Chapter 134: Chapter 119: Whistling Armor

I wanted to do something nice for the group before we got back on the boat. Most of us had the vacation in Abalone, but since Ravyn and Cannoli had stayed behind, it didn’t really feel like they got much of a break. Or maybe it was just me wanting to see everyone have a good time together.

Regardless, I teamed up with Cannoli, and we came up with a plan. We spent two full days foraging, fishing, and cooking together. By ‘fishing,’ I mean I wound up buying a good chunk of Portia’s daily catch because, let’s face it, neither of us was Keke. And by cooking, I played sous-chef to Cannoli’s Gordon Ramsey, chopping, rolling, and mixing at her every command. We had an enormous basket of food, drinks, and baked goods by day three.

I did have to let Tristan in on the plan, so he could help keep Keke, Ceres, Ravyn, and Ara away from Cannoli’s house. Ara and Keke were definitely suspicious of something going on, but Tristan did a great job keeping them distracted with questions and requests for more tours of Junonia.

The day Cannoli and I were ready to unveil our plan was the same day Espada had finished Ceres’ armor and my shield. We went as a group to pick up both. I had hoped to line it up pretty close to the surprise, so it worked out.

Espada was waiting at her shop, leaning against a post with her well-defined arms crossed over her chest. She waved when she saw us, then momentarily disappeared into the forge. She emerged with multiple sections of polished, glimmering golden metal grouped in her arms.

“Some of my finest work yet, if I do say so myself.” Espada grinned. “Go ahead and get into [Combat Mode], Ceres.”

A high-pitched hum sang between Ceres’ lips as she swapped into her combat equipment. The black and white maid dress looked so bare without her armor. Espada made quick work of rectifying it.

“Come on around. We’ll get you sorted.” Espada gestured behind the counter.

“Of course!” Ceres all but skipped around the booth, presenting herself with a straight-backed salute when she reached Espada. “This is such an honor.”

“Save that for after we’re sure it fits.” Espada chuckled. “Arms out.”

Espada carefully slid and fastened each golden pauldron to Ceres’ shoulders. They were wider than her previous silver pair, covering more of her upper body and her neck if she raised them a few inches.

“How do those feel so far? Good?” Espada asked, picking up the elbow pieces next.

“They feel impeccable!” Ceres gasped. “I know it is redundant to say, but they feel made for me.”

“Because they were.” Espada laughed.

Ceres blushed. “I know. This is just…You are wonderful. Thank you.”

“Gonna make me blush.” She fitted the armor to Ceres’ elbow while we watched. “We got more to go.”

“What’s that part called?” I asked. I’d always liked finding the biggest, shiniest armor sets in video games, but I had no clue what each individual piece was called.

“Couters,” Espada replied. “Good ones’ll give you excellent mobility.”

Ceres bent her arm. “This is so light! How is it so light?”

“Short answer is the metal I used and the forging method.” Espada shrugged. “Your armor should help you, not hinder you. Vambraces next.”

The fitting continued with gauntlets, greaves, and a chest piece that hooked around her top like a corset. After a few test thrusts and twits of her polearm and adjustments to the ties, Ceres was fully mobile and suited for battle.

“This is perfect. Better than perfect. Goodness, my Lady, how can I thank you?” Ceres was glowing with glee. Her armor looked great, and, knowing Espada’s craftsmanship, a truck could hit Ceres, and she’d feel nothing.

Espada chuckled. “Just the payment. And don’t die out there.”

Ceres drew an enormous sack of Bells from her [Cat Pack] and handed them over. “There’s a tip in there as well. Saoirse be praised; I’ve never felt better.”

“Good. That’s what I want to hear.” Espada turned to me. “And now you. One second.” She disappeared again.

“Ceres, you look amazing!” Cannoli marveled, brushing one of the pauldrons with her fingertips. “You have to be the best-geared knight in Nyarlea!”

Ravyn scoffed. “I wouldn’t go that far.” She glanced over her shoulder, checking for Espada. “But it does look nice.”

“Wow. A compliment. How rare,” Keke noted.

Kuso! Why do I bother?” Ravyn spat.

Espada reappeared, holding the gleaming shield in her hands. “Don’t lose this one, alright? It’s a lot more expensive.”

I accepted the silver buckler with an appreciative nod. It was lighter than my last one, the leather strap on the back taut and secure around my arm. “I’ll take good care of it, Espada. Thanks.”

I paid her with a tip as Ceres had. It was a huge chunk on my Bells, but better protected than dead. We wished Espada well and moved to stand in the middle of the marketplace.

“So, what else do we need before we depart for Shi Island?” Ara asked.

“Nothing. We’re all set,” I replied, studying the intricate engravings on the shield’s surface. Espada had carved a pouncing tiger into the metal with a surprisingly delicate hand. Damn, even matching the aesthetic. Thanks, Espada.

“Spill it, then. What have you and Cannoli been up to for the last two days?” Keke asked. 

I grinned. “Everyone has swimsuits now, right?”

“Yup! I made sure Ceres, Ara, and I all had them ready.” Tristan shot me a thumbs up.

“We’re going to have a beach picnic!” Cannoli cried with a clap of her hands.

I nodded. “We spent the last two days cooking and gathering so we can spend the whole day out there. Figured we could use it.”

Keke’s eyes widened. “Really?”

“Really. Who knows what the heck awaits us, so let’s take one more day and relax,” I said.

Ceres’ eyes glistened, and she clasped her hands at her chest. “What a blessed day this is! Thank you, Cannoli and Sir Matt! And Tristan for getting us ready.”

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“Yeah, it’s okay, I guess,” Ravyn said, studying her nails. 

Ball chewed her hair and squawked.

“Hey! What the fuck?” Ravyn snapped. “Whatever. It was nice of you. Thanks.”

“Race you there!” Cannoli cried, then broke out into a run.

“Oh, no, you don’t!” Keke giggled and ran after her.

I turned to the rest of our group. “Meet you guys down there?”

They nodded, and I chased after Cannoli.

Cannoli and I spread two giant blankets across the sand, placing the basket at the back center to anchor them from the breeze. As we spread the plates and glasses across the surface, Ceres and Keke jogged across the sand with Ara, Tristan, and Ravyn close behind.

Ceres and Ara had both picked out black and white one-piece swimsuits. Ceres’ had two tiny silver chains crossed over her waist, and her curves filled the rest nicely. Ara’s had pinched white ruffles across the bust, giving the illusion of a larger chest. She blushed when she saw me looking.

“This is so much food!” Ceres exclaimed. “Fish, cakes, appetizers, nyapple cider—you thought of everything!”

“We wanted to make enough for two meals!” Cannoli explained. “That way, we don’t have to leave.”

Buttons jumped down from her shoulder and wriggled his way to a bowl of peanuts we’d brought for him and Ball. It seemed to be one of the blazard’s favorite foods, and the tavern was happy to supply us with a bag. 

“I don’t see any booz—” Ravyn began, adjusting the brim of her giant hat. 

I snatched a dark bottle from the basket and held it toward her. “You were saying?”

Ravyn accepted the bottle, looking from it to me. “...Baka.” But her bushy tail swayed excitedly behind her.

I knew it was one of her favorites, but I didn’t need to rub it in. Just seeing her at ease was worth it.

“Is that violet ryba?” Keke gasped and licked her lips. “Did you catch more?”

“Portia did,” I admitted with a sheepish grin. “Cost a pretty penny, but we couldn’t have a picnic without it, right?”

Keke kissed my cheek, then dove for the fish. She ate it straight from the tray, not bothering to move it to a plate. 

Tristan grabbed Ara’s hand and smiled. “C’mon. Let’s go in the water!”

Ara’s face flushed, and she stammered, “O-of course, young Master!”

“Oh! Me too!” Cannoli popped a cookie in her mouth, then ran across the sand to join them, the ruffles on her swimsuit bouncing just above her tail. 

Bursts of sand kicked up from their feet, and Tristan tackled Ara as soon as they reached the water. Ara shrieked, and a flurry of giggles ensued.

I fished out a piece of cake and sat down on the edge of the blanket before digging in. The frosting coated my lips and nose, and I chuckled at myself. Slow down, Matt. It’s not going anywhere. 

Ceres moved to my side and knelt. Without warning, she leaned in and licked the frosting from the tip of my nose. She grinned and touched her braid. “Thank you, Matt.”

Before I could respond, she joined the others at the water. 

“Keke! Keke, come play!” Cannoli cried.

Keke waved, her mouth still stuffed with violet ryba. She swallowed and licked her fingers, then left the blanket.

Ravyn took a seat next to me on the blanket. She broke a cookie in half, offering one half to Ball and nibbling the other between straight sips from her bottle. We watched the others in a comfortable silence while I finished my cake. When I turned to find a napkin, Ravyn laughed.

“Saoirse’s tits, Matt. You’re supposed to eat the cake, not wear it.”

“I didn’t remember it being this messy,” I argued.

She reached over and dragged some of the icing away from my cheek with one finger. I froze. She never dropped her gaze as she sucked away the frosting.

“That’s pretty damn good,” she murmured.

I couldn’t breathe. “Thanks.”

She took another swig of wine, then screwed the bottle into the sand to keep it from falling. “Let’s get in the water. You can wash your damn face off, and I’ll get Cannoli back for last time.”

I wiped the rest of the icing off with the back of my hand. “After you, then.”

She sneered. “Why? Want to watch my tail as I leave?”


