The morning after felt nostalgic. I woke up in a comfortable bed by myself. The air was crisp, and the distant sounds of bells and chimes drifted through the window. I’m not sure if I’d slept better in my entire life. To my right on the bedside table were the remains of an incense burner. I watched as another bit of ash fell from the stick, then turned my head to look up at the ceiling and breathed deep.
There’s a lot to do. I’d better not waste any time.
There was something strange about my bed though. The more I moved, the more it felt like someone had placed a warm weight on either side of me. I’d wanted my beauty sleep, so I knew I had gone to bed alone. Then why did I have this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach?
I shot up and threw the covers off of me. Flanking me were two identical girls of vibrant red hair in silky smooth nightgowns. Their clothing left little to the imagination, just barely covering their ample backsides. My breath caught as I watched them breathe slow and deep.
How in the hell did they get in here?
The door to my room suddenly slammed open with a combat-ready Ravyn standing below the threshold. The red-headed beauties snapped awake, with the one on my left jolting into a sitting position. The strap of her nightgown fell to one side, revealing a naked breast. My stare lingered, and the emerald-eyed girl smiled sleepily as she replaced the strap to cover herself.
“What’s going on?” mumbled the girl on my right.
Ravyn clicked her tongue. “Had a feeling.”
“No, no! Wait! This isn’t what it looks like! I don’t even know these girls!” I yelled.
“It’s fine, I know,” Ravyn assured me. She stood to one side, and with one of the most disgusted looks I’d ever seen on a human face, she hissed, “Devo, Popo, get the fuck out of here.”
The two smiled at each other and lazily got out of bed. It might’ve been an accident, but I swore I felt something against my crotch as the girl to my left—Devo? Popo? It was impossible to tell—crawled over me. They took their sweet time leaving the room, each of them blowing a kiss to me on the way out.
“Shi ne! Shi ne!” Ravyn cried, and the girls ran giggling down the hall. Ravyn pinched the bridge of her nose with a sigh, then shot me a glare. “Get ready. We’re leaving.”
“Y-yes, ma’am!”
With that, Ravyn shut the door behind her, the sounds of her heels echoing down the corridor.
What a way to start the day.
By the time I came downstairs to the restaurant, the other girls were ready to go—in [Combat Mode] no less.
“Should I be concerned?” I asked.
“San is a pickpocket’s paradise,” said Ravyn.
Keke shrugged. “Cannoli and I have never been here, so we’re taking Ravyn at her word.”
Cannoli nodded. She seemed to be staring at something, but I could find nothing in particular when I followed her gaze. I hoped she was okay.
“So, where to?” I asked.
“Spices are expensive at the port, so we’re going to visit a friend of mine,” said Ravyn.
“Ah, we’re going to go make some money then.”
“No, boy. I’m going to teach you how to get your own. We’re going to be here for months if we try and buy them. You’ll run out of [Energy], we’ll have to wait for you, and then we’ll fall behind. Again.”
Snippy today I see.
“S-sorry. Where is this friend of yours?”
“She lives out on an old farm. Obsessed with the stuff. She makes a good business growing and selling them. We’re going to go learn from the master.”
“What about Portia?”
Ravyn jerked one thumb over her shoulder. In a corner booth was Portia with a catgirl in her lap and another hanging from her arm. A hand of cards jutted from Portia’s fingertips and three sizeable stacks of Bells stood tall beneath her wrist. Cailu sat her opposite, doted on by two other catgirls while he nervously picked through his cards and glanced at the growing bet in the table’s center.
“She’ll stay here until we get back,” Ravyn said.
“I see.” Take all his money, Portia. You deserve it. “Lead the way!” I tried to be as confident and positive as I could be, but it looked like something had disturbed the air this morning. As we shimmied around the tables, I caught glances from many of the girls in the bar as we left.
“You owe me, by the way,” Ravyn said as we shut the door behind us.
“For the stay. Keke and Cannoli paid their parts, but you gave your last Bell to the knife-eared cunt last night.”
“Think I should’ve asked Devo and Popo for some Bells?”
Matt has gained: 1 Level of Charisma!
I thought it was pretty funny, and clearly so did the iPaw. I guess the girls didn’t think so, though.
“Just for that, I’m having you pay for Keke and Cannoli’s share, too.”
The walk was uncomfortable. We’d gone almost ten minutes without a peep from anyone. It wasn’t for lack of trying, though—each time I made some effort at a joke or tried to ask Ravyn about her farmer friend, I was met with a glare. Not always from Ravyn either. I was beginning to wonder if Ravyn had told Keke and Cannoli about Devo and Popo. Then again, Ravyn seemed to understand that their being there wasn’t a choice on my part. Ball circled overhead, and I envied him for his gift of flight.
I can’t take this for much longer.
“S-so, why didn’t we get a horse or wagon up to your friend’s house?”
“The port doesn’t have any available,” said Ravyn.
“But trade happens there a lot, right? That’s kind of weird that there wouldn’t be some sort of transportation,” I argued. “I’m sure we could’ve gotten a good deal too.”
“It’s what Ravyn said,” said Keke.
I shook my head. I couldn’t comprehend a port that saw so much business not have some mode of transportation you could buy. “That doesn’t make any sense though.”
“You can’t bargain with an empty [Cat Pack]. You’re broke, boy. Just keep walking.” Ravyn shot a glare at me but never stopped moving.
I rolled my tongue around in frustration, racking my brain for something, anything that could lift the mood. “Fine.” I had nothing.
I was getting impatient. Perhaps it wasn’t a great trait, but I wanted to know what it was that was bothering them. Maybe I could fix it then. I’m sure I was the reason for some of this stuff they were feeling bitter about. I just didn’t get why. I understood that I’d entered a new island with very little in assets, but they’d dragged me on the boat with that knowledge. So then, what the hell? If I didn’t know what I’d done, then how was I supposed to fix it?
Why are girls so complicated? Just talk to me.
You are reading story Everyone’s a Catgirl! at
Keke’s ears perked, and she suddenly stopped. “Wait. Do you hear that?”
The sky was clear, and there were a few puffy clouds. Around us were small shrubs here and there, but nothing caught my eye. “I don’t hear anything.”
“Over there.” Keke pointed to a brush over to our right. After a few seconds, the brush shook. “See?”
I took my axe into two hands and moved to stand in front of the girls. “Any idea what it is?”
“No,” Keke whispered.
“Cannoli, come here with me.” Ravyn took hold of Cannoli’s arm at the elbow and tugged at her. Cannoli didn’t move, though. “Cannoli. Come on.”
“No. Let go,” Cannoli said, shaking her arm away.
“Hai,” the wide-eyed Ravyn said as she stepped behind Cannoli.
Ball swooped down and landed on Ravyn’s shoulder. “Squawwk, what’s your—”
“Shush.” Ravyn clamped her hand around Ball’s beak. “Not now.”
The brush shook again. Keke took to my side and nocked an arrow into her bow, taking aim. I drew a deep breath and steadily breathed it out.
I can do this. Just focus, Matt. Whatever it is, we’ll take it down together.
The brush shook again, and as it did, a four-legged creature hopped out into our sights with a growl. Keke’s speed was amazing. She let loose the arrow in an instant, striking the creature right in its gut. There was a sharp yelp followed by a pathetic mewling as Keke’s target toppled to its side.
Keke’s stare widened. “A-ah.”
My muscles relaxed. “Damn. I was worried for a second there. Nice shot, Keke.”
Ravyn laughed. “Maybe a little too nice. Did you even see what it was before you shot it?”
Keke shook her head. “No. No, I didn’t.”
Her voice was barely above a whisper. I didn’t like where this was going. “Is something wrong?”
Before any of us could respond, Cannoli rushed past us, pushing herself between us, and skid on her knees to the side of the dying tiger cub’s body.
“[Stabilize]!” Cannoli held out her hands, and a flash of white light enveloped the feline’s body. A dark puddle of blood had pooled around the white cub during our conversation. Its hind legs twitched at the proclamation of her spell.
Cannoli took hold of the arrow, her hands shaking all the while. She gripped it from the middle, moving it side to side. The arrow trembled the entire time, and trickles of blood escaped as the arrow twitched.
We were left speechless as she worked.
“Cannoli,” I whispered with an outstretched hand.
“Quiet!” she bellowed. Cannoli extracted the arrow, and with it came more blood. “No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no,” she squeaked. “I used [Stabilize],” I heard her whisper. Cannoli stretched her blood-tipped hands back out and screamed, “[Stabilize]!” But nothing happened. Cannoli shot to her feet and marched over to me with her hand held out. “Your [Cat Pack]. Now!”
I wasn’t in a position to refuse. Cannoli snatched it away before I could even finish loosing the strings around it. Cannoli reached into the bag and pulled out one of the potions I made, tossing the [Cat Pack] to the side.
Matt has discarded: Minor Healing Potion x1.
I watched in horror as the determined Cannoli uncorked the bottle and sat crossed-legged next to the tiger. Her tights soaked in the red hue, and she ignored it, tilting the cub’s head up and slowly delivering the golden liquid into its mouth. As she did so, streams of the potion drained from its still bleeding body.
“Hang in there. Don’t you give up,” she said. Cannoli continued for some time, but after a while, we knew the tiger had passed. Cannoli didn’t stop until the entire potion had been drained. She had to know the animal died too. Even so, she ran her fingers through the tiger’s fur, whispering all forms of encouragement to it.
“Cannoli,” I repeated and knelt beside her.
Tears streamed from the corners of her eyes. She chewed on her lip, and soft gasps sifted through her teeth. “Why can’t I— can’t I—?”
“Can’t what?” I was too afraid to touch her. As if physical contact would break the paper-thin bond between us.
“Why can’t I do anything right?” She sniffled and coughed. “Why can’t I save anyone?”
“But you do. You’ve saved me. You’ve helped all of us,” I murmured. I wanted so badly to stroke her hair or embrace her. The bloodied fur was beginning to mat between her fingers.
“We wouldn’t be where we are without you,” Keke supplied from behind.
Cannoli drew her arm back, balling her fingers into a fist beneath her chin. A bloody imprint of her hand formed on the top of her dress. “You’re all just saying that because you’re nice.” She stood and smoothed out her skirt, ignoring the red streaks the motion created. “I’ll just go. You’ll all have an easier time without me.”
The thought of losing her from our party broke my heart. Just her cheerful demeanor brought a warmth to the rest of us that was impossible to explain. I grasped her arm at the elbow and turned her toward me. She gasped and the tears continued to fall.
“We need you,” I said, tightening my grip. “I need you.”
She smiled, but it wasn’t the brilliant beacon I was so accustomed to from her. It was sad, knowing. “N-no. You don’t. You have everything you need.” Her gaze slid to Keke before she shook my grip and started to walk away.
Ravyn pointedly looked at me before catching up to Cannoli. “Cannoli! Wait!”
Keke and I exchanged worried glances.
What was I supposed to do to fix this?
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Keke has gained: 1 XP