The press were all over the incident at the USJ, despite the principal's efforts to contain it. When there were that many witnesses, not including all of the villains, it was difficult to keep things under wraps. Nezu had thought he had done a spectacular job of it until the video appeared on social media and blew the entire cover story out of the water.
How did they get audio? None of our cameras have audio as a security feature. Nezu thought and shook his head. He checked the footage access and found over thirty requests to review it and copies automatically sent out. He sighed at trying to track down the culprit until he noticed the filed complaints. Curious, he clicked on the section he hadn't checked yet and saw two of them.
One was from Midnight and she complained about being shot and hurt by a student and wanted to file assault charges. The other complaint, filed before Midnight's, was by Tanya Degraff and she complained about a teacher assaulting another student and her having to take steps to stop it before permanent damage could be done with Midnight's pheromones. She used an incapacitating shot and not a harmful one with a video attached.
The mouse-like Nezu watched it and he sighed as Tanya's complaint was validated. Midnight had snuck up near Izuku Midoria and was directing her pheromones to the boy. He was falling under her powers and Tanya Degraff had hit her with a practically point blank shot, a Door-buster she called it. It was slamming into the wall that caused Midnight's aches and pains.
Nezu rubbed a paw over his little face and thought about cancelling both complaints out, just so he didn't have to deal with the repercussions. Unfortunately, Midnight was a faculty member and her proclivity to do what she wanted, had to be addressed. He was glad that Tanya hadn't waited long before filing her complaint, because it could have been classed as retaliation if Midnight's had gone through first.
He wouldn't have to bring it to the Hero Association's attention, though. Since it happened during a school event and only involved a teacher and a student, he could keep it in-house and deal with it personally. He just hoped that Tanya didn't take it personally or held him responsible if she doesn't like Midnight's punishment for a first offense.
“That furry little bastard!” Tanya said loudly as she read the result of her filed complaint.
“What did the principal do?” Izuku asked as he lay on the bed and admired her standing there wearing just a bra and panties. They hadn't done anything sexual yet and he was sure that his patience was going to pay off soon as he watched Tanya pace back and forth, showing off her toned body to full effect.
“He gave that bitch two days suspension and docked her pay for those two days.” Tanya said, a bit angrily.
“So, he gave her the weekend off.” Izuku said and folded his hands behind his head.
“Yes!” Tanya spat. “What kind of punishment is that?”
“He's probably thinking it's her first offence, officially reported that is, and anything harsher would look suspicious.” Izuku offered and Tanya growled. “I know. I don't agree, either. How many others has she seduced into unconsciousness?”
“I'm just glad I noticed your exhaustion wasn't natural.” Tanya said.
“So am I.” Izuku said and let out a long and drawn out sigh. “It would make me feel so dirty if she had touched me anywhere, especially if I was drugged.”
Tanya nodded. She had seen a few things like that during her life and knew that the victims always felt that way, as if it was their fault. She put her phone down on the night table beside the bed and looked at her partner on his bed. His muscular arms, flexed like they were behind his head, really highlighted how big his chest was getting. Izuku was only fifteen and yet he was fully grown, thanks to the enhancement quirks he had inherited from All Might.
“I like that look in your eyes.” Izuku said and Tanya's eyes snapped from his bare chest to his eyes. “That one, too.”
Tanya had to smile. “You're doing that pose intentionally.”
“I always do.” Izuku said and moved his arms down to hold his hands out to her. “I know you're still confused, especially with all the hormones flooding through you.”
Tanya took his hands and let him pull her onto the bed. “They are screaming at me that you are the perfect physical specimen.”
“I think that's what the One for All quirk intends for the host. To become the most physically powerful being to not only let it be used; but, to allow everyone to see it being used.”
“What about your hormones?” Tanya asked as she rested her head on his pectoral muscle.
“I told you before. I could smash through a brick wall with how hard you make me.” Izuku said. “My mind is almost on the same page.”
“It is, huh?” Tanya asked as her hand lightly caressed his abdomen.
“I've never been so intellectually stimulated around anyone else, not even Momo, and she's a genius.” Izuku said and his hand caressed Tanya's lower back. “If that's not a compliment you think you deserve, then I don't know what to say.”
Tanya chuckled and lifted her head to look at him. “Am I really that attractive to you that a brunette bombshell with gigantic breasts can't stimulate you more than I can?”
“I'd lift my boxers and show you, except I don't want to push you away or make you think that I only want to have sex with you.” Izuku said and used his free hand to pull her down into a kiss. “I love you and if we eventually do get to spend... ah... that kind of time together...”
Tanya nodded. “It's going to mean a lot more than just sex between us would.”
“A lot more.” Izuku whispered and the two of them cuddled without groping each other, even if the both of them secretly wanted the other to do just that.
“The response to the USJ video has been mixed.” Tanya said as her fingertips lightly traced Izuku's abdomen muscles. “I've gotten three hero agency requests and five admonishments for using unnecessary lethal force.”
Izuku chuckled. “They know it was a construct and still said that? That's why we could go all out on it and not worry about hurting anyone.”
“They can't trace the DNA to only once source, so they don't know if it was grown or transmuted from someone's body or multiple bodies.” Tanya said.
“I would elect for grown. It had multiple quirks that shouldn't be possible for one being to contain safely.” Izuku responded. “Imagine going for a walk and having your feet absorb the shock constantly.”
Tanya thought about it. “That's why it lumbered when it walked and could also lunge lightning fast.”
“You got it. I bet it could barely feel itself move. That's probably also why it so easily crushed Aizawa's arm. It didn't know it wasn't just grabbing on.”
Tanya nodded. “Yes, going through life and not being able to tell where things were when you walked on them or grabbed them, would be horrible.”
“I suspect it would be the same feeling when it's dark and you walk up the stairs and take one extra stair that wasn't there.” Izuku said as an example and both he and Tanya shuddered slightly at the mental imagery.
It was such a jarring thing to do and it threw off your whole body's rhythms for several seconds before you recovered. Having that feeling all of the time would be one of the worst things for someone to suffer through.
“Now imagine adding super strength, durability, and regeneration to that.” Izuku said and they both fell silent as they considered what kind of existence that Nomu had with conflicting quirks.
Tanya was quiet for several minutes before she spoke again. “Have you checked your own hero agency offers?”
“No, and I can't realistically consider them. We're barely officially trained and won't have access to a provisional license until after the summer break.” Izuku said and let his hand slide up her back and back down to her waist. “That's also assuming the Sports Festival goes well and we have good Hero Agency placements.”
“You won't consider the offers you have now at that point?”
“Most offers usually only last a short time and agencies making them now are just wasting their time... and ours. We are ahead of everyone in the class with how well we've trained ourselves up for fighting; but, we also have no real experience with the proper procedures for handling things.” Izuku said and his hand moved down a bit more and his hand took a firm hold of Tanya's ass.
“Mmmm.” Tanya moaned and pressed herself into his side. “You're right. We are lacking a lot of information. It's too bad we couldn't get someone to teach us at our own pace and not have to snail it along like everyone else.”
Izuku laughed and his hand slipped back up to her waist. “We would be graduated by the end of the year if we did that.”
“Yeah, they would never do that.” Tanya said with a sigh.
“Don't worry, Tanya. We'll get through this together, even if we have to take our time to get where we need to go.”
“I've got another delivery.” Tanya said and hopped up and started getting dressed. “I'll be back later.”
“I'll be here.” Izuku said and handed her what she needed to dress faster.
“Thanks.” Tanya said as she slipped her backpack on and then she bent down to give him a kiss. She opened the window and jumped out before activating her quirk and took off like a rocket.
Izuku waited to hear the sonic boom before he shut the window and laid back down on the bed. He never questioned why he was so comfortable with being practically naked with a girl in his bed. He chuckled and corrected that thought by changing 'girl' to 'Tanya'. She was his best friend and let him get away with a lot.
He was sure that if he tried any of the things that he did with Tanya with another girl, he would be slapped, yelled at, and probably get kicked in the crotch. He laughed as he imagined outrage on some random girl's face and relaxed while he waited for his partner to come back to him.
The weekend passed quickly, as did the next two weeks. The scheduled Sports Festival was still on, even after the villain attack on the students of Class 1-A. Apparently, the footage of how the students had handled the incident had convinced the plans for the festival to remain the same. All they did was add extra security and seeded well-known heroes all over the place to discourage any villain attack.
“It's not fair that we can't wear our costumes.” Uraraka said as the group of her friends and classmates walked down the entryway to enter the stadium.
“It is unfair... if everyone else had a costume. Which they don't.” Izuku said. “It would give some of us a completely unfair advantage if we had all of our equipment on us.”
“I would take you all out with my pistols before we even left the starting area.” Tanya said with a manic grin on her face.
“There's no way you could take out eleven classes of first year students.” Bakugo said.
“Them?” Tanya laughed. “I would only take out the competition, not the extras.”
You are reading story Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia at
Bakugo had to smile as she used his term for the people that don't really impact the results.
“You're both incorrigible.” Izuku said and they both grinned at him.
“Well, well, well. If it isn't the stars of Class 1-A.” A mean and sarcastic voice said from the crowd.
“Don't bother answering. It's only the idiot of Class 1-B spouting off.” Todoroki warned.
“Hey!” The mean voice said and he took a step forwards in a threatening manner. “You have no right to say that to me!”
“Spout spout.”
“You are going to regret this!” He said and reached out for Todoroki's arm. He suddenly felt a foot planted into his chest and flew backwards into several members of his class. “GAH!” He grunted, as did several of his classmates.
“He doesn't like people touching him without his permission.” Izuku said and then he smiled as the students of Class 1-B picked the wheezing boy up off of the ground. “I'm sorry about that. We shouldn't have met under such angry conditions.” He stepped forward and bowed slightly. “I'm Izuku and it's a pleasure to meet most of you.”
That made a few of the students laugh.
“He is a bit of an egoist.” A redheaded young woman said. “I'm Itsuka.”
Izuku blinked his eyes for a moment. “Our names sound very similar.”
The redhead nodded. “I see you've had some martial arts practice. That was a nice forward kick.”
“Thanks. I practice it every two days.” Izuku responded.
“Why not every day?” Itsuka asked, curious.
“My workout is too intense and extensive to only do in one day.”
That made all of the students around them look surprised.
“We're going to upgrade the weight machine again soon.” Tanya said from beside him and her eyes went right to the guy with the softening quirk that had taken her recommendation spot. “Four thousand pounds is getting a bit too easy for us, even with a dozen rep sets.”
That made a lot of them gasp, even their own classmates.
“THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING TO THIS YEAR'S SPORTS FESTIVAL!” Present Mic yelled over the loudspeakers, making everyone wince. He gave a long speech about school unity and working together to become heroes, then told them to forget all of that because this was an individual competition to show off their skills. “WHEN YOU HEAR THE GUN GO OFF, START THE RACE!”
Tanya let the air around herself build and waited. As soon as the gun sounded, she launched herself. Not out towards the exit, though. She went right towards the idiot that had taken her spot, punched him up into the air, jumped and did a swing kick to hit him in the chest and threw him all the way back across the entrance area to slam into the wall, unconscious.
“Pathetic!” Tanya spat, then let off a sonic boom as she flew out like a shot over everyone's shocked heads.
Izuku wasn't idle, either. He ran over to Uraraka, who was staring at the scene, and grabbed her by the shoulder. “Make yourself weightless!”
Uraraka shifted her surprised look to him, saw his desperate face, and did as he asked.
“You'll thank me for this later.” Izuku said and took off running before he threw her as hard as he could.
“AHHHHH!” Uraraka yelled as she soared through the air almost as fast as Tanya.
They both passed through the area where a bunch of large robots started to activate. They were long past it by the time Izuku reached the robots and green lightning bolts covered him. He dodged those that he could and others he jumped and smashed through. There were two gigantic Zero Pointer robots at the end of the area and he jumped at the one on the right. He drop-kicked the head and used it as a launching platform and jumped as hard as he could towards the next obstacle.
Tanya passed that obstacle and flew over the mine field before landing just over the finish line.
“THIRTY-FOUR SECONDS!” Present Mic announced as Tanya easily completed the course.
“Whoever designed the course without taking into account possible flyers or gliders, was... very short sighted.” Tanya commented. She was going to say 'an idiot' and decided that discretion was a better choice than honesty this time.
Uraraka had to cancel her weightlessness because she couldn't change course. She landed just in front of the second obstacle and thought Izuku's idea was a great one. She took several steps back, ran as hard as she could, then made herself weightless as she jumped. She soared over the open pits of what looked like molten lava and landed on the other side.
She felt a little nauseous and looked back to see Izuku running into view. She waved to him and started running towards the last obstacle, the mine field.
Izuku saw Uraraka wave and he didn't pause as he ran onto the tightrope wire connected to a platform fifty feet away. With his speed and agility, he made short work of it and made it to the large platform. Now it was a little trickier. The ropes were different sizes as were the platforms they went to. Multiple routes were available, so he quickly calculated out which was the best way and not necessarily the fastest.
His choice made, he ran to the middle tightrope and jumped. He made it almost halfway along the hundred foot long rope and grabbed on, then pulled himself up to the higher platform. Once there, he saw that his choice was the right one. From here, he easily plotted out a series of jumps and runs that would carry him clear of the obstacles safely and with minimal risk.
Izuku was far ahead of his other classmates and ignored the shouts and hollers of the crowd as he crouched and then jumped. The gasps and cheers as he seemed to soar like Tanya towards his first landing area, made him happy that he had learned to adjust his position in mid-air from her. He landed to loud applause and then ran down another tightrope to another platform that he could jump from.
Back at the finish line, Tanya clapped a few times as Uraraka landed. “He threw you, didn't he?”
“He did.” Uraraka said and dropped to her knees in the grass beside the finish line. “Ugghhh, I'm going to be sick.”
“Here.” Tanya said and handed her two anti-nausea pills and a water bottle.
Uraraka quickly swallowed both pills and drank half of the water in the bottle. “Th-thanks.”
“Before you ask, I always carry them, as does Izuku. We sometimes take our workouts a little far.”
Uraraka laughed and sat down. “No, really?” She asked, sarcastically.
Tanya smiled and sat down beside her. “After the USJ, we've been pushing ourselves really hard.”
“I can tell. The both of you are filling out your track suits and they are supposed to be bulky.” Uraraka said and plucked at her own top. “I think it's supposed to make us all interchangeable and the only differences are our faces and heights.”
“That's pretty stupid.” Tanya said and looked over as Izuku approached the last obstacle. “If we were more defined visually, the agency scouts wouldn't have such a hard time finding out who we are.”
“I think that's why... wait, what is Izuku doing?” Uraraka asked.
“He's clearing the way.” Tanya said with a chuckle as she saw Izuku priming a massive double-handed punch towards the ground. “I hope they can seed the field again after...”
The sounds of explosions rocked the entire stadium as the whole field exploded from the force that Izuku unleashed after smashing the ground and sending out shock waves. The fire and debris were barely moving out of the way and Izuku was already across the distance and crossed the finish line.
“Hello!” Izuku said happily as rocks, dirt, and debris fell all around them.
“Show off.” Tanya said with a grin and he nodded as he sat beside her.
“Thanks for giving me second place.” Uraraka said.
“You would have had it anyway if you had your costume.” Izuku said. “I thought it was only fair if I acted like a thruster for you.”
“You could have just had her hold onto you while you ran.” Tanya suggested.
“Too dangerous. She might be weightless but that doesn't mean she's without mass. Her extra momentum would have thrown off my jumps and my running across the tightropes.”
Uraraka nodded. “If I'm not careful with how I deactivate my quirk, I could hurt myself or others like that.”
“Only with larger objects. You're pretty light and I doubt you would hurt anyone if you crashed into them. You're pretty soft.” Izuku said and his face flushed a little red. “I didn't mean it like... I only wanted to assure you that...”
“You better stop your mouth before you put your foot in it again.” Tanya warned him.
“I'm sorry.” Izuku said and ducked his head. “I only meant that Uraraka was cute and cuddly. No one would be angry if she banged into them.”
Uraraka blushed at the compliment and then had to clamp her mouth shut to stop her laugh when Tanya smacked Izuku on the back of the head.
“OW!” Izuku said and rubbed the spot.
“I warned you.” Tanya said. “You're lucky it wasn't my fist.”
Izuku nodded and they sat there in silence as they waited for the obstacle race to finish.