Chapter 12: Chapter 12 – The Monster Wolves Attack

The team looked at the dead wolf monster's head that snuffed out their fireplace and snapped out of their shock. 

Wolfman roared and transformed, tearing his singlet and pants apart. He howled at the moon as he charged into battle!

Dorothy gestured her hands, casting a spell as 3 large monsters appeared, each ranging from 3 to 4 meters tall. One was a 4 meter tall and skinny looking scarecrow that carried a scythe with an scary face. The next was a 3 meter tall metal golem, big and bulky that looked indestructible. The last was a 4 meter tall werelion, which looked more intimidating than Wolfman that charged into battle.

Phantom started stripping as her bare skin turned invisible. She was most suited for assassination missions, but staying visible only meant she was vulnerable.

Aqua flowed out of her clothes, turning into a water elemental as she joined the fight.

Rubberdoll stretched out of her clothes. Although she was naked, it was hard to look at her sexually as she stretched and transformed into elongated shapes that made her look like a rubbery object rather than a woman.

Finally, Techno controlled an army of drones that recorded everything and each drone shot bullets at the enemy wolves.  

While Alpha stood on the body of the wolf he just killed, he compared and contrasted the wolves to the demon wolves he faced in the demon realms. 

The demon wolves were 3/4 the size of these wolves, but they were more frenzied and fearless in their attacks. 

These wolves got intimidated the moment he killed the first one and started avoiding him, attacking the soldiers in the base instead. 

But maybe it was because the demon wolves faced Alpha in his first week there. If they faced him at the end of his time in the demon realm, perhaps they would be terrified too. 

He looked at his squad, and they were actually struggling against the wolves. 

Wolfman was engaging one of the large monster wolves, but the monster seemed to be playing with him. 

It swatted him aside easily with its paw and then pinned him to the ground with its paw, only to let him up and swat him again. 

Rubberdoll was caught between one of the wolf's jaws as it tried to rip her apart only for her elastic body to stretch. Even so she was screaming in pain.

"Better help out. I guess this is what B to D Ranks can do" Alpha said and smashed into the wolf's head, bursting it's skull as it dropped to the ground.

He didn't blame them as they were not prepared for this battle. According to what General Ranquest told him, this SCP squad was more built for espionage and stealth, not full frontal battle. That was what he recruited him for. 

Alpha opened the wolf's mouth to help Rubberdoll out.

"Are you ok?" he asked as her body was all stretched out and had fang marks on her bare skin. 

"I.. I'm ok" she said and reformed back to her naked female form as the bite marks disappeared.

Alpha looked at her beautiful naked body as she blushed and found that he was unconsciously rubbing the bite marks on her naked body, including her left breast. 

He looked around to not stare at her naked body as he tried not to get an erection, so he looked at Dorothy's 3 monsters.

The Cowardly Lion was holding down one of the wolf's neck while the Scarecrow slayed the wolf with its scythe. The Tin Man was picking up it's head after being damaged in battle. 

At least someone was successful against a wolf.

A machine gun fired at the wolf playing with the now badly injured Wolfman, but the gun dropped to the ground as the wolf attacked the now empty space!

Alpha could sense where Phantom was and shot to grab her body just before the wolf could pounce on her.

"Oops sorry" he said. He couldn't see her. but he could feel that he was grabbing her inappropriately where only lovers touch.

He let her down and she disappeared again as he secretly licked his fingers, after finding his fingers enter a warm wet place.

Nearby, Aqua was a female shaped figure made of water was fighting one of the wolves. She was neither getting injured as the bites went through her body, nor able to injure the wolf with her water whips and the pair was stuck in a stalemate. 

"Ok. Time to stop fooling around and finish this" Alpha said and leaped into the air.

With his sword and dagger, he jumped from wolf to wolf, slicing their heads in half, bisecting their bodies.

These were nothing to him as he was used to using these moves on dragons. 

If anything, he tried to cut them cleanly rather than slashing and bashing them with wild abandon the way he would have in the demon realm.

In the demon realm, it was important to show overwhelming ferocity and superiority to break the opponent's spirit to never want to fight again.

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Here if he did that, he feared he might scare off his own allies which would be counter productive.

The wolves started fleeing as he stopped where his team was gathering.

The girls were getting dressed as Phantom, Rubberdoll and Aque were naked.

Dorothy was bandaging Wolfman up while Techno smiled at Alpha

"I planted a few trackers on the fleeing wolves" he said, passing Alpha a tracker

"Good job" Alpha said as he turned to leave

"You're going now?" Rubberdoll asked

"You guys send an extraction chopper at daybreak. I will be done by then" he said as he disappeared.

"I guess all doubts of his capabilities can be quashed. I've never seen anyone handle monsters so casually, not even S Ranks" Aqua said

"Yeah... he's incredibly powerful, yet... so gentle" Phantom blushed

Rubberdoll also nodded. 


The sun started rising as the team got ready to board the chopper.

It was too dangerous to hunt at night and they couldn't find a pilot before this as the base was in chaos from the attack.

After the chopper finally took off, Techno guided the pilot in the direction of his tracking signal.

However, not even 2 km out of the base they saw a strange sight.

It was a pile of dead wolves moving by itself towards the base!

"What the hell is that?" the pilot said, hovering above beyond the reach of the monster wolf attack.

"It. it's the Captain!" Phantom said, looking through binoculars.

The pilot hesitantly landed minutes later a few hundred meters from the moving pile of corpses.

The team ran out to greet Alpha, completely covered head to toe in blood, carrying what looked like over 8 giant wolves, including a silver furred one that was double the size of the normal monsters.

"Captain! Are you alright?" Phantom askes as the team ran to him.

"Venessa? Yes, I'm fine" Alpha said, putting down the corpses.

"But the blood.." Rubberdoll asked

"Oh this? Not my blood. When I sliced their throats, the blood spray was everywhere" Alpha answered as he removed his blood soaked singlet.

"Oh! Let me help" Aqua said as she shot out of her singlet and pants, leaving a pile of clothes on the floor as she flowed onto Alistair's body.

He could feel water surrounding him, and felt her touch washing his hair, face and body, and even felt her inside his pants.

"You... don't wear underwear?" she asked in his ear. 

"No. Not used to it" Alpha answered, feeling her body touch everywhere at one, even tugging on his dick to clean it. 

Around him Phantom, Rubberdoll and Dorothy didn't look pleased while Techno and Wolfman turned away. 

"Um.. thanks. We should get these bodies back to the base first and find some way to do something about the portal" Alpha said, thanking Aqua who returned to her clothes and started putting on her panties before the rest of her clothes.

They radioed the base and several trucks and soldiers came to greet them, barely 2 km away to load and keep the carcasses. 

As for the team, they boarded the chopper to head to the portal that Alpha had found.