Chapter 53: Chapter 53

Everyone had a great time at the resort for their booked time. None of them had ever felt so pampered in their lives and that was an odd feeling for the guys to experience and a wonderful one for the girls. Izuku and Tanya had even taken care of a well-hidden target that they couldn't have gotten access to without coming to the resort, so the pair of them were quite happy.

Izuku's mother Inko had the best time of her life, too. She had watched her son carrying on and laughing with his friends and also discreetly witnessed a few of his liaisons with Tanya and with a couple of the other girls. She had taken Izuku's and Tanya's words to heart and didn't worry about it, mainly because she had been young once herself and experimenting was a part of growing up.

Inko wasn't best friends with Bakugo's mother for no reason, after all. The thoughts of the things they did always made her a little giddy, so she had a huge smile on her face for the entire time they stayed at the resort. Getting massages and relaxing in the hot springs was just icing on the cake after seeing how happy her son was.

It all had to come to an end eventually, so they all packed their things and checked out, climbed onto the tour bus that Momo had arranged, and rode it all the way back home. Unlike every other time they had taken a bus and had met at the school, the bus dropped everyone off at the ends of their streets.

Each student thanked Momo for everything as they left the bus with their things. She had a constant blush on her face as they did so, because she wasn't used to having so many friends or feeling happy that each one was giving her attention for who she was and not because she was the daughter of a rich family.

It was just coincidence that the final people on the bus were Tanya, Izuku, and his mother. Tanya had chosen to stay at Inko's for a few days, just because Izuku had been at her place for a few days before the trip to the resort.

“You've been an even greater friend to us for the last two and a half weeks than we ever could have expected, Momo.” Izuku said as he put Tanya's, his, and his mother's bags on the sidewalk.

“I... ah... don't know what you mean.” Momo whispered with a huge blush.

Tanya chuckled and waved to Inko to get her to go to their apartment and open it up to air it out. “Can you give us a few minutes, Mom 3?”

Inko gave her a knowing smile and gave her a hug as she whispered. “Try to not break the poor girl.”

Tanya gave her a bit of a manic grin. “No promises.”

Inko laughed and carried her purse down the street to their apartment building.

Tanya turned to Momo and stepped close as she looked up at the taller girl. “Izuku and I are not members of the ignorant masses.”

Momo's blush didn't fade as she looked into Tanya's eyes. “I wasn't trying to hide it. Not intentionally.”

“We know.” Izuku said. “The others didn't notice because you made sure we all had as much fun as possible and despite thanking you, they can't appreciate exactly what you've done for them.”

“Not like we do.” Tanya said and floated up enough to put her face at the same height as Momo's. “Unlike them, we realized right away that the price you charged us for the trip hadn't increased, even though we stayed in the best suites and for five days longer than the original trip.”

“It was... nothing.” Momo whispered.

“It was a very nice thing to do for everyone, especially after the attack at camp and you had to rush out of there.” Izuku whispered. “We wanted to thank you properly for taking care of all of that.”

“P-properly?” Momo asked and looked from Izuku to Tanya.

“Thank you.” Tanya whispered and moved forward to give Momo a kiss for several seconds.

Momo's blush intensified and she looked embarrassed, then Tanya moved aside and her eyes widened as Izuku stepped into her place.

“Thank you very much.” Izuku whispered and gave her a similar kiss for the same amount of time.

Momo's face was completely red and she was thoroughly embarrassed, because her arms had moved on their own and had caressed and hugged Izuku. And his muscles. His large and powerful muscles.

“We appreciate you making sure everyone was focused on having fun and not thinking about the mess that happened at the training camp. No one panicked about it and they have put the whole thing behind them because of your efforts.” Tanya added.

“We just wanted you to know that we know and that someone recognized what you did.” Izuku said.

Momo didn't think she could blush any harder and she was wrong. She almost felt faint with so much blood rushing to her face.

“Relax and breathe, Momo.” Tanya whispered and both she and Izuku put an arm around her to hold her steady.

“We knew you would react strongly.” Izuku said and his hand rubbed her back.

“You... you both...” Momo whispered and took several breaths. “Are you... asking me...”

Tanya gave Izuku a look and he nodded.

“Would you like to try to date?” Izuku asked.

Momo couldn't speak and just nodded.

“We can't promise anything more than that. Your family is going to have certain expectations.” Tanya said and Momo nodded again.

“I won't tell them. You two are a public couple and my family would be vilified if people thought I was trying to break you up.”

“We'll just be hanging out with a close friend.” Izuku suggested and Momo smiled.

“Yes, the three of us being seen together won't be thought of harshly.” Momo said as her blush faded. She wasn't sure why she felt more confident and more powerful. “Also, nothing might come of it. We could end up as just really good friends and...”

Izuku and Tanya exchanged knowing looks as Momo went over dozens of scenarios about what could and couldn't happen between them. Izuku had very subtly used his Fa Jin aura to calm Momo down.

“...and I think I better go. I'll text when I'm free next.” Momo said.

“We eagerly await any word from you.” Izuku said and she nodded.

“Be sure to send along any new designs or ideas.” Momo said, confidently.

Izuku nodded and let her go as he put an arm around Tanya. The pair watched as Momo climbed back onto the bus and it drove away.

“Having the Yaoyorozu Group backing us, even unofficially, would be a huge help.” Tanya said.

“You saw how shy she was when we thanked her.” Izuku said. “She was almost as bad as I was before I met you.”

Tanya chuckled. “I don't think anyone was ever that shy, Izuku.”

Izuku barked a laugh and he let her go before he picked up all the bags and they went to Inko's apartment to unpack and wash up. They had a meal to cook before they started checking out the backdoor network that Izuku had uncovered for Tanya. She hadn't properly thanked him for that and she whispered something to him when she held the front door open for him.

You are reading story Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia at

Izuku blushed and nodded as he passed her. It was going to be an interesting night for the both of them.


The rest of summer vacation was normal for everyone except for Tanya and Izuku. With no school to occupy their days, they had plenty of time for researching their targets and setting others up to mitigate the worst plans that had been set in motion to hinder Tanya's plans to become more powerful in the future.

There wasn't much they could do with the government regulations and laws that had been passed against underage gun ownership. What they could do was change the restrictions that had been placed covertly by several government agencies working together to ensure that Tanya couldn't buy a gun or have one shipped in.

They had found a huge loophole in everything, thanks to their unlimited access to government procedures and their classified documents. There was nothing written officially about blocking Tanya from receiving gifts of guns, bequests from relatives, or just finding them on her own.

That gave Tanya and Izuku a huge area to exploit and they would have to use the government's own tricks to hide that loophole from being discovered and having policy enacted to stop it or legislated against. It took the better part of three weeks for them to get everything into place, because too many changes happening too quickly, would have sent up red flags all over the place.

Once they had secured Tanya's loophole, they relaxed from their hidden profession for the first time since discovering the huge conspiracy. They didn't let that distract them from Tanya's true mission, however. Being X's influence on this world.

Thanks to Izuku finding that spy during his sweep for disguised government agents, they now knew that other governments were also working against her and ensuring Being X's spread. That meant their operations in Japan were going to have to be either put on hold to go and deal with it or they would have to ignore foreign operations and concentrate solely on the local situation. They couldn't do both.

Tanya and Izuku gave each other significant looks and decided, without saying a word, that they would remain local. Their friends and families were here and the priority was to protect them first, then they could deal with the rest of the world.


Momo nervously used her cell phone and sent a text. She thought it was innocent enough that it wouldn't catch their attention right away and she would wait for as long as it took for the response. She was wrong in her assumption because her phone immediately beeped at her.

'We are so glad you are free. We'll be right there to meet you. Five minutes.' Tanya sent.

Momo caught her breath and she jumped up from her chair. She ran to the bathroom and checked her full length mirror to see that she was still perfectly presentable. It filled her with relief and she grabbed her purse and hung it over her shoulder before leaving her room and walking through the mansion.

“Bring the casual car around, please.” She said to the butler when she reached the main entryway.

“Yes, young miss.” The butler said and called the garage on the house phone to have their driver do so.

Momo nodded at the efficiency. “Thank you.”

The butler looked a little startled at the gratitude. “Y-you're welcome, young miss.”

Momo smiled and left the house to wait on the large front porch of the mansion. She remained standing there when the car pulled up and the driver didn't comment about her not getting in right away. He knew she had a reason and he would find out soon enough.

Tanya and Izuku flew into view and landed beside a surprised Momo. They quickly unstrapped from each other and Tanya tucked the straps into the pouch on her thigh.

“Are you allowed to do that?” Momo asked and her two friends smiled crookedly at her.

“I paid Tanya to deliver me to you, so it's all legal.” Izuku said.

Momo looked from one to the other, then she smiled as well. “I've arranged for a more accepted mode of transportation to the mall.”

“Of course.” Tanya said and nodded at Izuku. He took the hint and opened the door for the two girls to enter, closed it, and ran around the other side of the car and climbed in himself.

The car pulled away from the mansion and drove down the long driveway.

“I didn't expect such a quick response to my inquiry.” Momo said.

Tanya put a hand on hers and pat it. “We've been waiting for you to contact us for a while.”

“You have? Why?” Momo asked and then blushed a little. “Forgive my boldness.”

Tanya chuckled and moved her hand up to slip it over Momo's shoulders. “Izuku and I have been busy like crazy with my shipping business, making deliveries, gaining new clients, and a whole bunch of other things.”

“We needed an excuse to take a break.” Izuku said and Momo leaned forward slightly to look at him. “We can't use ourselves because we both know we'll do what the other wants until it's done.”

“I see.” Momo said and leaned back to look at Tanya's face. “Am I causing you to be distracted?”

“Yes.” Tanya said and smiled. “One that we wanted and have been waiting for.”

“Really?” Momo asked. “I'm not used to being on the other end of that equation.”

Both Tanya and Izuku chuckled.

“That's how Tanya felt when we first met.” Izuku admitted. “I was distracting her and she just couldn't stop herself from being there for me.”

Momo thought about that and smiled. “Are you offering me the same opportunity?”

“We wouldn't be here, otherwise.” Tanya said as the car stopped at the mall.

Izuku was out and around the car to their door and opened it for them.

“Thank you.” Momo said and stepped out with Tanya right behind her. “Driver, you may return home. We could be half an hour or all day.”

“Just call whenever you need me to pick you up, young miss.” The driver said.

Momo nodded and the car drove off. The three friends entered the mall and Tanya led them to a secluded spot in a little used hallway.

Momo glanced around and back at their faces. “Why are we here?”

“Privacy.” Tanya said and she floated up slightly. “I always reward someone for thinking of me first.”

Momo opened her mouth to respond and Tanya kissed her passionately. They both moaned and hugged each other as they made out, then Izuku was in there somehow and Momo had two different tongues and two separate and very pleasant sets of lips to kiss. It was almost overwhelming how good it felt and then it was over.

The three friends were breathing a little heavy and exchanged happy looks. Tanya landed and took Momo's hand as Izuku took her other hand. They walked out of that hallway into the main part of the mall and no one that saw them questioned why it was Momo in the middle and not Tanya. If anyone did ask, they wouldn't have said that it was a date with Momo. That was no one's business but their own.