Chapter 193: True Colors


The army of Tex drones face down Carolina and Epsilon. They slam their fist into the hands and crack their necks with robotic noises. One of the drones walks up and does the same action.

Tex Drone: You have no idea what kind of trouble you are in.

Carolina raises her plasma rifles.

Carolina: Alright. Me first.

The army of Tex drones charge. Carolina fires her rifles at the approaching army, mowing down the first several drones.

Epsilon: Watch your left!

Carolina looks to her left and flips backwards, dodging a drone's attack, dropping her rifles and pulling out a shotgun. A drone flies at her with a flying kick but Carolina blasts it out of the air with her shotgun. She lunges forwards, leaping off the top of the heads of several drones and into the fray. She lands on another drone and skids across the ground on it as she proceeds to blast the surrounding robots.

Epsilon: Uh, I think I'm gonna be sick!

Carolina backflips off the drone she was standing on, flash kicking another. The other drones attack her but she manages to hold her own and blow them away with her shotgun. Finally, one of the drones punches her gun out of her hands and Carolina switches to hand to hand combat. She takes out another three and throws the fourth into a nearby crate.

Carolina: Ungh!

The crate is dented by the impact, and the one stacked on top of it falls to the ground. It splits open, revealing its cargo of frag grenades. They spill over the floor, tripping over several drones. Carolina rolls away and regains her footing. She looks down, and kicks a grenade up, and into a approaching drone. Carolina then pulls out her grappling gun and fires at the grenade. She twirls the grenade around, the metal sphere taking out several more drones. She then slams the grenade into the ground, detonating it and causing the other grenades to explode, sending even more of the robots flying. Out of the flames, a drone leaps forward.

Epsilon: Watch out!

The drone rams Carolina, sending her flying and causing her to lose her grappling gun. She gets up on one knee.

Carolina: Could you be a little more specific?

Epsilon: Yeah, uh, sorry, Carolina, but, seeing this many ex-girlfriends in one room kinda has me terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.

Carolina: Well, snap out of it!! I need you!

Carolina powers her speed unit up, and takes off.

Epsilon: Need me for-WOAH!

Carolina: Church!

Epsilon: Right, right!

Carolina sprints to the end of the room, and spins around, taking out more drones.

Epsilon: Carolina, I don't think I can do this much longer!

Carolina: Just hold on!

Carolina dashes out of combat for a moment.

Epsilon: Seriously! You need to slow down!

Carolina: No!

She dashes back in and engages the drones. With her speed boost, she begins tearing through the oncoming drones.

Carolina: I can do this!

Epsilon: Carolina!

Carolina furiously smashes through the robots, ignoring Epsilon's protests while the voices of the Freelancers echo in her mind.

Washington: (flashbackShe really wants to win.

Carolina: Ugh!

Epsilon: Carolina! Stop!

Minnesota: (flashback) She's strong, but she can't go on forever.

Carolina charges forwards in an attempt to just plow through all the drones.

York: (flashbackShe doesn't know how to stop.

Epsilon: Carolina, calm down!

Carolina stumbles out of the crowd of drones and rolls forward before regaining her footing and charging toward another group of robots.

South Dakota: (flashbackYou're a real hero, Carolina.

Epsilon: Get a hold of yourself!

Carolina leaps past the drones but is closedlined by one near the back and is sent flying into a crate before hitting the ground.

North Dakota: (flashbackShe's always been like that.

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Carolina stirs.

Tex: (flashbackYou can't win, Carolina.

Epsilon: Come on, get up!

Carolina looks at the army of drones.

Carolina: She was right... I can't do this. I can't beat her.

She stands up.

Carolina: I could never beat her.

Tex Drone: B-better luck next time, C-Carolina.


Suddenly, out of nowhere, three plasma grenades stick to three drone's heads. Carolina looks for the thrower, who is revealed to be Donut. He stands alongside Grif, Ash, and Sarge.


Carolina runs and rolls out of the blast. The grenades explode, sending the drones flying. Carolina skids to Wash's feet. Wash extends his hand.

Carolina: Huh!

Washington: Get up.

Carolina: What are you doing here?

She takes Wash's hand, and is hoisted to her feet.

Washington: I told you they're not so bad once you get to know them.

He gives her a Magnum. The rest of the Blood Gulch soldiers stand at the ready. Epsilon appears beside Tucker.


Epsilon: Oh. I thought this wasn't your fight.

Sarge: Come on, overwhelming odds with little to no chance of success? How could we resist?

Tucker: You got a problem with that, Church?

Epsilon: Guys, I am an asshole. I admit it, and I will gladly accept any and all smart-ass remarks after this is over. But I'd like to point out the fact, that we're standing in a room full of crazy Freelancer robots that are ready to completely and utterly fuck our shit up.

Tucker: So... cheesy forgiveness speech later?

Sarge: Yeah, that sounds good.

Carolina loads her pistol.

Carolina: Lock and load, people!

The Reds, Blues, Wash and Carolina, ready their weapons.

Xi appears on Ash's shoulder and the top of the Plasma Repeater opens and it let's out some steam then it closes.

 Epsilon appears beside Caboose, who is facing the wrong way.

Epsilon: Caboose, I need you to get a little angry, okay buddy?

Caboose: Okay. Yeah, I don't remember how to do that.

Epsilon: I do.

Epsilon jumps into Caboose, who turns around to face the drones. He charges into the army, sending many of them flying. He rolls and stands up triumphantly.

Caboose: (in deep voice) My name is Michael J. Caboose. And I...

He slams his assault rifle into an approaching Tex.

Caboose: (in deep voice) hate...

Caboose continues taking out the drones. He uppercuts one and sends it flying into the air. He drops kicks another and sends it plowing through the other robots. He grabs one by the legs and swings it around before letting it go and crash into the other drones. Finally, he stands.

Caboose: (in deep voice) TAXES!

Grif: It's "Texas", you idiot!

Caboose: (in deep voice) That too! (fires Assault Rifle)

Washington: Come on, everyone! Now's our chance!