Chapter 25: Discuss With Reimi (Part 2)

Chapter 23: Discuss With Reimi (Part 2)

"Sir Rigen!"

What happened to me? I feel hurt, very hurt, seemed like my back is now burning up, pains, why did I get this pain.

I was rushed myself to protect Mentor to prevent him from being stabbed by Reimi and now!

Ahh! I am the one who got stabbed, I look down and see Reimi's blade is now got through my body, or exactly is into my right waist. Dammit! I don't want to die now!

Reimi is now looking at me, her face shows a lot of chaos, both of her hands are now shaking, she has woken up from her anger. 

She didn't know what to do so she immediately pulled the sword's blade out of my right waist.

You stupid! I want to say that word to her but I can't, the way she pulled out the sword would make my wound worse. 

I will die now if I lose much blood, seemed like Mentor is still okay! But I can also see his face too, just like Reimi, he is very worried about me.

"Dammit, John! That man would have lived even if you protect him or not!" - Advisor finally told me

You damn AI! I cannot stand now! My body feels so heavy, my eyes are now starting to blur.

Reimi's perspective

I was so very rage at that time, I wanted to kill that man but Sir Rigen had rushed himself to protect him, I, I stabbed Sir Rigen!

"Sir Rigen!"

As the time I was about to stab Sir Rigen, I had noticed him rushing himself to Lerer, the man I wanted to kill so I had lowered my sword for safety but seemed like that was too late.

Sir Rigen is now looking at me, I don't know if he very hates me or not but that's not important, Sir Rigen is now wounded.

I immediately pulled out my sword from Sir Rigen but then I noticed the blood is now flowing out more and more from the wound. 

Sir Rigen is now seemed like has passed out, I run towards Sir Rigen, I don't care about the man Lerer anymore.

"Sir Rigen, Sir Rigen! Please wake up!"

"My disciple, calling him won't make him wake up! We need to take John to a healer now!" - Lerer said to me

"You dare to touch Sir Rigen and I will kill you! He has been like this was all of your faults!"

"I think you should close your hatred about me right now, it's not the time to hate each other, I will also help you to bring John to the healer!" - Lerer talked to me, I cannot believe him

Then I hold my sword tightly, pointing it in front of Lerer, I want to make sure that he will make the promise.

"Promise me, Lerer! During the road bringing Sir Rigen to the healer, you won't make a touch on him!"

"Of course, I will, my daughter!" - Lerer! How can he say me as his daughter

"I'm not your daughter!"

"I'm very sorry if I made you rage again, my disciple! We don't have much time, I will lead you to the place that has a person who can do the heal!" - Lerer seemed like really worried about Sir Rigen's life too, I must trust him, at least this time

"The sewer way takes more time to go to the town, we will use the front door!" - Lerer told me to follow him

Then I grab Sir Rigen, carry him and follow Lerer, running to the front doors of that abandoned arena.

"I hate to use the front doors but I had no choice!" 

Then Lerer bashed the front doors out and led me to the way he wanted to, during the time we get to the place to save Sir Rigen. 

Many people walking on the streets saw us but then they ignored us, some of them also stepped away like to not cause any trouble for themselves.

"There it is! Get in there immediately!" - Lerer then pointed his right hand to a building 

That building, isn't that the inn Sir Rigen is now staying? But I only care about Sir Rigen's life now so I rushed inside immediately, Lerer is now behind me, after rushing inside, he closed the inn's door.

"Welcome back, Mis-! Mister John, what's wrong with you!" - The girl named Eris goes out of the stall to greet the customer but she is now very panicked after seeing me bringing Sir Rigen with his wounds

"What happened to Mister John!" - Eris seemed very panicked, she rushed to Sir Rigen

"Eris! What's wrong?" - Milch, the owner of the inn walking out of the kitchen

Then Milch also has the same expression as Eris, she also looks at Lerer, but then ignores him and looks at Sir Rigen.

"Please get inside my room! We will perform the treatment to Sir Rigen there!" - Milch said to me while pointing her right hand to her room

Then I carry Sir Rigen inside Milch's room, I immediately put Sir Rigen down on her bed.

"You made my bed messed up, lady! I was about to replace bedsheets! But Sir Rigen's life is more important now!" - Milch seemed to criticize me but then she ignored that to care about Sir Rigen

"Eris! Bring me a bin of water! Rer, you bring me bandages and clothes! I will go on checking Sir Rigen's wound!" - Milch ordered everyone to prepare the medical supplies, she said a word Rer, like to address Lerer

This woman, she knows about Lerer?

"What about me?"

"You stay here with me, lady! I will guide you through some physical treatments!"

"Milch, I found the clothes, but I don't see any bandages!" - Lerer said to Milch

"Ah! My place didn't have any bandages, what should we do now?"

"Sir Rigen's green bag has a lot of bandages, I will go take it!"

"But Sir Rigen's room is now locked!" - Milch said to me

Then I searched Sir Rigen's body, searching his pants pockets, but didn't find anything, maybe I had dropped his key while bringing him here.

"Here! This is the backup key!" - Milch pulled a key out of her pocket then gave it to me

I immediately take the key then rush towards Sir Rigen's room, I managed to open Sir Rigen's bag. I found a lot of bandages inside the bag, also with strange stuff inside but I only took the bandages then rushed back to Milch's room.

"Good! Everything is fully prepared, you are Reimi, right? Help me to clean the blood out of Sir Rigen's waist!" - Milch said to me

Then Milch dips the clothes into the water bin, then she gives me one of the clothes, she also gave her daughter one of them, seemed like the three of us will perform treatment now.

"Hey, there's nothing to see here, get out, get out!" - Lerer is now outside shouting at the crowds, telling them to stay away from the inn

I don't know should I make a thank Lerer or not, he seemed not as bad as I thought, but my parent's death still makes me hate him.

But I ignore Lerer and then step on working with Milch and her daughter to wipe Sir Rigen's blood.

The way Milch moves her cloth seems very wonderful, she wipes then holds the blood, preventing it from flowing out of Sir Rigen's body. 

Her daughter, Eris also doing the same like her, seems like that little girl is very talented too, but about me, I cleaning the blood so clumsy, I'm so useless!

Then after that, Milch touched her hands to Sir Rigen's body, to examine if he has broken any ribs or not.

Sir Rigen's clothes have been removed from his body, I can see his muscular appearance, which now needs to be taken care of.

After examing Sir Rigen's body, Milch seemed very relieved, the blood has now been cleaned completely. Then Milch raised both of her hands out, casting a spell.


I can see Sir Rigen's wound is now slowly closed, but not completely, Milch seemed very worried, she cast more and more Healing spells on Sir Rigen's wound but seemed like the result is still the same.

"What should I do now?" - Milch holding her head, trying to find a way to heal Sir Rigen

"What's wrong, mama?" - Eris asked her mom

Then I notice Advisor, which is a magic tool of Sir Rigen, that thing can talk but why it didn't talk this time?

Advisor might help Sir Rigen at some points.

Then I touch Advisor, trying to find the strap to remove it from Sir Rigen's hand, finally I managed to remove Advisor and put it on the table in front of Milch and her daughter.

"What are you doing?" - Milch asked me

"This thing can help to save Sir Rigen!"

Advisor's board is now glowing green, which means it can talk, but why it didn't talk this time?

"Advisor, why don't you save your master?"

"Ahh! Sorry, seemed like it's time for me now, I was hoping you people may be able to save John but seemed like not as I expected" - Advisor finally talked 

"That bracelet can talk?" - Milch asked me while doing a curious face

"Is that a magic item you always tell me about, mama?" - Eris also asked her mom

"I always wonder what's that thing, but seems like it does not look like a magic item, it doesn't have any magic stones on it!" - Lerer said to us while stepping inside

"Rer, what's about the crowds?" - Milch asked him

"Don't you worry, they have gone away, you cannot heal John, Milch?" - Lerer asked her

"I have tried many times, I think my magic power has run out now, I feel a little bit tired!"

"Hey Advisor, can you do anything to help?"

"Let's me ask you one question, Ms. Milch! How did you learn healing magic?" - Advisor then asked Milch  

"Rer taught me to do it by giving me healing magic books because I have a Non-attribute element, but if you want to cast magic completely, you must learn it from reading magic books!"

"Otherwise, you cannot cast any magic at all!" - Milch explained to Advisor, Lerer taught this woman healing magic, what's the relationship between him and her?

"Do you ever think about pictures or reading the spell words in mind while casting magic?" - Advisor asked Milch again

"I, I never do that, I only spell as the way magic books taught me, but Rer taught me a different way!"

"He said to me to thinking about the magic I was about to cast in my mind before cast it, but I cannot used to it!" 

Then Advisor goes silent for a few seconds, it later speaks.

"Watch this video and do exactly what it shows!" 

Advisor said a word "video", what is this? I wonder what that word means. Then Advisor's board turns into pictures that show a thing like a wound that seems deeply injured.

"What kind of magic can make the pictures move?" 

I wonder, the people around me also doing the same expression.

"Please quiet and watch!" - Advisor told us

Then some things look like yellow glowing nuts, they touch the wound, cover it, later the wound is completely healed. 

Then Advisor's board turns back into its ordinary green board.

"Thinking about that picture in your mind and cast magic!" - Advisor told us

"Let me, let me do this!" - Lerer told me to far away from Sir Rigen

Then Lerer closes his eyes, he raises his right hand to Sir Rigen's wound, thinking about something, then he casts the spell.


Then in only 4 seconds, Sir Rigen's wound has now healed completely, Eris and Milch are very shocked at it but about me, I don't as shocked as them, I know Lerer is very good at Healing magic. 

Sir Rigen has now gone through the danger, I may need to wait for him to wake up, I need to apologize to him, and also calm myself down, not to act so stupidly as before.

Maybe an hour has passed, Advisor hasn't spoken a word since the time Sir Rigen got saved. I have calmed down for now, maybe I should let my hatred go away until Sir Rigen wakes up from his wound. 

Milch is now alongside her daughter and Lerer to take care of Sir Rigen. I feel so useless, I'm so useless! I can only fight, and am always useless when doing other things.

"Uncle Rer, I didn't recognize you when you got here with Mister John!" - Eris said to Lerer, she knows him?

"Why don't you live with my mom and me like before but left, where have you gone since that day? You look so raggy right now, your beard and your hair also get longer!" - Eris asked Lerer with a curious face, he had lived with these two before?

You are reading story A Marine Got Lost In Another World at

Milch seems to want to avoid facing Lerer, but she didn't show any hate against him, I wonder what was the true relationship between her and Lerer.

"Eris, Rer! You two should rest, I will take care of Sir Rigen!" - Milch talked to her daughter and Lerer

"Hey, uncle! You want to take a bath? This little girl will give you a free haircut and also a beard cut!" - Eris said to Lerer

"No, my d-, Eris! I may take a bath but not cutting my hair and my beard, it's for the safety!" 

"No more talk, I must show my talent to you, uncle! Follow me!" - Eris begging Lerer while holding his hands to go to the bathroom

"Please stop, Eris! Stop!" - Lerer talked to Eris as if to beg her

I know Lerer is always straight, but this is the first time I saw him go soft with a little girl. Then I look back at Sir Rigen, I want to take care of him.

"I wa-"

"You should rest, miss! Your face seems very exhausted now!" - Milch said to me

"Please! Can you let me take care of Sir Rigen?"

Milch stared at me for a few seconds, then she gives me the cloth to clean Sir Rigen's sweat.

"I hope you won't mess the things up, miss! Call me when Sir Rigen wakes up, I will prepare the meal for you now, you must regain your heal, miss Reimi!" 

Then I take the cloth and take care of Sir Rigen, Milch had now gone to the kitchen to prepare for my meal, I'm so useless! Why I can't do something useful?

But this time, I must do my best to take care of Sir Rigen, no more excuses for my uselessness!

Rigen's perspective

Did I die? No, I cannot die yet! I don't know why during this time, I have remembered an event that I have joined in the past.

I have joined a protest back then in my world, the way I feel now is so real, like I have gone back in time to join again that protest.

In January, 2024. Vladimir Putin has been announced by the Geneva Congress to be detained in a prison camp located in Alaska for the rest of his life instead of having a death sentence, though that man has committed war crimes against the people of Ukraine.

I am now standing alongside the protesters near the White House, we are here for peace. The protester are holding the signs have words "JUSTICE FOR UKRAINE!", "GIVE DEATH SENTENCE TO PUTIN!" and many things else.

I now can see the police, no, the SWAT policemen are now lined up in horizontal lines, most of them are armed with SWAT armors, police batons with Riot shields.

Some of them are armed with rifles that shoot jelly bullets, this is the third day of the protest, the police seemed very dense these days, they even beat the protesters though they did nothing.

I can see the leader of the protesters who is standing in front of us coming out to talk with the police. He wearing clothes that have an American flag alongside with Ukraine flag on it, also wearing an American flag band on his head. 

That man is holding a loudspeaker, he also wants to show his patriotism with his thoughts about justice for the Ukrainian people, he said loudly to the police. 

"We are here today in peace! We want Vladimir Putin to get his death sentence for the sake of the Ukrainian people!"

"That man has caused many war crimes! We are here for peace, we are all together with Ukrainian people!" - That man said confidently to the police

"Justice for Ukraine! Justice for Ukraine! Justice for Ukraine!" - The protesters are raising their signs, saying loudly to the police, I also do with them

"We say again, immediately dismiss the crowds or we will open fire!" - A policeman shouted loud with a loudspeaker to us

But the protesters are still standing there, shouting, demanding their wish for the Ukrainian people, for the justice of Ukraine.

They keep shouting louder, don't have any signs they would leave the place.

"This is the final warning! Immediately dismiss the crowds or we will open fire!" - That policeman shouted more loudly

"Justice for Ukraine! Justice for Ukraine! Justice for Ukraine!"

"Everyone open fire!" - That policeman shouted

Then the SWAT policemen threw something at us, their human lines started to move, going closer, closer to the protesters.

"They are using tear gas! Everybody run!" - A man shouted to the protesters

Then the protesters ran for their lives, and no one of them fight back against the police to prove the goal of the peace why they come here.

While running together with the crowds, I looked back, the leader of the protest is now being beaten very badly by the police. I saw his head now has lots of bruises, even some blood on it.

"We're coming here for peace! We are coming here for peace! We're co-" - That man kept repeating his words until he passed out 

The policemen seem very aggressive, the SWAT policemen running toward the people who don't have enough time to run and beating them heavily without mercy. 

They also shot jelly bullets to arrest the protesters, when I was running alone, a SWAT policeman found me. 

He swung his baton to hit me but I managed to grab a sign from one of the protesters, then I smashed that man's head, beating him heavily until he passed out.

I know there's no way for me to escape the hunt of the police, I immediately grab a riot shield and the baton from that SWAT policeman then run away.

During the time I run away, I see two SWAT policemen are now standing in front of me, I immediately bash my riot shield at one of them.

The other one, I throw the baton at him and then grab the shield from the SWAT policeman I have beaten. I swing the shield at that man, even kicking his crotch, then make a strong blow with the shield to his head.

Two SWAT policemen have now got knocked off, I see a police officer coming from far away, he is about to draw the pistol, about to shoot me.

Then I run as fast as I can to that officer, I managed to punch him in the face, made him pass out, I grab his pistol and then shot two more SWAT policemen.

"Argh!" - I got shot by a SWAT policeman from far away

Then two more SWAT policemen came from behind, they grab me, about to crush me down to the ground but I'm very tough, they cannot hold me. 

Then an officer came in front of me, he swings a baton at my head, my head hurts after that, I lost consciousness.

"Down on the ground! Down on the ground, now!" - That officer pointing his pistol at me and the others are cuffing my hands

Those were the last words I heard when I was about to lose my consciousness, then I saw I woke up, inside an interrogation room.

I have been held in custody a little bit different from other protesters.

I can hear the conversation behind me, the two policemen are talking about me.

"Hey, why this kid is getting interrogated?"

"I heard that he made 6 of the officers wounded during that protest!"

"That's much?"

"He was the only one who fought back, this guy is very tough and also crazy, I think!"

"Hey kid!" - An officer sitting in front of me asked

"Your face looks so ugly, you have been beaten very hard, haven't you?"

"I have a compliment for you, kid! Grow your beard, you will look more handsome with it!" - That officer said to me

"I need you to cooperate with us, okay? First, what's your name?"


"You are funny, kid! But we need info for our investigation! Let's start again, what's your name, kid?" - That officer asked me


"Then alright, John! About your surname!"

"You guess!"

"We are not here to...Argh!" - That officer was about to swear at me but then he stopped

"Listen to me, kid! If you cooperate with the police then you will be released!" - That officer said to me while his face came closer

Then I punch that officer a hard blow to his face, my hands have been released from the cuffs when being interrogated so I can punch these men freely.

Two officers from behind didn't have time to react, I managed to shove an officer from behind to the one who stands before me.

Then about the only officer from behind that still left, he grabbed me but I kept hitting him by hitting my back to the wall, that man cannot take any longer.

"Do not move! I say do not move!" - The officer who has been punched is now regained, he pointing his pistol at me

Then I stay still there, do nothing, I see something moving from behind, I turn around to see.

The officer who has grabbed me is now grabbing a chair nearby, then he smashed it to my head, I lost consciousness immediately after that. 

That was a bad dream, wasn't it? Then I open my eyes, the only thing I see is all black, I died?

Then from behind, a ray of light coming out from above, I can see a figure of an adult woman standing there, she has long blonde-haired.

She is wearing a dress with slight green color, that woman closes her eyes, she looks at me, opens a smile.

"Look like this is the first time we met!" - That woman said to me

"Who the hell are you?"

"I can't say to you who I am, John Rigen! But you can call me Katia!" - That woman told me to address her "Katia"

This woman, is a Goddess?

"Are you a Goddess?"

"Hahahaha! You really think I'm a god?" - Katia laughing at my question

"Did I die?"

"No! You are not dead yet, I just summoned you here, just want a little talk!"

"Why did you close your eyes?"

"Ah! Because I'm blind!"


"Could you remember why you came to this world?" - Katia asked me


"Seemed like I have successfully erased some of your memory!"

"What did you say?"

"Don't be so worried, I will give it back to you when the right moment comes!" - Katia, this woman is truly a Goddess!

"You can't even remember two of your soldiers that were coming with you during the patrol at Virginia beach, can you?

"You and they were stuck at the "sword mountain", they are looking for you now, in this world!"

"Where the hell are they?"

"Don't worry, they will find you before you can find them, seemed like you can't even remember their faces and also their names, but they do!" - Katia said to me

"How did you know?"

"I have seen that many times, in parallel worlds!"

"How could you see those things when your eyes are blind?"

Then Katia laughs again, I feel something unsettling about this.

"It's time for you to go! We will have the talks like these again, thanks for stopping by!" - Katia said goodbye to me

Then I see that Goddess's appearance slowly far away from my sight, I cannot move, I can only see her slowly far from me.

My mind started to be blurred, I slowly close my eyes, and started to lose consciousness.