Chapter 62: Adultery Behind My Wife (Part 1)
I was now wondering about the girl that lying on the ground, she was calling us weakly in a strange language, maybe Deranic language. Eris has been held by Shera, Shera was very scared of the strange girl but Eris, she just felt strange, didn't have any sense of danger yet.
"Papa, why did you point the sword at the woman? She didn't do anything bad to us." - You didn't know anything, Eris! I must protect you and Shera at all costs
"Sael...leh m..." ( me...) - That woman kept saying weakly as if to beg us to help her
"John!" - Shera was very cautious, maybe I should tell her and my daughter to get inside the house
"Mama, why don't we help her?"
"Don't, Eris! We don't know who is that woman, it's dangerous." - Shera was right, we should not risk our child's word to save a stranger that we didn't know
"But, she needs help, she didn't do anything bad to us yet, Papa, please save her." - Maybe Eris didn't see any danger from this, I should stay cautious with the woman before considering anything else
"Ah...oy lpoep 'nod aeps...uo gaugnal?"
( people don't speak...our language?) - That girl has spoken a bit longer, she seemed to notice something strange about us
"" - That woman finally spoke in Englis, suddenly after she spoke the word, she collapsed
"Help her, Papa!" - At least I made sure that the danger has gone away a bit but I should call Eris to stay with Shera
"Shera, you keep Eris tight, Eris, you stay with your mom, don't move." - I slowly stepped toward the woman that was lying on the ground
When I stepped toward the woman, she has now fainted, maybe she has lost her way for some reason and got here, I slowly touched the woman. She was now fainting, maybe she has lost water...if not, she must be very hungry after days of losing the way and managed to get here.
Maybe this girl was a kind of noble or something of the Demon Kingdom by the way she dressed, her dress seemed very costly but it had now torn out a bit. Maybe she has tried to climb trees to pick up the fruits to eat but failed, the scratches on the dress may be the cause when she climbed the trees.
Her face was very pale and have some dirt on her dress, maybe she has lost a lot of strength so she couldn't walk but crawl. Maybe she has crawled in a long time so that's s why her face and her dress are battered like this, should I save her?
But there was a thing that made me feel odd, the necklace she wore had a purple round pendant which looked to have a crest of a Falcon, very looked like the United States Great Seal.
"Papa!" - Eris called me, she seemed very want to care about the strange woman
"What should we do, John?" - Shera seemed very confused, maybe I should save this woman for once, at least to investigate who she was
"We will save the woman, Shera! But in case to protect Eris, we will tie her up, don't worry, I know to handle this."
"If you say so." - After having the acceptance from Shera, I immediately grabbed the strange woman and brought her home, Shera and Eris also followed me but Shera forbade Eris from touching her
When we brought the woman to our house, we slowly cleared the stuff on our bed and put her down, this woman has now fainted, maybe we should wait until she woke up.
I looked around to find the ropes to tie her, there were still many handmade ropes in the house that were stored in the equipment stocks room so I went inside there to take them.
When I got inside the room and walked to the box to take the ropes, I heard Eris yelling from outside. She wanted to care about the strange woman so I hurried took the ropes and then walked out of the room.
I immediately tied the woman, I tied her hands and her legs, later that I took a chair and placed it near the bed, sat there to watch her if she woke up.
"John, about the plants..." - Shera called me, maybe she wanted to lead Eris outside to collect the plants, I didn't want them to go but...
"Please be careful, I don't want the two of you to go outside, it's dangerous."
"I will, come on, Eris! Let's go, honey." - Shera seemed still very nervous but she calmed down and led Eris with her outside
"But Mama, about the woman."
"She's fine, Eris! Remember not to stay close to her, we will return to Papa after collecting the plants."
"Yes...I know..." - Both my wife and my daughter went outside to collect the plants
Now only me here with the strange woman, I tried to look around her, her face looked very similar to ours, only her horns, her wings and her tail made her difference.
I looked around for more and noticed that one of her wings looked to be bruised, I didn't know why, that looked very strange.
I slowly held the woman's hand to check her veins, still beating, she was still alive, I also put my fingers near her nose, she was still breathing. What should I do now? Wait for her to wake up?
Haah! Dammit! I just overslept while staying guard, the woman was still fainting, luckily!
"I'm home, John." - I heard the voice of Shera, I looked back and saw her and Eris had now gotten home
Eris, she hid behind Shera for a bit and then walked toward the woman, maybe she wanted to touch her or something, should I let my daughter do that?
"Papa, what are the things that stick on her head?" - Luckily that Eris just stayed next to me and pointed her hand at the woman
"Ah, those are called horns, Eris."
"Then what is about the long thing that sticks on her butt and the long things that stick on her shoulders?"
"Ah, the thing that sticks on her butt is called a tail, Eris! About the things on her shoulders, they are the wings, they are used to fly in the sky."
"She looks very weird to us, Papa."
"Yeah, so don't try to touch her, Eris! Until I see her safe for us to contact."
"Ah, I mean to talk and to make friends, Eris."
"What is the friend, Papa? Is that something can eat?" - Ah! Terrible Terrible! Of course, Eris never had a friend because she lived here with the two of us
No, at some points, we as her parents could be considered our daughter's friends but with a more special relationship that we were shared bloodline.
"No no no, Eris! Friends are not the things that you can eat, friends are..." - Shera was trying to explain to our daughter, hoping she won't need my help
"Ah, you can consider friends are the people to share with you their thoughts, their moods, also their knowledge and their funs to you, you can also doing that with them to show the friendliness to them." - Good job, Shera!
"Hmmm... isn't that what Papa and Mama are always doing with me?"
"Of course, we are, sweetheart! But we are more special because you and we are sharing a bloodline."
Eris after hearing what Shera said, she stood near me and then looked at the woman, I didn't know why but I saw our daughter was thinking or something. For some reason, I also saw her face loading in a circle line, what took our daughter so long to think?
"I'm understood, Mama, Papa!" - I hope she understood, our daughter was quite smart compared to normal children but I hope she won't misunderstand what we taught her
"Ah, Papa! That woman has awake." - Eris said to me while pointing at the woman
I immediately snatched the dagger from Shera to point at the woman, I should have armed a dagger too instead of bringing too many swords. I pointed the dagger to the woman's throat, I would kill her right away if she showed hostility to ours.
"Speak! Who the hell are you? No, it would be more exact to say what the hell are you! Why did you have horns, wings and a tail on your body? Speak!"
"Please...water...I need water..." - Maybe I cannot question her with this bad condition, maybe I should take her some water to drink
"Shera! Take this woman some water."
"Yes!" - Shera immediately ran toward the kitchen to take some water for the woman
"Here, John!" - Shera after taking the cup of water, she handled it to me
I immediately held the woman, told her to open her mouth to drink the water, she drank the water slowly and then asked for more water after drinking.
Shera immediately grabbed the cup and then went back to the sink, after she returned, she brought two cups that had water and handled them over the woman. The strange woman drank all the water in both of the cups, maybe she had been very thirsty for days.
"Thank you...thank you! Can I please have something to eat? I haven't eaten anything for a week..."
"Ah, let me!" - Eris ran to the box that placed the nuts in the kitchen to take them to the woman, those were her favorite food
"" - That woman slowly took the nuts and then ate them, she ate quite much and also quite fast, she must be very hungry
After eating the nuts, she also asked for more so Shera has to take the meat that was stored in the snow to the woman, she also ate a lot and later felt like she has full.
"Thank you! This thankfulness cannot describe the depth of what the three of you have done to help me. Can this Highness have permission to know all of your names?" - The woman suddenly asked us politely, she called herself "Highness", this woman was a ruler of the Demon Kingdom?
"John Rigen." - Maybe it wouldn't be so serious if I just introduced my name to her
"Shera Rigen."
"I'm! I'm Eris, Eris Rigen!" - Eris seemed a bit shy when she has to speak with a stranger
"My name's Graber, I'm the Supreme Demon Lord's niece, no! It would be more right to call me her little sister."
"With what the three have done to save me, this Highness promises that I will reward all of you worthy when I can return to the Capital." - So this woman was the Demon Lord's niece, she didn't show to us any hostile so maybe I should calm to her
"John, what should we do now?" - Shera seemed a bit worried, she held Eris to protect our daughter
"Don't worry, this woman doesn't show any hostile so just keep easy on her but remember to stay guard."
"The three of you do not need to stay cautious on me, this Highness makes sure that I won't do anything to harm you." - What was that kind of that royal talk?
To talk about royals, Shera was a Princess but she didn't speak to me so formally like that, still has a bit formal but mostly not. Maybe she didn't use to say formal, her father was also like that too because I saw him was quite sociable when I and my subordinates met him.
"So, how which title should we call you? We don't know who you are and we don't know much about the Kingdom of Demon."
"Though the three of you don't know me but this Highness allows all of you to call me by my name." - That kind of talk again?
"So Graber, how did you get here and why you didn't stay in the Capital but have to get here in this isolated place?"
That woman looked at us and seemed very confused, she later calmed down.
"All of you didn't know anything? This Highness thought all of you are just poorish farmers so didn't know me but you people even didn't know what happened to your homeland?"
"What do you mean? We are not the citizens of the Kingdom and we are humans! We suddenly got lost here and have to stay here for years so we didn't know what you said."
"Human? The previous enemy of our people? No! This Highness must say that we have now become allies to fight against the invasion from the sky."
"What do you mean? Stop using that kind of royal talk, tell us what happened?"
"Though you just have rude to me but this Highness forgives you, I'm sorry but my older sister told me to keep this kind of royal talk all the time, I will try to change a bit."
"Near one year ago, there was an intrusion, a massive invasion from the sky, my older sister said to me that Goddess Katia did that because she wanted to destroy the world, she has met the Goddess in her dream."
"She didn't know the purpose of the Goddess to destroy the world but we have to fight against the intruder from the sky."
"On the first day of the invasion, the land of Frenze, Portutava and Itail have been annihilated, their destruction made the ground shake all over the continent." - Wasn't it the reason why there were many earthquakes occurred on Eris's birthday?
"During the destruction of those lands, the invader force has sent their soldiers down the ground to start the invasion, their forces were so strong so we have to ally with all continents to fight against them."
You are reading story A Marine Got Lost In Another World at
"But only our Kingdom and some of the countries out of us continent are can still fight, most of the countries out there have been occupied or annihilated by the invaders."
"What! What's about the Warsaw?" - Shera while holding Eris, she suddenly asked in nervous and panicked, that was her homeland after all
"Kingdom of Warsaw? As I could remember what my older sister told me, that Kingdom has been wiped out 5 years ago in a big explosion while holding a ceremony to summon the hero."
"After the explosion, the entire Kingdom only remained a very hole, that's all remained of the Kingdom."
"No...Haah! No! No! Cries! Cries!" - Shera suddenly fell but I managed to hold her, that was what she should not hear
"Mama! Mama!"
"Is that something wrong?" - Graber asked us, she didn't know anything
"The Kingdom of Warsaw was her homeland, she is now very depressed because her parents had died during the explosion and also her homeland has been wiped out."
"Oh, sorry!"
"Shera, don't cry! I'm here with you."
"John, please hold me, I just want to cry! Cries!" - Shera was now very depressed, she cried while pressing her head to my chest
"Graber, don't talk about Warsaw, keep continuing about the invasion."
"Our Kingdom has now safe a bit but our allies are now on the brick of defeat so we are gathering all the forces we have. We will operate an amphibious assault to save the Human continent, the operation will be operated in less than a month."
"That's all of what I can tell all of you about the invasion."
"About me, I was...playing, with the teleport machine when my older sister didn't notice and...I came here." - What a silly reason!
"Don't worry, my older sister didn't know that I have been drifted here."
"I was going around the forest for a week hungry and thirsty but didn't find any resident house so I flew up and saw your house here."
"I flew toward your house but when I was about to get there, I was so exhausted so I fell." - Another silly reason!
"But now I feel so strange, all of you tell me you are the humans, as I remember from the Kingdom's map, this area is the house of the border Knight who patrols around the Snow border."
"And as I could remember, the present Knight is named Rivia and this is her house, where is she?"
"Rivia's dead, we were joining the ceremony to summon the hero 5 years ago and we got here, Rivia saved us and died so I'm now taking her duty, that was her last wish to me before she died."
"Oh, I'm so sorry about that but to see an outsider like you protect my homeland also makes me feel glad."
"Ah, we are gathering forces for the amphibious assault but before I got here, my older sister said that the border still needs to be guarded by the Knight."
"So she wouldn't send any troops here to pick up Rivia so don't worry, all of you just live here as normal."
Maybe I should not so worry after hearing this, we may still live here like usual. If there were soldiers from the Kingdom who got here and encountered us, my wife and my daughter would be in danger.
"John, I want to rest a bit...Please stay with me..." - Shera called me, I must make her happy
"Hey, Graber! Can you return the bed for my wife?"
"Oh, Sorry!" - Graber later got down on the bed
I put Shera on the bed, she was now still crying and holding my hand as if to beg me to stay with her.
"Shera, don't worry! I will stay with you so don't be sad, please be happy! That's all I want from my wife, you must be happy."
"John..." - Shera held my hand tighter
"Though I don't know what just has happened to Mama but I also feel sad, Papa." - Eris came to Shera and also kissed her cheek
"Mama, please be happy! I and Papa are still here with you so don't sad."
"I'm sorry, honey! Don't worry, I will be fine soon, how can I be sad in front of my cute daughter." - Shera also hugged Eris very tight
Then suddenly Graber for some reason, her tail and her wings disappeared, they cowered behind her back, her back only now a normal back, didn't have any wings or tail.
"Oh, sorry! Maybe you humans don't know about this but our demons only turn on our wings and our tail when we are about to fight."
"About the humans, the three of you are the first humans that I saw out here, there is another human who works at the Palace but I only saw him, he is the only human that I saw."
"So, John, right? I will keep out the royal talk as you wish, here is your family?"
"Mama, can you please let me play with Graber?" - Eris seemed very curious about Graber, she wanted to play with her while holding Shera's hand, she was still worried about her
"I promise that I won't make any harm to you two's child, I will try to make friends with her though I never know what is friend, I always stay inside the Palace, never going out for once."
"Mama will be fine, Eris! But remember don't annoy Graber too much."
"Graber, please don't be annoyed at my daughter's jokes, she never had a friend before." - Maybe I should accept with Shera too, Graber seemed not our threat
"What's about you, Papa?"
"Okay, Eris! But remember to play with her around the house."
"Yay!" - Eris seemed very excited so she pulled Graber's hand out of the bedroom
"Let's me introduce my house to you, Graber! I must make you my friend though I don't know what is a friend." - Eris, she was quite positive, cute!
"Ah, just go slowly, little girl, just go slowly." - Graber, she seemed very confused, maybe she was scared that Eris would fall or what?
Two friends made friends with each other but didn't know what was friend, what was this kind of friend was?
"John, please stay here with me." - Shera called me, I must make her happy now, cannot let my wife be sad anymore
"Hey, I'm here with you, sweetheart."
"Kiss." - I hope this kiss would make Shera happy
Then both of us held each other while lying on the bed, maybe I should make love to Shera to make her forget the terrible things about her homeland.
But our child and another person were inside our house so we cannot do that, maybe I should make my wife happy tonight when our child has asleep.
But wait! What's about Graber? Where should she sleep? I know that there was still a chair inside the equipment stock room, maybe I should let Graber sleep there if she intended to live here temporarily.
The way she said meant she knew where was this place but I cannot be sure if she knew the way back to the Capital or not but even if she knew the way to go.
She wouldn't have a chance to survive, Rivia told me that the way to the Capital was very far, Graber even didn't know to survive in the jungle so the chance she staying here would be a very high possibility.
"Hey, Shera! Hear me a bit, can you?"
"Maybe the member in our house will increase one, that girl Graber doesn't know how to survive in the jungle."
"I hope you won't mind letting her stay here if she wants to, is that okay, my dear Queen and also my dear wife."
"Hmmph!" - Why did Shera frustrate me?
"Are you jealous, Shera?"
"I don't mind if you let her stay here not do anything to her, you and your little boy are mines, John." - Okay! Okay!
"Hey, John! Can you please open the cabinet that's next to my hand." - Shera begged me to open the cabinet which was near her hand, she even pointed at where I should open
Then I opened the cabinet and saw the green clothes which were made of cloth, Shera have sutured the cloth to make these clothes, but who did she want to give the clothes?
"Do you like it, honey? I made the clothes for you though I should have given them to you in the Winter, these clothes are very good to sustain the cold." - Oh, Shera! Thank you!
"Hey, I'm sorry, John! I'm very sorry because I don't spend much time with you."
"I have to take care of our daughter so I'm very stressed, I could only make you these clothes as your present."
"To hear your cute voice is enough for me...hey...are you free tonight, Shera? I want know!"
"As you wish, John! It's a long time since we haven't made love so...try to do your best to satisfy me...I will also do my best for you."
"I will change the clothes right away, wait for me a bit, Shera." - I immediately changed the clothes, they were a bit cramped
"Sigh! Can't you choose the right time to change your clothes, John? Anyway, I thought that you would lose a bit of weight when you always patrol but seemed like I was wrong."
"Your hair and your beard have grown very much, Eris always complains to me about this, as her father you must cut your beard a bit, John."
"Don't worry, John! I will help you to cut your beard, about the hair, you have to deal with it yourself, honey."
"Ah, Papa and Mama are flirting!" - Eris suddenly came back when we didn't notice and caught us
Graber, she was now patting Eris's head, seemed like the two of them have made friends with each other.
"Ah, John! Your daughter said to me that she wanted to go swimming in a lake near the house. I don't want to lead her to go alone without her parents' permission so can you go with me?" - Graber asked me, seemed like she was not as bad as I thought when we encountered her
About the lake that Graber mentioned to me, that area was located in Tera forest, not so far away from our home, maybe I should lead Eris there to swim.
I should be armed well first but I have already armed so I could go now without problems.
"John." - Shera called me
"Kiss!" - Another kiss again, this time the kiss was a bit wet but Eris and Graber didn't notice, we did that secretly, Shera cannot take it anymore after months without making love
"Do not touch know? are...mine!!!." - Why did I feel a bit of shiver when Shera whispered to me?
"I will go back soon, Shera!" - I said goodbye to my wife, Graber and Eris also said goodbye to Shera and then went with me outside
I hope Shera didn't stalk me, she looked to be a Yandere for some reason, in the first months when Shera wed me and when she was pregnant, she had stalked me all the time.
She even didn't let me go out of the house to do patrol though I had stayed in the house with her to take care of her 6 days a week.
Maybe she had been jealous when she doubted that I would follow girls and leave her, but there was no girl in this isolated place.
This place only has a border full of snow, a plain that has my house and two forests between the plain.
But I have cheated on my wife a long time ago with the sex friend Rivia, but that won't happen again, I love my wife and my daughter. I won't have affair with anyone behind her anymore, I won't do anything bad behind my wife.