Fade in to Blue Base
Washington: Alright Doc, I wanna ask you a few questions.
Doc: Where'd the red guys go? Did they get away?
Washington: Quiet. I'm asking you the questions, you're not asking me.
Doc: What kinda questions?
Washington: Hey I just said no questions.
Doc: Can I ask questions later?
Washington: Doc!
Doc: What? Oh that's a question, sorry. Go ahead.
Washington: You know what, get him out of there, I can't talk to him like this.
The Meta approaches and tries to get him loose
Doc: What're you- stop it.
Washington: What? Well, try pulling harder then.
Doc: Be gentle be gentle!
Washington: Grab lower, near the center of gravity.
Doc: He's got cold hands.
Washington: Try the codpiece.
The Meta gives an obvious look and sound of disapproval
Washington: Oh, uh- we're all adults here.
Meta: (growls)
Washington: No I don't wanna try.
Doc: Don't repress your feelings.
The Meta uses the grav lift to leap off the base
Washington: I can't interrogate him like this, it's ridiculous. I can't believe I have to deal with this. What're we gonna do!?
The Meta grabs the tow hook from the front of the jeep and tosses it up on base, trailing the cable behind it
Washington: Hmm, that might work.
Back in the dessert...
"Heh-heh." Sarge chuckles. "Seems like all the kicking and blowing up put some life back in the little guy! That's adorable."
"Why are all his blue parts green?" Grif asks.
"I don't know." Caboose answers.
"Caboose. Is that you?" Delta asks.
"Delta?" Caboose asks.
"Caboose, I need you to listen. My time is brief. Epsilon is not in control right now. But he will be again, shortly."
"Perhaps not. The encounter with Agent Washington has jarred loose many of his memories. Epsilon has not- historically- coped with these memories well."
"Whazzat mean?" Grif asks
"We fear he may pursue certain memories in particular." Delta informs.
"Who is we?"
"Myself, and the other memories of the Alpha fragments."
"What the fuck is that? Who the fuck are you, and what the fuck is happening?" Grif asks.
"Epsilon may not be aware of our presence. But eventually, he will be. We cannot hide forever." Delta states. "It is likely, at this point, he will begin the cycle again. That must not happen."
"What cycle?" Caboose asks, then he gasps. "A motorcycle? A secret motorcycle?" Then he whispers. "It's okay, you can tell me."
"He's begun to search his memories now." Delta states. "He's clearly looking for something."
"Well, you always did say 'memory is the key'."
"Memory is the key, Caboose, but not everything that is locked is meant to be unlocked. He is coming back now. I must leave before he discovers me."
"But if he meets you in there, then you can be friends!" Caboose says. "But not best friends. But y'know, 'cos that job's- taken? But, y'know. Maybe acquaintances?"
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"If only I were the memory that he's looking for." Delta says.
Epsilon comes back. "Wha-?" He floats up.
"Uhhh, oh. Hey." Epsilon greets the group. "I must've, uh. Must've passed out. Sorry about that."
"Church! You're back!" Caboose says with excitment.
Epsilon: Yeah, I am. Hey Caboose, come over here would ya I, need to talk to you about something.
Caboose: Okay, where are we going?
The two blues walk away.
"Hey, guys, d'you ever notice Blue team has, like, a lot more stuff going on than us?" Simmons asks.
"Yeah. Boring stuff." Sarge says.
"Nerdy Stuff." Grif says.
"And stuff that doesn't explode." Ash says.
"Yeah, but I mean- all we ever talk about is food and guns." Simmons says.
"That reminds me." Grif starts. "I'm hungry."
"Stop complaining or I'll shoot you in the head." Sarge orders.
"I haven't eaten in days." Ash says.
Simmons gives a deep sigh. "Good times."
Cut to the pillar of rock where the aliens are still harassing Tucker
Tucker: Stay away, don't touch me.
Epsilon: Hey, uh Caboose, you were the one who moved me from the Epsilon unit to this new body, right?
Caboose: Oh yeah. I am really good at ergonomics.
Epsilon: D'uh, do you mean, electronics?
Caboose: Yeah, probably.
Epsilon: Okay good. Then I need you to come with me. I just remembered something. Something that could help me.
Caboose: Sure!
Epsilon: You don't wanna know the details?
Caboose: Nope.
Epsilon: Could be dangerous.
Caboose: Yeaaah I have armor. It's blue.
Epsilon: Alright, well, let's go then. I actually thought it would take longer to convince you. Come on. I wanna get to the facility before nightfall.
Caboose: Uh, you wanna bring the Epsilon unit?
Epsilon: Is it necessary to... do your thing?
Caboose: Don't think so.
Epsilon: Then who cares. Leave it. Where we're going, we won't need it.
In the meantime, Wash and the Meta have hooked the jeep's tow hook up to Doc's crotch at a great distance
Doc: Um, are you sure this is a good idea!? Uouhouh.
Washington: Alright, give it a crank.
The cable straightens
Washington: More power, come on, give it some gas.
Gas is applied
Washington: Almost there, just a little more...
The part of the wall that Doc is in falls forward, landing Doc straight on his face
Doc: Ow!
Washington: Well. That's just great.