Chapter 7: Unbreakable Shield – Chapter 7 ( Meeting once more)



I couldn't help but feel a little depressed inside.

War was brewing in the elemental nations. Tensions were at an all-time high. Each of the hidden villages was silently praying for the downfall of the other.

The war was being Fuelled by the greed and envy of humans. The other villages sought to make everything theirs and what they could not have they would rather see destroyed.

It was clear to everyone living in the elemental nations that other villages had their eyes on the Uzumaki clan because of their sealing talents and chakra reserves.

" How much longer can we keep the wolves at bay.? “I questioned myself.

“The allure of sealing arts that can chain tailed beasts will become too much for them to resist and soon their greed will take over. "

"Not to mention we don’t have as many ninjas in our village compared to other hidden villages." I thought to myself.

I looked at the list of names in my scroll. There were only 48 students this year.20 students less than the previous year. Each year the number of students keeps on decreasing due to the decreasing birth rates in the village.

“Armin Gozo” I called out the first name on the list preparing myself for the inevitable disappointment.

As more and more students got sorted. The more depressed I got.

How could I not be?

It’s the same as all the other years. Most of the students didn’t have any chakra and got sorted to class one or more popularly known as the civilian class.

Even the handful of students that got selected into class two had such pitiful reserves.

With the amount of chakra  they had it would be a miracle if they get promoted to a Chunnin.

The majority of them would stay as Genin doing menial D ranked missions their entire life..

Such a shame.

I looked down towards the last name on the list.

"Hmm. An Uzumaki? Now that was a rare sight. He must have been born to a civilian branch member."

"Zeke Uzumaki" I called out.

The boy that walked toward me looked more like a 6-year-old and was clearly taller than most of the students that went before him.

The muscles on his arms and legs showed visible signs of exercise.

“A good seedling” I thought to myself.

I couldn't help but get my hopes up

. Maybe just maybe he would get selected into my class.

Our clan is fabled for our massive chakra reserves along with the Senju clan and Uchiha clan.

The boy walked up to me confidently and turned his back towards me in one fluid motion.

Just like I had done for the past 47 students. I placed my hands on his back and injected my chakra into his body.







5 seconds passed

"What?..... “

“Is it possible that he is a half Uzumaki?...”

“Is his mother a normal civilian? So, he didn’t inherit the chakra pathways?" I thought to myself as I couldn’t help but be a little shocked.

Why wouldn’t I be? What I thought was a diamond in the rough turned out to be just an ordinary crystal.

"Better luck next year I guess"

"Class ..."

Before I could say another word, an enormous chakra cloak burst out from the child’s body.

"What the hell?" I thought to myself

It was as if a huge weight was put on my shoulders. Threatening to overpower my will.

Trying to force me to submit. In all my year’s teaching and as a ninja I had yet to feel something like this. Especially from someone who has yet to even enter the academy.



"Huh “

“What is going on?"

I turned to my side to see bodies dropping onto the ground like flies.

They had foam frothing over their mouth.

What was even more surprising was when I saw the state of my two colleges.

They were on their knees struggling to even breathe.

Two elite Jonin from the proud village of the hidden whirlpool village were brought to their knees by a 5 year old.

what a joke.

Most importantly what kind of monster do we have on our hands.

"OII kid Get a hold of yourself. Control it. Don’t let it flow wild. It’s going to hurt you and your classmate"

"URRRGG”. The pressure continued to rise. My whole body felt sluggish. I could barely move my arms anymore."



I heard the sound of two more bodies hitting the ground.

I guess Daiki and Shiki could not bear it much longer.

Can't really blame them. Even I’m starting to feel the effects of this enormous pressure.

What a terrifying little devil.

Not even an academy student but is already able to knock out two Jonin.

Even if he lost control of whatever power this is. Being able to knock out two Jonin is something to be extremely proud of.

Slowly I turned his body. The pressure increasing every second.

"I thought as much. Looks like he is doing this subconsciously."

It was evident that the boy no longer was conscious. His eyes were rolled over showing only the whites of his eyes.

Thank God. I’m a seal master.

Otherwise, this could have turned really ugly.

Five little chakra whisps materialized on each finger of my right hand.

Without waiting any longer I placed my right hand on his stomach twisting it in a clockwise direction.

" GOGOYO FUIN" I whispered out, making sure to grab the boy as he fell down.




Three black blurs jumped in front of me.

Each of them had an animal mask on their face.

You are reading story Reborn in Naruto with an Unbreakable Shield at

Their leader whose long hair swayed in the wind wore a Fox mask on his face.

Of Course, the Anbus would take notice of something like this.

"You are late. I already took care of it.”

“ send some medics here" I said to the three Anbus  as i placed the kid gently on the ground.

Without another word, the three of them disappeared just as quickly as they came.

"hell of a first day huh kid." I said to the one responsible for this entire accident.

I had no doubt that one day this kid is going to grow to rival the likes of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama.



" what happened?”

I clenched my head with my hands.


“My head heads so bad”

“Did someone hit me with a bat or something?” I thought to myself I tried to recall what happened.

I remembered going up to Mr Subaru and him injecting chakra into my body and then after that..

“ what happened.?”

“  why can't I remember? “

“ But more importantly where am I? “ I questioned out loud.

"Yes. Where could you be Mr gilbert "  A voice came from behind me.

Whoever said that was so close that I felt the hot breath leaving his mouth when he talked to me.

I got goosebumps all over my body.

Every hair on my body was standing up due to how spooked off I was.

I jumped forward and turned around.

"who......" was all I was able to utter as I saw a glimpse of saw his face.

I instantly knew who he was

It felt as if someone poured ice into my veins.

" You know most people wouldn’t see me even once in their lifetime but you Mr gilbert styles has had the pleasure of meeting me not once but twice now ." he said in a lazy tone.

"I’m not dead am I?" I said nervously.

You all might have figured out who it is by now. It was no other than MR Morgan Freeman. The big man GOD himself.

"No. you are not."  G O D replied.

"You’re here because your new powers caused a little complication when it was mixed with chakra"

"I have chakra? but I saw nothing coming out of my body when he tried to jump-start it? I said.

"No, you most certainly Have It. you just don’t remember unlocking it.”

“your brain just shut down in order to prevent you from having break down after your teacher inserted his chakra into you as Your body could not handle the two different powers getting activated at the same time."

"Two powers?" I said with a confused look on my face.

"Yes." he said sighing.

"You know that chakra is made out of yin and yang.”

I nodded.

“yin is the spirit and whereas yang is the body.”

“Remember how one of your gifts was one piece physiology?”

“ That meant that you got both the spirit and body from someone from one piece world. while someone from the one-piece universe has to train extensively to Awaken Haki. Which is basically your willpower or fighting spirit given form.”

“You dont.”

“ This because chakra is a combination of spirit and body. When you awakened your chakra your Haki was awakened along with it. This caused your Haki to fuse in to your chakra causing it to mutate.."

I listened to gOds explanation with wide eyes.

"So I can use Haki anytime I want?" I asked.

"HAH?? no I said awaken it. not use it.......what is in your brain..... I think it would have been better if you got a power that boosted your IQ instead" god said in a hash tone.

"So it’s basically what happened to Luffy in the war of the best.? where he is able to use it subconsciously?" I asked ignoring the jab he made at my intelligence.

"YEPPP" said God emphasizing on the P.

"But even I don’t know how it is going to affect your powers. Your Haki might give you a few new powers cause of the mutation or it might just be the same as what you have seen in the one-piece anime"

"What... aren’t you gOD the all-knowing ???????" I said.

"I mean yes... but no?? Ever since you died I can’t see your future anymore. You are essentially fateless." he said with a tired look on his face.


The place started to shake. White cracks appeared in the air and rays of light started to come through them. illuminating the darkness.

"Looks like our meeting has to be cut short" you are about to wake up"

"For being the first person in history to surprise me twice. Take this gift" he said as a golden white flame shot from his hands into my body.

"I’m going to look forward to how you tackle the power I just gave you TAR"

Before I could hear what he was going to say the whole world turned white.

But knowing what the bastard was like in the past. Whatever he gave me would be something that would no doubt cause me a lot of pain and headaches in the future.


It has been three days since that happened. The school covered up the entire thing saying that the students were too tired due to their chakra being awakened. So to let them rest for a week.

so, yay to me.

No school for a week.

Also it seems like I am going to the academy in 6 months instead of spending a year in the school.

Mr subaru come to meet my mother and told her that my chakra pool was simply too big and potent for me to stay in school.

At first, she was very much against it. going as far as to threaten him so he would leave her little boy alone.

Damn she was scary. I don’t know how Mr Subaru was so calm in front of her.

Thankfully eventually she gave in when he explained that I could hurt myself and others if I don’t learn to control it soon and explained to her that all the kids were sent to the hospital because my chakra ran wild.

Speaking about my chakra.

I lifted my shirt to look at my stomach.

There was a circular ring of kanji characters written on it with the word sealed in the middle. Apparently, MR Subaru sealed my chakra deeming it was it was too wild for me to control it right now.

Not going to lie I was bummed out about it for a while Until my mom mentioned that He said that he would slowly loosen it over the course of 6 months so my body can cope with it easier and that he would personally train my body so it will get used to my enormous chakra.

I guess it is true what they say. A blessing could just as easily be a curse too.

It's kind of scary to think that if I was born anywhere else I would have been crushed by my own power when my chakra awakened.

What a lame way to go.

"ZEKE IT’S ALMOST TIME" my mother shouted from downstairs.


" YEs mother " I said as I got out of bed getting ready to head to the academy training ground to meet my teacher.

"AAAHHHHHH why can’t my life ever be easy" I thought to myself.