Chapter 100: Shave Beard And Cut Hair
What a fucking terrible dream! No, a nightmare would be more right to say, luckily that was just a nightmare, I didn't want to experience it again in real life.
Uh? I felt a bit odd, something was pressing my chest, I didn't know...wait! Did I...just asleep?
I slowly opened my eyes, they were a bit blurred, I saw a bit of light coming out from the windows, those lights came from the sun outside, that meant I have slept overnight. No! I was...I was beating my subordinates, Shera and Reimi and then I had been pressed down to the ground and...passed out?
"Ah, Sir Rigen! You're awake." - A voice called me with a very happy accent, I slowly looked back and then I saw Shera, she was now pressing her face to my chest
So I had skipped the night lesson for Shera? What the fuck did I just do! I was a fucking bad tutor! Ahhhh!
"Ahh, Sir Rigen! Let me help you." - Shera slowly lifted me, I noticed that I was in her room, I was sleeping in her bed
I looked at the study table forward me and saw Reimi, she was pressing her body to the table as if she was sleeping very deeply because of lack of sleep. I didn't see where was Hatano or Sarah, maybe they had left the room, I was now being hated by these girls for sure for beating them last night.
"What's wrong, Sir Rigen?" - Shera slowly held my hands and asked me
"Ah, I didn't see my subordinates anywhere."
"Hmmph! They have returned to their room after being beaten, Sir Rigen! Lady Sarah wanted to stay with you but her older sister took her away." - Shera expressed a bit of jealousy on her face, what a cute expression!
"Hey, Princess! Please don't hate me, I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to beat you all but...I felt I lose my control at that time."
"Don't worry, Sir Rigen! I don't hate you, my father and the guards had gathered outside of the room and forced me to hand you over to them but I resisted so they had left." - Thank you, my wife! I owed you a lot!
"About the others, I can't tell if they hate you or not but please make up with them, Sir Rigen..." - Shera headed her head toward me, she wanted to kiss? I told her not to love soon but she kept doing what she wanted
"Okay, Princess! I'll make up with those girls."
"Sir Rigen...can I...kiss you?" - I knew it...
"Okay." - Both of us slowly headed together and closed our eyes and were about to kiss
"Kiss!" - We kissed a sweet kiss, I mean a very stink kiss because both of us didn't wash our mouths yet and I just woke up after sleeping overnight, but I felt it sweet!
Shera didn't know to lick yet, I was a bit disappointed in her but was very happy when she was still pure in her mind, not like an asshole like me.
"Okay, Princess! Let's keep our distance from now on." - I slowly kissed Shera sweet and then slowly pushed her kiss away
"Hear me, Princess?" - Why did Shera look ecstatic? She looked at me without blinking her eyes
"Yes...Sir Rigen..." - So cute but maybe I should wake her up now
"Princess, wake up! We have done kissing." - I tapped Shera's shoulder
"Ah! I'm sorry, Sir Rigen." - Shera turned around, maybe she was shy
I looked around a bit, my weapons were now placed on the study table, I have been disarmed, maybe the girls thought that I would harm them if I woke up with my weapons still with me, maybe.
"Hey, Sir Rigen! Do you...want me to shave your beard? Or I will cut your hair first?" - Shera turned around and asked me, her face expressing some nervous
I should not be haunted by that memory anymore, I must be brave to face it, many veterans have suicide or accidentally killed people, or their relatives after returning home with the traumas they got in the war they fought.
Though I fought in Afghanistan not so long, 3 months were very short compared to the soldiers that fought there, not even longer than the combat duration of the other US soldiers from the other wars of the 21st century.
"Sir Rigen...why did you look at me?"
But I and they have the same trauma, we could not return to normal after the war, I felt that my personality was more aggressive after fighting in Afghanistan. Maybe that was not caused by the war there but maybe my personality has already been like that, I was very easy to be triggered and I would beat anyone that swore at me when my mind lose control.
"Ah, Sir Rigen! Don't make me shy, you are staring at my face."
I should calm down now, I must be brave to face the knife, but one more thing made me feel odd about my mind as if it didn't normal at all. What the fuck did I just think these days, about making an uprising to overthrow the King?
Why did I think about it while in front of me were the girls that I had loved and I still love but I wanted to use them in a very dirty and cunning way to achieve my goal?
"Sir are thinking about something, right?"
"I don't hate you, Sir Rigen! Please talk to me."
Shit!...about the uprising, l will keep holding that idea in mind, I still wanted to take power.
But I should heat up my relationship with my lovers now, I wanted to take care of them, how can I let these cute girls lonely!
"Sir Rigen, do you hear me?" - Ah! Shera was talking to me but I didn't notice
"Yeah, Princess! I hear you, you said you want to shave my beard or cut my hair first?"
"Nod!" - Maybe I should call Shera to shave my beard first, it was quite dense, my hair was okay but it has grown much in this 1 month
According to the US military, active personnel would not be able to grow a beard but my second adopted mom, Amanda Rigen allowed me to grow my beard.
"Uh, my beard first, Princess."
"Okay...please sit over there, Sir Rigen." - Shera pointed her hand to a chair that was placed next to another table that looked to be a place for makeup
I slowly walked to the chair and then sat down, I looked at my watch, 5:43 AM, Reimi and the others didn't awake yet, only Shera...or she didn't sleep, I think! She would lack sleep!
"Princess, did you sleep!"
"Shh...Sir Rigen! Reimi is sleeping, don't disturb her." - Oh! Sorry!
Shera didn't answer my question but she gathered the things that looked to be the tools to cut and shave into a wooden bowl. A white long cloth that has a hole to put my head in looked to be used to hold the hairs that dropped during the haircut, it was placed...under Shera's bed and has been brought out to use.
Why did Princess keep that thing under her bed?
"Ah, Sir Rigen! Turn toward me." - Shera told me to turn toward her because I was looking at her while looking at my beard in a round mirror that was placed on the pink makeup table
I turned around to see Shera, she has finally held a scissor, not my bayonet anymore though it was also placed with the other tools on the bowl. I would do my best to calm down, I wanted Shera to cut my beard with that M9 bayonet, I wanted to overcome my trauma.
Shera put the long white cloth on my body, she also placed another wooden bowl on the floor as if to use it to hold my hair dropped.
"Sir Rigen, this is my first time to shave someone's beard so if you get hurt while being shaved then raise your hand to signal me, I will stop." - Shera, when did you become a dentist version shave the beard?
"Okay, Princess! But shave me with my bayonet."
"But do you feel it alright, Sir Rigen? You've hit everyone when I was pointing it near you."
"It's alright, Princess! Just shave me with it normally."
Shera put down the scissor and then held the M9 bayonet in her hand, she was very nervous and put the bayonet down...but after a few seconds, she grabbed the bayonet back into her hand.
"I will shave your beard with it, Sir Rigen! But please calm down, I will head it in right now." - Shera slowly pointed the M9 bayonet toward my beard, I was very scared to see it but I held a breath for a long time, about 7, 8 seconds and exhaled again
"Do you feel hurt, Sir Rigen?" - Shera asked me after she has changed the rotation of the bayonet a few times, she slowly headed the blade to my beard to shave it in nervous
"You are doing good, Princess! Don't worry, it didn't hurt."
"That's so? I'm so glad, but don't say anything, Sir Rigen! I don't want to hurt you." - Shera slowly shaved my beard when she was nervous but she felt a bit happy when she shaved me properly
Shera slowly shaved my beard while focusing to look at the line of the bayonet's blade to see where it was about to go if she headed it there, she didn't want to make me hurt. While Shera was shaving my beard, I thought about becoming a King, becoming a good husband and becoming a good father for my kids, I would form a harem, of course!
But I hope that Shera would accept for me to form my harem, she was always jealous madly when she saw me going with someone, I should say that I would ask her to know her thoughts first. Maybe Shera would accept me to love no one but her, if she accepted to let me form my harem then...I didn't know the answer.
Would Shera treat my other wives equally? Or she would bully them...or bully me, I was thinking about when my wives shared their power then I would have to serve my wives. Having more wives meant having more holes to fuck but that would mean you would have to serve your harem forever, what a happy ending for the masochists.
Well, let's see! What the fuck! A few minutes ago I was still depressed after remembering the trauma that I had in my shitty past and now I could have a mood to think about girls?
Ah, forget about it! Let's see, a week have 7 days, from Monday till Sunday then...let me count if my days were full to have all of the girls that I loved, let's see this harem.
Shera's night: Monday
Reimi's night: Tuesday
Hatano's night: Wednesday
Who's next? Sarah? Nah! Um...Zofe? Zofana? Sherry? Nah! I didn't touch those girls yet, I didn't have a love for them yet, just wanted to fuck them. I could not let those girls in my harem, my harem requires the girls that I had loved and I'm now still loving them.
Maybe I will touch those girls in the future but that has not happened yet so I would not put them in.
Shera's night: Thursday
Reimi's night: Friday
Hatano's night: Saturday
Sunday? Which day is it in my harem's schedule? Rest day, yeah! Caring and fucking your wives too much is not good when you age. Must rest well, gym well to have my body full of strength to "care for" my lovely wives on the other days.
Uh, but...what if my wives think about another name for Sunday? Let's see...oh holy dog shit!
Sunday: Harem's night (All wives' night) - If that day happens for real then I would be gang banged by all of my wives. My dick could not go up after an hour of the orgy when my balls would be dried when being sucked by wives, they would share my dick after sucking it once.
I would die when my head was covered with all of my wives' bodies and their boobs, why the fuck did I want to die in that situation? Stop it, I'm so fucking sick with it!
I did not even count the other girls that I have met and was about to put them on the list, maybe I should quit, no harem anymore, it was so lucky for me to think about the further future.
Women are scary, let's stop forming my harem but focus on living faithfully with only one, I would choose Shera, I love her the most.
The other girls would be my hidden mates, I would keep having affairs behind my wife, ahh! Shit! Can't you stop being an asshole, John?
Wait...did I just talk to myself?
"Sir Rigen...why did you...stare at me...?" - Shera was shaving my beard, right? I didn't notice, she was quite shy when I focused my eyes on her, so cute!
"Ah, sorry! Princess! I was just thinking about...propose on you."
"..." - Shera was quite shocked, she held her mouth and expressed her happiness
"Ah, Princess! But I would not do that soon, you must be fully grown-up according to my homeland's law, 18 years old."
"Ah, Princess." - Shera suddenly dropped the bayonet on the bowl and then hugged me very tight
"Princess, you should not be too close to me, we must keep our distance at this time."
"John, let your Princess hug you, you are my Prince." - Shera held me tighter, uh...did her clothes get some of my beard hairs, some of the hairs were still sticking on the cloth
"Ahh! Sorry, I have done cutting your beard, Sir Rigen! Why don't you take a look?" - Shera got her hands out of my back when her face was very excited, she checked my beard hairs if they were sticking to her clothes
I turned around to look at the round mirror, good! My beard has been shaved but not completely, Shera just has shaved my full beard a bit shorter but that was okay to me. I wanted to have a beard, shaving my beard completely made me feel like I was a child with my 25 years old face, I wanted to look older, grow a beard made me look more handsome.
You are reading story A Marine Got Lost In Another World at
"It's good, Princess! Well done, uh..." - Why did Shera put all of my beard hairs on the bowl and stored the bowl inside a drawer???
"What's wrong, Sir Rigen?" - Shera closed her eyes while looking at me, she smiled very cheerfully, I felt something wrong
"Nothing, don't mind about what I said earlier." - Shera heard my words and then collected my other small beard hairs that were lying on the cloth and the floor and then put them into the bowl and then closed the drawer
"Hehe, I will cut your hair, Sir Rigen." - Shera made a sign to tell me to turn around and then she grabbed a small black scissor from the bowl that used to hold the tools
I turned around and then Shera slowly put the scissor on my hair and started to cut, she was quite careful to do this thing, I sensed much love and effort this Princess put on me in this haircut.
"Your hair is growing quite much, Sir Rigen! But I see it is quite short compared to our soldiers' hair, does your military's homeland prohibit your soldiers from growing hair?" - Oh, Shera asked me when she was cutting my hair
"Not just my homeland's military but also the other militaries from other countries, Princess!"
"The recruits that join the basic training in the military before becoming real soldiers must shave their head almost completely to avoid disease spread from the others."
"And when their basic training end and they become soldiers then they are allowed to grow their hair but in limited hairstyles, and their hair must be short all the time."
"Why, Sir Rigen?" - Shera was still cutting my hair while asking me, she was quite curious, I like when I tell the story but have someone to hear me, that makes me want to tell more!
"Also to avoid spreading disease, Princess! But it also has another reason to avoid the enemy grabbing our soldiers' hairs, it's a very useful way to keep our soldiers alive too."
"If we don't wear helmets and when we are in combat and face to face the enemies in a very close area we cannot shoot our magic tools."
"The enemies will grab our soldier's hair and can even suffocate us to die by using our hair to chock our necks, that's all I can explain, Princess."
"Sir Rigen, your homeland's military is not just developed in weapons but also developed in strategies for the soldiers to make them have more chances to be alive."
"I cannot believe how backward our military is compared to your homeland's, Sir Rigen." - Well, Shera! Your military was feudal after all so it could not compare to ours
But at what Reimi told me before, the mage unit was quite dangerous to me, according to Reimi's intel, a normal mage could spell dozens of spells of magic without tired. The way Reimi and Hatano showed me when I was in the Third World War dimension made me shocked, Hatano used magic to shake down the US Marines and Reimi used her magic to slice the Chinese troops.
With magic, if a squad of mages knows how our guns work and how we fight, they could take out a normal military squad or even a platoon if they know about guerilla tactics. But I didn't witness how mages fight yet so I must see directly before heading to any conclusion, should not be rushed, but to overate your enemy is something good, must be cautious all the time.
Shera kept cutting my hair, she was quite in a mood, maybe she was happy when she has a chance to cut her lover's hair, what a cute Yandere.
"But Sir Rigen, why did Lady Sarah and Lady Hatano can keep their hairs long?" - Oh, I didn't notice about that, thank you, Shera!
"You said your military prohibits the soldiers to grow long hair, right Sir Rigen? Or they are the nobles like you so they are free to grow hair?"
"But if I was right then you must grow your hair more instead of having a short hair like this? I don't understand, Sir Rigen."
Wait...if my conclusion was right then Hatano and Sarah must be the reserved personnel in the military so that was why they could grow their hair freely, must ask these girls for sure.
"Uh, Princess! In my military, a soldier cannot grow much beard or much hair except a case that the soldier is allowed by their officers to grow their beard or their hair." - I hope I remember right!
"The hairstyle you see right here, Princess! Is called a buzz cut, which is a military hairstyle, I don't have permission to grow it dense but two of my superiors allowed me to grow my beard."
"So, Princess! I must keep my hair in a certain size but when I get here I didn't have time to cut so it grew until this time." - Say simply that I was so lazy to cut my hair, haha!
"About Hatano and Sarah, maybe they are military reserved personnel so they are free to grow their hair, do you remember the definitions about active personnel and reserved personnel that I told you before, Princess?"
"Of course, Sir Rigen!" - Shera kept cutting my hair...but wait! She kept cutting it though many minutes have passed since she started cutting? Oh, she cut my hair quite slow!
This happy atmosphere kept continuing, Reimi kept sleeping very well on the table, sigh! I was wondering how was Cawess right now. I hope he and Valenta were now having a wedding and were enjoying their lovely wedding night, I hope so.
"Sir Rigen, do you hear me?" - Oh, Shera asked me again! What did she want to ask?
"Why did you...hit everyone when I...was pointing the knife at you to shave your beard, Sir Rigen?" - Oh, that fucking PTSD again!
"Sorry, Princess! I got PTSD, every time I remember that moment with that knife, it makes me triggered, I mean agitated."
"What is PTSD, Sir Rigen?" - Shera didn't know, maybe this fantasy world didn't have this kind of definition, it was used mostly for the veterans who have traumas in wars
"Post-traumatic stress disorder, say simply if you face with something terrible when you were young. Then you grow up, see a scene that is similar to it then you will be sad, hard to breathe or even aggressive."
"I have fought in Afghanistan, a country that is named the grave of the Empires because of my place's history. Many big Empires invaded that country but have ended up weakened or even annihilated by heading on taking the land of the Afghans."
"I have been forced by my superiors to get to Afghanistan and fought there in 3 months before the war ended, that experience made me have many traumas."
"Sir Rigen, your homeland invaded the other Kingdom? How cruel your homeland is, it even invaded Hatano's homeland." - Shera seemed to be shocked
"Princess, it's just your misunderstanding! We did not invade, the Empire of Japan attacked our lands so we attacked them, we sent our troops to the land of Japan to help the Japanese to get out of the bad regime of the Emperor."
"About Afghanistan, the Soviet Union invaded that country and we supported the Mujahideen, the Afghan resistance force to fight against those Communists to liberate their country out of Communism."
"I don't know what is Communist, Sir Rigen! But please keep continue your story, I want to hear more." - I didn't want to quarrel with Shera, I was a bit unpleasant when she said my homeland invade the other countries, I should calm down, that was just her misunderstanding
But if I think wider then Shera was right at some points when she said my homeland United States has invaded those countries. But my ideology was to support my homeland, I should accept the other ideologies, sometimes placing myself between two factions was the best way to know what the sides were fighting for.
"Well, after the Soviet troops withdrew Afghanistan and the Afghans retook their homeland, their new government conflicted and then divided into many factions."
"The Al-Qaeda was one of those factions, Osama bin Laden was their leader and also was our ally, the civil war in Afghanistan occurred. His faction took the rule of the country but later hated our Americans and we become his enemy."
"Why, Sir Rigen?" - Shit! My knowledge has its limitations, Shera! But as her tutor, I must tell her
"I don't know, maybe our ideology and theirs are different, the Al-Qaeda's government followed the Islam, a religion that sees women as nothing but slaves for men."
"The women there don't have the right to resist men if they do bad things to their bodies and their souls, and the men there have the right to have many wives, what a terrible government."
"Well, I don't have any problem with any religion, Princess! But if I have a problem, I will scold the country that chooses the religion that makes their people misery."
"Your country is sure more developed than I thought, Sir Rigen! Our Warsaw has banned the slavery system but still has a polygamist system for men." - Because your government was feudal, you know?
"Well, Osama bin Laden suddenly attacked our homeland, he sent..." - How do I call the planes that hit the Twin tower? Dragons? I didn't see any dragon in this world...uhh!
"Bin Laden sent the three of his powerful mages to intrude into my homeland and disguised our civilians. They made a suicide attack on my homeland's trade center, the twin tower and killed thousand people there."
"Two mages attacked the trade center and the other mage suicided by charging himself to the Pentagon, a place in my homeland that control the military activities and killed many people there."
"After that attack, my homeland declared war on Afghanistan, that was 29 years ago and now we left Afghanistan. We failed to protect the Afghan people but at least we have avenged our people by killing Bin Laden."
"Uh, but the PTSD I have when you were insisting to shave my beard, Princess! It didn't relate to Afghanistan but my superiors a day before I got to that country to fight."
"Can you tell me, Sir Rigen?"
"No, Shera! I mean Princess, I don't want to remember it anymore, please don't tell me to mention it."
"Alright, Sir Rigen! I won't disturb you..." - Maybe Shera was quite confused when she didn't know the real reason I didn't want to tell her
"Sorry for telling you a long story that didn't relate to my trauma, Princess! I love history so I also love to tell history things."
"That's okay, Sir Rigen! I also want to know about your homeland's history."
"Anyway, why don't you take a look at the mirror? I have done cutting your hair, Sir Rigen." - I didn't notice Shera has done cutting my hair
"Commander!" - A one banged the door to get in, that was Sarah, this dumb!
Oh, luckily that Reimi was still sleepy, she turned toward the door's direction with her closed eyes to see who banged the door earlier but later slept with her face pressed down on the table.
"Oh, are you okay, Commander?"
"Shh...say low...Reimi is sleeping." - Shera said to Sarah
"Ah, sorry." - Sarah made a fast bow toward Shera to apologize
"Ah, why did you come here, Sarah?" - She came here to visit me, of course! But I wanted to know her answer
"To visit you, Commander! I sneaked out from my sis to get here, she didn't let me go to visit you."
"She is now cutting her hair by herself in my room and I told sis that I wanted to go to the toilet so I sneaked out successfully."
"Are you okay, Commander? You look very okay and Shera even...cut your hair and shaved your beard, hmmph." - Are you jealous, Sarah?
"I see that you are okay, Commander! Hmmph! Then I will go now, sorry for disturbing you three." - Sarah made a military salute toward me, Shera and...Reimi, that girl was sleeping, you nuts!
After cutting my hair and shaving my beard, I would go to a bath, have breakfast, teach Shera in the morning, have lunch and then...wait a minute! I have an idea!
"Wait, Sarah." - I called Sarah when she was heading to the door
"What, Commander?" - Sarah turned around to look at me
"Ah, Sir Rigen! Can I ask Lady Sarah first?" - Shera suddenly asked me to let her ask Sarah
"Lady Sarah, why did you and Lady Hatano allowed to grow your long hair? Sir Rigen said to me that the military in his homeland bans growing too much hair." - Oh, I forgot about this
"Ah, Princess! We are allowed to grow our hair a year ago by two of my superiors, they suddenly came to meet us and allowed us to do that when we were working in the Army."
"That's so?" - Shera stopped asking
"Uh, Sarah! What do you mean by the Army? You are not from the Marines Corps?"
"My sis and I came from the US Army, not Marines Corps, Commander." - I didn't know about it before, these girls came from the Army not Marines!
"But Commander, you came from the Marines Corps? I didn't know about it, I didn't know how to distinguish our soldiers and our Marines, they wear the same uniforms." - Me too, Sarah!
"Uh, Sarah! Get here...get here." - I called Sarah to come
"What is it, Commander? Ahh! Ahh! Stop!" - Let's pretend like I didn't know anything, I was pinching Sarah's cheek
"Why don't you tell me you and Hatano are from the Army, dammit! I thought you two came from the Marines!"
"Don't know, Commander! I'm sorry! I'm sorry." - I stopped pinching her cheek
"Sarah, are you and Hatano free this afternoon?"
"Today we only have our guarding's schedule in the morning, noon and night, Commander! What's wrong?" - Nice!
"Help me a bit, I will pay you two money for this help, about 500 Attas, okay?"
"I don't need money, Commander! But what's it?" - Good job! Now I can ask these two to help me!