Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – Leaving The Demon Realm

He didn't seem to age and the territories he stomped through started spreading over the world.

The century after century flew past in a haze as he was constantly battling.

He no longer even remembered what he was fighting about, just that he wanted to fight and eat his enemies.

He was sitting on a large litter, carried by 4 huge ogres as he travelled the land looking for more dragons to hunt.

A female vampire and succubus sat naked around him after he used up his lust on them, leaving both of them a quivering mess with their hips broken.

A medusa sat between his legs, biting his penis, injecting venom up his cock as he ordered.

He had long became immune to the medusa's petrifying stare and used the creature now as one of his sex slaves.

He had fought so many creatures that gained him immunity to their powers, but he kept them around because their sexy bodies.

The vampire'a bite, the succubus' lifesteal ability through sex, the medusa's venom all were barely able to give him a buzz.

Too bad his werewolf lover died from old age years ago, and he had wiped out the werewolf race so there were no more.

Recently, his lamia lover died after he was too rough in fucking her. Too bad, the lamia's lifesteal was quite a buzz.

His alroune lover's abilities no longer did anything for him, so he just used her for sex, to create fruits for him, and he used it as a toilet to eat and drink his waste.

After defeating 2 of the Demon Kings, he was officially recognized as one of the 10 demon kings of the land.

He was now known as Alpha, the name he's used for several centuries, regarding himself as the Alpha predator of this land.

He wanted to fight and eat the other demon kings, but they went out of their way to avoid him, which led him to hunt dragons instead.

Although he ate so many monsters, he stopped improving after the first century or so. He had been maxing his strength, speed, reflexes and fighting abilities to a ridiculous degree.

His resistances too was a bit crazy as he was immune to most venom, poisons or other such abilities, although he wasn't completely indestructible. But with his ludicrous regeneration, injuries were not an issue for him.

With the injuries he has recovered from, and the fact that he has already lived for a millennia without aging, he wondered if he was really immortal!

His lifeforce was so powerful, his succubus, alroune and his previous lamia lover all nearly overdosed from sucking his lifeforce, which only gave him a bit of a buzz.

His body fluids were so potent with life energy that his saliva or sperm could be rubbed on, or drank as an elixir to heal wounds or cure poison!

He has used them on his lovers when he fucked them too roughly after he accidentally killed his werewolf lover by having rough sex.

However, it was too potent to give life as the female slaves he kept all could not conceive as his sperm was too potent for their wombs.

If he could use a microscope, he would be able to see his sperm impregnating the ovum, but causing the ovum to burst, terminating the fertilized egg.

Alistair was in this world so long, he had already forgotten about his life on earth. It seemed like more than a lifetime ago.

He stood up on his litter, pushing the medusa away as his cock popped out of her mouth and stared at the sky.

Several sky and sea dragons were flying in the air over another beach.

Dragons were normally solitary and selfish creatures, but they had banded together when they found out Alpha the demon king was hunting them and had decided to make a joint stand against him.

He drew his sword and dagger from his side, both made out of his own bones.

His short sword was made from his right thigh bone that popped out centuries ago as he grew another leg, while his dagger was made from his left humerus when his arm was ripped out of his socket.

His bones were literally the hardest material he could find, even able to slice through dragon scales.

He sharpened them on the other bones that were pulled off after he regenerated new ones.

The bones of the four ogres carrying his litter snapped loudly as his lovers fell off the litter when Alpha launched himself to the sky!

The sky and sea dragons used their abilities to create a massive storm over the sea, so violent that even the succubus, vampire and medusa had to back away from the beach.

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The alroune buried itself in the ground but the ogres perished, unable to get away in time due to their broken legs from Alpha's leap.

He landed on one of the large dragons while stabbing it's eye with his dagger before launching himself onto another smashing it's face with his foot.

Just then, another dragon flew past, not attacking him, but using its wind pressure to spin him in midair.

Alpha had anticipated an attack and moved to intercept, but the flyby surprised him as he spun uncontrollably into the storm.

The dragons flew in circles, spinning the air around him like a hurricane, just as 8 Demon Kings appeared out of nowhere.

Alpha cursed, realizing that he was caught in a trap.

Several other dragons appeared, a red fire dragon, a blue ice dragon, a green acid dragon and a purple poison dragon joined the 4 sea dragons and 3 sky dragons in using their myriad breath attacks against Alpha.

The Demon Kings fired their attacks at Alpha too as he screamed in pain, his skin burning off from the amalgam of powers.

The very sky ripped open from the destructive energy creating a dimensional tear as the wind blew Alpha into it.

The Demon Kings and dragons stopped attacking, and retreated as the dimension crack started cracking across the sky.

And suddenly, the crack started healing itself by sucking in whatever that was close by. Clouds, sea water and even a dragon that was too close.

The crack closed, slicing the dragon in half as it's lower body crashed back into the sea.

The dragons and demons looked at the where the crack was, hoping that the monster human was gone forever. 

If he was dead, it would be even better as there would be even less chance of him somehow returning. 


In the dimensional rift, Alistair or Alpha as he wanted to be known, was still spinning around by his momentum. 

He has experienced this before when he first entered the demon realm. 

But this time, he was fully conscious, and he held on tightly to his bone weapons. 

He looked around and there were dimensional cracks everywhere. 

Would any of them lead home?

He tried to control his spin, but in what was a vacuum, he could not control his spin at all as he spun through a random crack. 

Moments later, he fell from the sky from a great height. 

If this was his previous self, he would be splattered on the ground.

But here, he just landed and rolled to prevent injury. 

He could land and heal himself, but his evolved parkour skills allowed him to land without a single scrape. 

He looked around and it was green everywhere and nearby was a cliff overlooking the ocean. 

Was he back in the demon realm but just in another location?

"Fuck! Don't tell me I have to find for sex slaves again? My girls would probably have escaped and went into hiding" he thought to himself. 

Just then, he head sounds of battles in the nearby forest. 

"Is that steel against steel? There are humans here?" he thought, knowing that battles between demons and even dragons sounded different from the slash of swords.