Chapter 15: Points of Origin/SPF 0

On Red Base

Lopez is speaking ad Grif, Donut, Ash and Simmons are looking at him.

Grif looks to Simmons. "Man. First he doesn't talk at all, and now we can't get him to shut up. What's he saying?"

Simmons looks to Grif. "What are you asking me for?"

"Well, you know. Because you're of, uh... a Latino persuasion."

"Simmons isn't a Spanish name, you dumbass. I'm Dutch-Irish."

"But I thought... Eh, never mind."

It's silent for a few seconds then Donut speaks up. "I'm from Iowa."

"Nobody cares!" Grif and Simmons yell at Donut.

Grif turns to Ash. "Can't you do something about this?"

Ash turns to him. "Why do you think that?"

"I mean, you build stuff right?"

Ash sighs. "I work with guns and explosives." Ash looks to Lopez. "Not robots."

"They're pretty similar."

You are reading story The Weapons Guy at

Ash looks back to Grif and stares at him.

"What?" Grif asks.

"You are an idiot." Ash says as he turns back to Lopez.


Grif, Simmons and Ash are standing on the edge of the Base, playing Eye Spy.

"Okay, I'll go again." Grif says. "I spy something... that begins with..."

"Dirt." Simmons says.

"Damn! How did you-"

"Well, because you did rock last time. That's all that's out here, is rock and dirt."

"Yeah, this canyon sucks."

"I was gonna say grass." Ash speaks up.

