The first day of middle school was a day that Tanya was dreading. She knew perfectly well the idiots she would have to deal with, considering they wouldn't let her advance in grades or classes. She had to do things the slow way and stay with her peers, which was the stupidest thing she had ever heard. The idiots had no idea that her intelligence was so far above these students that they were nowhere near being her peers.
Tanya walked into her assigned classroom and saw a mass of black uniform outfits on the boys that she had decided to use for herself. She had never liked dresses or skirts, because she preferred fitted pants and shirts that actually fit and didn't flutter in a light breeze to show off her underwear.
“Deku! Shut UP!” A spiky blond haired boy shouted and his hands sparked. “We don't want to hear your useless rambling!”
“S-s-sorry, Kacchan.” A green spiky haired boy replied, timidly.
“What is that, anyway?” The blond asked and snatched a black journal from the other boy's desk. “HEY! Who said you could write about me?”
Tanya sighed at the idiot and looked around for a free desk to sit at. With the boys cluttered up in the center of the room and the girls off to the side and quietly chatting, there was no way to see which desk was available to take.
The bell rang and the chatter died down as the teacher entered the room. The blond boy slammed the journal onto the green haired boy's desk and then the blond's hand sparked before a small explosion scorched both the book and the desk. It startled the green haired boy and he almost fell backwards out of his chair.
“Settle down.” The teacher said and didn't comment on what had just happened in front of him.
The students went to their desks and Tanya immediately saw the small empty area around the green haired boy. Since those were the only empty seats in the entire class, she walked over to sit right beside the nervous boy, whom stared at her like she was insane.
“We have a new transfer student coming in today, so when she arrives, I hope you give her a warm welcome.” The teacher said, his voice not changing inflection at all, as if he didn't care if the students did or not.
“Like we need another extra in this class!” The blond boy exclaimed with a sneer.
The teacher shrugged and then sat down without responding and looked at the door. After a few minutes, he looked down at his desk and read the papers there, then lifted his head and scanned the room with his eyes. He only lingered on the clearly different girl uniforms and frowned.
This guy is a complete idiot. Tanya thought as the man stood and left the classroom.
“W-w-who a-are y-you?” The green haired boy beside her asked.
“You finally noticed me, did you?” Tanya asked with a smile and looked at him.
“Y-you're kind of h-hard to miss.” He said and then jumped at the small explosion directed towards him.
“DEKU! Who are you talking to?!?” The blond asked as he jumped from his seat and landed in front of the boy's desk, his hands still sparking.
The green haired boy looked terrified and didn't respond as he shook.
“Obviously, he was talking to me, you ignorant fool.” Tanya said.
The blond's head almost creaked as it slowly turned to face her. “What did you say to me?”
“So, you're both dumb and deaf. A horrible combination, to be sure.” Tanya commented and nearly everyone in the class hissed in sympathy.
The blond's hands sparked a lot more as he growled. “Do you want to DIE?”
“As if someone as stupid as you could ever touch me.” Tanya said and the whole class reacted, most with sympathy. “I've only been in this class for five minutes and you've already used your quirk illegally seven times. I sincerely doubt anyone that dumb could cause me harm.”
The blond's hands were shooting off sparks constantly. His face contorted in rage as he made fists and the sparks simmered down. After a few seconds, his face changed to an evil grin and he raised his fists to point them at her.
“DIE, YOU BASTARD!” The blond shouted and started to open his fists.
“Kacchan! NO!” The green haired boy yelled.
Tanya ducked and slid under her desk in an instant, stood up and grabbed both of the boy's wrists, and bent his arms towards his own face as his hands completed opening. The look of horror on his face was quite satisfying to her as she let go and ducked.
The dual explosions blew up right in the boy's face and he was flung backwards across three desks and landed in a heap at the front of the room. The boy's face was charred a little and his hair was burned slightly all around his face and the sides of his head. A wisp of smoke swirled above the blond boy's head and he didn't move. He had knocked himself out.
The entire class was stunned by what just happened. The class' star student was just taken out by whoever that was. The green haired boy's head flicked back and forth between looking at Tanya as she sat back in her seat and the unconscious boy on the floor across the room.
“Bullies can't stand it if you outsmart them.” Tanya said and the green haired boy stared at her. She reached in front of him and touched the black journal. “Mind if I take a look at that?”
“N-n-no. G-g-go a-ahead.” The green haired boy stammered.
“Relax. I'm not like him. I'll only bully you as motivation and only when necessary.” Tanya said as she opened the journal and quickly scanned the first page. “Hmm. Quirk analysis. Nice breakdown of the pros and cons.”
“Th-th-thanks.” He responded as he blushed. He hadn't been praised like that before. “I'm Iz-Izuku.”
“Hello, Izizuku. I'm Tanya.” Tanya responded and saw the boy's eyes squint at her intentionally getting his name wrong, since it was printed on the journal. “Your in-depth speculation is slightly intriguing, if a little limited.” She said and flipped the page.
“Limited? What do you mean?” Izuku asked. “It's just Izuku.”
“That sounds better when it's not stuttered.” Tanya said and smiled slightly. “Your initial linear thinking has stopped you from extra speculation.”
Izuku stiffened slightly at the rebuke, then a thoughtful look appeared on his face. “You're saying I need to think in more than two dimensions?”
Tanya's slight smile became a genuine one. “That's exactly right, Izuku. I'm glad that there's at least one intelligent person in this class that I can talk to.”
“Ugghhhhh.” A voice groaned and the blond boy pushed himself up off of the floor. His eyes blinked several times before his head cleared and he looked right over at the bastard that made him blast himself. His face became an angry mess and his hands started sparking. Before he could take a single step, the door of the room opened and the teacher came back in.
“They said she should already be here.” The teacher said and looked at the girls. “Have any of you seen a new girl in here?”
All of the girls quickly pointed right at Tanya... who was dressed in a boy's uniform. The teacher frowned at the girl that was hiding in plain sight as he saw exactly where she was sitting, right beside the trouble student.
“Miss, I suggest you move to a more appropriate seat.” The teacher said, ignoring the slightly scorched boy that was still standing at the front of the room. “I also recommend that you wear an appropriate uniform from now on.”
“Oh? Is this uniform not proper?” Tanya asked and then smiled a very wide smile. “I guess that all the boys wearing the identical uniform need to start wearing blouses and skirts tomorrow.”
You are reading story Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia at
The teacher looked surprised at her turning his words against him and all of the boys started protesting immediately. It took him several minutes to calm them down.
Tanya slipped Izuku his journal back while everyone was distracted. “I want to see the others of those you have.” She whispered and the boy's eye's widened. “I saw the number thirteen on it. It's a simple deduction.”
Izuku couldn't stop the smile on his face. “S-sure. I... um... maybe you could...”
“What's your address?” Tanya asked and he gave it without hesitation. “I need to make a delivery after school, so I'll meet you at your place an hour later.”
“O-okay.” Izuku said.
“Bakugo, go back to your seat.” The teacher said and the grumbling student did so. He knew the boy didn't need medical attention because he was resistant to his own quirk. “Now, Miss Degraff. If you will come up here to the front of the class and introduce yourself, we can get started with class work.”
Tanya stood and marched up to stand beside the teacher and turned to face the class in a perfect about face with military precision. That startled a few of the students, especially Bakugo. Even the teacher was surprised by it.
“My name is Tanya Degraff. My parents were murdered during the Hero Massacre incident six months ago and I reacted violently to it. I was dismissed from attending the military academy as a result and I was forced to come here instead. I hope you will all respect my privacy and never mention it to me. Ever.”
The entire class stiffened at her strongly worded order and a few of the students nodded in reaction, Izuku included. They all knew to not mess with someone that had attended a military academy. It usually meant they were fast-tracked into military service and would have their lives and careers mapped out for years in advance. For her to be dismissed, it meant that whatever she did was bad enough that they didn't want her around anymore.
Tanya nodded at their reactions and walked back to her desk. She thought that was it until the one person that didn't get her point, spoke.
“Are you a quirkless waste like Deku is?” Bakugo asked with a growl.
“And what if I was?” Tanya asked, guessing what his answer was going to be.
“Then you shouldn't even be here! This school is for quirk users only!” Bakugo said and stood as his hands sparked.
“I've already recorded ten separate infractions of the quirk laws so far from you and it's only been twenty minutes since school started.” Tanya said and smiled.
Bakugo growled and made his hands into fists.
“Do you want another self-inflicted blast to the face? How was that, by the way? Are your ears still ringing?” Tanya asked and he looked even angrier. “Perhaps a blast to a more sensitive spot next time.” She said and pointedly looked down at his crotch. “I doubt it can survive as unscathed as your face has.”
“All right, settle down. Take your seats.” The teacher said. “Miss Degraff, you really should wear a girl's uniform and also sit in a more appropriate seat.”
“...and you shouldn't ignore a blatant bully terrorizing the other students.” Tanya said and sat down right beside Izuku. “I don't see anything wrong with this seat. In fact, it feels more appropriate than having to sit near idiots that condone inappropriate behavior.”
The entire class blinked their eyes. Did the new girl just insult the teacher?
The teacher frowned. “Miss Degraff, you need to watch your tongue.”
“...and you need to do your job and stop encouraging arrogant assholes into beating up the children that are entrusted to your care.” Tanya responded. “Is there anything else you need me to clarify for you, sir?”
The teacher opened his mouth to answer, then realized the verbal trap she had set. If he agreed, she would continue to berate him. If he refused, then her previous comments were confirmed to be true as he wouldn't need more clarification.
“The first subject today...” The teacher said and decided to ignore the entire morning like he always did. His life was a lot less complicated that way.
As the day wore on, Izuku's respect for the new girl increased. He had been floored as she easily handled Kacchan as if he really was an idiot. Of course, compared to her, he literally was. When the lunch bell rang, he was shocked when the new girl turned to him and smiled.
“Izuku, can you show me to the cafeteria? I'm afraid the principal neglected to include a map of the school.” Tanya said.
“S-sure.” Izuku said and shot to his feet.
“Bring the journal.” Tanya said and he grabbed it from his backpack.
They turned and walked over to the classroom door and Bakugo saw his chance to get back at her. He walked over to her desk and charged up his sweat to make a big enough explosion to wreck her backpack and everything inside. As a bonus, Deku had left his as well, so he charged up both of his hands. As he reached for both backpacks, he felt something odd, like air pressure building up.
“Hey, assface!” Tanya said and the idiot turned to look at her just in time as she slammed her feet into his chest.
Bakugo was launched through the air and smashed through the window across the room. He flipped over several times before he landed on the ground about twenty feet away from the school and rolled to a stop. His body suffered multiple cuts and abrasions from the window and the ground, which made him hiss in pain as he sat up to stare at the smug looking girl through the smashed window.
“Don't touch our stuff, you thief!” Tanya said loudly and everyone turned to look at Bakugo. “Do you think money grows on trees? If you take and destroy our things, you are going to pay for it!”
“You damn EXTRA!” Bakugo yelled and charged up his hands as he started to run back towards the school.
“HOLD IT!” An authoritative voice called out and Bakugo froze as he slid to a stop. He couldn't move and he didn't know what was going on. “Miss DeGraff, is this him?”
“Yes, sir.” Tanya said and hopped out through the window. “Fifteen blatant violations of the underage quirk usage law, excessive bullying of students including at least one quirkless one, and coercion and compliance by the teacher.”
“Device.” The man said and Tanya handed over the recording device. He hit a button on it and held his own against it. He handed hers back and plugged a cord into his own and then put on a visor.
After a couple of minutes, he nodded and took the visor off.
“Charges confirmed. Despite multiple warnings, suspect continued to bully and antagonize. Multiple quirk manifestations and the authority did nothing to deescalate the situation and ignored it.” The man said and gave Tanya a nod. “I'll take it from here.”
Tanya snapped a clean salute and the man returned it.
The man went over to Bakugo and gave him a look-over. “Good work, DeGraff. Only minor damage that impedes movement and nothing permanent.”
“They taught me well at the academy, sir.” Tanya said and he smiled.
The man grabbed Bakugo's arm and the boy unfroze.
“Hey! Unhand me!” Bakugo shouted.
“Unfortunately, your own actions precipitate my intervention. If you want to be a hero when you get older, you need to grow up and stop acting like a spoiled brat throwing tantrums all the time.” The man said, his glare intimidating. He dragged the still protesting boy off towards the main doors of the school building.