Chapter 182: C.T.

Washington, Minnesota, and Carolina are seen running across the desert


Wash stops.

Washington: Here. I have no idea how she got here.

Carolina walks up.

Carolina: That's because she didn't.

Washington: Is that who I think it is? If what you're saying is true, how could this have happened?


"This guy." Ash says in an annoyed tone.

Close up on C.T.'s helmet. The desert around it fades away to C.T. in the past, shown with the Insurrectionist Leader in a room at the enemy complex.



C.T.: We need to get to the escape vehicle.

Insurrectionist Leader: I'm not leaving them!

The Insurrection Leader summons out two turrets from the ceiling by using a computer.

C.T.: You don't understand. They want me! They don't care about the rest of you. I know too much. If I leave, they'll follow me.

Outside of the room, Carolina is seen joining Tex outside the door.

Tex: Quiet, that room is guarded by turrets.

Carolina: I can get past them.

Tex: If there was a way to do it, I would have already done it.

Carolina turns on her radio.

Carolina: York, I need you to cut the power on the main complex.

Cuts to the Twin Insurrectionist Chain Gunners, firing at the Freelancer agents. Pan up to York , Minne, and Washington.

York: Little busy out here!

Cuts back to Carolina and Tex.

Carolina: Just do it.

York: (over radio) I'll see what I can do.

Cuts back to York, Wash, Minne,  and Wyoming.

Washington: Sounds like a good excuse to get out of this firefight.

Florida pulls himself up.

Wyoming: Good show, mate! That's the spirit. Still have a bit of fight in you.

Florida pulls off the tomahawk from his shoulder and tosses it at the Twin Insurrectionist Chain Gunners. It hits the ground and skids to a stop a few feet away from them. The Twin Chain Gunners share a glance before continuing to fire.

York: Ha, so much for that plan.

Washington: What now?

"Xi?" Minne asks and she appears on his shoulder "Any ideas?"

Xi peaks out from the pillar and looks around and spots a crane, then she looks over to Florida. 

Xi flashes over to Florida and points to the crane. "Would you mind, Agent Florida?"

Florida looks to the crane then back to Xi and nods.

Xi bows. "Thank you." Xi flashes over to Minne.

"Soooo?" Minne asks.

"Just watch." Xi says.

Florida fires his grenade launcher at the crane arm which knocks a crate out of its grasp. The crate slides across the ground and knocks the Twin Insurrectionist Chain Gunners off their platform and onto the ground where the crate messily crushes them.


York: Ha, I don't believe it!

Minne gives Xi a thumbs up. "Nice going."

"Thank you." Xi says.

Cuts to Carolina and Tex.

York: (over radio) We're all clear Carolina. We'll be dark in less than sixty.

Carolina: Roger that.

Carolina stands up and turns off her radio,

Carolina: Don't forget our objective. We're just here to retrieve the armor.

Tex: Carolina, I know what the fucking objective is!

Inside the command complex, the Insurrectionist Leader still works on the computer. 

Cut to York and Minne.

The two Freelancers are looking at a fuse box.

"Think this is it?" York asks.

"I think so." Minne replies.

"Sooo, any ideas?"

Minne takes the bloody sword off his bad. "One." Minne slashes the fuse box and the lights go out. Minne twirls the sword and puts it back on his back.

You are reading story The Weapons Guy at

"Has anyone ever told you, you're one scary motherfucker." York says.

Minne turns to him. "What makes you say that?"

York looks to all the blood on Minne's armor and to the bloody blade on his back. "Just a feeling."

Over with C.T.

Insurrectionist Leader: Damn it!

C.T.: We need to go!

Insurrectionist Leader: I already told you, I can't leave them!

The Insurrectionist Leader pulls out a tomahawk.

C.T.: Most of them are already dead! Besides if we leave they have no reason to be here!

C.T. pulls a data pad out of the computer.

C.T.: Please, let's just go while we still can!

C.T. grabs the Insurrectionist Leader by the hand and turns him towards her.

Insurrectionist Leader: Connie, come on!

C.T.: You promised me. You said we would be together. I have all the information we need, I have my armor. We can take this to the right people and they'll...

Insurrectionist Leader: They'll what Connie?

C.T.: I don't know! Make a deal with us! Keep us out of prison! They'll help us! Come on, we don't have much time.

The doors to the room open and Carolina and Tex enter.

Carolina: Actually, you don't have any time.

C.T.: Carolina! And you.

York: (over radio) Hey Carolina, the power is off.

Carolina: We noticed.

York: (over radio) What, no "thank you"? This was a complicated-

Delta comes over the radio. "Actually it was Agent Minnesota that did all the work."

York: (over radio) Give it a rest, D!

Tex moves forward, gun still trained on C.T.

Tex: C.T., you have something that belongs to project Freelancer, and you know how the Director hates to share.

C.T. moves forward.

C.T.: You two are fools. The Director is playing you. Don't you see it?!

Carolina: C.T. stop it! We know you've been feeding intel to the resistance for months!

Insurrectionist Leader: Ha, ha, is that who he told you we are?

C.T.: They aren't the enemy Carolina. We're the ones working outside the rules, not them. You don't know what the Director has done. He's broken major laws. When this war ends, we're all going to have to pay for his crimes! Maybe some of us are already paying for them.

Tex raises her gun.

Tex: You need to stop talking, C.T.!

C.T.: No, I know what you are Tex; and I won't take orders from a shadow.

Tex: What did you just call me?!

Carolina steps forward.

Carolina: You're coming with us, C.T. This is your last chance.

C.T.: No, I'm not going anywhere with you.

Tex: Actually, we don't need you. We just need your armor.

Tex fires and hits C.T. She falls.

Insurrectionist Leader: No!

The shot C.T. turns out to be a hologram and the real C.T. rushes forward, tackles Tex, and takes out her knife and pins Tex's right hand to her back. C.T. then pushes Tex forward into the Insurrectionist Leader who strikes her with his tomahawk. Carolina ducks behind a crate as the Insurrectionist Leader tosses some tomahawks towards her. She fires back at him. C.T. attacks her with a knife and Carolina fires, hitting a fake C.T. and dodging the real C.T.'s attacks. C.T. disarms Carolina and Carolina pulls out an electric baton and hits C.T. with it.

Tex and the Insurrectionist Leader fight. Tex gets behind him and flips him onto the ground. As he gets up, Tex kicks him in the head. He gets back up and the two resume fighting. Carolina and C.T. duel each other using Carolina's baton and C.T.'s knife. Carolina gets the upper hand and strikes C.T. several times. A fake C.T. disappears and the real C.T. lunges at Carolina. Carolina, Tex, C.T., and the Insurrectionist Leader attack each other before C.T. and Carolina resume fighting and the Insurrectionist Leader and Tex resume fighting. Tex repeatedly punches the Insurrectionist leader while Carolina dodges C.T.'s knife.

Carolina is attacked by a hologram C.T. which she defeats and the real one appears as the Insurrectionist leader charges her. Carolina kicks the Insurrectionist Leader over to Tex who punches him in the face, knocking him across the floor. C.T. and Carolina continue to fight. C.T. loses grip of her knife but grabs it again in the other hand and continues her attack. Carolina flips and disarms C.T. Tex charges at C.T. with a tomahawk and misses. C.T. summons a holographic projection. Tex grabs a second tomahawk and defeats the hologram C.T. before shoving the two tomahawks into C.T.'s abdomen and shoulder. The Insurrectionist Leader begins to get up as C.T. falls to the ground. Carolina grabs Tex by the shoulder.

Carolina: What the hell are you doing?!

Tex shakes her off.

Tex: Completing our objective!

Carolina: By killing a teammate?!

Tex: She's not a teammate. She's a traitor.

The two hear a door open. They turn to see the Insurrectionist Leader supporting C.T. into an escape vehicle. He then closes the door behind.

Tex: Damn it! That's on you! I guess you can explain how we lost a whole suit of armor and failed to capture the leader of the resistance!

Tex turns on her radio.

Tex: Command, we need extraction, now!

Four Seven Niner: (over radio) I've got them command. Read you loud and clear Texas. Clear me an L.Z. and get ready for pickup.

Tex walks off.

Carolina: I don't know what's gotten into you Texas, but you better figure out the difference between your enemies and your friends.

Carolina follows.