Out of nowhere, a loud voice came out and interrupted Homura's train of thoughts.
Suddenly Homura heard a voice calling someone a weakling. Immediately he thought someone was calling him out...
-Huh?! What!?...W-who said that?...Sasuke? (N-no... Sasuke isn't that mean to me... and he ignores everyone that he doesn't care about.)
Homura then turned around in order to find the owner of the voice he had just heard.
Sadly, the person to whom the voice belonged; was nowhere to be seen.
-...I'd better look around ( though, that doesn't sound like Naruto's annoying voice.)
He didn't recognize the voice specifically, however, it was the only human voice he had managed to hear; since he entered the area.
So he could not help himself from looking for the owner of the voice.
During his quick search to find out who the owner of the mysterious was, he came to see a bunch of kids a bit further ahead.
-!? ....hm... Is that Naruto?
By getting closer to the commotion he came to recognize a Naruto among several other children...
It seemed to him that Naruto was getting bullied...
-? (What is going on?)
The figure of Naruto being kicked in the stomach by one of the boys soon entered Homura's field of view.
However, Naruto soon got up and readied himself to fight further.
- You think that hurt me?! I am the man who will be the next Hokage! Hit me again! I dare ya! (Naruto)
- Pfft! (Him? A man? Now that's rich. The f*ck is on about?)
From the looks of it, Naruto was the one provoking them but as to why that was...
It was not immediately clear to Homura.
-Well you asked for it, Next Hokage-sama! Guys! grab him! (Leader boy)
- Ok! (Goon-looking boy 1)
- Y-yeah! (Goon-looking 2)
The 2 boys that seemed to follow the orders of the most unruly boy with spiky hair, caught Naruto by each arm and held him in place.
While they did so, the unruly boy started throwing some punches at Naruto.
Homura was assisting the entire scene while being relatively close by, but no one seemed to have heard him approaching or had noticed his presence.
Not that the fact that no one had heard him arriving was the thing weighing on his mind at this instant.
He was shocked at what was happening in front of him.
It was his first time assisting this kind of physical bullying; even more shocking was the fact that this kind of behavior came from boys that were less than 10 years old.
He didn't know how to react at first, so he simply watched the entire thing happening like it was a movie rolling right in front of his eyes.
It was either due to the fact that it was human nature to be captivated by violence, or that the boy right in front of him was so bad at fighting and throwing punches that left him dumbfounded.
However, his stupor was soon brought to an end, when Naruto's injuries became more and more pronounced.
-...(Although, it is a bit fun to see Naruto's ass get kicked around... his face is already pretty swollen...Ah! He got knocked out!... well that was fun, but I gotta finish this. Meh! I'd rather just go home...Wait! Naruto should be always surrounded by ANBUS so that he doesn't get kidnapped or murdered or something. So this should be my chance to prove to Hiruzen that I am necessary to watch over Naruto. ) *sigh*... I hate being so smart sometimes. (I thought you had to have a Nara size forehead to be a genius in this world. Hmm, I might not need Shikamaru's DNA after all.)
Seeing Naruto flat on the ground and deciding to help out for motives far from altruistic, Homura dug a few small size pebbles and started throwing them at the boys around Naruto.
- Ow! Ita! (Goon-looking boy 1)
- Urg! Bih! Ei! (Goon-looking boy 2)
The first two boys to receive Homura's attacks were the ones who had restrained Naruto.
- (F*cking losers! Trying to act tough! If today's weather wasn't so cold I'd give them the beating of their short lifetimes.)
Homura, had chosen to attack them first because he didn't like the fact that they were cowards who would gang up on someone and... because they were goons.
He has no respect for goons.
-(... and the biggest stones are for the leader-san, who knocked out Naruto! I should be the one who gets to punch Naruto's annoying face.)
Although those words rang true within his heart, he did have a soft spot for the blond boy and was unlikely to leave him alone in this kind of situation.
- Ahhhhh! Unnghh! Who did that!? (Leader-looking boy)
The young boy tried to find the location from which the pebbles were being fired at him, sadly for him, they all came from different angles which only made him more confused and afraid to get hit even more.
Like an idiot trying to sound intimidating, Homura revealed himself by laughing subtly... Like a low-budget anime villain.
He did it on purpose so that he could instill fear in the group of boys, and overall he wanted to be fared for once in his entire life.
So he decided on doing something completely worthless.
-!!! x3 (All the ruffian looking boys)
His deranged plan worked, and soon enough he became the center of attention; as he had wanted.
All parties present focused their line of sight on him.
It wasn't that hard for them to do so.
It was easy to pick up on Homura's cringy laughter because there was literally no one else around them; not even small mammals were around in this kind of cold weather.
The only reason they hadn't found him out earlier, was due to all their attention being focused on Naruto.
The boy's personality and loudmouth always seemed to gather the attention of everyone around him.
- You! You did that!? (Leader-looking boy)
- So what if I did, huh!? Are you gonna cry? Are going to tell your ugly mommy?
You are reading story The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto) at novel35.com
- S-shut up! We will beat you up too! Let's go, guys! (Leader-looking boy)
- Yeah! (Goon-looking boy 1)
- We're gonna drop that little dweeb! (Goon-looking boy 2)
The 3 boys all started rushing towards Homura, with eyes full of anger and determination.
Especially the leader of the group, who was even more pissed after Homura had insulted his mother... because he didn't have a comeback for that.
-...Little?! Dweeb!?... Me?! *Nerve*
A small vein popped up on Homura's on the upper left side of his face.
Hearing the words little and dweeb... made a fuse blow up inside Homura's head... He simply did not like being called little or a dweeb!
He was already beyond complexed by his own height, thankfully for him, Naruto isn't that tall either.
So he felt a bit better about himself... but this, this was a step too far.
He would not take these kinds of insults lying down.
Especially, not insults from little twerps' like the ones in front of him.
Homura immediately threw several rocks toward the boys with far more strength than his prior attempts.
- Ha! You miss-Bhuog! (Leader-looking boy)
-Aie! (Goon-looking boy 1)
- Ahh! My toe! It hurts! (Goon-looking boy 2)
The stone pebbles that Homura threw and seemingly missed their targets, ricocheted around several trees and stones to hit the boys in several of their blind spots.
Needless to say, it was all planned by Homura.
He used supercomputing, to calculate where he would specifically hit the boys or how much force he would need to hurt them without truly injuring anyone.
This speed in thought processing is only possible because Homura's reaction speed and training with supercomputing have allowed him able to plan out and absorb information at a faster rate.
Before he tried to be nice enough by not hitting them too hard or avoiding any sensitive areas but now it was different, he was pissed!
... But he would still not use it, to truly hurt the boys... at least not in any dangerous or lethal way.
- Got enough!? Because... I can do this all day!- said Homura while raising his left hand, to show off the palm of his hand full of pebbles.
-.....*gulp* (Leader-looking boy)
-.....*gulp* (Goon-looking boy 1)
-.....*gulp* (Goon-looking boy 2)
The 3 boys' eyes went wide open, and each boy could feel their back and forehead starting to form droplets of sweat.
They may not have been the smartest boys around but they still knew that the boy in front of them was bad news.
As residents of a ninja village, they are all too aware when someone means business or is talented enough to cause them real harm without any issues.
What Homura had just shown them was... that he could hit them easily from anywhere.
Even if they tried to deny it, the bruises on their bodies are proof enough that he was bad news.
Making them believe that he was dangerous, and would undoubtedly hurt them much more if they kept on trying to rush towards him.
- Kuh! L-let's go guys! (Leader-looking boy)
The leader of the ruffian group declared that they would be retreating as of now.
He turned around and pretended to be composed, even though on the inside he was fuming and wanted revenge... but he had no older sibling to complain to or ask for help.
If he told his parents, it is more likely that he would get into more trouble and be seen as a cry baby by his little group.
Although, he truly didn't want to admit defeat.
Being hit in the eye by a pebble scared him to his core, so he had to fake losing interest in the entire matter at hand.
- Tch! (Goon-looking boy 1)
The 1st of his goons followed with a heavy heart as well, but he also did not want to risk getting hit anymore more than he already had.
So he did not make much of a fuss and followed his boss' words.
However, one of the boys remained perfectly still and was outraged by what he had heard.
He wanted payback.
The culprit he sought it from, was right in front of him ready to take a beating.
-...b-but my toe!? (Goon-looking boy 2)
- Shut up! I said let's go! (Leader-looking boy)
-....Y-yes! (Goon-looking boy 2)
After being yelled at, the boy reluctantly followed the words of his leader.
He wanted to make Homura pay, but he was far more scared of losing a spot in his already small group of friends.
Besides the 2 boys ahead of him, he had no one else that he could call a friend.
Not that at this age he was fully aware of what friendship truly is, or what true friends are like.
-...Hmph! *Smirk*
Seeing that his plan had worked, Homura, could not help himself but smirk at the entire situation.
He had imposed his dominance and won.
Seeing the 3 defeated boys leaving, all dejected, was far more pleasant than what he had ever imagined.
Chapter end