Chapter 12a: Kingdom Come (Part 2)
I'm now being surrounded by two Assassins, Reimi and Shera are too far from me, they even don't notice my disappearance, they are focusing on chatting with their people.
Even if they found out I was being surrounded, I would be killed before they could do anything to save me.
"Alright! I will go with you, lead the way!"
Two Assassins that distinguished into the waiters after hearing my words, lead me to a restroom. In that progress, these guys keep looking around the people in the party to make sure they won't know about what they did.
The restroom they led me to is very far, the farthest restroom, near the entrance of the restaurant. I'm now so far from Shera, I go with them to the restroom, the restroom itself seems very dark.
Now the assassin behind me still pointing his dagger behind my back, and another assassin, is pulling out his dagger from his pants pocket. I think they acted so strange, why didn't they kill me here, right now, what are they intended to do?
"Before killing you, Prince Hoster had ordered us to take over all of your magic tools and magic items you have in your body!"
"Hand those things go to us then we will give you a peaceful death!" - The assassin in front of me ordered me to do
"I have only a magic item on my right hand, why don't you people kill me and take it instead?"
The assassins look at each other, they later look at me, seem to want to talk about something.
"Prince Hoster demanded us to follow what he said, if we killed you and take over that magic item, not as he planned, our rewards won't be paid fairly!"
Wow! I'm now so surprised, how stupid can these assassins be, one fight two, I still have a chance to win these men. I just thought about that, there will be a chance for me.
"Then I will hand your over my magic item now, I will hand you it slowly!"
Then I slowly remove Advisor out of my right hand, I slowly remove it. I got it out and hold it with my left hand, raising above, I managed to turn off Advisor and drop it on the ground.
Then the assassin behind me stops pointing his dagger at me and rushes to take Advisor, which is about to fall to the ground, I give him a strong behind kick to his head.
That man was feeling dizzy after getting my kick, the assassin in front of me didn't have enough time to react. I managed to grab his right hand, trying to take away his dagger.
That man holding his dagger so tight, I cannot remove it. Then suddenly from behind, the assassin who getting dizzy is now back to normal, he charges his dagger at me from behind.
I managed to rotate back the assassin which make me struggle to take his dagger. The assassin from behind charged his dagger at me, now the dagger hit that assassin in front of him in his back.
The assassin that stabbed his teammate, now panicking, tries to run to the exit of the restroom. He grabbed Advisor on the ground but later dropped it down because it was too hot.
That assassin's hands are now hurt because of the heat of Advisor. I ignore the assassin that is being hit by the dagger, now lying on the ground, waiting to die.
I pull out the M9 Bayonet under my right shoe and charge at the assassin in front of me.
My bayonet is now about to stab him, that man who is still in pain but keeps continues to fight against me. He used all of his muscles in his hands, trying to hold my bayonet's blade from stabbing him in his neck.
"Arrgh! Arrgh!" - That assassin is trying so hard to stop me, his eyes are now panicking, he knows he is about to die
Then in a few seconds struggling to stab that assassin, finally I stabbed him with my bayonet to his neck. That man kept looking at me even though he was lying on the ground and then later died.
I breathe hard a little bit, relieved after escaping the moment of death. I take back my Advisor and turn it on, I also check those two Assassin clothes, hoping to find out something important.
After checking those assassin bodies, I found two small bags have about 1264 Atta coins which can be distinguished by their green-colored, maybe there was the money of the assassins.
I also found 2 pieces that look like cards, both of the things look like made of copper. I look at one of the cards that I took from the assassins, struggling a little bit to find out the meanings of the words written on it.
Name: Rayor
( According to Goddess Katia's Calendar )
Date of Birth: Day 22 of the third Winter, year 1157
Social Status: Commoner
Date joined the Assassin's Guild: Day 31 of the first Summer, year 1171
Magic Elements: Fire, Earth
Clan: Death Dagger
Rank Copper: Rank B Rookie
Seems like these were the Assassin cards that the border guards had talked to me about. I don't have much time to rest, so I take all my stuff to the restroom and get out.
I was about to go back to Shera's place but I think I will be ambushed or she will be harmed if I go back so I head out of the restaurant, running back to my room to take my stuff.
The Inn is not far from the restaurant, I just need about 10 minutes to run back there, though that decision is riskier than going back to Shera's place but I still try.
The people on the road stare at me when they see me running with the hooded clothes I bought from the clothes shop, they wonder what I am going to do.
A few minutes later, I finally got back to the Inn, I was about to get inside by the front door but then Advisor alarms me.
"John! The assassins are all over the Inn, they are gathering at the front door, downstairs, upstairs and also in your room, try to get inside your room by climbing on the walls, make the least noises as possible!"
Then after hearing Advisor said, I sneak around the Inn, trying to sneak around the street until finding out the location of my room, when I found it, I tried to climb up.
It was so lucky for me that the walls are all easy to be grabbed, I still struggle a little bit to climb up though my room is not far compared to the ground.
Some people walking by the inn also saw me but they didn't care and ignored me, do thieving are common in this world?
The actions of the people walking past the inn made me confused, they ignored me, the man who looks like a thief to them, or they are used to it?
But I ignored the people on the street, I managed to climb up my room. I am now by the windows, about to head up to see how many assassins are in my room.
"Advisor! Can you tell me how many assassins are these in the Inn?"
"According to my detection details, there are 30 assassins in the inn, 2 assassins in your room, one is inside, another one is staying guard outside, 16 downstairs, 12 upstairs." - Advisor notified me
How do I distract the assassin guarding inside my room?"
"Just make some noises near the window you are crouching, that assassin will head out and you will have a chance to kill him!"
Then I used my bayonet's hilt and knock a few times on the wall nearby the window I am now crouching. A few seconds later, a black hooded man heads his head out of the window.
When he is about to look down, I stab my bayonet into his throat, and that man died instantly.
Now I have successfully gotten inside my room, I also placing that assassin's body on the floor. I also took his assassin card, maybe I will take them as much as possible, they might have useful!
Then I look around, seems like my stuff is still alright, no one touch them yet. I grab my green military bag after stocking all the stuff inside and wear it on my back.
I also took my M4A1 Assault Rifle, loaded it and now am standing at my room door, about to fight with the assassins.
"Advisor! Including the assassin that guarding outside my room and around upstairs, they are 13 men, right?"
"Yes, and also 16 men downstairs!" - Advisor reminded me
Then, after making sure of the locations of the assassins, I kick my room door out with a strong blow. The assassin who is guarding outside is now falling to the ground and about to stand up, I give him a shot through the head.
Then the other assassins notice the gunshot, they come out one to one, I easily shoot them all with my rifle.
I have to save my ammunition as much as possible so I shoot the M4 rifle in semi-automatic mode.
Some of the assassins after seeing the powerful destruction of my rifle, hide behind the walls, behind the doors of the other rooms.
There are not many nobles in this inn and most of the rooms are hired by Hoster and his men, the assassins thought they could hide behind the walls but no, these walls are very thin, my rifle easily shoots through them.
After making sure I have cleared the assassins upstairs, I found out some of the Assassins are not dead yet but wounded.
I take out my bayonet, mount it on the rifle and stab the assassins, after making sure they're all dead, I check the rooms from upstairs and gradually to downstairs.
"Stay down! Stay down on the ground, now! If you don't want to die!"
I yelled at some nobles while checking the rooms and seeing them. There are only 3 nobles except Shera, Reimi, Hoster and his men rented to stay in the inn.
Of course, they are all scared to death, they accepted doing as I said. They lying on the ground, their hands holding their head.
"Good! Now keep doing that until I go away, lock your room door and stay in there to the next day morning!"
Then after checking upstairs, I go downstairs, it is also the bottom floor of the inn, strangely, no assassins coming out, I go with high caution while walking my steps.
You are reading story A Marine Got Lost In Another World at
"John! The assassins are hiding in the death corners, shoot at anywhere you see it has a high possibility for the assassins to hide!" - Advisor gives me a suggest
But before I could realize what Advisor said, I was walking while hearing it talk so I let my guard down, an assassin swung his sword at me from a narrow corner, the sword didn't hit me but I got shocked.
Then I used my rifle's butt to hit that assassin's face and shot him with my rifle, the other assassins came out one to one but also ended up like the other assassins. Some of them managed to get close to me but were killed before they had a chance to stab me.
Seems like all of the 30 assassins are now dead, I breathing hard again though I didn't tired. I feel so lucky, if I don't have my rifle and my Advisor, I would have died now.
Then I notice something in the stall, I point my rifle to the stall and see the little girl Reya and her mother, the owner of the Inn, they are now holding each other, begging me for sparing their lives.
"Get down! Get down on the ground now or I will shoot!"
After hearing what I said, Reya and her mom stay down on the ground while holding each other, they are crying, I feel guilty for the little girl Reya.
She was a pure girl, was very happy, and didn't know how bad her mother had treated me and the people who can't cast magic like me.
Now I hope I won't be in that girl's nightmares as a devil when she goes to sleep, then I collect the cards of the dead assassins. I go back to my room, close the door and stay in the closet, I'm now waiting.
Shera's perspective
I'm now with Reimi and Sir Rigen to a night party, my brother said he can't come. He is very busy doing something he didn't tell me, I'm now enjoying the food, talking with Reimi and my people.
A few minutes later I notice Sir Rigen is not with me anymore, I think he just goes inside the restroom though he didn't drink anything before he go to this party, I turn around to Reimi and ask her.
"Reimi! Do you see Sir Rigen anywhere, I didn't see him?"
Remi looked around after hearing my words.
"My Highness, I think Sir Rigen just got inside a restroom to solve his problem, you don't need to worry so much about it!" - Reimi tried to calm me down
"Then why don't you follow Sir Rigen? I told you to protect him all the time, Reimi! Find the restroom he is staying in and stay guard outside for him!"
"I'm so sorry for my useless, my Highness!" - Reimi bowed her head to me and about going to find Sir Rigen
But when Reimi was about to look for Sir Rigen, she stopped when she saw my brother and General Dunkel. They are walking towards me, I think my brother had done his busy work and was about to enjoy the night party with us.
"Brother! I'm glad to see you here at this party!"
"I'm not here for the party, my little sister! Anyway, where is Sir Rigen?" - My brother asked me
"I don't see him, I think he may be in a restroom, I have sent Reimi to find Sir Rigen but she stopped after she saw you, brother! I think Sir Rigen will get back in any minute soon! "
"That's so? Ha! I just saw two assassins I hired died in a restroom, maybe I had too underestimate John Rigen."
"That man is now more interesting to me! I'm sure you are very shocked, my little sister!" - My brother said to me that word, I'm now shocked, freeze like a stone in a few seconds
"What have you done, brother? You said to me you won't kill Sir Rigen!"
"I don't think that man will die easily like that, maybe he is now in the Inn and fighting against more than 30 Assassins! You want to go with me to see the result, my dear sister?" - My brother smuggling about it
"Reimi, you have to go with me now!"
"Yes, my Highness!"
Then I and Reimi rushed back to the Inn, I ran as fast as I could to the Inn. Reimi also running faster to keep up with me, in a short time, the Inn is now in front of our eyes.
But then I notice the people who were walking around the Inn, and the others from the streets near the Inn, they are hiding from something.
All of them cover their ears, some of them are crying, screaming as if they had gone through something terrible.
"What just has happened? Hey, you commoner! Do you know something just happened here?" - Reimi asked an old man near the Inn we are standing
"Loud noises were coming out of the Inn, the noises were so loud so we were all scared!"
"Some of us tried to peek through the windows of the Inn, we found some bodies lying on the ground full of blood!"
"The loud noises are now stopped a few minutes ago! But we are still scared!" - The old man trying to explain, he is now still shaking, he is very panic
"My Highness! Wait!" - Reimi starts rushing toward me when she saw me running to the Inn's door
Then after hearing what that old man said, I rushed to the Inn, I opened the door and went inside, the scene I saw was a nightmare!
There are many bodies on the grounds, they are all black-hooded men, blood everywhere, their bodies are teared up by something very powerful.
The Inn's owner and her daughter are now holding each other at the stall, they are all crying. They looked at me, trying to say something but they can't, their eyes are now soulless, and they looking around in panic.
"These are! These damages are caused by Sir Rigen's magic tool! My Highness, Sir Rigen is still safe!' - Reimi trying to keep me calm
But now I can't stay calm anymore, I look around, going upstairs, the corpses everywhere! I look at the corpses, seems like they were the Assassins that my brother sent to kill Sir Rigen but failed.
But looking at too many corpses makes me feel disgusted! I was about to vomit, I holding my mouth to prevent it from coming out. Reimi kept calling me to hold my breath, inhale! Exhale! Inhale! Exhale!
After a few times I did that, I stopped looking at the corpses but to look for Sir Rigen, I rushed to his room and opened the door.
"Sir Rigen! Are you here?"
In Sir Rigen's room, there is only a corpse of an assassin, I keep looking around. I see that the window is opened out, maybe Sir Rigen has escaped through it.
Then I and Reimi heard some noises coming out of the closet, Reimi was about to draw her sword though her hands are still burned and they are now bandaged.
"Stay right there! Do not move!" - Sir Rigen coming out from the closet while pointing his magic tool at us, he even yelling loud at us
Then I and Reimi stay there, Sir Rigen slowly comes to us and then he stops pointing his magic tool at us, he looked out of his room door and looks at us.
"Princess, Remi! I'm going to leave now! I know this is so sudden but I will go to Hinter forest though I don't know much about the road that leads to it"
"Maybe I will stay at the Jager Kingdom for a while, I hope the border guards will let me in when I get there!"
"I don't want to say farewell to you, Princess! Reimi! Your brother gave me no choice!" - Sir Rigen saying farewell to us
"Sir Rigen, wait! I still have more things to say !"
"Please! At least stay here a few minutes for Her Highness, Sir Rigen!" - Reimi begging Sir Rigen
"We don't have much time left, I will find the way to your homeland if I have a chance to do it, I hope I will meet you there! Princess! Now I will go!"
"Wait, Sir Rigen! Please take this letter with you!"
I gave Sir Rigen a letter I wrote out this noon to him, that letter contains everything he needs to know about the Jager Kingdom.
Sir Rigen then happily takes the letter, when he was about to leave, Sir Rigen looked out of his door room. We also looked with him, there are my brother and General Dunkel walking on the floor, they are about to head to Sir Rigen.
Sir Rigen is about to point his magic tool at my brother, he wants to kill him.
"Please, Sir Rigen! Don't kill my brother!"
Sir Rigen looks at me a little bit, his eyes are angry while looking at me, but he keeps his calm and then says to me a word
"I spared your brother this time because of you! Next time I won't do that anymore!"
Then Sir Rigen runs towards the window and jumps out, seems like he has no scratches while landing on the ground, he heads to the West to Hinter forest as I told him to go.
"Running away, huh!" - My brother said behind me
"You are so interesting, John Rigen!"
"Dunkel, send the remaining assassins to that Hinter forest! I'm very sure John Rigen will head there, we will let him rest first, let's hunt him when the sun rises!"
"We hired 200 assassins but we already lost more than 30 of them, John Rigen, not bad at all!"
"We will have more fun to watch!" - My brother ordered General Dunkel
"Yes, my Prince!"
Sir Rigen, please live! I still have many things want to say to you! Please get to Jager Kingdom safety!