Chapter 55: Princess's Confession
I saw that at the dinner table had been placed some bowls that looked to be the meals for dinner.
I didn't know how well could Shera cook but now I was very hungry, maybe I should eat some, let's see how talent is my Princess.
"Oh, Princess! What's wrong?" - I asked Shera because I saw her glare her eyes at Rivia or something like that, what was wrong with her?
Rivia, she saw Shera's behavior but she didn't have any negative reaction at all but also made smiled at Shera, she even stepped toward Shera and whispered something to her.
"Hey, don't worry, Shera. I won't do anything to steal that man away from you." - Can anyone explain to me what was Rivia saying to Shera?
I didn't hear anything, but I was very hungry so put the weapons that I brought on the big table on the left side of the main room.
After placing my weapons there, I went toward a round chair that was placed on the dinner table and sat on it.
"I'm hungry!" - I saw that the spoons, forks, etc...had already been placed on the table, Shera must have worked hard to make the meal
"Hey, thank you very much, Shera. Did you try to make dinner with more meals? For John? But anyway, let's eat." - Rivia said to Shera and went to the sink to wash her hands, after that, she sat on a chair and was about to enjoy the meal
I forgot to wash my hands but I ignored it, I was so hungry so, maybe I should eat now, I wanted to wait for Shera but maybe I would eat first.
"Sir Rigen, can you wait for me a bit?" - Shera asked me while turning off the fire on the furnace, she later took off the pot that had food and poured it onto the other empty bowls on the table
After pouring the meals into the bowls, Shera put the pot in the kitchen and then sat next to me.
I didn't know why but I felt Shera's face to have a bit red when sitting near me, she even got close to me when I didn't notice.
"You're very lucky, John! To have a Princess to care about you like that." - Rivia was now sitting opposite us, but what did she mean? Shera is just a kid to me, I didn't know how old she is, maybe 15 to 16
Shera is now in the period of puberty so she may have felt while near me. I don't know if the people in the middle ages matured sooner than our modern people or not.
This world is set in the middle ages mixed modern, Shera is now at the age to have many curious things about her body.
I must keep my distance from the relationship with Shera a bit because I'm the only man here.
"You made a lot of meals, Princess! You want to fill my stomach?"
"Nod!" - Shera has now smiled a bit, I hope she won't miss her parents so much, I mean she should not be sad so much, maybe I will find a way for her to return home
Then I grabbed a spoon from the table and picked up the bowl that contained the meal, it looked to be some kind of soup. Its color seemed slightly yellow, should I eat it? I felt a bit nervous.
But that was Princess's effort so maybe I should eat to make her pleased. I pulled the spoon down the meal to take a piece of food then picked it up and was about to eat the food.
But when the spoon was about to go to my mouth, I stopped because I realized that the thing on the spoon's surface was the soup water and a small creature...looked to be a lizard or something.
Don't you tell me that Shera had put this freak in? What was that creature? Did she pick it up somewhere and throw it into the pot?
But I noticed that the small lizards were also on the other bowls, maybe they were the food of the food stocks.
Shera saw my terrified face, she made a smile as if to cheer me up, as if to encourage me to eat.
I obeyed Princess's order and put the meal in my mouth, I bit the meal, trying to swallow it, the meal was very terrible, I have to say so, Shera didn't know anything about cooking!
Seemed like Shera had noticed my unpleasant face so she also put the meal in her mouth, trying to taste as same as me and then she swallowed the meal.
Her face looked to be very unpleasant, after that, Shera made a sad face toward me as if to blame herself.
About Rivia, she kept eating though I could feel her face looked to be very mad, she ate quite fast and put down the bowl on the table. The bowl had been eaten completely, with no sign to have the meal on it.
"Hahahaha! This is the first time in my life I have ever eaten a meal with a very bad taste like this. Thank you, Princess! Sometimes to try something you've never been through is very good." - Rivia made a complimented Shera, she also laugh very loud
"Maybe you don't know how to cook, Shera! I will teach you to do those things tomorrow, remember to learn by heart what I'm about to teach you."
"Nod!" - Shera looked to be a hard learner right now, she wanted to change herself though she didn't have any good achievement
I had to eat the food, the meal was not very good, I have to say so, after eating a bowl, I wanted to stop eating but I saw that Shera kept eating.
She wanted to be full before focusing on doing something else, she was trying to be better.
After seeing Shera doing that, I also tried hard to eat, it took me very long, finally, I have eaten three bowls, all are clean, at least I have done eating all the meals.
After eating dinner, the three of us cleaned the mess that Shera caused while cooking, Shera had tried very hard, she wanted to be better though she cannot do much this time.
"I will clean the dishes now, I want to have a private talk with you, Sir Rigen! I will clean the dishes so it will take me a very long time, please wait for me." - Shera said to me then grabbed the dishes and put them in the kitchen
I saw that Princess was now struggling with cleaning the dishes, she was cleaning the dishes with clumsy hands, maybe she was trying to remember how to do it.
Shera was a Princess so she may have had a chance to watch the maids or the waiters doing these things or she was cleaning the dishes by her instinct.
Rivia was now looking at Shera, she seemed very forward to Shera, she didn't help Shera maybe she wanted to make Shera learn gradually, maybe I should watch too.
"Why don't you help your Princess?" - Rivia said to me with a low voice, why did you want me to do that?
"I will teach her tomorrow, why don't you help Shera a bit, John? She wants to have someone to talk to and also to help with." - Maybe I should help Shera, but why did I see myself as her father?
"Hey, Princess! Let me help you." - I walked toward the stone kitchen to help Shera, she was now struggling to clean the dishes
"Thank!" - Shera thanked me while cleaning the dishes, her face looked very red, if I don't remember wrong, she may now have feeling while staying with me, the youths when they are in their puberty always like that
Then I also grabbed some dishes in the kitchen to clean, Shera had now not to do alone anymore, we cleaned the dishes in silence.
After about 15 minutes of cleaning the dishes, we have done and returned to our seats.
"Ah! I forgot to bring the meal for Fafa!" - Rivia was now a bit worried because we have eaten all the meals, she ran into the food stocks room
When Rivia had gone away, Shera suddenly held my hands, her face was very red, she wanted to say to me something, maybe we should choose a private place to talk.
"Sir Rigen, can I talk to you here?" - Why did your face look so red, Shera? Maybe I should decline, Shera's behavior made me think that she is now having the feeling of love
"Princess, maybe I have to decline, I'm sorry! You look so unwell, maybe you should need to rest."
"No! I'm still alright, but please, Sir Rigen. Please hear me talk."
"Sigh! You two look so confused, why don't you two come inside my bedroom, remember to close the curtain."
"I won't disturb you two, I will stay outside for a bit long so, you can do it, Princess! You can do it!" - Rivia talked to us after going to the food stocks room
Rivia was now holding the meal from the food stocks, she immediately went out of the house to bring Fafa the dinner.
When Rivia had gone away, inside the house were now only two of us, a man and a girl. Shera now looked to be very shy, she pulled my hands to the bedroom and set up the curtain to cover the room.
We were now alone, in a bedroom, a bed which could fit two people, Shera was very shy, I and her were very confused, Shera held my hands tight and looked straight at me.
"Sir Rigen, the thing I want to talk to you now is the same thing that I wanted to talk to you when we were in the ceremony. I don't have enough confidence to say to you at that time but this time, I will." - I'm sure that Shera is absolutely in love with me for sure! I must do something to avoid talking
"Sir Rigen! I'm very! Very! The first time I meet, I have! I have!" - Shera tried to confess her feeling to me, she said quite loud, she was trying to take all of her confidence to say
"Princess, you are unwell, look at your face, it is all red, let's take a rest, you can talk to me about that private thing later."
"No! I haven't done my talk yet! Please hear me, Sir Rigen! I! I! I'm very! I'm very in!" - Must reject the Princess with a wise talk, I don't want her sad
"Princess, rest!"
No! Sir Rigen! I'm very in! In! I'm very! Haah! Haah!" - Shera was trying to take her breath, she wanted me to accept her confession
Must do something before she said all the lines, I don't want to reject her, she would be very sad if I did that.
"Okay, Princess! I don't know what you want to say to me exactly but I will accept your demand first though I don't know about the details of the thing you want to talk about."
"Please have a rest, you look to be unwell, Princess! I will hear all of the talks you want to say to me tomorrow." - I hope Shera will be happy after this, but I would have troubled myself when I accepted her love, that was just a lie, that accepts was just a lie!
"You accepted me, Sir Rigen? But I didn't say fully to you, let me end my line, I'm so happy that you have accepted me but please let me end my line." - Shera seemed very happy but I didn't want to hear her talk anymore
"Please rest a bit, Princess!" - I hugged Shera, hoping this Princess will obey my word after this action
"Sir Rigen."
"Please, Princess! I promise you I will hear your talk tomorrow." - That was just a lie after all, but I don't like to play on the others' emotions, I hate it! But I will try to keep Princess's confession away from me as long as possible
"Understand, Sir Rigen! I will sleep right now, but please hear me out tomorrow." - Of course, I will! But I will find a way to avoid it
"Yes, Princess! I will, I promise." - I will lie to accept your love but I promise you that I will protect you, I just don't want to have feelings with the people in this other world
Then I noticed that Shera's body was very attractive to me, her thighs, looked to be my favorite. Also her breasts, were not as big as Sarah but they were still growing with fine size.
Looking at Shera just makes me want to! Dammit! Dammit! What the fuck were you just thinking! She is still a kid! She is still a kid but you have the lust to do that with her!
"What's wrong, Sir Rigen? You look so confused." - Maybe I should make an excuse to away from Shera, I should have masturbated when I was patrolling with Rivia, holding myself too much makes me want to relieve myself this time
"Just rest a bit, Princess! I will go out to train my sword skill a bit, hope you have a good night." - I put my hands out of Shera and was about to get out of the bedroom
"Sir Rigen, please! Please stay with me a bit, I don't feel sleepy yet, please! Stay with me." - Shera tapped my back, she wanted to have someone to stay with her
I know the feeling of staying alone, I've lost my subordinates in the explosion but I don't give care about them.
But about this Princess, she has lost all of her relatives and she was now depressed, maybe I should stay with her.
Then both of us sat together on the bed, I've tried so much to calm myself down, avoiding looking at Shera
If I look at her, I will always peek at her body, which makes me turn on.
About Shera, she was now tilting her head to my shoulder. We didn't say anything, just stayed together like that, but I felt the happiness of doing that.
If some days Shera has enough confidence to confess her love to me and got rejected. I would explain to her that she was still at the age of the people who are curious about the body's desire.
Hope that Shera would hear my word and try to forget me after I do that.
Otherwise, Shera would keep insisting to love me and maybe she would do more crazier things to show her love, that was the most difficult for me, she may hurt her body so bad to make me stay with her forever.
Suddenly my stomach felt hurt, maybe the dinner Shera made was so bad or I didn't use to eat in this strange place, maybe I will go to let restroom, hope this house has one.
"Sir Rigen." - Shera called me, I saw her holding her belly
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"You feel that too, Princess?"
"Nod!" - I hope Rivia won't be like ours or we would fight against each other just to take the seat of the toilet
"You go first, Princess! I will go later."
"But I don't know how to use the restroom properly." - Did I just become a baby sister?
Then I have to lead Shera to the restroom, the restroom had been placed next to the bathroom, but who did this stupid thing? Separated the restroom and the bathroom? Why didn't mix them?
Then I went inside the restroom with Shera, okay! Some things looked to be the toilet, the toilet rolls that were placed on a cabinet on the right.
A trash can, maybe, was placed on the left side of the room, it looked to be quite small, also had a sink beside the toilet.
I pushed the thing that was used to cover the top of the toilet and put Shera down, maybe I should teach her something.
This man Frank Jonathan had affected this world very much. I didn't think this world, I mean this continent even has a toilet to use.
"Princess, listen to me carefully! You defecate down this hole, then pulled the hand brake down to make the water rise to clean the waste down there."
"After that, use these paper rolls, try to tear some, not much but long enough to clean the waste down your butt and then throw them onto this can, this can is used to carry the trash of the waste."
"After cleaning your butt and throwing the papers that hold the waste away, clean your hands by using the sink, understand, Princess?" - Hope she would understand!
"Nod!" - Good luck!
Then I went outside of the restroom and waited for Shera to take care of her problem, I didn't see Rivia anywhere, maybe I should go outside to see her.
At the time I went outside, didn't see Rivia either, maybe she was in the back yard, I went to the back yard and noticed that Fafa, Rivia's horse was now eating its meal.
Rivia was now swinging her sword around, she may do this for a long time, I could see her sweats were draining out of her body very much.
"Ah, why did you go outside, John?" - Rivia stopped swinging the sword around and asked me, the way her body was sweating also made me turn on, why did I so horny when the thing I wanted to do now was to po, I mean to defecate?
"Well, does your stomach hurt, Rivia?" - Maybe not, she would have run inside the restroom if that happened to her
"No! Maybe you two don't use to eat here, don't worry, you two will be used to eating here when eating regularly, just patience."
"My late father told me that when he was going to Dwarf continent, he has gone to the restroom many times because of eating at a Tavern there."
"We all need time to used to what is strange to us." - Maybe not because of the bad dinner, I should not blame Shera for this
"Hey, why did you just stare at my body, does It look attractive to you? Why don't you look at your Princess? She is in love with you, you know?"
"As I said to you before, I don't have an interested in kids, I don't touch them until they are all grown up."
"John, you may a pervert but you're a human that has a good heart, you know?"
"Her Majesty has told me that when the humans get into wars, they will kill any men they see on their paths and rape the women, even children, they only care about their benefits and their lusts."
"I think the things you say to me are just normal in wars, in my homeland has more terrible things than you can imagine."
"If you demons don't act like us, then what do you demons do in wars?"
"We only kill, just kill only, if the area that got attacked has the truce not to kill the people inside, we won't kill or harm."
"If there are cases about raping, the demons who caused that would be executed immediately, we always make right promises."
"Sir Rigen, I have solved my problem, please get inside!" - Shera called me when she was inside the house, maybe I should go to the toilet right away
"Talk to you later, Rivia."
Then I went inside the restroom and sat on the stone toilet, Shera has used it well, no problem at all so I started solving my problem.
I have done the toilet defecation, I went back to the bedroom and noticed that Shera had waited for me maybe for a long time, she was now a bit sleepy. I sat next to Shera on the bed and she hugged me at the time I sat down.
"Sir Rigen, please stay with me." - Shera hugged me, maybe I should spend my time with this Princess
I hope she would go to sleep soon, Shera may now have come out of her depression but that does not mean she wouldn't have it again.
I should stay with Shera as long as possible, just hold myself back from the desire for her body, hope that I could comfort her.
Maybe I should promise Shera to bring her back home to make her happier though that promise should not be promised.
If I can't bring her home, I would lose her trust, I cannot promise so freely like that.
A few minutes later, Shera has finally asleep, I slowly brought her to the bed, set the bedsheet to cover her body from the cold and then went out of the bedroom.
I saw that I could sleep on the floor, maybe I should use to it for a long time, girls should be sleeping in the safe and clean places.
Maybe I should spurt myself out a bit before going to sleep in case my libido went high made me cannot control myself. I should make an excuse to Rivia, ask her permission to go outside, I should masturbate fast and return to sleep.
At the time I slid the curtain away to go out of the bedroom, Rivia was now sitting on a round chair at the dinner table, she was drinking water, maybe she had noticed me.
"You can't sleep with your Princess, John? Don't worry, just use my bedroom freely, I can sleep on the floor, there is also a chair in the food stock room. You can sleep there if you like."
"Hey, Rivia! I want to go outside a bit, don't worry, I will return fast, I have things to solve."
Then Rivia stared at my face, she later looked down at my crotch.
"Oh my, you want to relieve yourself? Want me to help you relieve?" - Hey, Rivia! I don't want to joke!
"Don't worry, doing this work alone also makes me lonely, to have someone to be my temporary partner is not a problem."
"Don't be regret, I won't tell your Princess, this will be the secret between the two of us."
"If you say so, Rivia. Where we should do now?"
"Right here, in this kitchen, don't worry, your Princess won't be awake" - Are you crazy, Rivia!
Then Rivia slowly made the signal to call me to come to her, for some reason my feet started following her, we were now in the kitchen.
I worried that if Shera heard noises of ours when we were enjoying each other, she would be caught us and out of control.
"I only relieve you with my mouth only, don't ask more."
"Take out your pants, I want to see your breed rod." - I hate to do relieve in this room, it's too risky but Rivia didn't want to do it in the other place, I slowly removed my pants and showed her my boy
My boy was now small, it didn't get excited yet so Rivia touched her hand to my boy and started twitching it around, after a few seconds, my boy had become big.
"Oh my! I have seen many of these breed rods but this is the largest one, I mean the largest. I have seen the longest one from another partner, how can a human woman take against this rod?" - Rivia seemed very shocked when she saw my little boy, can you please do it quick! I don't want to annoy Princess
"My body is hot now, my lust hasn't been satisfied for a long time."
"John, hear me, you are capable to breed me or not depends on this relieve, this is for my benefit, I want to know how thick is your Sacred Seeds."
"Sacred seeds?"
"Ah, that's the name our dark elves call the semen, your breed rod is now twitching while being touched, seems like you haven't relieved yourself for a long time."
"I just have rested it for 3 days."
"Three days? But that's enough for me to examine how capable you are, if your Sacred seeds are capable to breed me then I will allow you to become my breeder."
"Hey, Rivia, I don't want to joke. Please do this quick and let me return to Shera."
"Do not nervous, you are more nervous, I cannot collect the proper result, I will use my mouth to relieve this breed rod, shoot inside my mouth all of your Sacred seeds."
"Anyway, you said to me that you have done this with a human woman, did she ever relieve you with her mouth?"
"No, you are the first one."
"Then I cannot go it easy with this breed rod, prepare yourself, show me that you can breed me, can make me have your child."
"This Rivia sorry Shera. I have finally stolen John, your loved one, but don't worry. "
"I will use him to satisfy my desire this time, I will return him to you later, Shera, I promise." - Hey, why did you behave like you are Shera's best friend?
Then both of us enjoyed our bodies' desire together, I ignored Shera.
I didn't care about her if she was about to wake up or not because of hearing our noises anymore, Rivia was now helping to relieve me.
Finally, after the first time, I was about to return to my Princess to sleep with her but Rivia told me that she could see my lust was still very high so I have to stay with her to relieve myself again.
Finally, I have spurted my semen out 5 times, it took me minutes to regain my strength and to spurt out again, maybe hours have passed after enjoying our desires.
Rivia was now washing her mouth after swallowing all of my semen waves, she has coughed a lot after taking that semen to her mouth five times.
I could see the downside of her body being very wet but she has stopped desiring me for the promise she made to Shera.
"So, how's your answer?"
"Better than I expected, your Sacred seeds are still very thick in my mouth though you have come out that 5 times. You are worthy to breed me, to make me have your child, human."
"So how's about the breed? Can I breed you if I like?"
"Wait for more than 5 years, also I don't want to disturb your Princess."
"John, it's already late, why don't you return to sleep with your Princess?" - I felt a bit guilty with Shera after this, I should stay away from her, I don't want her to know
"Hey, Rivia! Can you sleep with Shera? I have a bit of regret after doing this."
"Fine, don't worry, I will protect that little Princess, you can sleep in the food stocks room if you like." - Rivia said to me and then walked into the bedroom to sleep with Shera
After Rivia had gone away, I turned off the crystal lights of the kitchen and then walked to the food stock room, I sat on the chair then went asleep.