Chapter 32: Party (Part 1)

Chapter 30: Party (Part 1)

I went out of my room to eat lunch, because I was hungry, just a little bit but the thing that I was concerned the most was about Kaori. 

This woman was always strict with me, she always used her slaps, her words to raise me, but now she behaving differently, what was wrong with her? I wonder.

I went down to the kitchen and was about to bring lunch out of the table we were always eating together, but then Kaori said to me.

"My son, you don't need to do that, let me bring out the meal for you!"

I was very shocked, I stood dazed a little bit, this woman was very "different" from her previous.

"Just take a seat, my son! I will wash my hands first, they are all dirty for cleaning the house! I will bring out for you the meal, soon!"

Then I sat at the table, thinking about Kaori's strange behavior, the previous times, if I didn't bring out the meal when we were about to eat, I would have been beaten very hard by Kaori. 

But now, I was free to sit and wait to be served, oh! Now I noticed that Amanda wasn't here, where was she, exactly?

"Kaori! Where's Amanda? I didn't see her!"

"Oh, my son! Amanda is now busy, she's still working in her office!"

So Amanda was now busy, huh? I started waiting for a few minutes then finally Kaori brought me the meal, seemed like she had already made my lunch at the time she got home. 

As the time she put the meal on the table, I immediately grabbed a spoon near there and started eating, the meal's taste today was different than before, it was tastier. 

During I was eating, I didn't notice that Kaori was smiling at me, she seemed very happy to see me eating like that.

"You sure very hungry, my son!" - Kaori said to me while smiling

"Stop behaving as if I will consider you differently, what's your purpose for behaving strangely like that!"

Kaori's face then changed, she seemed a bit sad when hearing me say that to her, I shouted so loud when I was talking back to her.

"I, I know you hate me, my son! But please, you have to understand that I have my own worry things about you!" - Kaori expressed her feeling to me, though I didn't know what she was meaning

"What's that mean?"

Then Kaori started to go silent, seemed like that thing was very hard for her to tell, I could hear her was taking her breath, trying to take all of her confidence to talk.

"My son, at the time I and Amanda went to the orphanage to adopt you, we didn't know who was you, my son!"

"I was so scared. I'm scared that in the future, you won't be able to survive so I have to go strict on you!" - Kaori said to me while holding my hands

"Get your hands off me, you bitch!"

"Ahh! Sorry, my son!" - Kaori immediately put her hands out of me

"What do you mean by saying "I won't be able to survive"?"

"It's very hard, my son! History must go exactly as it always is!" - Kaori spoke to me a word, I didn't understand what she meant either

"I don't understand!"

"I wish I can say all to you, my son! But I can't, I don't know how to explain!" - Kaori said to me while showing her regret

Seemed like she had forced herself too strict on me, she didn't want to go hard on me, did she?

I immediately ate up my meal then after I had done eating, I was about to go back to my room but Kaori hugged me from behind.

"I'm very sorry if I had brought to you bad things, my son! I don't want to be strict with you!"

"I'm just scared! But I cannot tell you, I was scared that I would change the history!" - Kaori said to me in a soft voice

"You've fully grown up, my son! Look how strong you are, your back is very wide! Your hands are full of gunpowder and blood. Your feet have walked through hell named war, and your mind has been sharpened after many battles!"

"I'm scared that your mind will weak, I'm scared that you will die if I don't train you, but I don't need to be strict on you anymore, my son!"

"You have been fully trained, I just want to show the true love I always wanted but I never have a chance to show that to you, my son!"

"My son! The time I still can see you is very short, you won't be here anymore. Please let me hug you tight, I will miss you when you gone!" - Kaori hugged me tighter

"You said as you care about me! Shut up! There is no mother that willing to shoot her son when he just newly got back from war!"

"Calm down, my son! Please calm down!" - Kaori hugged me tighter to calm me down though her actions made me mad

"Get off me!"

I accidentally shoved Kaori to the ground, the woman was now standing up, seemed very painful when she hit the ground.

"I'm sorry if I troubled you, my son!"

"I mean! Just get back in your room as you always wanted, my son! I won't disturb you anymore." - Kaori said to me while standing up in pain, her eyes seemed about to have some tears

I immediately got back to my room, Kaori also followed me back to my room, what was her purpose for doing that?

"My son! You forgot your phone!" - Kaori giving me my mobile while enduring her pain

I immediately snatched the mobile then banged my room's door, locked it, and jailed myself around 4 walls.

"My son! I hope you can be friendly with your new friends, you will accompany them for very long!"

"I will go now, I won't disturb you anymore, my son! I also have 2 days off like you too so, you don't need to see me if you hate me."

"Just get down to the kitchen when you are hungry, I will always prepare the meal for you, my son!"

Then I heard Kaori's footsteps slowly go away from my room's door, I didn't know why my heart had a little regret after shoving Kaori, what was this strange feeling? 

Sarah's perspective

Ahh! The bonk that my sis gave me was very hurt!

But seemed like she very cared much about me, after that bonk, my sis hugged me so sweetly so that pain fastly went away.

After the shower, we got out to make lunch, and here was already night, we just have done our dinner recently.

"Ahh! I'm so lazy!"

My sis was now reading the guidebook that Lieutenant Kaori gave to us. I had to say that my sis was a hard learner, her room didn't have anything at all but full of books. 

I was very shocked to see the hard work of a Japanese like her, though my sis didn't talk much, she always express her feeling by actions.

"Just read, Sarah...the short..." - My sis said to me while reading that guidebook

"You are a very hard learner, sis!"

"No, I don't...I just...practice to be...better!"

After hearing my sis say that to me, I immediately grabbed the guidebook that I left on the table to read. Must better than my sis! She always learning hard so I must imitate her.

Okay, I saw the guidebook was not so long, it just TOOK about "30 minutes" to done the reading.

Okay, I flip the first page, it introduced to me the author who wrote this book, oh! Weren't that Colonel Amanda and Lieutenant Kaori? Do they write this book together?

I flip the second page, it was about introducing some new kind of weapons that our military had secretly created. I was about to read more but when I saw a lot of words, I immediately closed the guidebook and put it on the table. Never touch it again.

"Good job...Sarah...You have read a bit now...try to do time!" - My sis gave me a compliment


When I was about to pick up the guidebook to read more, suddenly my mobile rang a bell.


Oops! Someone just chatted to my phone, I immediately pulled out my mobile to see who that was.

Oh! That might be a stranger that chatted to me, this guy just added me on Messenger, his avatar had an anime character, but I didn't know who was that anime character.

Let's see how the chat goes:

Rig: Hey!

Rig: I just added you here!

Rig: Want to chat? Just got a bad mood this noon, want to relieve it!


Anime101: Who are you?


Rig: Don't remember me? John, John Rigen :(


Anime101: Oh, my new friend! What's up, man?


Rig: Want to chat cuz I sad!


Anime101: Okay!


Rig: You have a weird name, you weebs!


Anime101: Hey, I named that cuz I just have done my 101st anime


Rig: Excuse me :)))


Anime101: What?


Rig: You are truly a weeb! Your avatar is full of anime lolis!


Anime101: You are also a weeb, your avatar also has anime character.



Rig: But the animes I watch are not for kids!


Anime101: Who's the character on your avatar?


Rig: Arima


Anime101: Arima what?


You are reading story A Marine Got Lost In Another World at

Rig: Arima Takuya from YU-NO


Anime101: YU-NO what?


Rig: YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love At The Bound Of This World


Anime101: Don't know! :(


Rig: Don't know that masterpiece? Go watch that anime or watch its visual novel on Youtube.


Anime101: Forget about that story, want to get to my house this morning?


Rig: Yeah!


Anime101: Get there whenever you like, I'll prepare a small party there!


Rig: Noice!


Anime101: Good night!


Rig: You too! Weebs!

As the time I put my mobile down of my face, Yikes! My sis's face was now very close to me, seemed like she was very curious when I was chatting with John.

" seem...very happy...what happened?" - My sis asked me while keeping that emotionless face

"Hehe, sis! You just freaked me out!"

"Nothing, sis! I just wondering what should I buy for tomorrow's party!"

"Whatever you...want...I'm...okay"

"Tomorrow I will...go to the...sword watch it a little bit...before going home!" 

"Okay, sis!"

Then my sis returned to read the guidebook, I was so lazy to read so I asked my sis to read for me while I was hearing. After we are done reading, we went to bed as always, I always slept together with my sis, I was always hugging her while sleeping.

"You just like a stuffed puppy when I hug you, sis! Good night, sis!" - I was hugging my sister while saying good night to her

"Good night...Sarah..."

Rigen's perspective - Tomorrow morning

I cannot sleep properly that night but I kept trying to sleep so I was woken up later than usual days, when I woke up, I saw Kaori was now cleaning my room. That woman got in my room without my permission? How dare she?

"Hey, my son! Good morning!" - Kaori greeted me with a happy smile

"Kaori! How dare you get in my room without asking me? Get out, get out now!"

Kaori after hearing my words, immediately stopped cleaning, she kept staring at me, as if to say something.

"My son, at least let me done the cleaning then I'll get out!"

"Get out, get out!"

I grabbed the pocket knife under my pillow which I always brought for self-defense while going out then pointed it toward Kaori to threaten her. 

Kaori had taught me to bring knives or pistols while going out for self-defense and keep a serious face to scare everyone else, especially the people who want to rob you. 

Now I was using what she taught me against her.

"My son, please hear me talk!"

"Get out!"

I charged the knife toward Kaori's throat, then stopped, pointing it at her throat, trying to threaten her to go away from my room.

"Okay, my son! I won't disturb you anymore!" - Kaori said to me then bringing the broom with her away from my room

After hearing Kaori had gone away from my room, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth then down the kitchen, I wanted to get out of this house after having breakfast to go to Sarah's house. 

I want to make friends with her and her older sister, at least I wanted to have friends to play with because I was always alone.

Seemed like when I went down to the kitchen, my breakfast had already been brought out by Kaori, maybe she knew I would want to eat right away so she had prepared it.

Kaori was now staring at me while I was eating, she wanted to say to me some words but then she stopped, then she spoke to me a word.

"My son, can you please give your mom permission to get in your room? I want to clean your room, it seems very dirty!" - Kaori asked me in a polite voice

"Go clean fast before I get back to my room, and you're not my mom! I'm just an orphan, you're just some old woman that kidnapped me from an orphanage!"

"Tch! Why the one I can consider as a mom is now not here for me? Why did Amanda leave me here and stay all day inside her office?"

"Thank you my son!" - Kaori immediately went to my room to start cleaning

As the time I saw that Kaori went to my room, I immediately ate my breakfast quickly. 

After having breakfast, I went back into my room to take my mobile, my pocket knife and change my clothes in front of Kaori. 

I didn't care about that woman anymore, I must ask Sarah and Hatano for their permission to stay overnight in their house.

I didn't want to stay with this woman any longer as long as she was still here in this house. 

"You want to go somewhere, my son?" - Kaori asked me while she was cleaning my room

"Yeah! Farewell, you old woman, I will stay at Sarah's and Hatano's house overnight, don't try to find me!"

"Wait, my son!" - Kaori called for me when she saw me run away after changing clothes

By the time I got out of my house, it was already morning, I was now still wondering if Sarah or Hatano was now awake or not, must ask Sarah for sure.

Let's see how she will answer:

Rig: Sarah! Are you woken up yet?


Anime101: Ah, John! Of course!

Anime101: I'm now inside a supermarket, buying some stuff to make a small party for my house! :)


Anime101: My sis is now away, she said she would go out a little bit for a walk then go home.

Anime101: Get in my house to wait for me as you like, the door doesn't lock!


Rig: Hey! How careless you are! How did you qualify to become marines with that careless? :0


Anime101: Friends must believe each other, cuz I believe you so I let you in! :)


Rig: Dummy!


Anime101: Get in my house, I'll be back home in a few minutes!

After chatting with Sarah, I immediately walked to her house, as the time I went to the front door. Instead of entering right away, I made knocked to call if someone was still at home.

"Knock! Knock! Hello? Anyone home?"

No one responded, I rang the doorbell.

"Ring! Ring!"

No one also responded, maybe I will go inside now!

"I'm sorry for the trespassing, please don't shoot me!" - I slowly opened the front door and walked inside the house

As the time I got inside Sarah's house, I saw a pair of blue Nike shoes that were placed on the shoe racks, that shoe racks were placed on the right corner of the house as the time you get in from the front door. Someone must have returned, I guessed!

Maybe Sarah, but Sarah just had chatted to me on the mobile so that must be her older sister Hatano...or some stranger had trespassed inside.

I started looking around, their house was quite wide, seemed very clean, I could see the living room was very lively, I sat on a sofa right away to see the scenery of the house. 

But there was a question I was now wondering, where were Sarah's and Hatano's parents? Both sisters living alone or their parents were now away working so they were not here?

When I was still wondering, I heard a sound that seemed to be a sound of water flowing, that sound came from a door behind the living room, was there a bathroom? I wonder.

If someone was taking a bath, so that must be Sarah or Hatano, only the stupid trespassers using the other's belongings, that would make them more easily to get caught.

But for some reason, my feet started going without my control to that room, when I got near to the room, I stopped. 

Then I opened the room's door slowly, seemed like I was right, the thing inside this room was a bathroom, I was now outside of the bathroom door. 

I could see a blurred figure of a woman who was now taking shower, but I couldn't see her precisely, she was now inside the bathroom. 

I could only see the glass bathroom door that showed her blur body.

From outside, I could see a yellow hoodie and blue jeans placed outside of the bathroom door. Must be the clothes that woman wore before removing for the bath. 

Maybe I will get out of the room now, I would wait for Sarah or Hatano. I cannot sure who was exactly in the bathroom right now but I would wait for them to done their bath and then greet them.

"Pic!" - I suddenly heard a sound as if something fell inside the bathroom

Did someone fall while showering? That must be very dangerous, I immediately ran toward the bathroom door, trying to look inside.

But my vision was blocked by the design of the glass bathroom door, it was made to look blur not to let anyone peek inside.

"Hey! Sarah! Hatano! Are you in there? Answer me!" - I shout loud to the one who was inside the bathroom

No one responded that must be very dangerous if I left the girl there to fall while showering.

"Hey, Sarah, or Hatano! I'm going in!"

I immediately opened up the bathroom door after saying that. I was very worried if Sarah or Hatano was falling while showering inside the bathroom.

They need help, that's all I was thinking right now! I didn't think much but went inside there right away.