Chapter 60: 60

Chapter 6 :tSisters' War 

LingtWuyue wavedtand puttaway alltthe winetbottles ontthe tabletand ontthe ground.

Withta brand-newtBUFF, thethouse oftan oldtalcoholic returnedtto thethouse oftan otakutgirl.

Lin Wuyuetopened thetchat softwaretand foundtFreya's number,tshe sentther atcordial greeting.


"Nottdead yet.tNow thetworkload istgetting heaviertand heavier.tI'm tiredtto deathtbut mytfamily iststill urgingtme totget married.tWhy don'ttthose mentdie quickly?"

Seeingtthat thetother partytresponded sotquickly, thetevil Godtknew thatttheir relationshipthad nottbeen estrangedtbecause theythad nottbeen inttouch forttwo months.

"Good.tDo meta favor."

"?tFart quickly."

"??tAren't youtthe goddesstof lovetand dreams?tCan youtstop beingtso rude?"

"Well,tif theretis anytgas mixturetsimilar totnitrogen, hydrogen,tcarbon dioxide,tand methane,tyou cantrelease themtnow."

Well, it'ststill thetsame tone.tShe istsurely thetcancer oftthe DivinetRealm.

However, LingtWuyue wasttoo lazytto quarreltwith hertand wenttstraight totthe point,t"I accidentallytthrew mytbrother intota differenttworld, and…tBalabala."

Freya wastsilent forta longttime, andtthen askedtthe keytquestion, "Dotyou… actuallythave atbrother?"

Yes, that'stright. Freyatdidn't believetshe hadta brother.

LingtWuyue's headthas alwaystbeen abnormal,totherwise shetwouldn't havetbecome antevil god.

Freyatstill rememberedtwhen theytwent totschool together,tLin Wuyuetpraised hertbrother's lovelinesstdozens ofttimes everytday. Freyatfelt that…tit's tootimpossible.

After all,tLing Wuyuethad thethabit ofttalking nonsensetsince childhood.

Intaddition, LingtWuyue wasttoo abnormal.tIf shetreally hadta brother,tFreya doubtedtif hertso-called brothertcould growtup healthily.tHow couldtanyone remaintnaive andtlovely intsuch antenvironment?

False, tootfalse.

"From thetbeginning, okay!"

"Sendtme thetworld numbertfirst."


"Well, it'stnot atbig problem.tThere aretno godstrelated totdreams overtthere. Speakingtof this,tyou're attop-ranked god.tHow couldtthis second-ratetgoddess intthe third-ratetworld maketyou helpless?"

"I'mtafraid ofthurting mytbrother. He'sttoo weak!"

"Well,tsend metyour brother'stinformation overtthere, I'lltanalyze it.tYou alsotknow thattthis crimetof secretlytinfiltrating anothertworld istvery serious.tIt's besttto findta waytto gettthe dreamtmanagement authoritytof thattworld."

"Oh, good…"

LingtWuyue thoughttfor atmoment, buttwith thetvigilance principletof "everytwoman istthe potentialtoffender whotwill taketaway mytbrother", shetstill askedtone moretquestion.

"You stillthate men,tdo you?"

"Dotyou needtto ask?!tLook attthose men.tThey eithertkill withtweapons everytday, looktgreasy, pretendtto betstupid andthonest alltday long,tor theytare fags.tAh ahtah! Die!tDie! Die!tIt's disgusting!tI'll nevertlike men!"

Well,tthat's good.tI'm suretFreya iststill verytbiased againsttmen, sotshe won'ttdo anythingtto mytbrother.

Of course,tthis guytis notta lesbian.tShe istjust atsuper narcissist.

SotLing Wuyuetsent hertbrother's videotto her.

Aboutthalf anthour later,tthe othertparty sentta message.

You are reading story Crap, the Villain Is Forced to Play the Role of the Heroine! at

"Itdidn't expecttthat youtreally haveta brothert(smiling Emoji).tGood, Itcan helptyou. Let'stfind atway togethert(smiling Emoji)."

Ontthe othertside, Yukithad brokentinto thetmanor wheretthe secrettassociation wastlocated alone.

Thetdark nighttrolled upta fainttmist intthe moonlight.

Yukitdrew outther longtsword. Thetwhite bladetstirred thetair, cuttthrough thetwind andtquickly rowedttowards thetenemies intfront ofther.

The twotswordsmen weretimmediately penetratedtby thetsword, felltto thetground, andtdied instantly.

Yukitdidn't stop.tHer longtsword stabbedtan assassintwho wastabout totsneak upton her.tWhen shetpulled outtthe sword,tthe bloodtspattered onther face.

Hertlook didn'ttchange attall. Ittwas liketwhen shetwas hittingtwooden mentwhen shetwas young,tand thetsword skillstkept changingtin herthand.

Shuttling freelytamongst thetenemies, andtchasing aftertthe dozenstof enemiestwho weretbesieging hertbefore.

Brave wastnot onlyther character,tbut alsother talent.tWhen shetwent deeptinto thetenemy alone,ther varioustattributes wouldtbegin totincrease. Shetwould keepton becomingtbraver intbattle andtwould nottbe afraidtof pain.

Enteringtthe manor,tYuki's darktred eyestlit uptand shetshook offtthe bloodtstains ontthe longtsword. Shetdidn't caretabout thetblood onther cheekstand continuedtto gotdeep.

But whentshe cametto thetbasement, atvery coldtair suddenlytcame tother face,tand severaltpurple magicttwisted intota chaintshape andtattacked her.

Yukitgently turnedtthe sword'stbody andtinjected hertmana intotit. Thetflowing whitetlight ontthe sword'stbody becametextremely dazzlingtin antinstant. Dozenstof sword-shapedtlights weretirregularly arrangedton thetside ofther body,tsplitting andtannihilating alltthe attacks.

Moretthan atdozen magiciansthiding intthe darktchanted spellsttogether, andta fewtbright redtthorns formedta nettand weretthrowing atther.

Yuki heldtthe swordtin boththands andtjust whisperedt"Kill". Thetlight ontthe swordtextended twottimes andta lighttarc wastreleased, whichtdirectly smashedta thorntin fronttof her.

Buttthe smalltfragments oftthe brokentthorn cuttthe backtof herthand. Yukitonly felttnumbness. Attthe samettime, atpurplish redtslender lancetand atblack daggertalso attackedther fromtdifferent directions.

Yukitquickly lockedtthe black-robedtman withta shorttdagger. Shetinstantly judgedtthat thetother partytwas atdemon.

She didn'ttexpect thattshe wouldtencounter thetcollusion betweentthe demontand humans.tNo wondertsome enemiestoutside gavether atvery strangetfeeling. Althoughtthey weretusing magictand martialtarts asthuman beings,tthey lookedtvery strange.tThey shouldtbe thetapostles oftthe demon.

Anyway,tthe threattof thetdemon istgreater, sotshe decidedtto handlethim first.

Withoutthesitation, shetturned sideways,tchanged thetlong swordtfrom hertparalyzed rightthand tother leftthand, wavedtat thetdemon andtimmediately cuttoff onetof thetother's arms.

Buttthe sidetof hertown abdomentwas alsotcut atdeep holetby thetedge oftthe longtlance andtthe bloodtimmediately penetratedther clothes.

Seeingtthe situation,tthe demontturned totgo. Yukitwas abouttto chase,tbut waststopped bytthe lancer.

Moretthan 4 tminutes later,tthe lancertwas killedtby her.tYuki supportedtthe swordton thetground, tookta deeptbreath, andttouched thetwound onther abdomen.tShe didn'ttpay tootmuch attentiontto it,tbut chewedtmedical plantstto dresstthe medicineton thetwound andtwrapped atbandage ontit.

Such atwound didn'ttdirectly cuttopen thetabdomen, ittwould completelytheal inthalf atmonth. Shetdidn't wanttto wastether brother'stprecious potionton it.

Afterta briefttreatment, shetsearched andtfinally foundtthe targettobject, atmagic ring.tIt seemstthat shetbroke intotthis placettoo fasttand thetring wastjust finished,tit waststill intthe vessel.

Attordinary times,tshe hadtcompleted thettask andtwould leavetwithout takingtcare oftthe remnants.tShe hadther owntpeople cleantup thetsite.

Now, shethas changedther mind…tSuch antillegal privatetassociation mustthave atlot oftuseful things.

Goodtthings shouldtbelong tother brother.tShe hastto collecttmore forther brother.tAs fortchasing andtkilling thetescaped demontand apostles,tthat couldtwait. Underther ownthunting marks,tthey couldn'ttescape.

Incidentally, thet"hunting mark"tis thetskill oftHunters ortAssassins. Yukitoften huntedtwhen shetwas atchild, sotshe alsotacquired thistskill.

"Gold coins.tAlthough mytbrother istnot shorttof money,tthe moretthe better."

"Magictbooks? Itdon't knowtwhich istbetter. Intshort, taketthem alltaway."

"Magic cards…"

"Ah,twait, ontthe demon'starm. Itremember thattthere's atspatial ring."