Chapter 21: Side Quest: Keke in the Rain

Rain soaked the sand of Ni Island for the first time that year, giving the forests and streams a much-needed drink. Keke and Cannoli hopped from puddle to puddle in the marketplace, competing to see which one could make a bigger splash.

Only a few stalls were open for business—most had signs that read “Closed” hanging on their abandoned tables. But the kitten’s spirits weren’t deterred by a little rain. Not one bit.

“It’s not fair if you’re taller than me!” Cannoli squealed and giggled as a wave from Keke’s feet sloshed over her rain boots.

“Then why did you make up the game in the first place?” Keke challenged.

“Because it’s fun!” Cannoli spread her arms wide and looked to the sky. “I love the rain!”

Keke tilted her head back and closed her eyes, allowing the raindrops to tickle her eyelashes and trail down her cheeks. She opened her mouth and caught the cool water on the tip of her tongue before inhaling the wonderful scent all around them. “Me too.”

“Girls! Come here, please!” Keke’s mother, Elona, called from her stall.

“I’ll race you,” Keke said.

“Okay! Go!” Cannoli took off running before Keke had registered her agreement.

“Hey! That’s cheating!” Keke laughed and barreled forward, every step kicking up more water from the cobblestones.

Cannoli shrieked in surprise when Keke gained on her, her grin and eyes both wide. When they reached the stall, Keke slammed her hand on the wooden top, causing the stacked fish to tremble.

“I win!” Keke announced proudly.

“Keke! Be careful!” Elona scolded while steadying the quaking fish. “No one’ll want to buy it if it’s on the ground.”

Red hued Keke’s cheeks, and she averted her gaze to the ground. Her chest burned with shame. “I’m sorry, mama.”

“I-it was my idea, ma’am,” Cannoli announced and raised her hand.

“Cannoli,” Keke looked up, surprised.

Elona sighed. “You can both run and jump all you like. Just be careful around the stalls, hmm?”

“Right, mama. I’ll be more careful,” Keke replied. “What did you need us for?”

“Oh, right. I forgot I need a few nyapples for dinner tonight. Would you both be dears and watch the stand? I’ll be back as quick as I can.”

“We could go get them for you!” Keke suggested. “Cannoli and me are good at it!”

“Hmm.” Elona looked up at the sky then shook her head. “I know you are, but I think I should go, my sweet. You know the roaches are more hostile in the rain.”

“I’ll just outrun them! I’m the fastest runner there is. Right, Cannoli?” Keke balled her fists and jogged in place.

“The fastest!” Cannoli agreed with a nod.

Elona laughed. “I know. I saw your race.” She reached forward and tousled the hair between Keke’s ears. “I’ll make you a deal. Watch the shop until I get back, and we’ll practice your archery later. How does that sound?”

Keke trembled with excitement. She loved watching her mother in [Combat Mode], and on special occasions, Keke was allowed to try out her bow.

“Okay! Deal!” Keke clapped her hands. “Can Cannoli come, too?”

“Of course, sweet.” Elona stood and stretched, making her way around the stall. “Now, you two be good kittens while I’m gone. Don’t forget to count change twice before giving it.”

“We’ll do our bestest, Elona!” Cannoli said, skipping to the stool behind the countertop.

Elona kissed Keke on the forehead and gave her a sweeping hug. “Take care of things while I’m gone.”

“Always, mama.” Keke nodded, returning her hug.

“You’re soaking wet!” Elona laughed. “Were you swimming in those puddles?”

“No,” Keke murmured and joined Cannoli behind the stall. She climbed up on the second stool and watched as Elona prepped to leave.

Elona changed into her [Combat Mode]. She was the island’s only [Sniper], and her equipment was from the distant land of Nyarlothep. Keke stared in admiration at her mother’s sleek leathers and furs, the longbow and quiver against her graceful back. Keke shared her mother’s eyes, but her hair was dark brown. Elona had glimmering golden hair tied back in a tight ponytail. Every time Elona shifted, Keke found something new about the gear that she adored. This time it was the tiny green gemstones inlaid on Elona’s black bracers. Keke had heard other adults say that they’d have a fortune if Elona sold rare Defiled items instead of fish. But mother loved to fish. Besides, Keke knew the Defiled were too dangerous. Even for someone as strong as mama.

Keke kicked her feet back and forth, swishing her tail in time with the rhythm. Cannoli leaned forward and sniffed.

“That’s weird,” Cannoli said.


“I don’t smell the fish. Don’t fish usually get smelly after a while?”

Keke nodded. “Mama casts a spell on them, so they stay cold. It’s like they’re always on ice.”

Cannoli poked at one of the fish and jerked her hand back in surprise. “It’s so cold!”

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“That’s what I said!” Keke laughed.

While they waited, they made new games to play. Counting the fish, guessing who would come to buy some next, and creating stories about where each fish came from.

The grey sky began to darken, and most of the day’s catch had sold. They were running out of games to play, and an anxious nagging tugged at Keke’s stomach.

“I think she should have been back by now,” Keke said.

Cannoli nodded. “I was thinking that, too.”

A booming roar echoed from the west. The hackles on the back of Keke’s neck stood on end, and she leapt from the stool. “What was that?”

Cannoli dismounted her seat as well. “I don’t know. It sounds bad.”

Another roar.

“We should go!” Keke said. She snagged the Bells from Elona’s cashbox and stuffed them into the tiny [Cat Pack] around her hips.

“Okay. I’ll follow your lead.” Cannoli nodded. Her lips formed a thin line of determination.

“Thanks, Cannoli.” Relief combated Keke’s anxiety. Cannoli was the one person she could always count on. “Let’s go.”

They took off past the line of stalls and houses into the forest where the nyapples grew. Rain pelted her face, the once warm, welcome droplets now pellets of ice against her searing skin. The roaring grew louder and the cries of a woman accompanied it.

“Mama!” Keke squeaked, honing in toward the sound with Cannoli right on her heels.

They weren’t old enough to use [Combat Mode] yet. Keke wished so desperately that she was. The anxious feeling in her stomach bloomed, choking at her throat and crafting terrible images in her mind’s eye. She had to help her mother.

“Go back to where you came from!” came Elona’s unmistakable voice.

Keke and Cannoli burst through a clearing to find Elona nocking and releasing another arrow at her attacker. The kittens gasped when they found the source of the roars.

“A Defiled,” Cannoli whispered.

A humanoid creature at least three times the height of Keke stood on the opposite end of the clearing. Nine tails swayed from its backside as it crouched, ready to pounce on Elona. Furious red hair flowed from its scalp to the ground, framing openly bared sharp talons and teeth.

“You intruded on my home, you pitiful insect! Leave before I tear you to shreds!” It shrieked.

“Over my dead body!” Elona loosed another arrow. It pierced the skin beneath the beast’s breast.

Another roar tore from its throat, and it pounced on Elona with alarming speed. Claws and teeth rent Elona’s skin, and she screamed. Elona tossed her bow aside and unsheathed a dagger from her boot. Arching her back, she threw her weight into rolling the Defiled off of her. They tumbled across the ground; mud and blood drenched them both.

“Mama!” Keke cried out without thinking.

The Defiled kicked away from Elona and scrambled to its feet.

“More of you loathsome little beasts.” It spat a wad of blood to the mud and cradled its wounded side. Piercing green eyes met Keke’s, and she could feel its hatred envelope every nerve of her body. Keke stood her ground, refusing to let the fear consume her.

“Keke,” Elona gasped, pulling herself to her knees. “Run.”

“I’m not leaving you!” Keke sprinted forward, snatching an arrow from the quiver on her mother’s back before sweeping the discarded bow from the ground. Please let this work. She reset her stance and nocked the arrow faster than she’d ever loaded a bow before. The familiar resistance threatened to stop her from pulling the string back, but the adrenaline pumping in her ears aided in her desires. She steadied her gaze on the Defiled, praying that her arms wouldn’t shake with the effort. “Leave this place,” she commanded.

The Defiled looked from Keke to the quaking Cannoli assisting Elona to her feet. It snarled and flexed its claws. Keke re-aimed the arrow for its heart. She’d never killed anything in her life— could she really do this?

“I will not forget this, filthy girl,” the Defiled spat and disappeared into the trees.

Keke heaved a sigh of relief and relaxed her arms. She dropped the bow and rushed to her mother’s side, lifting Elona’s free arm around her shoulders to carry her alongside Cannoli.

“Mama! Mama, are you okay?” Keke begged.

Elona nodded and swallowed. “I-I think s— ah!” She gasped as she took a step. “Cannoli, fetch your mom for me, would you?”

“O-of course!” Cannoli squeaked. She helped Keke gently bring Elona back to the ground. “I’ll be right back!”

Keke dug through Elona’s [Cat Pack], extracting two lengths of bandages. “I can help, mama. I’ll do it just like you taught me.”

Elona smiled through the dirt and dried blood on her face. “You saved me, my dear one. We can let the [Bishop] do the rest.”

Tears blurred Keke’s vision, and her hands dropped to her lap. “I was so scared.”

“And courageous and quick thinking. I’m proud of you, Keke. You’ll make a fine [Scout] someday.” Elona stroked the hair from her daughter’s face. “For now, we’re safe.”

Keke nodded. The rain had stopped, and the clouds parted to reveal a brilliant blue sky. She embraced her mother and refused to let go until Cannoli returned.