The capital city of Hazelgroove kingdom was 'Purple Haze ' city ..... The city was named after the purple fog visible throughout the city once every four years during a special lunar alignment.
It was a massive city encompassing about 25 million inhabitants at all times with a capacity for 7 million more.
The city had everything you would expect from an urban fantasy city... A royal palace .... Mage towers.... Auction houses ..... Blacksmithing and Craftsmanship halls... Alchemy and potionology halls... Gambling dens ... Restaurants and even slums.
As Rudra and Neatwit reached the capital city gates he could not help but feel nostalgic.
'I'm back' he thought
As they tried to walk through the gates the guard at the post asked for their adventurer ID's
Rudra had one however Neatwit did not .... He was baffled at the thought of having to travel back to his spawn village to be issued one first.
Luckily he was with Rudra.
He switched his title from well known knight to Viscount of Hazelgroove kingdom.
"He's with me." Rudra said.
The gates man suddenly became extremely polite.
" Oh, so he is the Lord Viscounts companion.... my apologies for stopping you, please enjoy your stay in the kingdom."
Neatwit looked at Rudra with admiration, even gate guards talked with him respectfully.
" Thank you, please let me add you as a friend I will pay you back for this favour someday."
" Sure, add me." Rudra said.
With them both adding each other as friends they decided to part ways to explore the capital.
Now was the time for Rudra to execute his main plan in the capital city.
Rudra intended to make PurpleHaze city as his headquarters in the future .... For this he had 3 missions set in his mind that he would work on whilst in the city.
The first mission he decided was to sell information for money..... Provide a detailed layout of the city and its important locations as well as some general quests for large guilds in exchange for money.
It will take 2 days for the majority of guilds players to reach the capital city and 2 more for exploring.
Rudra's information pack will save them 2 days worth of time hence it will give the guilds who purchase it a massive advantage in establishing themselves in the capital before others can.
For this to successfully reap as many benefits as it can he would make four information packs
Free pack: As a charity to all players, but secretly to build credibility and desire over more important information.
Solo pack: For solo players and adventurers, it will contain a city map with important locations as well as some common quest information.
Cost : 5 dollars
Guild pack ( normal) : it will contain workings of the city .... how the auction house works as well as information on some secret shops selling special items.
Cost : 100 dollars
You are reading story Rebirth of the Strongest Guild Master at
Guild pack ( Elite) : It will contain detailed working of the entire capital city ..... with information on all important quests as well as secret shops and also a detailed back profile of every prominent NPC in the capital, it will also provide basic guidance on how to start a guild and expand it.
cost : 2000 dollars
He posted this on the forum with attachments that needed payment to unlock except for the free part.
The second mission was to secure the Emmisary of Church of Light quest.
It was a quest that would greatly help him increase his intimacy with the church with the quest rewarding him access to the church's treasure hall to exchange for one treasure. As well as having one request from the church of light.
The third and ultimate long-term mission was,
The starting of his own Guild and becoming a guild master
He wanted to form an elite Guild with only quality players ....And slowly start his revenge against the guild of his previous life.
While a guild for elites only sounded good in theory in actuality it was very difficult to balance.... as every member would have a certain pride being well above the masses, they would not follow someone else easily.
The cohesiveness of such a unit was always an issue.
The problem of lack of evident manpower would show while trying for guild expansion as menial tasks would be extremely difficult for a guild to do without a lower rung of players.
Even in guild wars such a guild would easily be suppressed by larger guilds using sheer numbers of their massive guilds to crush them.
However with all its drawbacks Rudra would still pick it up because he had ways to counter its shortcomings.
When the In game currency would link with the real world currency everyone will backstab every other person for benefits.
The larger guilds will be filled with corruption, with the upper members gaining and gaining while the lower members would beg for scraps.... having gone through that once he would never try to put someone else through it.
He would make a house of elites where each player would have the strength of a 100 and the strong pride that came with being an elite.
That pride would deter them from using underhanded tactics and achieve the betterment of the organisation.
He would make a guild with a heart where every member would grow alongside the guild leaving no one behind.
It was a crazy dream but he was resolved to make it happen.
These three mission's were the current goals to achieve in the capital city.
Starting a Guild needed one to have 100 gold and one guild token to open.
Rudra needed 85 more gold to open one as his status as a Viscount did not need a guild token.
What many people did not know was that there could only be 100 guilds within the capital, no more guild orders would be issued after that.
The only way to get one after that was to annihilate one of the 100 in an official guild war and take over their position.
This made the prices of guilds a commodity, if a leader chose to vacate his guilds spot the token would always go for sky high prices.
Well being a Viscount eased things up by quite a lot. In his previous life the first player to reach the status of a Viscount took 3 years to achieve this feat and his guild received extraordinary benefits due to his position.