Chapter 18: Chapter 18





-Not bad you are getting the hang of it. (Shisui)

-Thanks Shisui! But I missed about 2 thirds of the targets. (and they are this close...I am failure!)

-It's ok these things take time.(Shisui)

He said giving me a warm smile.

The smile reserved for pretty boys or old men that have no clue that all old men are creepy and should not be trying to give warm smiles to anyone! Especially not children!!!

-Eh!? (S-Shisui-san!!! What a great guy! I wish he was my brother! Is this the famous bro-con syndrome that all important Naruto characters experience!? Too...Too dangerous!...I need to calm myself...breathe, I need to breathe..)


That feels better!

Breathing some fresh air is truly the best way to regain one's composure.

And Shurinkenjutsu is far more taxing then what I had imagined!

My arms hurt from throwing so much crap for the first in my life.


Today, I was training shuriken jutsu with Shisui-san at the remote Uchiha training ground.

Although, he said he would meet me on Sunday; he had to take a mission and forgot to tell me about.

I waited till night time, before I left.

Thanks to that, I was able leverage that terrible experience and get 3 days worth of training with him.

But honestly, I think he really just likes to teach others.

He is giving me Iruka level, teacher vibes.

However, he is incredibly sharp.

I tried to get a hair sample from him, or any other type of DNA samples; but couldn't.

That's a shinobi for you!

I had to lie about seeing some girls at the orphanage tying their hair together as some sort of friendship ritual.

Even cut a few strands of my hair to give it to him but he declined, and said it wasn't necessary.

But after insisting so much, he gave me strands of his hair and tied up in a weird knot and buried it.

What waste!

Such a perfect sample...that could be ruined by some dirty wild animal.

Don't get me wrong, I will get to it later but going too soon could be problematic.

Besides, I wanted some of his blood too.

But then again, I don't want to have his DNA affecting my mangekyou too much... if that  is a thing.

Kotoamatsu kami is op, but really worthless if you truly think about it.

After one use, it takes years to cast it again.

...How is that any good? Sure maybe against one particularly strong opponent but what if you have many!?

I'd have to waste years to get back to business?

Besides the normal sharingan can already control people!

I don't need one that is particularly good at doing one thing better than the regular ones out there... seems a bit redundant.

Besides; unless you are Shisui, you'd probably get found out and killed after activating it against a kage tier enemy.

Just look at Danzo, kotoamatsu kami didn't save him from a crazed Sasuke... pretty sure that was because he wasted it on Mifune. (Which he failed to properly use on...but why Mifune though? Isn't the raikage a better alternative?)

Sometimes, I don't understand Danzo's plans...he probably miscalculated Sasuke's potential, too. Because, I doubt that he truly respected  Itachi's wishes after his death.

People hungry for power respect almost nothing.

Not even I would have cared about Itachi's wishes and I am not even half as psychotic as Danzo.

Anyway, I am not sure if having Shisui's blood inside my body would affect my sharingan.

People closely related seem to have the potential to awaken similar abilities.

I am not too sure... on how Shin got his...? And I can't even use him too much, as reference because my DNA is far more complex than that pile of trash.

I have, pretty much within my body; 3 different bloodlines intertwined from birth.

It's great and all, but what I really want is... the Hyuga's and the sage's brother bloodline.

Because f*ck sharingan, f*ck rinnegan because I want the tenseigan! Baby!

That sh*t is op as fck!

Truly worth of being a late addition to the canon, when kishimoto just went crazy in giving a ton of handj*bs power ups.

If the Otsutsuki bloodline was not a mess of diverse abilities... I'd probably chosen them.

But I'd probably... definitely would have ended up in outer space or as Toneri's brother or something...Urgh!!!

... I can't imagine a worse fate than that. (Choji's sister? maybe...)

But as much of a creep as he may be, he was right about something.

Just you wait Hinata's little sister (...I forgot her name, creepy kid but a beauty as an adult... but those blank eyes...are truly not from this world), I will make sure to collect some of your blood samples....hehehe.

-Are you ok?(Shisui)

-Oh! No, I was just so excited on finally making some progress in learning about chakra and how to harness it a bit...even it is all just theory at the moment. It is all thanks to Shisui-san's help! Thanks again for everything!

-(!? San?)You are utmost welcome.(Shisui)

I had no idea on anything related chakra but Shisui-san helped me.

I thought it would be difficult process, I guess one has to be used to it or some moderate practice.

No wonder 5 year old kids and younger can do it albeit poorly.

-You... I have been meaning to ask...but are you a fan of Might Guy-san?(Shisui)

You are reading story The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto) at

- What?!(The hell did he smoke!? How is that visible anywhere on me?! Has been spying on me?)

-Your outfit. -(Shisui) he said while pointing at me.

I looked down and my eyes went incredibly wide.

(F*ck I forgot to change!)

-... ha, ha, ha... the truth is...Guy-san has given me some pointers in my training from time to time.....He gets sad when we meet and I don't wear this...- my voice, face and everything feels like it has become hollow as I say those words.

I can't believe I forgot to change in the way here... If people I know saw me like this... I'd lose all my hard gained rep. 

-...I-I see you seem to have it tough...*cough*... but it is truly amazing of Guy-san to train you, no wonder your body is in such a good shape.(Shisui)

- Yes...the training is....very very passionate person.....the training is.....truly something else.....but the suit is quite comfortable which helps a lot...

As I remember the torture that I have to go through every time when I meet Guy-san... my mind, starts to break a... bit.

Forget...learning the 8 gates!

Now, the only thing I want is to never meet the guy ever again...but can't...he made weird assumptions about me.

And when I don't show up...he comes to find me!

The first time it happened he thought I got kidnapped or something and tracked me down...*sigh* the other times were something else too.

I feel that it was all a joke.

No way a jounin would think that...but this is Guy san we are talking about.....I can't get a grasp on the guy.

-...*cough* *cough* it is good you are such a dedicated future shinobi. I hope to 1 day protect I get to protect the village together with you.(Shisui)

( Eh?! Protect the village? Right...that is the first brainwashing doctrine of the academy. )

-Yep, I hope so too.

As I said those words I immediately remembered that Shisui-san is a doomed character to be relegated to backstories, like so many others such as Fugaku, Yahiko, Madara's little brother and many others.

- This was our last lesson as we agreed upon.(Shisui) you love this village?

-Of course, I love the is the village where our precious family lives and our ancestors fought to protect. Why would you asked me that?(Shisui)

-...I heard some people complain about the Uchiha clan...even...I... I did not think too fondly of are of the nicest people that I have met.

Shisui got closer to me and patted me on the shoulder while kneeling a bit.

-Thanks...I know that it seems a bit bad now, but I am sure no 1 in the village truly thinks that. Konoha and it's people have always been strong. We may have our disagreements but we all share the same will of fire and love for this village. Yes, deep down all of us love this village very much...Now matter how, it may seem on the outside. (Shisui)


I could not even begin to wonder what was going on inside his head at the moment, but the look on his face showed a strong conviction...whatever those convictions may be, are a mystery to me...I don't have it...within me to...

(...This is...hopeless...this man truly believes that from the bottom of his heart...even if I told him the truth...I believe that ultimately he would commit suicide or take a similar action...*sigh*)

- ?....I am sure 1 day you will understand.(Shisui)

(No! I won't!...How could you just...!)

- Shisui-san, if someone in a high position within the village tries to meet with you...alone, during a time where are you are at conflict with your sentiments and your sense of duty...could you try not to go? Maybe?

-...I am not too sure, what your words... may mean, but thanks nonetheless. I will take them into consideration. (Shisui)

- I see...



After that there was a small silence that lasted for a few seconds between us.

-... before I leave, I got you a present... here. It's nothing much but I hope that it will serve you well. (Shisui)

Shisui-san took out a scroll from his item pouch.

-A ninjutsu scroll?!!!- I was so happy and excited by the shocking turn of events, that I forgot all semblance of dignity.

It might have been the first time that my current age, got the best of me.

-haha...sorry that's not quite right-(Shisui) he said scratching his cheek.


I feel a bit stupid for thinking so...

(...I forgot that this world has weird standards on what you can give to children to play with, or without authorization. Sharp objects fine but ninjutsu, gotta be careful!!! Damn Hokage! I hope your balding head catches fire when you go to sleep!)


As Shisui opened a part of a scroll, a small explosion and puff of white cloud seem to have just... happened out of nowhere! And a notebook came out of it as the cloud dissipated.

- Here. This yours from now on.(Shisui)

-A note book?

-Indeed. It is a notebook that I used to document all my training regiments, when I was about your age and a bit older.(Shisui)

- Thank you so much Shisui-san, I will never forget this kindness.- I held the book against my chest, and bend my back to give a sincere bow.

For the first time of my life I genuinely felt grateful to someone, I almost felt this way towards Guy-san but...'re welcome but it is a bit much. I will still be around the village, even if we don't meet for a while, I am sure we will have plenty of chances to meet again; once you graduate and become a shinobi.(Shisui)

-...yes! I am sure we wont recognize me! When we meet again, after I become a genuine genin... I will... show you how strong I can be!

-Haha, I can't wait mister genuine genin!(Shisui)

As he said those words, Shisui-san did a hand seal with one hand and disappeared with that weird teleportation or quick movement jutsu.

Just what is that jutsu? Which chakra nature does it rely on? Is it like that weird substitution jutsu?... Well whatever, I know one is high speed movement or something but the other... it doesn't matter! I will learn about it one day.

I looked at the book in my hands and the emotion were about to swell inside me again but...!?

-...wait a sec...he took out a give me a notebook...he had a notebook placed inside a scroll...he had something meant to write on...but used it to teleport something else he had to write on...Are scrolls more expensive than notebooks?

I don't know but, I just feel that there is a joke somewhere in there but I am not seeing it.

Why not just get rid of scrolls altogether and use books? Are scrolls more practical for sealing techniques than notebooks?

Sometimes, no matter how long I live in this world... stuff like this, stuff like this makes me feel like a foreigner.

Chapter end