Chapter 325: Finding Rhodium

Rhodium was abundant inside the valley of crystals , however usually they were small Crystal's, the size of a palm. What Rudra needed was a rarer type of Rhodium deposit , that was as big as a house. It typically needed 40 years to build up , and would only be found at places with abundant mana. Hence why the nocturnal worms were also found near it. 

Even after 2 days of looking for it , no clues were found and the party members started to get anxious , the valley of crystals was big , but that big that it could not be completely scouted in 2 days time. 

However what even proffesional miners could not find , was found by heaven's son Karna , accidentally at that. While bored Karna decided to spar with Neatwit for a while , and in the intense battle he needed to rely on mind's eyes. When he activated it though , he could percieve the terrain around him differently , as he located the rhodium deposit!!! 

It was 35 meters below ground , as nearly 16 earthworms surrounded it , mining it would be a very difficult task. While the miners saw no sign of Rhodium being 35 meters below where Karna had indicated , Rudra had full faith in the son of Providence. 

Hence under Karna's direction , the team started mining under Karna's direction. 

Whenever an earthworm would pop up , the 12 Elites would use teamwork to swiftly deal with them , as they gained bountiful experience points from it. 

Finally after ,2 more days of hardwork , they killed all 16 Earthworms and excavated the Rhodium. 

Much to the surprise of the miners it was legit a 50 meter cube piece of Rhodium. They questioned Karna about his methods , but naturally Karna would not let his secrets out soo easliy. However the important part was that all the necessary parts had been obtained ! 

Now started the labourous process of bringing it back home safely. 

Firstly a ramp had to be dug out with a 15° inclination that connected the surface to the Rhodium deposit , as 300 horses and 500 slaves pulled it hard just to load it on the wooden wheel platform that Fatty Kalash built. 

Hence started the slow March back home , where the glowing Rhodium was slogged by 500 slaves , guarded by 500 soldiers and overseen by 12 Elites! 

However the slow journey back home was anything but pleasant , the rhodium that had been nourished by mana for decades attracted too many monsters , as Rudra lost soldiers to scuffles every hour. 

Even if Rudra himself took action ,there was a limit as to what he could do alone , he could not protect the safety of the entire contingent , there were bound to be some delay at his arrival , however the soldiers of his city at tier one were genuinely no match for these 80-85 level insects , they were easliy skewered. 

The initial party of 500 slaves and 500 soldiers was reduced to a party of 350 slaves and 450 soldiers at the end of one day of travel. 

This led to a further reduction of speed, as the 350 slaves had an increasingly difficult time in pulling the weight . 

Having no choice left , the horses from the dead soldiers had to be used to supplement the shortage of labor force , which helped alleviate some of the immediate speed problems .

However what the group was not aware of was the fact that they were marching towards a extremely large ambush contingent of angry Rebels .

Edge was furious at the way his party was annihilated in the crystal valley , and decided to take revenge at any and all costs , as he marched 20,000 guild members towards the path back to purplehaze city , waiting to ambush the coming Elite party. 

You are reading story Rebirth of the Strongest Guild Master at

This was a fact that Rudra did not know as of yet , as a day's journey seperated the ambushing party and the Elites. The Elites were walking into a trap of a size they could not handle . 


( Real world , Country X ) 

Bo was extremely excited to do mercenary work again , especially alongside sir Jhonny. To build a good impression , he worked extra hard , in getting the details of all the members that needed to be assasinated , and the best chance to kill them all was inside the senate. Where they would all gather together. 

Bo , thought of everything from poisoning their food and water , to assasinating them through bathroom , and enthusiastically discussed it with Jhonny English , however Jhonny remained unimpressed. As each plan that Bo said had some evident flaw or the other. 

Bo kept looking at Jhonny for answers to such problems , however all he could see Jhonny doing all day was behave like an actual tourist , going to tourist locations and eating local delicacies. Bo could not understand what his plan was at all! 

However things seemed to progress in a positive direction , when Jhonny rented a hotel near the senate , from where he set up surveillance on the street! 

Bo was getting more and more anxious as two days passed without them taking any actions. Jhonny had told Ethan he would wrap this up within 7 days , yet at day 3 they had absolutely no plan to move forward at all! 

Finally breaking silence Bo asked " Sir .... Soo I have proposed all these plans to you , which one do you think we should go forward with? If none of them satisfy you , please guide me and teach me what I am doing wrong ". 

Jhonny said " Your plan to gather them all at one place is not bad Bo , but the senate is a place that is very heavily protected , also there are friendly ministers inside there too , unless you can ensure killing them all without causing chaos , which is impossible , it's not advisable to carry out assasination in the only political house of a nation". 

Bo said " But sir , the time limit , if we kill one or two , the others will be placed under police protection or underground safehouses , it would get very difficult to kill them all ".

Jhonny was irked by the kid , he was too smart for his own good , Jhonny could not tell him that he had absolutely no plan , that he just rolled with whatever happened. Hence Jhonny raised his tone and said " Boy assasination takes patience ..... ". Taking a gun from his bag , Jhonny cocks the gun and loads it pointing it at the window. 

He said " do you think it's as easy as cocking a gun and shooting your enemy? ". 

Jhonny shot the bullet out of the window just to make a point. 

However , that stray bullet , hit the neck of Mithun Ambani's son , who was visiting the bar across the street and had just excited his Rolls Royce, before his private security could even react , before he could even take a second step to stand up and get out of the car properly , he died ! 

There was mass panick down the street , as Jhonny glanced over , and told Bo in a deep voice " For me it is ".