Chapter 37: Chapter 37

“We forgot to ask you what high school you go to.” Izuku said as he, Tanya and Ling cuddled in bed after their showers.

“Isamu Academy.” Ling responded and hugged Izuku's chest with an arm and her hand gripped Tanya's shoulder on Izuku's other side.

Tanya lightly stroked Ling's arm and Izuku's chest at the same time. “I wonder if we could suggest a few cross-school training sessions for the hero classes?”

“That's a great idea!” Izuku said. “I'll bring it up with All Might during our meeting next week.”

“You're meeting All Might?” Ling asked, shocked.

“Izuku is his protege.” Tanya said and Ling gasped. “He gives us tips and tricks to exercise and to control our power to make sure we don't do unnecessary damage or hurt anyone we're not supposed to.”

“Oh, wow.” Ling whispered and her hand moved back from Tanya's shoulder to rub Izuku's chest. “Your mentor is the Symbol of Peace.”

“Why else do you think we did so well at Mr. Brave's agency?” Izuku asked and she lifted her head to look at his face. “We went there to help people.”

“But... but you...”

“We don't just want to help civilians.” Tanya said. “Heroes are people, too.”

Ling thought about that. “Heroes... heroes are people, too.”

“Yes, some of them need saving, just as much civilians do.” Izuku said. “Wiggleman's enjoying the trip to the spa.”

Tanya chuckled. “He just likes the hot springs vibrating him instead of him vibrating them.”

“True.” Izuku said and looked at Ling. “Are you staying tonight or are you heading home?”

“I... well, I...” Ling blushed. “I need to get home; but, I would really like to stay.”

“Please, don't let our sex-strained and relaxed bodies influence you.” Tanya said with a grin.

Ling laughed softly. “You're shameless.” She said and then leaned over Izuku to give Tanya a deep and probing kiss. “I've never done anything like this before.”

“Earlier tonight didn't count?” Tanya asked, remembering lots of making out with her.

“You know what I meant.” Ling said and moved back to kiss Izuku the same way. She broke the kiss and sat up to look at Tanya “I don't even really like girls like that, and yet, I didn't hesitate at all and went down on you when you mentioned it, just so I could do the same to Izuku.”

“Tanya's like that.” Izuku said. “She's so appealing that she's hard to resist.”

“Even Tsu kissed me and I wasn't sure she liked me as a friend.” Tanya said with a smirk. “Not to mention that Izuku is a good motivator.”

Ling nodded and looked from one to the other for several moments before she spoke. “This... this isn't us dating or anything, is it?” She asked and blushed.

“Do you want it to be?” Tanya asked, genuinely curious.

Ling shook her head. “I've never had a serious boyfriend before, let alone both a boyfriend and a girlfriend.”

“You're unsure if you want to commit to someone that can't commit to you in the same way.” Izuku said, getting her reasoning right away.

“How did you know that?” Ling asked.

“We're all young and we haven't really had much life experience outside our own lives.” Izuku said. “I mean, I was a reclusive geek that was bullied and weak before I met Tanya.”

Ling's mouth dropped open in surprise.

“Now he's confident, powerful, and looks like an Adonis made flesh.” Tanya said with a chuckle. “I only had a hand in the last one.”

“Both hands and part of your mind.” Izuku corrected. “Without you, I couldn't be the man I am today.”

“You said that in your speech at the festival.” Tanya said with a chuckle.

“It's still true.” Izuku said.

Ling looked at Izuku longingly. “You've definitely come out on top.”

“That's what the condoms were for.” Tanya said and laughed.

Izuku joined in and then Ling let out a snort and laughed as well.

“We should get dressed and walk Ling to the train station.” Tanya suggested and sat up.

Izuku nodded and the three of them climbed off of the bed and dressed in their clothes. They left the bedroom and went to the front door. They didn't hear Inko moving around, so they left a note on the table in case she woke up and saw that their shoes were gone.

Ling was quiet as they walked down the dark streets to the train station. Tanya and Izuku exchanged looks and Tanya nodded. Izuku put his arm over Ling's shoulders and Tanya put her arm around her waist. Ling blushed at the gesture and her arms moved around to put one around Izuku's waist and one around Tanya's shoulders.

They walked the rest of the way to the station like that and they sat down on a bench to wait. Ling wasn't bothered that both of her friends had left their arms around her and were slightly leaning on her.

“This was a great way to end a great day.” Izuku said and leaned down to kiss Ling's cheek. “Thank you for accepting the invitation.”

Ling blushed and wasn't sure what to say, because she wasn't sure if he meant it for the beach earlier or for the one back to his place. Where they had sex. Lots of hot and steamy sex.

“I agree. It was a great day.” Tanya said and kissed Ling's other cheek. “Thank you for accepting both invitations.”

Ling's face went even redder and she nodded. “It... it was wonderful.”

“It really was.” Tanya whispered. “You're the first girl I've ever let Izuku touch besides me.”

Ling turned to look at her face. “I don't know what to say. He's great and... you shared him with me, and...”

“It's all right.” Tanya said and gave her a quick kiss. “If this never happens again, we will always have the memory of how good you felt between us.”

Ling caught her breath and blushed again. She turned to look at Izuku and he gave her a quick kiss, too.

“I hope our school schedules don't keep us too busy to talk.” Izuku said.

“Or text.” Tanya offered. “Just because we're not jumping each other's bones, that doesn't mean we can't stay friends.”

“Good friends.” Izuku said. “We can't be anything less after tonight.”

Ling could only nod in agreement, because she was already replaying the night in her head. She had the both of them in her phone contacts now and she was sure that she would text one of them tomorrow. Or both of them. It depended on how horny she was later. She looked at Tanya's mouth and remembered that tongue inside of her, then she looked at Izuku and remembered his rock hard erection inside of her.

“Oh, my.” Ling whispered and squeezed her legs together to stop herself from tingling.

Tanya smiled because she guessed what Ling was thinking and feeling. She didn't mention it, though. “Do you want us to ride with you?”

“Ohhh.” Ling moaned and came a little as she remembered Izuku riding her. She was glad that Tanya had let her borrow a pad, because her bikini bottoms were not going to contain her wetness by itself. Neither Izuku nor Tanya said anything about Ling getting off by just thinking about them.

The three of them sat there for nearly twenty minutes before the train Ling was waiting for pulled into the station. Izuku and Tanya stood as one and held a hand out to Ling. She took them and they helped her stand, then they walked her over to the train's open door.

“I think... I can't... I shouldn't take you with me.” Ling said, her face red. “Sitting here with you was bad enough.”

Tanya chuckled. “All right, we'll let you go here.” She said and tapped her lip. “One more if you want.”

Ling didn't hesitate as she leaned forward and kissed Tanya, broke the kiss and turned to Izuku to kiss him, too. “Goodbye.”

“Bye.” Izuku and Tanya said together and Ling stepped onto the train. They waved to her and watched her find a seat on the nearly empty train.

You are reading story Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia at

“Give her a minute or two before you track her.” Izuku whispered. “Just in case. It's pretty late.”

“My thoughts exactly.” Tanya whispered back. “Let's go over to the corner where it's dark and wait.”

They walked over to the spot and almost faded away as the darkness seemed to flow over them. They had worn dark clothing for just that purpose and they waited in silence for the train to get far enough away. Tanya gave Izuku a quick kiss and slipped out through where the train went and flew at just under the speed of sound to catch up to it and then slowed down to follow it and Ling.

They had slipped a tracking bug on her and Tanya switched her ear piece to the right frequency. Ling was quiet and wasn't saying anything. No one else moved or said anything, either. Tanya followed the train to Ling's stop and then flew up higher to stay out of sight while also keeping an eye on Ling. She tracked her to a nice house in the suburbs and Ling used a key to enter.

“You're finally home.” A man's harsh voice spat.

“Dear, she said where she was going to be all day.” A woman's consoling voice said.

“That doesn't mean she can come and go whenever she wants.” The man responded.

The woman sighed. “That's exactly what it means. She even texted to say she would be on the late train because she stayed for supper at her friend's house.”

“Why would you travel all the way over to Mustafu ward in another city? That's just idiotic.”

The woman sighed. “She went to meet her friends, dear. We told you that.”

The man huffed. “That's a stupid reason.” He said. “What is that you're wearing?”

“Clothes.” Ling said.

“Don't you take that tone with me, young lady!” The man spat. “You're practically naked!”

“Dear, she went to the beach! What do you expect her to wear besides shorts and a thin top? Jeans and a sweater?”

“She should dress more respectable!”

“Tell him he should act more respectable.” Tanya whispered and used her quirk to send the words to Ling's ear.

“You should act more respectable.” Ling said.

There was the sound of a woman's gasp and then scraping chair legs on wood.

Tanya knew what that meant and was down and inside the house, just as the man's hand was partway to slapping Ling's face. She grabbed the man's hand and squeezed it.

“ARGH!” The man yelled and dropped to his knees in pain.

“It's a good thing I followed Ling to make sure she got home safely. Who knows what kind of people are around that would HARM a BEAUTIFUL GIRL for NO REASON!”

“L-let me g-go!” The man spat.

“Not until you promise to stop your domestic abuse.” Tanya said and both Ling and her mother gasped. “Verbal berating and slapping are both abuse.” She said as an explanation. “The best part is that neither of you need to press charges. It's automatic when someone like me reports it.”

“No! Please!” The mother pleaded. “I'll control him, I swear!”

“You were doing well until he decided his daughter didn't have a right to be who she is.” Tanya said and glared at the man. “So, what will it be? Charges for years of verbal abuse or are you going to behave from now on?”

“You're trespassing.” He said with a snarl. “Get out! You can't step a foot in my house without my permission.”

“Then it's a good thing I'm not touching the floor.” Tanya said and the man, his wife, and Ling looked down to see Tanya floating six inches from the floor. She took out her cell phone and hit the button. “Hi, there.” “Yep, me again.” “No, it's for a friend this time.” “Domestic abuse.”

Ling caught her breath and looked worried.

“They're too controlled to testify and the wife swears she can control him most of the time.” Tanya said and listened. “Only a day? Really?” She asked. “Huh. No bail needed for a first offence and released on his own recognizance. That sucks.” She listened for another moment. “No, they'd never file a restraining order. He wouldn't abide by it, anyways.” She was quiet for a second. “Sure, just a second.”

“What are you doing?” Ling asked.

“Sending a recording as proof.” Tanya said and connected her earpiece to her phone, chose the file, and hit send. “They just want to know if what I said was true or if I'm embellishing for your sake.”

“But... you said...”

“Nothing can be done officially.” Tanya said and then smiled. “That means the police won't interfere. It also means that all of the people on your street are going to know all about it by the morning.”

Ling was shocked by that and her mother's face paled as she sat back down, her knees weak. “Tanya...”

“I know it's not much.” Tanya said and looked back at the man kneeling on the floor. “The thing is, he can't hide behind his denial of his crimes when everyone around him knows he's abusive.”

“You can't! I'll sue for defamation of character!” The man spat.

“That only works if I lied or it's not true.” Tanya said and let his hand go when her phone beeped. “Hi, again. I appreciate the help.” She was silent for a second and then laughed. “Yes, I'll grab you a hero sandwich from Archie's Deli and I'll drop it off tomorrow for lunch.” She nodded. “All right. See you.”

“Tanya... what... why...” Ling whispered and then her eyes widened as her father stood up. “Dad! No!”

The man's arm pulled back and it wasn't for a slap this time. No, he made a fist and he swung it at Tanya's face. Tanya stepped aside easily and grabbed his fist, flipped him over her back to sprawl him out on the floor, and held onto his fist. The snap was quite loud in the silent house.

“ARGH!” The man yelled and cradled his broken wrist.

“Another physical assault and not even on a family member. Tsk, Tsk.” Tanya said and added it to the man's charges that would be sent to everyone on the street in the morning. “I didn't even have to use my quirk, which is just sad.”

The man glared up at her. “I'm going to report this! The police will hunt you down and you'll be shown for who you really are!” He lifted his broken wrist to show her and grinned. “Solid proof!”

Tanya gripped his arm and wiggled it, making him scream, then she cast several healing spells on him. “What proof?” She asked and grinned back.

The man stared at her and didn't know what to say.

“Yes, I can make anything I do to you disappear.” Tanya said and showed him her manic grin. “Go ahead and give me another reason to hurt you.”

“T-Tanya.” Ling whispered and touched her arm.

Tanya let the grin fade and looked at her. “It's the only way he'll learn. If he hits you, I hit him. It's a fair exchange.”

Ling opened her mouth to say not to, then she realized she was applying her own deal to her father. She looked at her stunned mother and then looked down at her father. “Yes, I agree. Whatever he does to me or my mother, you will do to him. Fair and square.”

Tanya grinned at her for adding her mother and put her phone away. “Text me tomorrow and let me know how everything goes.” She said and then looked at the man on the floor. “If she doesn't text me because you took her phone, or if she sends me the wrong code phrase, I will come back here and hurt you.” She reached for his wrist again and he recoiled. “You understand. Good.”

“I'll walk you to the door.” Ling said and took Tanya's hand to lead her to the front door.

Tanya floated behind her and waited until they were outside to speak. “If he says or does anything, just hit the call button. You don't have to speak or text a code phrase. I'll come for you.”

Ling blushed and ducked her head. “Tanya, you... you shouldn't have done that.”

“What I said was true. Izuku and I agreed that I would follow you to make sure you were safe. That I had to include the inside of your home in my monitoring for someone assaulting you, is immaterial.”

Ling looked down at their clasped hands and up at her face. “Th-thank... thank you.”

“I have to look after my friend and future employee.” Tanya said with a smile.

“Wh-what?” Ling asked, surprised.

“You don't think I'm going to let someone with a quirk like yours get away from me, do you?” Tanya asked and floated close. “That you're pretty and like my boyfriend is just a bonus.”

Ling's face went even redder. “T-Tanya... I...”

“I know. I said it was okay.” Tanya said and let her hand go as she floated back. “Text me tomorrow.”

Ling nodded and Tanya shot up into the air, then disappeared from her sight. “Wow.” She whispered. She stayed on the front step for several minutes and thought about things. She nodded to herself and went back inside her house to face the consequences of her friend coming to her rescue, a rescue that she didn't even realize she needed.