Chapter 11: Changing Clothes

Chapter 10: Changing Clothes

Rigen's perspective - The next day morning

I have woken up now, at least I'm still alive, I think! Because If I died, I won't have any feelings anymore. I slowly open my eyes, looked around and see there is no one in my room except me.

"Advisor! Did you see or hear something unusual last night?"

"No, John! Everything is fine! But I have to admit that you are a man of trouble!" - Advisor talked to me as he is teasing me

"Hey, what are you meaning about that?"

"Nothing! Just wake up! You haven't workout since the time you got to this world, it's 4:32 AM already! The people around are not waking up yet, you may have your time to do some exercises!" - Advisor suggested to me

"John, don't be so tense like that! You are not gonna die! You can count on me, I'm a revolutionary technology of the 21st century!"

Alright! I now still have more time to do some exercises, I also need to do some research in case somedays I am being hunted by Hoster's assassins! Maybe I will do some workouts to get out of the stress.

But what should I do? There are no dumbbells or barbells that are always in the Gym, I cannot run outside of the streets.

The people out there will chase me until I die! Maybe I should do push-ups.

How many reps should I do? Maybe I should set it to 300!


Reimi's perspective


Did I just asleep? I remember Her Highness told me to protect Sir Rigen. I'm now in the closet to stay guard, I just got asleep? Wait, Sir Rigen! What about him?

I look out of the closet, seems like Sir Rigen is still alright! But, he is doing something odd, isn't he?

He is holding his both hands and his feet on the floor and pushing it up and down, it looks like military training for me but those performances are very odd. 

He is also removing his shirt and hanging it on the chair, his body is so ! gulp!

Sir Rigen is so muscular, just looking at him makes me want to...Wait! What are you thinking, Reimi!

I think I should close my eyes and stay inside the closet, waiting for Sir Rigen to get out of his room then I will have a chance to go outside.

Rigen's perspective

I'm now doing push-ups, it's quite much now, about 255 reps! I was about to do some more but then I heard some noises coming out of the closet, is someone inside there?

"Advisor! Did you hear something?"

"No! Why did you ask me?"

"I heard some noises come out of the closet, did someone get in there last night?"

"No, John! If there was someone inside the room, I would have called you, you may just hear things!"

"I must stay on high alert, maybe there is someone there, I must go check it out!"

"Hey, John! I just said to you there is no one there! Hear me!"

Advisor keeps saying to me there is no one inside the closet, but I ignore him and go to the closet.

When I was about to open the closet, Advisor called me louder and louder, I'm very curious about this now.

"Sir Rigen! Did you wake up now?" - There is a voice calling me outside the door, that's Princess Shera

Shera's perspective

I already woke up now, I immediately wore my clothes and go to Sir Rigen's room right away, I don't know if he woke up or not.

I woke up a bit earlier than usual so maybe I should call for him before opening the door without his permission.

I'm now standing in front of the door leading to Sir Rigen's room, I hope I won't disturb him if he is still sleeping.

"Sir Rigen! Did you wake up now?"

In about few seconds, the door is opened but only opened half of it, Sir Rigen heads his head out of the door, he may wondering why did I call him so early in the morning.

"Good morning, Sir Rigen!"

"Oh, that's you, Princess? Just get in!" - Sir Rigen allows me to go inside

Then Sir Rigen opens the door, in front of my eyes are now Sir Rigen, who had taken out his shirt, his body is full of sweat, he may doing some kind of training earlier, his body is so muscular.

I immediately turn my back and close my eyes, I don't know why I have a little excited when I see Sir Rigen in that appearance, I try to hold my breath to calm myself down.

Then a few minutes later, Sir Rigen calls me to go inside again, he is now fully clothes, he removed his magic item named Advisor and put it on the table near the place where the sun is shining.

"Sorry, Princess! I just have wiped my sweat!" - Sir Rigen then invited me to go inside

John's perspective

Looks like Princess is here, she got here so soon, she may want to check up on me, I now need to think about something, I don't know much about outside yet, and I may need to ask Shera for something.

"Why did you come here so soon, Princess?"

"I'm so worried about you, Sir Rigen! In the yesterday's discussion, my brother said he wanted to k-" - Shera trying to say something to me but I stopped her

"I already knew about that, Princess! He wanted to kill me"

"How did you know that, Sir Rigen?" - Shera is very shocked when she heard my words

"That doesn't matter, Princess! The thing I need to know now is how to go outside without being chased by the crowds!"

"My brother told me there is a clothes shop outside of this town, it is just next to this Inn, you can see it out of the windows, Sir Rigen!" - Shera talks to me while pointing her right hand out of the windows

Oh, I see! The clothes shop is just next to this Inn, it is quite big, if Shera didn't point her hand out of the windows, I may didn't know that is a shop, seems like this town is quite developed.

"Not so many people here in this town know about your face in that previous incident, Sir Rigen!"

"Most of them only notice you by seeing your clothes, if you change your clothes as same as us, they may didn't know you are walking among them!"

You are reading story A Marine Got Lost In Another World at

"I don't want people to see me, should I tell you to go buy me some clothes, Shera?"

"There are not so many people down there, I think you should go with me inside the shop now!" - Shera suggested to me

"I will try, Princess! We must hurry!"

Then I left my weapons and all of the equipment inside the Inn, I only bring my sword and Princess Shera went with me outside the Inn.

The street is quite silent, we managed to get inside the clothes shop without being noticed.

We are now inside the shop, there is an aged man inside the shop and standing near the stall.

He is ordering the people who look like his employees to bring clothes out of the storage and is about to open the shop.

"Oh! There are customers here at this time? We are about to open the shop, please wait for a few minutes!" - That man said to us and looking behind him

After that man saw me and Shera, he walked towards us, he is glancing at me, looking at my clothes, this man seems like knows my identity.

"Don't look at me like that, young man! I'm not one of the people who joined the riot near the Inn, I think those people were very stupid!"

"I don't care if my customers are powerless or normal people, I just only need them to have money to pay for the clothes!" - The shop owner talked to me 

"Then, who comes first will be served first! What kind of clothes do you want to buy, young man?"

"I just need the clothes that can help me to hide my identity!" 

"Interesting! Please, you young man and you young lady come with me, I will show you the clothes!" - The shop owner told us to follow him

Then that owner led me and Shera to a place that has many clothes that have hooded, hood is very good to hide your face, the owner said to me to choose what I want.

"What about this one, Sir Rigen?" - Shera points her right hand to white hooded clothes that looks very priced

"That clothes are so outstanding, Shera! We should choose something more normal!" 

"That's so?" - Shera sighs, she was hoped to buy something special for me but she is now disappointed

Then Shera keeps choosing the clothes for me, but the clothes she chose for me are all too outstanding, maybe she wanted to turn me into a good-looking noble but I don't need them now, all I need is clothes that seem very normal to the others.

Then I look around and notice clothes, it is also hooded clothes but it seems very special, it has green colored, very fit for the jungle color if I use them for camouflage.

"I will choose this one!"

"No, Sir Rigen! Those clothes are very normal compared to your noble rank!" - Shera is showing her frustrated face, she thought I am a noble, though nobles are gone in my world a long time ago, poor girl!

"No, Shera! The clothes you chose for me were very outstanding, I think this one is alright!"

"But!" - Shera wanted to say something but then she stopped, seems like she has given up her choice

"Then the price will be 520 Atta coins, young man!"

"Shera, do you bring any Atta coins with you?"

"No! I only bring Gel coins!"

"Then, lady! 1 Atta coin is priced 10 Gel coins!" - The shop owner said the price to Shera

Then Shera brought out 5200 Gel coins from the bag she brought with her and gave them to the shop owner, I immediately go to the changing room, and after I changed my clothes, we got out of the shop.

"Thank you very much, customers! Please come again!" - The shop owner said to us though we had gone far away

Then we go back to the Inn, the street is now having people, I go back to my room with Shera, when I got inside the room, I noticed that someone has trespassed inside.

The closet's door is opened up, Advisor is falling on the floor, but it didn't break, Advisor's body is made of hard material.

Someone must have tried to steal it from my hand but has given up, Advisor's battery when being charged is very hot, no one can take a stand against its heat.

I also look around, nothing is stolen except Advisor, seems like that trespasser only wanted to steal my Advisor, I wonder who that was.

I knew it! Hoster and his men had planned about this, but I wonder who told them about Advisor? 

Then I think about Reimi, I didn't see her in the morning, I think Reimi and Shera won't do anything against me but I want to check it for sure.

"Princess! Where is Reimi?"

Reimi's perspective - 30 minutes ago

Seems like Sir Rigen and Her Highness are going out to the shop, I was lucky, Sir Rigen was about to check the closet at that time.

If Her Highness got here late, I would be killed by Sir Rigen if he misunderstood me wanted to kill him. 

I'm now slowly moving out of the closet, then I see Advisor, a magic item which belongs to Sir Rigen is now on the table, I am very sleepy now but I'm so curious about it.

I want to talk with that "metal box" myself before going to sleep, at least to make a new friend with that thing.

But I wonder why Advisor's board is now all black, instead of green when he was talking to us. 

I remembered before Advisor talked to us, Sir Rigen had pushed a thing like a button under it, I wonder where is the button.

"Hey, Advisor! Wake up! It's already morning!"

I grabbed Advisor, trying to find the button under it but at the time I grab it, there is heat appeared to be very hot.

I immediately drop Advisor on the floor, seems like it didn't have any scratches when it hit the floor but it was very hot!

Ahh! My hands are now burning! Mama! Mama! Advisor is hotter than a hot pot, it hots like hell!

Then I immediately run out of the Inn, luckily around there has a waterfall, I immediately put my both hands under the water.

I do that in pain, I also cry while doing it, luckily there are no people on the street at that time, I'm now so ashamed!

After solving my problem with that waterfall, I went back to the Inn, trying to get some sleep, but how can I sleep when my hands are still burning like this? 

Ahh! Sorry My Highness, sorry Sir Rigen! You will pay for what you have done to my hands, Advisor!