Tanya and Izuku didn't get up until noon. When they did, they wore normal clothing. For them, anyway. They both wore black suit pants, stylish white shirts, and dress shoes. Not only did they match, they both wore the male versions of the shirts and shoes.
When they went downstairs for lunch, a lot of the people there gave them furtive looks. Ling and the other female intern blushed when they appeared and Gretchen looked sad. Tanya gave Izuku a glance and saw that he had noticed it, too. They walked right over to Gretchen and she sighed.
“Mr. Brave said as soon as I saw you, to tell you to report to his office.” Gretchen said.
“So much for lunch.” Izuku said and he and Tanya walked back the way they came and went to the head of the agency's office. They knocked and entered without waiting and Izuku shut the door.
“Sit.” Mr. Brave said and they did. “Do you realize what you did last night?”
“Which part?” Tanya asked. “The part where we saved those areas from fire, the part where we helped civilians trying to get closer to the fire, the part where we helped the firemen...”
“The part where you made all of that noise going at each other in bed!” Mr. Brave spat.
“We broke the bed almost right away.” Izuku offered.
“That's not the point!” Mr. Brave exclaimed.
“Oh, it was definitely a good point.” Tanya said with a grin and Isuku chuckled.
“I cannot have fraternization in my agency!” Mr. Brave said, angrily.
“Where in the information you gave us, does it tell us that?” Izuku asked, calmly.
Mr. Brave clamped his mouth shut.
“Right, nowhere.” Izuku said. “I would apologize for the disruption if you had said that couples are not allowed to be together.”
Mr. Brave sat there and glared at them. “I thought the sleeping arrangements were pretty clear.”
“Wasting a room for no reason? It wasn't clear at all.” Izuku said. “You saw us spending time together several times before last night and you didn't say anything. Are we supposed to read your mind of something?”
Mr. Brave sighed. “Regardless, I reluctantly have to let you g...”
“If you finish that sentence...” Tanya interrupted. “...I will tear out your intestines and feed them to you.”
Mr. Brave frowned at her. “You cannot threaten me! I'm...”
“A criminal wearing a hero costume.” Izuku said and he looked surprised. “We haven't turned you in already, because we haven't raided all of your personal files yet to get the evidence we need to bring you down.”
Mr. Brave's mouth dropped open from shock.
“You're surprised?” Tanya asked. “You've told us from the moment we got here to not mess with the gangs and the yakuza, even though that's your goddamn job!”
Mr. Brave winced at her biting tone.
“Of course we were going to investigate you after coming here. The obvious favoritism and ignorance of actual crimes was too blatant for us to just stand by and let it continue.” Izuku said.
“You can't get into my personal files. They are protected and...” Mr. Brave tried to defend himself.
Tanya took out a little monitoring device. “We're at about 85%, so another ten minutes or so.”
“Wh-what?” Mr. Brave asked, surprised.
“You would be surprised at the electronic devices that a lowly gang keeps inside an abandoned building.” Tanya said and saw his face go sad. “Or maybe you wouldn't.”
“We wondered how they could get things into your assigned patrol areas.” Izuku said. “All those days you go for a walk, aren't just walks, are they?”
Mr. Brave sighed and rubbed his face with a hand. “You're too young to understand the danger...”
“We know perfectly well about the deal you have with the gangs and the yakuza to leave them alone and they won't come here to kill you all.” Tanya said and he sighed again. “The only problem with that deal is that the gangs can break it at any time and the bribes and things won't stop.”
Mr. Brave bent over his desk and rested his head in his hands.
“You've set up no middleman to handle things and the criminals and police officials get their payoff money whether you're around or not.” Izuku said. “It was quite stupid of you to cut yourself out of it like that, when you wanted to protect your people.”
“I didn't want even more responsibility.” Mr. Brave whispered. “It's bad enough I'm looking after ten heroes. If I had to look after their friends and families because the gangs target them...”
“You really are an idiot.” Tanya said and the device beeped. “Ah, I see. You have a lot of high ranked officials on the payroll that take care of things for you.”
Mr. Brave groaned at her words and didn't lift his head from the desk.
“You were smart to not leave a paper trail and ignorant to leave an electronic one.” Izuku said. “Were you trying to keep it as blackmail material?”
“Yes.” Mr. Brave said.
“Stupid. This implicates you completely and the others are only accessories and facilitators.” Tanya chuckled. “I thought you would have a lead of two for us to follow up on, so thank you.” She put the monitoring device away. “I hope you enjoy helping the gangs in prison as much as you enjoyed helping them from your hero agency.”
“Please... please, don't.” Mr. Brave said and lifted his head to look at her. “These people depend on me and...”
“...you've been leading them around by the nose, frustrating them and making them hate being a hero. You've done more damage to their self-esteem than any criminal mastermind could.” Izuku said. “Wiggleman was so close to snapping the other day that he could have killed someone and it would have been your fault.”
Mr. Brave sighed. “I know. Colonel Degraff's words have been going through my head ever since...”
“That's why I said them.” Tanya said and let some of her manic grin show. “Only the suggestion that it's your fault sent you on a guilt trip. What's going to happen to you when everyone finds out the same thing?”
Mr. Brave slumped back in his chair and didn't say anything.
“Don't worry. You have about an hour to personally apologize to everyone here.” Tanya said and took out her active cell phone. “Did you get all of that?”
“We did.” A deep voice said from the speaker. “I won't ask where you got the equipment to get the files so quickly.”
“He's sitting right in front of us.” Tanya said with a chuckle. “If he didn't allow the shipments in, none of the gangs around here would have access to anything more high tech than a cell phone.”
The man on the phone was quiet for a moment. “Now that you've caught the ringleader, you are to cease and desist in...”
“If you finish that sentence, I'll visit you before I have to and remind you what happened to the last government agency that decided to screw with me.” Tanya said and silence came from the cell phone. “Have a hero sent over that has experience running an agency for the next two weeks. I want a glowing and unbiased review from a hero that actually does their job.”
“We can't control what they submit...”
Tanya barked a laugh. “Do you really think I don't know that certain government agents are planning on stopping me from getting my hero license?”
The man didn't respond.
“Right. Get it done and get this hero imposter out of here.” Tanya said. “Oh, before I forget.” She said and hit several buttons on her phone as if texting. There was a squawk from the speaker and a man's curse. “No one taps my cell phone without my permission, asshole.”
After a moment of silence, the man spoke. “Understood.” He said and hung up.
Mr. Brave sat there and stared at Tanya like she was the devil incarnate.
“Isn't Tanya great?” Izuku said and stood up. “I love my partner so much.”
Tanya smiled and stood as well. “Let's go tell everyone the horrible news.”
You are reading story Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia at novel35.com
Izuku took her hand and they left the office and a stunned Mr Brave at his desk.
It was a scandal of tiny proportions. With Mr. Brave available and revealed to take the fall, everyone put the blame on him. The police officers, the swat teams, the higher-ups, the other hero agencies, and civil services like firemen and ambulances, all deferred to orders and didn't speak up to mitigate Mr. Brave's guilt.
Tanya and Izuku knew the truth, though. They also still had their temporary permissions for quirk usage. They used them. A lot. They cleared out that hidden cache of weapons and electronics and stashed them at a secret location. Because of their powers, they easily cleared out an underground base for themselves near Tanya's home while raiding abandoned buildings for materials like steel beams for reinforcement.
With no real regulation on them, thanks to the replacement hero agency head, Tanya and Izuku made dozens of captures and handed evidence and the criminals over to the police. It made their records look fantastic and all of the heroes and the interns loved them, because they were allowed to do their jobs.
What no one knew was that Tanya would mark each person they arrested with an electronic bug that couldn't be detected, thanks to their first raid on that government spy business. As soon as that criminal made bail, usually the same day they were arrested, Tanya and Izuku would track them down and made them disappear.
It was during one of these hunts that they came across a particular villain as he was slicing up a hero named Native.
“R-run! You... you can't stop... ughhhh.” Native collapsed to the ground from blood loss.
“You.” Stain said and turned to face the new threats. “I've seen you. You're playing up to the crowd.”
“We are.” Izuku said. “It's easier to lead when they want to follow you.”
Stain smiled and licked the blood off of his blade. “You've been cleaning up the streets around here.”
“More than you have.” Izuku said.
Stain huffed and glanced at Tanya. “Why aren't you talking?”
“Because it's my job to distract you.” Izuku said as Tanya pulled out a pistol and fired.
Stain felt something dangerous coming and twisted to avoid the bullet, only to be surprised that it wasn't a bullet. He could see the little odd looking pellet pass by him and stared at it as he laughed for a split second... then his face caved in when Izuku's fist pulverized his head.
Izuku didn't stop punching, though. He knew Stain had some weird quirk and suspected from all the successful murders that the heroes kept underestimating him. Neither Tanya nor Izuku were going to do that. Izuku's fists pounded and pounded the villain into the ground. He mulched the head first and then the chest, tore out the heart and tossed it aside, then went to work on the rest of the body.
When Izuku was done, no bones were left and the bloody meat sack of skin laid on the ground in the alley without moving. Four pistol shots rang out and the remains exploded and went afire. One more shot took out the discarded heart. Izuku looked down at himself and saw all the blood and chuckled.
“It's all right.” Tanya said and they walked over to Native. “I'll heal him a little and you pick him up.”
Izuku understood right away. They were to use Native's injuries to explain the extra blood.
“I'll grab the swords and knives.” Tanya said and they went to the closest hospital.
Needless to say, the hospital staff freaked out over Native and Izuku and it took nearly ten minutes before they would believe that Izuku wasn't as hurt as Native after fighting with Stain. It took a long shower to finally prove it.
The police were called and Tanya explained their cover story, showed them their quirk permission slips, and explained that they were on patrol when they found Native. She also handed over the weapons they got from Stain.
“How did you get these?” One of the officers asked.
“He was pretty hurt after what Native did to him.” Tanya said. “When Izuku and I showed up, he dropped everything, including Native, and ran. Well, hobbled.” She chuckled. “The last I saw of him, he was a bloody mess.”
The officers let out sighs of relief. “Colonel Degraff, Captain Midoria, thank you for this.”
“We didn't really do much.” Izuku said. “It was Native that found Stain and fought him.”
The officers nodded and left. They would have to wait for Native to recover to get the rest of the story.
“Let's stay around and make sure Native sticks to the story.” Tanya whispered.
“To be fair, he doesn't know there's a story to stick to.” Izuku joked and she smacked his chest.
“He will. We just have to convince him that the damage he did was fatal to the hero killer.” Tanya suggested and Izuku nodded.
So, that's what they did. When they were done talking to the hero, he had thoroughly convinced himself that he had an epic battle and stripped the weapons from the hero killer and beat him to a pulp. It wasn't until witnesses showed up that he ran out of stamina and collapsed.
Native was hailed a hero and Izuku and Tanya mentioned as rescuing him. All in all, it was a great encounter and the press ate it up.
At the end of the two weeks of their internship, Tanya and Izuku had glowing reviews that they made public, which made the news and the people cheered for the future heroes. After the things they had done to clean up Hosu City in only two weeks, in which the gangs were pretty much eliminated, everyone could only expect greater things from them when they gained their provisional hero licenses.
No one would ever know that Tanya and Izuku had also discreetly gone about removing most of the people on Mr. Brave's lists of corrupted officials. With all of the experience they had with the gang hideouts, sneaking into normal homes was child's play, as was setting up the deaths as retribution gang hits. It was perfectly executed and they ended their internships as the darlings of the heroes and the people.
“We want you to stay in touch.” Izuku said and handed Single Item Girl his cell phone number as they were leaving the hero agency for the last time.
Ling couldn't stop her blush as she took the number and immediately put it into her cell phone.
Tanya chuckled at her eagerness. “Do I need to bother giving you my number?”
Ling started to shake her head no and blushed again.
Tanya laughed and lightly touched her shoulder. “It's all right. Izuku is really something.”
“He... well...” Ling looked from Izuku to Tanya. “Um... I know you're together...”
“I won't ever give her up for anyone else.” Izuku said. “Tanya is my partner in all things.”
“I know.” Ling said and looked at his face for a moment, then she turned to Tanya. “I think I figured out a compromise.”
“Oh? This I have to hear.” Tanya said.
“O-okay.” Ling whispered, took a step closer, then kissed Tanya right on the lips and put her arms around her to hug her tenderly.
Tanya was surprised at first, then shrugged and went with it. Ling was a pretty good kisser, so it wasn't a waste of time for either of them.
Izuku's mouth dropped open as another girl made out with his girlfriend right in front of him.
Ling broke the kiss a few minutes later and her face was bright red.
“That was a surprisingly good argument.” Tanya said and licked her lips. “Cherry?”
Ling nodded.
“All right. Go ahead.” Tanya said and a second later, Ling was in Izuku's arms and was making out with him the same way.
Izuku kept his eyes on Tanya the entire time, as if to prove he wasn't thinking of anyone else.
Tanya gave him a flash of her manic grin and he understood. They were recruiting her.
Ling broke the kiss after a few minutes and her breathing was heavy. “Good... goodbye.”
Izuku smiled back at her. “Bye.”
“See you.” Tanya said as she and Izuku left the agency, hand in hand. They had a train to catch and homes to get to. They each had parent or guardian to meet and then be fawned over for missing them for two whole weeks. They exchanged looks and smiled before boarding the train and cuddled together for the long ride home.