Church, Caboose and Tucker are standing in front of Doc.
Church is explaining something to Doc. "They see you walking up carrying that thing, they're gonna shoot it right out of your hand." A bullet strikes Doc's medical scanner. "Yeah, just like that." Another bullet flies between them. "Scatter!" Everyone runs in different directions.
A little ways from Blue Base.
Donut reloads a sniper rifle.
"Nice shot, cupcake." Sarge says to Donut.
"Thank, Sarge!"
Simmons and Ash are standing together as they shoot at the blues.
"Oh, that's right, suck it, Blue!" Simmons yells.
Ash reloads his DMR. "Eat my bullets!"
Grif pops up in front of them. "Yeah, sneak attack!"
"Sit down, you dumbass!" Simmons yells at Grif. "I can't see."
"Hike up yer knickers, fellas." Sarge says to his team. "Let's go get 'em."
Simmons, Grif and Ash are firing down at the blues.
Grif is vibrating as he fires his gun on full auto. "Simmons! I can't feel my hands!"
Simmons stops firing and looks to Grif. "Maybe you should lay off the trigger, you dumbass."
After a minute Ash pulls the trigger and his gun clicks, so does Simmons' assault rifle.
"Ah carp, I'm out." Simmons says.
"Me, too." Ash also says.
"Give us some ammunition, Grif."
You are reading story The Weapons Guy at
"Me, too."
Grif turns to them. "Me? I don't have any extra. I'm down to one bullet."
"Huh?" Ash is confused.
Simmons turns to Grif. "Wha- How can that be? You're the one who carries all the extra rounds into battle."
"Wait, since when?" Grif asks.
"Since the last staff meeting." Ash says.
"We actually talk about stuff in those things? I just fall asleep inside my helmet."
"Well, you missed your job assignment, and now we have no ammo." Simmons says to him.
"What are your guys jobs?" Grif asks the two.
"Me? I'm the Social Chairman."
"Weapon Maintenance." Ash says.
Sarge and Donut walk up to the three.
Sarge looks at Grif. "Grif. Me and Treasurer Donut are empty. We need some clips."
Simmons looks to Grif. "Hey, Grif. You remember that one bullet you have left? I thought of the perfect way you can use it."
Over to Tucker and Church Behind a rock.
Tucker looks to Church. "Hey, dude, why aren't the Reds firing?"
"I don't know, maybe they're out of ammo."
"Hey, Blues!" Sarge yells. "We are giving you a chance to surrender!"