Chapter 66: Chapter 59: Betrayal of the Dove

What the hell do we do here?

Ravyn and I stood frozen with our mouths hanging open. The footsteps of the approaching Keke and Cannoli were closing in on us. We needed a plan, and we needed it fast. Just as I was about to speak, Ravyn took the lead.

“S-she was in one of Celestia’s rooms like this,” Ravyn said clumsily. “She wouldn’t respond when I tried to speak to her.”

“Oh, Saorise, what won’t Celestia do.” Ara sucked in her lips, tears threatening to fall from her eyelids. She sniffed, then looked up at me. “Where are you taking her?”

“I-I, that is—”

“Somewhere away from here. These young ladies offered safe passage.” Ravyn motioned to the boat. “M-maybe for good.”

Ara’s stare wandered pensively. “I see.” She straightened her back. “Wait! I’m her sister! Were you not planning on telling me?”

“W-we were,” I said next, “but as I’m sure you can imagine, it might be best if we kept this quiet. Who knows what anyone might say to Celestia.”

“The same thing they always do,” Ara replied, furrowing her brow. “It’s not like this is any big secret. Celestia would’ve done this to anyone. But of course, you know this.” She sighed. “Fine. Take me with you. The very least I can do is see my sister off.” Ara knelt down one last time and cupped Tristan-now-Lynn’s face between her hands. “I’m so sorry. I’ve been such a poor sister.”

And now I’ve won a first-class ticket to hell. Nice one, Kelmer.

Cannoli and Keke followed us in silence. It had come to my attention that there wasn’t any way for either of them to tell who was who, but I’d hoped that our prior conversations and my gestures were enough to get the message across that the girl dragged between Ravyn and I was our man.

The crushing feelings of guilt and the embarrassment I’d felt in front of Tristan were finally starting to fade. I was beginning to feel more like myself, and from the look on Ravyn’s face, I had to assume we were fast approaching our time limit.

By the time we reached the dock, we were panting and wheezing while the length of Portia’s figure was sunbathing on the sloop. She was humming some tune that had a vague resemblance of some sea shanty I probably learned from watching too many pirate movies as a kid. I couldn’t tell you which one, though.

“Portia!” I called out with an absent mind. Fuck.

“You know each other?” Ara asked.

Ravyn-now-Lara shook her head. “N-no, we learned the name from these two young ladies.” Ravyn motioned to Cannoli and Keke. 

The two squirmed uncomfortably, looking away from Ara’s piercing gaze.

“And you’re sure we can trust these buffoons?”

“Yes! They’re very kind people!” I said with a quick nod.

The sunbathing Portia flipped over onto her belly and squinted in our direction. “Aye, whatcha got there?”

“This young lady needs our help!” Cannoli said with an exaggerated wink. “Can’t you see?”

Portia raised a brow and scanned over each of us. “What the hell? Where’s Matt and Ravyn?”

“They’re fine! They’re just busy! We’ll come back for them later,” Keke said. “For now, though, we need to get this girl off the island. She could be seriously hurt.”

I didn’t chance any glances at Keke or Cannoli the entire time but based on Portia’s sudden change in tone, I had to assume Keke or Cannoli were gesturing madly behind my back to reassure Portia of the situation.

“You lot are a tiresome bunch.” Portia pushed herself up and hopped to her feet. Now that she was standing up, I could see she was wearing a simple white bikini tied in front of her bust and on the sides of her hips by sky-blue string. There were some major tan lines where her shirt usually rested, and while I could objectively say that she had an incredible body, I didn’t find myself in the least bit attracted. No, in fact, I felt repulsed by her appearance. More of Destiny’s emotions, I’m sure. “Well, hurry on up. If you’re going to disturb my sunbath, then at least show some urgency.”

I think I could go the rest of my life without hearing the word “urgency.”

Ravyn and I carried Tristan’s body aboard and into the small lodging below the deck. As taxing as the experience had been, Ravyn did more than her part to take Tristan all the way down. Partnering up and carrying the guy felt very natural. I wondered for a moment if she had any history of doing such unscrupulous acts.

A question for another time, I guess.

Now that Tristan was in his own bed and off of our shoulders, Ara practically shoved her way through to get down on her knees and clasp one of Tristan-now-Lynn’s hands. She shot us a glare that told us we weren’t welcome, and rather than share in the uncomfortable moment that was bound to occur not too long from now, Ravyn and I appeared back on deck.

“Is everything okay?” Keke asked.

“Yeah,” I replied. “But more importantly, it’s time to get those [Dispel] scrolls out. Let’s use them before we get out of here.” 

Keke tilted her head in a way that said she was trying to figure out who she was talking to.

Mattaku, that was a real fucking pain,” Ravyn sighed. “But at least we pulled it off.”

“That certainly makes it easier,” Keke said with a grin. She pointed to me and stated, “Matt.” Then to Ravyn. “Ravyn.”

We nodded. “Not that it matters. We’ll be changing back in a few minutes. Let’s get the hell outta here before anyone starts to suspect something.”

Cannoli bowed her head. “I feel horrible tricking Ara like that.”

You are reading story Everyone’s a Catgirl! at

“Me too,” I admitted.

“Huh? What are you girls going on about?” Portia asked as she tied up the remainder of the rope and threw it onto the deck. She kept her distance from Ravyn and me, instead dropping her voice and talking directly to Keke. “So spill it, where’s Matt and Ravyn?”

“Matt here.” I raised my hand.

“Long story,” said Ravyn, “but I’m Ravyn.”

Portia paused. “I’ll… get us out of here.”

“Take me back!” Ara roared. “How dare you impersonate my sister and abduct me! And not only me, but Tristan!” Her voice escalated in octaves with every word.

“Yeah, no, ain’t happening, bitch,” Ravyn said, now fully back to normal and in her combat attire. “We’re in control now.”

“They’ll find you,” Ara hissed.

“No, they won’t. Your Enchantments have been removed,” Keke hissed back.

Ara took a step back, glancing over the railing.

“Don’t even think about trying to swim back,” Ravyn warned. “That’s suicide, and you know it. Saoirse knows you’d get eaten by some Defiled, or worse. Then Lynn is the one without a sister.”

“She needs me! They need me!” Ara gestured wildly, all previous composure evaporated into thin air. “And how could you even think of kidnapping Tristan!”

“Seems to me he’s the one who’s been kidnapped,” I said next, thrilled to be back in my own skin. “You hide him away like he’s some forbidden treasure. What the hell are you all planning to do with him, anyway?”

“That is not your concern,” said Ara.

“I think it is,” Ravyn said, nuzzling Ball Gag’s chin with a faint smile. Looks like you’re just as happy as I am. “Say what you will, but he hasn’t left that room in days. I know. I smell it.”

“He does need a bath. Poor young man,” Cannoli murmured. “Let me tend to him. Make sure he’s alright.”

“Don’t touch him!” Ara screamed.

Cannoli stopped dead in her tracks, and Keke, Ravyn, and I moved to bar Ara away from Cannoli and Tristan.

“Go tend to him,” said Keke.

“R-right,” Cannoli whispered. Cannoli made her way below deck, and Portia’s chuckle followed soon after.

“You think this is funny?” Ara snapped, looking pointedly at Portia.

“A little. But hey, leave me outta this, I’m just the sailor. Continue on, please.” Portia waved to Ara as if batting a fly out of the air, and Ara grumbled.

“Can we just talk about this for a bit?” I asked. “We’re doing this for the good of Nyarlea.”

Ara clicked her tongue. “Some good you’re doing. Very fine work. I give you top grades.”

Ravyn shook her head. “I don’t think we’re going to have any luck getting to her.”

An idea struck me. “Well, you’re not going anywhere for a while. Sorry, but we can’t risk it. However, we are going to make a few stops around the island before we’re through. I wonder, have you seen what the rest of the island looks like?”

Ara paused, then admittedly sourly, “Not in years.”

“Maybe a good lesson then,” I mused.

“What are you scheming?” Ara asked.

“Not a scheme. But I think it’s important that you see what’s really going on here. How Shi Island is really suffering.”

“Matt, you’re not serious,” Keke said with skepticism in her voice.

“We can’t take her back. Not yet. Not until we can talk with Tristan. Huh, that reminds me. Has Tristan ever been outside of that manor?”

Ara raised her nose at me.

Guess we’re not getting any answers out of her.
