Chapter 7: Check out the Treads on That Tank

Ash and Grif are standing at the side of the Warthog as Simmons keeps firing up towards the blues.

Grif turns to Simmons. "Simmons. SIMMONS!"

Simmons stops firing and gets off the Warthog.

"Man! That thing is loud!"

A tank drives in the far background.

"WHAT?" Simmons yells.

"Come on, let's sneak around the back of the rock and get 'em out."


"My ear!" Ash says.

"Let's go, before they figure out what's going on." Grif says to the two.

Up to the blues.

Church looks to Tucker and whispers. "Pst, hey! They stopped firing."

Tucker responds with normal volume. "Why are you whispering?"

"Um... I don't know." He says while still whispering. 

Over to the reds.

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Simmons, Grif and Ash are looking up the cliff.

"Ah, crap. I don't think we're gonna be able to get around this way." Grif says to the two."

The tank rolls up behind the three.

Simmons looks to Grif. "Tell me again, uh, why did we get out of the jeep?"

Grif looks to Simmons. "Well, I guess it was this or sit there and watch you shoots rocks all day long."

"well, at least that was fun."

Ash turns around and spots the tank. "Oh, this is neat."

Grif and Simmons turn around and also spot the tank.

"Holy crap! What in God's name is that thing?" Grif asks.

Ash clears his throat. "M808 Main battle Tank. Length of 10.2 meters. Width of 7.8 metes. Mass is 66 metric tons. It's Max acceleration is 9 km/h/s. Its Max speed is 33 miles per hour. Its hull is made of Ceramic-Titanium. It has a M512 Smooth Bore High Velocity Cannon, which fires a 90mm tungsten shell, including S1 Canister Shells. 1 M247T Medium Machine gun which fires 7.62mm armor-piercing rounds." Ash gets excited and looks to Simmons. "Can we get one!"

"Now's not the time!" Simmons says to Ash.

"Great, I'm going to die next to a couple of nerds." Grif says as the tank turret looks between the three. "Just don't move. I don't think it sees us."

