Chapter 18: Chapter 18

The rest of the week passed without incident. The students had normal classes and the afternoons were the Hero Training classes. They had a few different heroes teach them different things from balance while fighting, using cover to advantage, being a calming influence during stressful situations, and a few other things.

The weekend arrived and it was the first time that the class would be meeting for a social occasion at the beach near Izuku's home. A few of the students declined the invitation to hang out, namely the reclusive and adversarial Todoroki, whom was Endeavor's son, and also the guy with a beak that had a dark shadow as a companion, and it couldn't take the bright sun for long periods of time.

“This place is great!” Uraraka exclaimed as she and the others stepped through the entrance to the beach.

“We've already got a section reserved for us.” Izuku said and pointed to a partially marked off area. “Umbrellas, extra towels, a chest of drinks, and a few wooden chair recliners.”

“You guys really went all out for us?!?” Mina, the pink skinned girl asked, surprised.

“You are our fellow classmates and future heroes. What kind of people would we be if we didn't treat you all right?” Tanya said. “Did you bring anything that needs to be chilled? We have a second ice chest for that.”

“We thought about snacks and decided that we're stopping for lunch and can get something then. Are hot dogs and hamburgers okay with everyone?” Izuku asked.

Tsuyu raised her hand. “Um, I kind of...”

“It's okay, Tsu. We know about your dietary supplements and have you covered.” Izuku said with a smile and her eyes went wide. “Don't forget about our hobby. We work hard on it when we get the chance.”

“Every time we get the chance.” Tanya corrected and Izuku laughed as they all reached the large area. “Go ahead and spread out if you want. If you want to move anything or need something else, let either Izuku or myself know.”

“This is great.” Momo said and claimed one of the reclining chairs and put a large towel over it. She slipped off the covering she wore and had on a red bathing suit that was eerily similar to her hero costume. She laid down on her back and sighed. “I can feel myself tanning already.”

“A noble goal.” Toru, the Invisible Girl said as she took off her shorts and t-shirt to show that she was wearing a two piece bikini. She sat down on the nearby blanket and laughed. “It's too bad I can't get tanned myself.”

“Technically, you can.” Izuku said and handed her a can of fruit juice. “Tanya and I were discussing your quirk and...”

“We're here to relax!” Mina cut him off as she whipped off her clothes and showed everyone that she was wearing a bikini as well. A very small bikini in comparison to the size of her assets. “I can't wait to get in the water!”

Jiro had to laugh at her and took off her jeans and torn top to show a black one piece that was slimming and also showed off her little ass to great effect. “You just said relax and water play at the same time.”

“I know! It's going to be a blast!” Mina said and hopped up and down, which made most of the boys stare at her jiggling.

Uraraka jogged around behind the boys and whacked each of them on the back of the head.

“Ow!” “Ow!” “Ow!” “Ow!” “Ow!” “Ow!” “Ow!” “Ow!” “Ow!” “Ow!” “Ow!”

“Get undressed and stop staring! We're here for fun and not for that!” Uraraka admonished them as they rubbed their heads. A round of 'sorry' came from the guys and they took off their outer clothes to show off large pairs of beach shorts, some t-shirts, and some bare chests.

Izuku hadn't been staring at Mina, because he wasn't stupid, and was glad to avoid Uraraka's subtle pre-planned prank. After touching each of them with her full hand, she could negate their weight at any time. He pulled off his own shirt to leave himself bare chested, which got him some attention because of his muscles, then he slipped off his pants to reveal a pair of speedos that Tanya had bought for him.

There were a couple of whimpers and one gasp from behind him as he bent over to fold up his clothing into a neat pile. He ignored it and turned around to see six very red faces of the girls staring at him, including Tanya's, the last he was quite happy about.

Izuku couldn't let an opportunity like this pass him by, so he struck a classic All Might hero pose with his legs bent slightly and one arm flexed and the other pointed towards the water.

“I AM HERE... TO GO SWIMMING LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!” Izuku yelled in his best All Might impression that had taken years to perfect.

There was complete silence for several seconds and Izuku thought he had failed, then everyone burst out laughing as hard as they could, even Tanya.

“Ohhhh... ohhh... that was awesome!” Uraraka exclaimed as she laughed and held her sides. She wore a silver bathing suit with high cut hips and a low cleavage opening.

“You're... hilarious!” Mina nearly shouted and her laugh was high pitched and infectious.

“So... manly!” Kirishima said between guffaws.

Izuku let the pose go and stood up straight as he grinned at all of them. The fits of laughter was worth embarrassing himself with the speedos.

“What's so funny?” Bakugo asked as he walked over to the group.

“Hey, Kacchan. I thought you weren't coming.” Izuku said.

“Our moms talked over the phone this morning.” Bakugo groused and Izuku barked a laugh.

“I told mom to respect your wishes.” Izuku said.

Bakugo shrugged and used a thumb to point at the others. “So, what's up with them?”

Izuku told him what he did and said, which set everyone to laughing again.

Bakugo gave him a stern look for a second, then smiled slightly. “That would be funny.”

Izuku moved to take the pose again and Bakugo smacked him on the side of the head. “Ow!”

“It only works once, dumbass. Don't push it.” Bakugo said and pulled off his t-shirt to leave himself in beach shorts. “Did you bring the shark?”

“Of course.” Izuku said and pointed to the box in the middle of the area. “I'll help you inflate it.”

Bakugo nodded and as everyone calmed down, they saw the box be opened and inside were a bunch of water play items. Bakugo and Izuku quickly inflated the blow up shark they used to play with as kids. Two inner tubes quickly followed and a bunch of other little things were handed out.

“What are these things?” Uraraka asked as she picked up a long foam thing.

“It's called a pool noodle for some reason.” Izuku said. “Kacchan and I used to use them like swords and...”


Izuku stood there, shocked, because Uraraka had just whacked him across the face with it.

“That's so cool!” Uraraka said and whacked him several times across the chest and then on the side of the head. “Ha hahaha! This is fun!”

Izuku looked at Tanya, who was holding a hand over her mouth to stop her laugh, and she nodded. Izuku gave her a crooked smile that he only ever did for her and picked up a pool noodle.

“Noodle war!” Izuku shouted and started to parry and attack Uraraka back.

Uraraka held her ground and they fought ferociously, much to everyone's amusement.

“You know, this would be great training to have at school.” Momo suggested. “I doubt the foam would last if we were using our quirks, however.”

Bakugo picked up one and tossed it to her. “They're fireproof.”

Momo looked at the slight scorch marks on it with surprise. “You really did use them?”

“Izuku never lies.” Bakugo said, as if admitting a secret, and carried the inflated shark to the water.

Kirishima grabbed an inner tube and ran after Bakugo. Soon, everyone was doing their own things and the beach party was in full swing.


Izuku's mom Inko, Bakugo's mom Mitsuki, and Miss Jasina arrived at lunchtime carrying several trays of food. Hamburgers, hot dogs, meat skewers, various condiments, and plates and napkins.

“Izuku! Go grab a picnic table!” Inko shouted at the water and the group of playing teenagers.

“Okay, mom!” Izuku said and he hopped out of the water and ran by them at a fast pace. He walked back carrying a picnic table over his head.

“Inko, when did Izuku get like that?” Mitsuki asked, her eyes wide as she took in Izuku's very well formed muscles.

“He's been exercising daily, thanks to All Might and Tanya. He's worked really hard to get into UA! I'm so proud of him!” Inko gushed.

“It's paying off really well.” Mitsuku whispered as Izuku carefully put the table down in front of them.

“Do you have Tsu's stuff separated? She won't like them if they taste like the rest.” Izuku said.

Inko nodded and pointed to her own container. “You can give this to her as soon as she... there she is.”

Izuku chuckled and turned to see Tsuyu hopping towards them across the beach, the others following behind her. “Just like I promised.” He said and handed her the large plastic container.

“It just came off the cooker, so it's still hot.” Inko warned as the other two women opened up the other containers and put everything out for the teenagers to serve themselves.

Tsuyu looked inside the container and her heart went pitter-patter. All of her favorites were inside and she had to blink her eyes to stop tears from forming. No one had ever been so considerate of her dietary needs, not even the specialty cook at the school.

“Th-thank you, Izuku.” Tsuyu said, her face flushing red. “This means a lot to me.”

Izuku put a hand on her shoulder and she looked up at his kind face. “I'm sorry this made you feel that way.” He said and then carefully pulled her into a hug. “I'll talk to Lunch Rush and make sure he's more careful about what he feeds you from now on.”

Tsuyu stiffened at his words. “You would do that for me?”

Izuku chuckled and Tsuyu really liked that she could hear it through his chest with her ear against it. “I can't promise that he'll listen, only that I'll try to imply to him that he's failing as an all around cook.”

You are reading story Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia at

“No! You can't! He'll be sad and...” Tsuyu started to say.

“He'll see it as a challenge, I promise.” Izuku said and smiled at her. “Your food should be at a more manageable temperature to eat now.”

Tsuyu blinked her eyes at him as he let her go. “You...”

“Mom only had the recipes and the general cooking temperatures, so we had to be careful. If there's anything you don't like, let me or her know.” Izuku said.

Tsuyu glanced over at Tanya, saw a nod, and nodded back before she stuck her hands to Izuku's broad chest and pulled herself up to his height. Before he could do more than looked surprised, she puckered her lips and planted a kiss on his cheek for several seconds.

“Thank you, Izuku. You're very considerate.” Tsuyu said and eased herself down to the sand and disengaged her sticky hands.

Izuku had a red face. “You're welcome, Tsu.”

Tsuyu picked up a meat skewer that smelled delicious and her long tongue went out and swirled around the entire thing, gripped it tightly, and pulled all of the skewer's contents into her mouth. She moaned as she started to chew and the flavor of everything mixed together to explode in her mouth.

“I'm so glad you liked it! It's my first foray into exotic cooking!” Inko gushed. “Izuku was almost as excited as I was when our test dishes came out almost perfectly!”

Tsuyu had to finish chewing and swallowed before she spoke. “You have more than this?”

“We have tons of it!” Inko said. “I'm not sure where Izuku got all the money he's been getting lately...”

Izuku sighed. “I told you, mom. I sold several ideas to the UA support company.”

“I don't understand how you can sell an idea.” Inko said and crossed her arms. “You have to work to earn money.”

Mitsuki laughed and put an arm over Inko's shoulder. “Sometimes thinking and coming up with support hero things really is work, Inko.”

Inko frowned and then sighed. “I suppose I have to accept that.”

Izuku looked at Tsuyu. “We've got it all packed in containers at my home that's a couple of streets over. When we leave today, you can take them with you or I can have Tanya deliver them later.”

“Why not both?” Tanya asked as she came over. She wore a top like a sports bra and bicycle shorts, both solid black. “She can take some of the smaller ones and I'll deliver the larger ones when she gets home.”

“That's a great idea!” Izuku said and gave his best friend a quick hug. “It lessens both of your burdens and still accomplishes the task with only one trip each.”

“I expect to be paid handsomely, you know.” Tanya said with a wicked grin. “My services don't come cheap!”

Izuku raised his eyebrows at her and she glanced down at his speedo. “Oh. Okay.” He walked around the table and turned his back to everyone, then he put his arms up in a flex pose to show exactly how much muscle he had in his biceps, then half-twisted towards the table and posed, showing off his butt and his chest at the same time. “How's that?”

“You didn't quote All Might, so meh.” Tanya said with a shrug, which made the other girls giggle. They appreciated the effort even without the joke.

Tanya didn't miss the hungry look on Bakugo's mother's face, though. She would need to keep a close eye on the older woman. She wasn't going to let some cougar steal her Izuku from her. She froze at that thought and turned away to examine her feelings.

When did he become 'my Izuku'? I don't remember making that claim before. Tanya thought and then went over their most recent interactions. Nothing came to mind, so she went back further in her memory and then her eyes widened. It was the first time she let him feel her butt. She had said that he didn't have her permission to touch another girl's butt and then let him grope her a little.

Izuku walked back around the table to stand beside Tanya and grabbed a hamburger, oblivious to Tanya's mental gymnastics. He put the things he wanted on it, including cheese, and took a bite.

“Mmm! That's good!” Izuku said and put the burger down to enjoy the mouthful he had bitten off.

Tanya, being quite bold, took his hand by the wrist and slipped it behind herself and then pressed it to her butt.

Izuku's eyes widened and he quickly chewed and swallowed as his hand gripped one of Tanya's cheeks. “That's sooo good!”

Tanya's face flushed red as his hand felt very, very nice holding her. She didn't know what this feeling was and she was pretty sure she shouldn't be enjoying it so much. Maybe it was because this was the first time they only had a thin piece of cloth between his hand and her butt. Her mind immediately went to the fact that she only had the shorts on and no underwear... and she wondered what his hand would feel like if her shorts were no longer in the way.

“The food is delicious and so manly!” Kirishima said and raised a fist into the air.

“Yeah! Thanks!” “Thank you!” “Thanks a lot!” The others said in a chorus.

Tanya's mind snapped back to reality and she realized that Izuku's hand had slipped up to her hip and he was now hugging her. She turned her head to look at him and her eyes widened as his gave her a brief kiss.

“Thank you.” Izuku whispered, let her go, and picked up his hamburger again. With both hands.

Tanya blushed as he continued to eat with the hand that had been grabbing her ass. What is this flushed feeling? Why am I reacting like this? She asked herself, confused.

Izuku finished his food and took a drink, then he took her hand. “Let's go rest before going back into the water.”

“O-okay.” Tanya said and followed him to the reclining chairs and didn't protest as he laid down on one and dragged her onto it with him. It should have felt crowded with the two of them on it, especially since Izuku was fairly big and muscular. Instead, Tanya seemed to fit under his arm perfectly and her entire body rested against his like it was supposed to be there.

“Izuku.” Tanya said and his arm tightened around her shoulders.

“I'm not letting you go, no matter what.” Izuku whispered and she looked at his face in surprise. “I don't care who or what you were before. It doesn't matter to me at all.”


“You are who you are and you know how much I care about you.” Izuku said.

“You're only fifteen.” Tanya whispered.

“Why else do you think I'm waiting to take you for myself?” Izuku asked.

“Wh-what?!?” Tanya asked, shocked.

“We could have sex right now and we'd both enjoy it, since we've developed so much physically over the last year.” Izuku said. “I'm in no rush, even though I can smash through a brick wall with the erections you give me.”

Tanya's hand rubbed over his chest absently as her face flushed to a very deep red. “Izuku...”

“I'm fighting very hard to not let another one out. I'm only wearing a speedo and there's no way it can contain me if I grow for you.”

Tanya's eyes went down to his crotch and saw the large soft bulge there that she had pointedly not looked at all day. “Oh. Oh, my.”

“Yeah. I should have brought a pair of shorts, just in case of... growth and slippage.”

Tanya snorted and laughed a little, even though her blush didn't fade. “I think you'd give Uraraka a heart attack.”

“Even though she peeked before?”

“Especially after that. It's two very different monsters.” Tanya said, wisely.

“Monsters? Ha ha!” Izuku laughed and Tanya liked that sound.

“Thanks for inviting us all out for this.” Momo said as she walked over and then sat down beside them on the reclining chair.

“It's been great so far!” Mina said and plopped down onto her butt to land on the sand by their feet. “I've never had so much fun!”

“You guys always have the best ideas.” Uraraka said as she sat on a towel beside Mina, then Toru sat beside her. Soon all the guys were seated around them as well to rest and recover from eating so much.

“The day's not over yet, so we've got a few things planned for this afternoon.” Izuku said.

“Please say it's volleyball! It's volleyball, right?” Mina asked, excitedly.

“I thought Toru was the bubbly one?” Sero, the elbow tape guy asked.

“I thought it was Uraraka.” Iida said and made a chopping motion with his hand.

That started a healthy debate about which of the girls in class had the bubbliest personality.

Tanya ignored everyone as she laid next to her best friend. His words about not caring who she was before or who she had been previously, had touched her deeply. She had confessed everything to him some time ago and he had accepted her completely. He had listened to her worries, her fears, and her goal to beat Being X at his own game. Izuku promised to help in any way he could.

It wasn't until this moment that Tanya realized he was completely serious. He meant every word that he said to her, even the jokes and digs at her expense, and she valued that above everything else in her life. Izuku was her best friend, even knowing everything there was to know about her, and that finally made her decision for her.

“Izuku, I...” Tanya blushed and ducked her head down into his chest. She couldn't believe that she was actually saying it. She had been in denial for so long that she was struggling with making her mouth move to form the words properly. “I want to... to be your...”

“Do you want to be my partner in all things?” Izuku asked, intentionally relieving all of the pressure Tanya was feeling about her identity.

Tanya let out a shuddering sigh of relief, because she didn't have to actually say the words. “Okay.”

When he didn't immediately grab her butt or fondled her, she lifted her head to look at his face.

“What? I'm not an idiot.” Izuku said and she had to grin at him. “I said we'll wait and we'll wait.”

“How can you be so vexingly perfect?” Tanya asked.

“You trained me well.” Izuku said and hugged her close.

The two of them laid there and let the other students voices lull them into a relaxed mood.