Inside Red Base Grif, Sarge and Ash are talking.
"Great idea, sir. I finally agree with you." Grif says to Sarge.
Donut walk into the base. "Hey, guys. We might have a problem here. Somebody, and I'm not gonna say who, might've thought that one of the cyborgs parts we need for Simmons' surgery was a cupholder. And somebody, not naming any names here, might've left it, along with their favorite smooth jazz compilation CD, in the Warthog. I just don't know who would do such a thing."
Ash looks at Grif. "Hmmm."
Grif ignores Ash. "Was it you?" He asks Donut.
"Yeah." Donut says and Ash gasps. "Uh, no!" He clears his throat and talks in a slightly deeper tone. "I mean, no. Dammit."
"Nice going, Pinky." Ash says to Donut.
"Grif." Sarge gets his attention. "You, Explosive brain and Easy Listening stroll on down and retrieve that part from the Warthog, posthaste!"
"Sir, do you think it's safe to be outside the base right now?" Grif asks. "For all we know, the Blues could've already fixed their tank. They could be advancing on us as we speak."
"Pansy." Ash mumbles.
Grif turns to Ash. "Shut it."
"Ahh, corny dogs!" Sarge says. "Even with Lopez helping 'em, it'll take them months to get that tank online. Much less to get it movin' again."
"I hope you're right, because if I see that tank headed towards me, I'm totally gonna freak out." Donut tells the three.
Currently on a hill in the middle of the canyon.
Tucker, Lopez and Shelia the tank are on a hill.
"Man, I sure hope they don't totally freak out when they see us coming." Tucker says.
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