Chapter 77: Cannibal (Part 1)
"Si Rigen, I' s gla t se yo agai, I though I' th onl on wh los her."
(Sir Rigen, I'm so glad to see you again, I thought I'm the only one who lost here) - The woman named Reimi said to me in a strange language, she seemed very happy to see me
"Yo hav bee los wit He Highnes, Si Rigen! Ca I as yo wher sh i, Si Rigen?"
(You have been lost with Her Highness, Sir Rigen! Can I ask you where she is, Sir Rigen?)
I immediately grabbed the pistol which was on the ground and then pointed to the woman, though I understood what she said but I didn't know her. I didn't even know if I know her before or not but to make sure she won't harm me, I must be on guard even a little.
The woman named Reimi was suddenly shocked and froze when I pointed my M9 Beretta at her, she immediately threw her rusted sword away. After dropping her sword, she also dropped the knives, she seemed to be very obedient to me.
"Wh the hel aro yu, ecxatly?"
(Who the hell are you, exactly?) - I noticed that I have misspeak some words but I hoped she would understand
"Sir Rigen, I won't do anything to harm you, I swear in the name of the Goddess!" - Reimi even raised her hands above to surrender and also to show the swear
I didn't know who is this woman but...I should try to sharpen my tongue a bit to make change my accent, I must speak fluently to make this woman understand.
"Who the hell are you? I don't know you! Why did you attack me? Answer now!"
"Sir don't remember me?" - Reimi suddenly kneeled to the ground, her eyes seemed so blank and also depressed
"Sir don't remember me is alright but at least, can you tell me the location Her Highness is now staying? She is staying with you, right?"
"I have been drifted to this strange place for 10 years alone and! Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough! I'm sorry about my illness, please listen to me, Sir Rigen!"
What the hell she was saying? A Princess? Who? I came here alone, I didn't know the woman Reimi, I should...ask her.
"Just who the hell are you? And who the hell is the Princess that you said to me before?"
"Sir Rigen..."
"Sir Rigen, when the explosion came out, you were the one that stayed closest to Her Highness, I have been sucked into the explosion before I could reach you two."
"Did Her Highness, I mean Shera Soone didn't come with you, Sir Rigen?" - This woman mentioned an explosion, it reminded me of the story that Shizu told me about
Shizu when she was alive, she told me that, she and her little sister Sarah have been somehow got to another world before getting to this world by an explosion.
I didn't remember anything but if Shizu was right then I must have known the woman named Reimi before, maybe I should not show any hostility to her, must calm down to talk.
"I don't know who you are, I don't even know any girl named Shera Soone."
"No way...Cough! Cough! Cough! Sorry." - This girl's illness seemed very bad
"So Her Highness didn't come with you? The one was supposed to be protected by this Guard but till the last time, I could not protect her...I'm so useless." - Reimi blamed herself for some reason
"I was...I'm sorry, Sir Rigen! But I didn't notice you at first and I always guard up like this so...I'm very sorry."
"Why did you attack me, Reimi?"
"I...I cannot tell you Sir Rigen but please, trust me." - This woman, how can I trust her when I only see her talk?
But I slowly returned my pistol to my holster, maybe I should not guard up too much on this woman, she didn't show any hostility anymore if she does...I would kill her right away.
"Sir Rigen, can I take back my weapons?" - Reimi asked me, no! Begged me would more right to say
"Keep your weapons closed all the time."
"Thank you very much, Sir Rigen." - Reimi kneeled one of her legs and then bowed toward me and stood up
Reimi later took again her weapons on the ground and then did as I wanted, she kept her sword and her knives always closed. Suddenly Reimi cried a bit and repeated the words "Her Highness, please forgive me" a few times and then stopped, she seemed very regretted some reason.
But why did a woman bring a sword with her? And that sword even rusted terribly, she even told me about someone named Shera and said that she was a Princess and also said as if she was Shera's guard.
Her appearance was also strange, purple eyes, I have never seen someone with those eyes color before, even her hair, red hair...maybe she dyed it.
The way Reimi was very pale, sick and skinny maybe that was caused by some reason I cannot explain, her clothes also raggy, maybe she was living in this shabby place? If she lives here then it might be the reason why she looks like this.
"Reimi." - Maybe I should know more about this girl
"Yes, Sir Rigen!" - Reimi stood straight as if to wait for my order
"Do you live here?"
"Yes, Cough! Cough! I mean, yes! I live here, Sir Rigen."
"Can you show me where you live?"
"Yes, please follow me close, Sir Rigen! These alleys have many routes, you will lose the way if you don't watch your steps."
I immediately stick close to Reimi to go with her, I got here to investigate the reason why many people got lost here. Maybe I should do it later and stay focused on knowing more about this strange woman, I must have known her before.
Reimi immediately led me to go to her place, the buildings around the alleys were heavily destroyed in the war or shabby conditions. Reimi walked with her face lowered as if she was very depressed, she sighed very much.
"What's wrong, Reimi?"
"Sir duty when I was born was to protect Her Highness but now she is nowhere to be found so I didn't know what I should do next but to live in this place."
"Why don't you go outside to ask for help, Reimi?"
"I'm now still very scared, Sir Rigen! I cannot speak the language here, I am also scared of the giant beasts with the long rods, the smokes of deaths and also the mages with powerful magic tools."
"I don't know why those things have ended in 4 years nowadays but I'm still very scared, I see people here are hostiles." - I didn't know a thing that Reimi meant
Giant beasts with long rods? Smokes of death? Magic tools? Those words were so fantasy stuff, but Shizu said that the world I went to before was different from this world but she didn't mention details so...Reimi could be a crazy woman or she was behaving normally.
"Sir Rigen, you seem don't remember me or Her Highness, maybe I should spend a talk with you to tell you everything in my knowledge, to let me know who I am and also to let you know who is Her Highness."
"Cough! Cough! Maybe you have lost your memory for some reason but I will try to do my best to explain to you, we can talk inside my hideout." - Reimi said to me and then held her belly
"What's wrong, Reimi?"
"I'm sorry, Sir Rigen! I didn't eat anything for 4 days."
I remembered that I still have a Skittles candy pack in my pocket, maybe I should give this woman, she said she didn't eat anything for 4 days.
Maybe coming from another world to this Third world war dimension and could not speak our English made her struggle to live, that was why she hid in this shabby place.
"Hey, here are the candies, though they are used to eat for fun bu-" - Remi immediately snatched the Skittles pack and then tore it out
Reimi fastly poured the small piece of candies from the pack into her mouth and chewed very fast, she seemed to be very hungry, after chewing the candies, she swallowed all of them.
"Sir Rigen, do you have anything else?" - Reimi looked at me the madness and appetite looks
"No, I don't have anything else."
Reimi after hearing what I said, she stared at me and then breathed hard constantly, her eyes were full of wildness, her mouth even drooled as if she wanted to eat me but then she hit her head and kept walking.
"I'm sorry, Sir Rigen! Please forgive this useless Knight, I will be strict more to myself, please go faster, Sir Rigen!" - Reimi said to me and then went faster with her face lowered
Then I followed Reimi to her hideout, it was a small hole on a wall of a shabby building, I got inside and then noticed that inside had mostly nothing, only dirty floors and something inside the room.
Some things looked to be the soldiers' helmets that were placed on the floor on a destroyed roof that was exposed to the sky as if to use to take the rain drops.
There was a sink on the left side of the building that seemed could be good to use though it could flow out a very bit of water slowly, maybe the sink had problems.
I also looked around and saw some rifles that were placed on the right side of the floor, the rifles seemed very dirty as if hadn't been touched for a long time.
"Sir Rigen...welcome to my hideout, please take a sit, though it doesn't have a chair to sit on but there is a clean floor over there, please sit on it." - Remi invited me to sit politely
Then I walked toward the floor that Reimi told me to and sat on it, I looked around the floor and noticed that there was blood around the wall.
The blood was also on the floor that I didn't notice before, the blood seemed to be dried for a long time. Did Reimi want to hide me something? Why was so much blood here?
"Do you want to drink water, Sir Rigen?" - Reimi asked me from behind while touching a helmet that had a bit of water that took from the broken sink
"No, I'm not thirsty."
"It's good to hear you say that, Sir Rigen! I don't want to harm you by serving you this water because it has poison from the smoke of death, my body has been devastated by drinking it days to days." - Again? What the hell that she said?
"So sometimes I would drink my urinate water to avoid drinking the water that for poisoned though my illness even worsen when I do that."
"What do you mean by the smoke of death, Reimi?"
"I don't know how you call it but years before, sometimes there would be green smokes coming out from the metal eggs coming down from the sky, inhaling the smoke will make your body dies slowly."
"I called the green smoke is the smoke of death, I was so lucky to have this strange mask, it saved me many times when I went outside though it cannot be used anymore." - Reimi took out a mask that she hid inside her raggy hoodie
That was an Alrotz gas mask, it has been broken, Reimi didn't know what was B28 gas, maybe she was another worlder so she didn't know, maybe I should ask Reimi about the blood in her hideout.
"Ah, Reimi! Where did this blood come from? Why it is around the hideout?"
Reimi's face turned to be very tense, she slowly took her breath and then walked toward me and then sat opposite me, Reimi was still a bit tense.
"The blood has been around the building when I got here, Sir Rigen! That's all I can say." - I didn't believe this woman, I was now ready to kill her if she behaves hostile but I would not take any action now
"I will try to do my best to brief you on the story about me and Her Highness to let you know who we are, Sir Rigen."
You are reading story A Marine Got Lost In Another World at
"I'm Remi Frieden, a Royal Guard of the Kingdom of Warsaw and also the closest guard of Her Highness - Shera Soone."
"I and Her Highness have been chased by the assassins from the rebel force in the country's coup into a forest named Tod and then we have met you, cough! Cough! I mean! Cough! Sorry."
"Sir Rigen, we have met you in the forest and you saved us, you later followed us until got chased by His Highness's assassins, he is the brother of Her Highness, named Hoster Soone."
"But you managed to kill all the assassins that chased you, you later stayed at Swei town, a town of Jager Kingdom in less than 2 weeks and moved out to escape the hunt from Her Highness's brother."
"Two days later, you appeared in my country's capital city with your missing subordinates that you have found while getting here and met me."
"Though I didn't know how did you get here fast but I won't try to annoy you, Sir Rigen."
"Sir Rigen, I later led your group to Her Highness, you have followed Her Highness to our Imperial Palace and then joined a ceremony with us a day later."
"An explosion came out during the ceremony, that time was when all of us went missing, you were the one who was closest to Her Highness during the explosion, I disappeared while trying to reach you two and got here."
"That's all I can say, Sir Rigen! I hope you will remember something after hearing what I said." - Reimi has done her best, so I was friendly with her before, but after hearing her brief, my head showed many questions
Princess Shera? My subordinates were Sarah and Shizu though I didn't remember much about what I have done to them when I was in that world, but...Imperial Palace? The names of the kingdoms were so fantasy!
The world I went to before was a fantasy world? So that was why Reimi mentioned magic tools earlier? The magic tools may be the way she called the guns, must verify more.
"Reimi, what do you call the things there?" - I pointed to the rifles that were placed on the floor
"Those are the magic tools, Sir Rigen! Cough! Cough! I'm sorry."
"Sir Rigen, I don't know if this place is your homeland or not but it looks very similar to what you told me and Her Highness."
"There are also mages like you with similar uniforms and magic tools, as same as your weapons, there are also giant beasts also have long magic rods too, they are so powerful when I saw them fight."
"Cough! Sorry! Let's consider this place is your homeland, Sir Rigen! I'm still wondering how the nobles in your homeland can have that much money to build those powerful magic weapons and also to train those powerful mages."
"Your homeland is more developed than the Kingdom of Demon many times, cough! Cough! I'm sorry, my body has now rotten slowly by the smoke of death, I don't healthy like before anymore."
"But your homeland seemed to have a very big war, I'm so sorry to mention it, Sir Rigen! But looks like your homeland has got out of the war now."
"Maybe I didn't see any smoke of death or destroyed houses in these 4 years are thanks to the war over." - Maybe I was right to consider Reimi was truly coming from a fantasy world
"But Reimi, let's hold off a bit! Why did you say it to me so polite and so formal like that? You can call me normally if you want, you know?."
"I don't want people to keep the distance from me, I want to be friendly to all, don't call Sir, just call Rigen or John."
"But Sir Rigen, you are...I mean you are Her Highness's most important person that is always under my protection and you are also a high-ranked noble in your homeland."
"Cough! Cough! Sorry, Sir Rigen! I want to talk normally to you but! Cough! This useless Her Highness's servant is deeply sorry!"
"I don't know how high-rank status you are if you convert it to our nobles' ranks but you are Her Highness's important person so I must be polite to you all the time." - Reimi also bowed to me after explaining to me
"But Reimi..." - Maybe I should not mention to her about other world stuff, I would complicated things if I say that
"Reimi, this is not your homeland so stop using that kind of noble talk, also call me normal, I'm not a noble, my homeland doesn't have the noble system."
"Not just it, nobles still exist in some of my homeland's neighbor countries but not as you thought."
"But the noble system is just considered as a symbol of some nations, the royal families do not hold any power, the power is held by a commoner that being voted by people, which is called Democratic system."
"What..." - Remi seemed very shocked, she pressed her face to the ground as if she was having some issues
"No way! The person that Her Highness loves, the one that she calls me to protect at all costs is just a filthy way! My honor spirit has already been dishonored 10 years ago, what have I done just to protect a filthy commoner?"
"My mission honor is also dishonored at this time, what should I say to Her Highness if I meet her again? What would she reacts if she knows the one she loves is just a commoner?" - Reimi pressed her face to the floor and said words as if she was very depressed
"Reimi, are you alright?" - I slowly tapped Reimi to calm her down
"Yes...I'm fine, Sir Rigen! Don't care about me, Her Highness doesn't know this so I won't change my perspective on you."
"I will protect you as always until she knows, cough! Cough! I'm sorry for my useless body!" - Reimi bowed toward me deeper
"At the time Her Highness is not here, you will have full authority to order me to do whatever you want, Sir Rigen!'
"Her Highness considers you as important as her, please give me the order, Sir Rigen." - Reimi was now kneeling with one leg and kept bowing to wait for my command
What should I command Reimi to do? She said she would do anything I say, her body seemed to be sick badly, she was a bit skinny and also pale but...what if I order her to let me make love with her? I didn't have any problem with girls in those conditions.
No! No! No! Dammit! Calm down!
I saw there was a door on the wall next to me, it looked to be a bit mysterious when there was too much blood on the door, maybe I should tell Reimi to lead me there.
"Rin! Rin! Rin!" - Oh, my phone got called by someone...Cawess? Maybe?
"Ah, Reimi! Do not make any noise until I give you the next order."
"Understood, Sir Rigen!" - This knight woman just have made noises, dammit! This muscle brain! Or skinny brain?
I immediately pulled out the phone, I knew it, Cawess called me, I slowly headed the phone to my ear.
"Hey, John! Did you get lost in the Wonderland?"
"Cough! Cough! Cough!" - Reimi coughed, cannot blame her, she tried to hold the cough, good work!
"What the fuck, man? Is there a cough chick around you? That was a woman's coughs, right? You are fucking some cough chicks in the Wonderland?" - Tch! This guy has come back his previous person, swearing around and anytime, anywhere
"I'm very sorry for my uselessness, Sir Rigen!" - Reimi, I ordered you not to make noises, dammit!
"Oh, so you ar-"
"No chicks are here, I return soon, bye!"
"H-" - I turned off the phone and then returned it to my pocket
"Reimi, don't blame yourself, you can't stop coughing is very normal, your body is already weak so don't blame it as your fault."
"I very much appreciate your kindness, Sir Rigen." - Can't you stop saying that noble that?
"Just call me Rigen or John, don't add Sir."
"Yes, I understood, Si, S, cough! I'm sorry, I mean Rigen!"
"Reimi, can you lead me to the door forward? It looks so mysterious, I want to know what is inside, lead me there."
Reimi stared at me very focused for a few seconds, she had some sweats coming out from her face, her mouth started trembling, she later calmed herself down and looked at me.
"Cough! Cough! I'm sorry."
"I will lead you there but please don't hate me when you see everything inside there, Sir Rigen." - She did not learn anything...but what did she mean by hoping me not to hate her?
Reimi later stood up with a lowered face and slowly walked toward the door that had blood, she slowly opened it and went inside. Her face was full of guilt, she looked at me and then kneeled on the floor with eyes staring at me as if to hope for my forgiveness.
I slowly walked inside and in front of me were many skulls and human bones placed at the end of the room. The entire room was covered by dried blood, on the left side of the room, many clothes seemed very raggy seemed to be the victims' clothes.
Reimi killed these people? She was the reason many people went missing in the alley?
"Tell me now or I will kill you! Why did you kill people! The purpose of you for doing that!" - I pulled out my M9 Beretta and pressed toward Reimi's head when she kneeling to ask for my forgiveness
"Sir Rigen...I killed" - Why did she hesitate?
"Say it!"
"I killed them to eat them." - You fucking cannibal! You fucking psycho!
"I know you won't forgive me, Sir Rigen! But if you kill me, please replace me to protect Her Highness till the end..."
"My life is about to be taken by a filthy commoner...but I'm ready now, please kill me." - Reimi closed her eyes as if ready to die
"Don't think you can die easily like that! Tell me the reason why did you kill these people to eat them!"
"I have done that for ten years, Sir Rigen! Cough! Cough! Cough! Sorry, it has been my habit." - Fucking psycho!
"I have tried to go outside to find food in these 4 years but I didn't have money to buy anything, I don't know to speak the language to ask the money from the people around."
"I also got into some shops that seem to be food shops to steal but with my illness body, I cannot steal anything to eat."
"I have tried to change myself to stop eating people but I can only use this shabby place to kill people and to eat them, I know the terrain of this place the most because I have lived here for years."
"But it has been months since no one get here so I have to store the rotten human meats to eat slowly, I was about to move out to another place to find a good place to do this again."
"I have moved out many places to kill and to eat people in these ten years, my guilt cannot be forgiven, Sir Rigen! Please kill me." - You fucking psycho! I wanted to kill you...but!
"I'm the one who can decide you to die, I will let you die or live when you tell me everything!"
"I will tell you the reason why I did this terrible thing, it happened right on the first day when I got to this strange place, I have fought against my hunger until I gave up and become a cannibal animal."
"Cough! Cough! Cough! I don't want you to forgive me, Sir Rigen! But I want to live, I don't want to die, I must protect Her Highness and you, I want to find Her Highness."
"Then tell me."
"Understood, it's a long story, Sir Rigen."