Chapter 128: Side Quest: Ara’s School of Etiquette


The Venicia School of Etiquette was a time-honored tradition of Shi Island. Girls from every city worked hard to memorize their letters and mannerisms well enough to be accepted. The school’s students learned proper behaviors, maths, sciences, and art within its opulent halls. Special studies were offered for the rare cases of magical aptitude as well as those who would eventually transfer to Sorentina’s knightly curriculum.

Though the alumni were considered the elite of Shi Island’s catgirls, the school’s atmosphere was warm and supportive. All were welcomed with open arms. Every girl understood what to do should they be chosen for a man’s Party when the time came.

That was the school Ara remembered. Before Celestia became its headmistress.

Ara and Lynn were in their final term when the previous headmistress stepped down. The reasons surrounding her retirement were veiled with suspicion, but it wasn’t the students’ place to question her.

Almost overnight, the Venicia School of Etiquette was completely changed. Derogatory whispers aimed at the catgirls hailing from other cities were passed behind backs. Competition replaced camaraderie. Service, Grace, and Urgency were prioritized above all else. And for any that dared go against this new normal? Well, there was the Room.

Ara was never sentenced to the Room. The relationships she kept outside of her sister were few and far between, and her studious nature helped her stay at the top of her class. Lynn, however…

It was a sunny afternoon, barely a month before Ara and Lynn would graduate. Earlier in the week, the sisters were moved from the school’s dorms to a home of their own—one that would be open to visitors from other islands and cities. It was far more space than either of them needed, but years of training had taught them to maintain it well. When their studies concluded for the day, they went home together instead of the dormitories.

Ara waited at the entrance for Lynn, their usual meeting spot. She watched a few other girls trickle down the steps while others made their way back to their rooms. Felsi, a pink-haired catgirl the same year as Ara and Lynn, swerved between the others with quick, panicked steps. 

“Ara!” Felsi called.

Ara’s ears perked, and she turned to face the flush-faced young woman. “What is it?”

“Lynn is— She’s—”

“Calm down. You’re attracting attention,” Ara hissed, taking note of the glares from the others. Any ‘Ungraceful’ showing could net them detention or a meeting with Celestia herself.

Felsi rubbed her cheeks and shook her head. “Lynn’s in the Room,” she whispered.

Ara blinked. “What?”

Felsi’s tail whipped back and forth behind her, and she smoothed her skirts. “One of the girls a few years behind us—Notch, I think?—was put on the spot because she’s not from Venicia. Even the teacher joined in.”

Ara grimaced. She knew what happened next. “And Lynn stood up for her?” The recent discord between students loomed over Lynn like a raincloud. She was the champion of all, no matter their background. 

“Mhm. Next thing we know, Celestia’s at the door calling for her. She—”

“Thank you, Felsi.” Ignoring whatever else Felsi was about to say, Ara excused herself and marched back inside.

While she’d never seen the exact location of the Room, Ara had seen plenty of red-eyed girls with dark circles stumbling from one particular direction of the school. It would take a bit of guesswork, but she would find it eventually.

A tug on her shirt sleeve tore her away from her thoughts. Felsi once again stood at her side, face still blanched and grey eyes wide. “I… I know—” She paused and swallowed hard. “I know where it is. I can show you.”

“I can find it on my own,” Ara muttered.

“No. This is faster. Come on.” Felsi took the lead without asking, and Ara followed close behind.

By now, many of the girls had returned to their rooms, left for home, or spent their leisure in the small shops around the school. Their travels went mostly unnoticed, drawing a curious glance here or there, but primarily accompanied by silent hallways and lavish tapestries. The further they went, the fewer catgirls they saw.

“This way.” More twists and turns. Ara counted two rights and three lefts, silently grateful for Felsi’s guidance. She’d never imagined it would be so deeply hidden past the classrooms and dorms.

The quick sound of approaching footsteps caught Ara’s ear. There wasn’t time to think. “In here.” She snagged Felsi’s sleeve and pulled her inside a darkened classroom. It seemed the teacher had forgotten to lock the door on her way out.

Nudging Felsi to the side, Ara let the door remain open a crack and peered out. The pair making their way down the hallway forced her to cover her own mouth, masking a gasp.

Ara had never seen a man in person before. There were art pieces and books here and there and the occasional sketch by a daydreaming catgirl, but this was entirely different. This one had a head of tousled blonde hair and a smooth, clean face. Bright blue eyes glimmered as he looked in every direction, taking in the features of the school.

“This place is so big! And clean!”

 His head barely reached Madame Celestia’s shoulder, and his limbs were far thinner and more lithe than the muscled depictions Ara had seen in the past. 

“We can supply you with anything you desire for the duration of your stay, Master,” Celestia replied evenly.

Ara couldn’t help but think that ‘Young Master’ would better suit him. If men aged similarly to catgirls, this one had barely reached adulthood.

His cheeks turned a brilliant red and he rubbed the back of his neck. “You can just call me Tristan. Really.”

“I could never dream of being so impolite.” Celestia shook her head. “You are the most important person on this island, Master. Your title should reflect it.”

“She doesn’t believe that for a minute,” Felsi hissed in Ara’s ear.

Ara curled her fingers into a fist, keeping one to her lips to shush her companion.

“Are you sure you just want me to stay here?” Tristan murmured a word, and a square device appeared in his palm. “I fought a few monsters outside. I’m sure I could get better at it with practice. But the iPaw—”

“My goodness! You shall never have to lift a finger, Master! Protecting your life is our humble reason for living. Come, allow me to show you to your quarters.”

Tristan hummed his assent, following Celestia down the length of the hallway. When they vanished behind a giant lacquered door at the end, Ara released the breath she was holding.

“A man? Here?” Felsi whispered.

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Ara considered the circumstances. “I’m loath to admit it, but Celestia may be doing what’s best for the island.” As far as she’d known, the previous men on Shi Island had died to unusual circumstances. It had been a long time since the last one’s unfortunate departure, creating an undercurrent of worry throughout the city. How would their population continue if the men arriving continued to die so quickly?

“What do you mean?” Felsi’s voice pitched. “Could we really take care of him?”

“Well, keeping him here ensures he’s safe from danger. It’ll also be easier to produce kittens this way.” Ara shook her head. “Perhaps Celestia knows what she’s doing.”

“That would be a first,” Felsi murmured.

Celestia reappeared without Tristan, moving down the hallway with a new spring in her step. Her twin braids bounced on either shoulder, and she held her hands together behind her back. The thin smile on her face sent a chill down Ara’s spine. She shivered.

They watched her disappear around the corner and waited until they could no longer hear her footsteps on the soft carpet. Ara carefully opened the door, then crept around the wall to confirm the headmistress had, in fact, left.

“We are safe for now,” Ara called to Felsi.

Felsi still tiptoed onto the carpet, then pointed to an enormous door to their immediate right. “The Room’s right here.”

Ara dashed to the minuscule window carved high into the Room’s door. Lynn was silently sobbing inside, rubbing warmth back into her arms while dancing from one foot to the other.

“Lynn! Hang on!” Ara called.

Lynn’s eyes snapped open, and she locked Ara’s gaze.

“Are you alright?” Ara asked.

Lynn vehemently shook her head, fingers trembling.

Ara slid a pair of slim twin rods from a hidden pocket in her apron. “Why isn’t she saying anything?” 

“You can’t speak in there. It’s enchanted to stop you,” Felsi explained.

“I see.” She knelt before the door’s lock and set to work. “You would think with an enchantment like that, the Headmistress would utilize better locks.”

“What are you doing?” Felsi squeaked.

“Getting my sister out of there,” Ara growled.

“Celestia will return for her in the morning! Are you mad?”

“Then we will spend the night in the classroom. Lynn can return to the Room at dawn.”


Ara sighed. It was impossible to search for the lock’s pins with Felsi fretting over her. “Thank you for your assistance, Felsi. If you do not wish to serve as an accomplice to this infraction, you may leave.”

Felsi chewed her lip, looked back at the door, then nodded. “N-no. I’ll stay.”

“Then I require your silence.”

Ara had expected more of a challenge. Maybe an additional lock. But the pins gave way with a satisfying click, and she used the second rod to act as the ‘key.’ The door gave way, and Lynn fell into her arms.

“Not here. This way,” Ara whispered.

Lynn nodded. Felsi closed the Room’s door, and they returned to the darkened classroom. They settled into a far corner where Lynn sunk to her knees and cried into Ara’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry, Ara. I should never have—hic!—said anything! I just— I can’t—” Lynn sobbed.

“Shh. It’s alright. I’m certain you did the right thing.” Ara coaxed, stroking her sister’s hair.

“Why don’t I find us something to eat?” Felsi suggested. “Maybe a warm bowl of soup would cheer you up?”

“Be sure to hide it in your [Cat Pack],” Ara instructed. “But, Felsi, if Celestia sees you, do not return here. Understand?”

“Of course. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Felsi bowed, then skipped from the room.

Ara quietly consoled Lynn until her crying slowed. When she was certain her sister could hear her, she said, “Only one more month, and we’ll never have to come back here.”

“C-Celestia is so— she’s so mean,” Lynn replied. “Why has she turned the girls against one another?”

“I’ve wondered that myself. However, it’s impossible to tell if her choices are ill-intended.”

Lynn hummed a noncommittal reply, then changed the subject. “Thank you, Ara. You didn’t have to do this.”

“No reason to thank me.” Ara kissed the top of her head. “I will always protect you.”
