Alistair went shopping for clothes with Jennifer at the large shopping mall that didn't even exist when he was here 10 years ago.
There were so many shops that he's never heard off, and so many things to do.
Jennifer brought him to get a haircut, before getting him more contemporary clothes.
He could barely fit in his old clothes. Even at his martial arts prime, he was never this toned and muscular.
He decided to get a crew cut and immediately felt the freedom of the breeze on his scalp.
His mother initially wanted to shop for him, but his father told her that it was better if Jennifer did it. After all, who would want their mum still dressing them?
His siblings Peter and Alice had their flights delayed so they would arrive later and join them for dinner at their favorite restaurant that Alistair has never heard off.
They must have discovered this place, or it must have opened after he disappeared.
Peter was bringing his wife and two kids, while Alice was bringing her fiancee to meet Alistair.
He felt a little out of place, as his life had literally stalled since he was a teenager.
He hadn't even gone to college yet, so his job prospects were uncertain.
At the moment, they had stopped at the food court as there were so many things that Alistair has missed.
Jennifer only had a salad while Alistair took up the rest of the table and was wolfing down several pizzas, burgers, chinese food, sushi and burritos! He was gulping down several large cups of multiple soft drinks and found that he missed them all, even though they were supposedly unhealthy for him.
But he needn't worry. His body was now a machine and it was impossible for him to get fat.
"Are.. are you sure you have enough space for dinner?" Jennifer asked, looking at the pile of food on the table.
"Sure. I have quite an appetite these days. I was living in the wild you know" Alistair answered, remembering he was eating demons the size of a bus as an average meal.
Suddenly, there were gunshots and Jennifer immediately ducked to the floor as did everyone else in the food court.
Five gunmen dressed in bullet proof vests, full face helmets and carrying automatic rifles were brandishing their guns around.
"Freeze! Get on the floor! You are all hostages. If anyone tries to escape, we will shoot you!" one of the gunmen said.
"Alistair! Get down!" Jennifer said, shocked that Alistair was just sitting calmly finishing his burrito and licking his fingers.
He started rolling up some of his burger wrapping into a small ball before putting it into his mouth.
"You! Idiot! Are you deaf?" one of the gunman said, looking at Alistair who was taking a drink with his straw.
The gunman pointed his gun at Alistair as Alistair put down his drink, his straw still held in his mouth.
Suddenly, Alistair blew his straw and his spitball left a small hole in the gunman's helmet but the back of his head exploded as if he was shot by a sniper.
"Take cover! Sniper!" the other gunmen yelled as they took cover behind multiple pillars in the mall, trying to find the location of the sniper.
Alistair calmly picked up his chopsticks and opened the takeaway box of chinese food and started eating as Jennifer stared at him in shock.
She had a clear view what happened, and could not believe Alistair killed the gunman with a spitball.
He wolfed down the food and was pleasantly surprised that he still remembered how to use chopsticks.
One of the gunman got annoyed seeing Alistair fearlessly eat without a care in the world and he got up and yelled at him
"You! Didn't we tell you to get to the floor?" he yelled
Alistair put down the takeaway box and looked at the man, still holding his chopsticks.
"Get down now!" the gunman raised his gun at Alistair
"A...Alistair... do as he says" Jennifer said in fear.
"Oh? What for?" Alistair asked as he flicked the chopsticks with his finger, shooting one through the head of the gunman pointing his gun at him and another who had just gotten out of his hiding place!
Both of them had the chopstick violently shoot through their heads and embed in the walls behind them!
It was then that the other 2 gunman realized that it was Alistair who killed the first gunman all along.
But just as they were about to aim their weapons at him, he disappeared!
He suddenly appeared behind one of them, and just as he turned around, Alistair slapped him.
The gunman's helmeted head flew off the gunman's shoulders splattering on a wall. creating a hole in the wall while the body flew like a drag doll, his limbs flailing in weird angles.
He appeared again in front of the last gunman, smashing his face with an elbow smash. mushing the head, helmet and all into a pillar.
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It was then that the pillar started crumbling, and the balcony above fell to the floor.
"Shit... I still can't control my strength very well" he muttered as he suddenly appeared again and sat down, unwrapping his burger.
The shoppers suddenly started screaming and Jennifer started vomiting on seeing the viciously battered bodies. The gunmen would have to be identified by their fingerprints or other biometrics because not one of them have a recognizable face.
Alistair ate, unfazed by the puke and gore around him. He was used to eating amidst gore as he was always the cause of it.
It was fortunate that he let Jennifer ride him last night, as he wasn't sure how to control his strength with a human woman.
Making a police report was a chore but the CCTV showed that Alistair was the one who handled the situation with no casualties.
While some cops thought he was too dangerous and should be locked up for something or another, the captain declared him s hero and let him go.
With that, he managed to make it on time for dinner as Jennifer brought him to the restaurant to meet up with the rest of his family.
He hugged his siblings Peter and Alice and was introduced for the first time to Peter's wife Mandy, his two daughters April and May, as well as Alice's fiancée Nathan.
They had a nice dinner celebrating Alistair's return and Alistair admitted that he enjoyed the food.
The evening was enjoyable as he drank some wine in his parents house and retold his story.
"Wait... did you say dragons?" his father asked
"Yeah, why?" Alistair asked
"Whey you told us the story yesterday, I was under the impression that you were stuck in the jungle with wolves and boars" his father said
"No, did I give you that impression? No I became one of the 9 demon kings and had my own demon kingdom, though I didn't bother to rule it well. I only wanted to conquer the others" he said
His family looked at him as if he was a madman, but Jennifer believed him after witnessing him in action.
He wasn't even making a serious effort and seemed like he was struggling to hold back.
They eventually retired for the night. Fortunately the house had enough room as all the siblings had their own rooms.
Only Peter's daughters had to sleep on mattresses laid on the room floor.
Late that night, another van was parked opposite the road. But instead of armed killers, there were people with monitoring devices aimed at Alistair's house.
"Like what you see?" Alistair suddenly asked, looking over their shoulders
One of the men was about to draw his gun when another man yelled
"Stand down! You've got us Mr Ramsey. But I just want to say we are not your enemy" he said
"You're not the same guys as last night?" Alistair asked
"! We are the US Military" he said
"US Military? Why are you monitoring my house?" Alistair asked
"Not your house. You! After receiving reports on you returning from the dead, we were curious about you. Elena insisted you were powerful, but your tests proved you had no powers. But today's incident proved otherwise. Can... can my boss visit you tomorrow?" he asked
"Your boss? Ok. But don't spy on me like this. Ask openly" Alistair said
"Ok. I promise" the man said.
"Good" Alistair exited the van and walked back to his house.
"Let's go" the man said to the driver
"But... the surveillance" the other man said
"Do you want to die?" the man in charge said
The van drove off as Alistair closed the curtains.
He looked at Jennifer, asleep naked in his bed, but shook his head.
He would let her control the pace, He still couldn't trust himself.