a bit but then recovers.
Weird. It didn’t do that before when I kissed her. Is this a new evolution?
“Are you OK?” I asked.
She looked blank for a bit but then she’s fine. “Huh? What did you say? Oh, I’m fine don’t worry about it. Come on let’s go. We need to see what kind of stuff that Goblin shaman had.”
“Good, lead the way. You are acting on point,” I said.
“Yes! Thank you!” she yelped in excitement jumping up again. Again, the massive cantaloupe bounce. Err boob bounce. Actually from now on, I’ll just call hers cantaloupes. She gave me a hug.
“Stop…we have to…get started. We can’t have sex non-stop or we’ll never get anywhere,” I pleaded like I was suffering…yeah right.
So we approach the goblin shaman’s bag. It’s time to get started…