Chapter 127: The Second Invitation (Part 2)
Rigen's perspective
2 weeks had passed after that day and I was now marching with Greg's platoon, we were walking on the road, nearby there was a small village, I think!
We had marched for nearly 2 hours so maybe we would rest in the nearby village, I didn't encounter any Taliban so maybe today would be a normal marching. Though I said a platoon but I was marching with a squad, there was no need to patrol around with the entire platoon, only needed to send soldiers from 6 to 8 to patrol.
"Hey, kid! Talk more a bit...don't isolate yourself with us, come on." - A US soldier who was walking beside me was Jimmy, as I could remember, this guy was 21, older than me 5 years old
"Uh...sorry, I didn't talk much, I must look around." - I kept looking around because I was scared that there would be a Taliban or a group of them waiting for us to come close to attack
My M4 Carbine had now always on automatic mode, even when I was resting, I used to turn my M4 to safe mode even when I was resting but now I had changed. Greg was marching in the middle of the group, he was our platoon's leader, I was so lucky to be grouped with these guys, they were kind, not like the previous assholes that I followed before.
"Can we rest there, Greggy!" - Another soldier from my platoon asked Greg when he was going with us
"Yeah, maybe...but we must stay cautious at once, the village ahead is quite strange to us, I never got there before." - Greg said to our platoon, none of us knew Afghan so we could not communicate with the villagers
We kept walking forward until all of us headed to the village, this Afghanistan only had sand and sand, the village's houses seemed to be made of thick mud or clay or...I didn't know what to say. The villagers wore clothes, simple, not like our soldiers, but I noticed that maybe this village would not have any Taliban, I hope so.
I heard on the internet that the guerilla fighters would hide in the people to disguise themselves, that kind of warfare was quite a headache because we didn't know who would be our true enemy. We have guns so we could shoot any people we wanted, even civilians but if we cannot identify who is our true enemy, who is the innocents then we have made too many war crimes.
I saw Greg walk into the village with another soldier, maybe he would talk with the village elder, I walked in with Greg to protect him though I didn't need to do it. We walked inside the village and then I looked around, there were kids here, they seemed young, about 6 to 10 years old, even elder villagers.
"What the fuck, Rig? I didn't tell you to follow me." - Greg seemed to have a bit unpleasant when I followed him...sigh!
"Rig...Rig...Rig...sigh! Okay, if you want to follow me." - Greg made a thumb and then walked forward an aged man seemed to be a village elder
"What should we now, Greg?" - The soldier that followed Greg asked him, all men of our patrol group didn't know an Afghan word
"Old man...can you speak English? I want my stay here for a few minutes." - Greg asked the village elder
"Shakes head!" - The village elder shook his head, maybe he didn't know English for real, it was a headache to me now...tch!
"Is anybody here can speak English!" - I yelled toward the other villagers
After yelling for a few seconds, a man with tan skin and black hair came out from the villagers, that man walked toward us and then headed toward Greg.
"Sir, I can speak English, what do you want?" - Thank god, that Afghan guy could speak English
"I need a place for my soldiers to rest for a few minutes, maybe only 10 minutes of resting, can we?" - Greg said to the man
"Yes, Sir! But I must ask my village elder first, please wait for me." - The man said to us and then went toward the village elder
"Today is quite hot, isn't it?" - The soldier asked me, I was still trying to remember this guy's name, I was quite heartless when I didn't care about my platoon members
"Yeah, hot than eating a hotdog."
"You guys stop chatting around, Rig, go back to our group." - Greg said to us
"Go, Rig...I'm sure you didn't remember my name again, fuck you...haha." - The soldier laughed at me
"Okay, Planta, that's my name." - Planta tapped my shoulder
"Meet you later, guys." - I later returned to other US soldiers
When I returned to my formation, I looked around to see if there was any suspicious in the village or not. I didn't see any suspicious in the village, this place may be safe for us.
A minute later, Greg came out from the village and then looked at us, I hope we would have permission to get into the village.
"That's good, guys! Let's head inside, follow me." - Greg said to us and all of us followed him
We walked through the village houses and later stopped at a house that seemed to be wider than the other ones. Most of the soldiers headed inside and then sat down on the floor right away.
I didn't sit but kept looking around to check for the Taliban though my idea was quite pointless. But later, I got pulled down by Planta, that guy smiled very wide and kept tapping my back non-stop.
I slowly pulled down my military bag and then grabbed a watering can, which had been hung on my belt to drink water. I drank a bit of water in the can and then stored it on my belt, I was a bit sleepy now.
The other US soldiers were chatting to each other while sitting on the floor, some of them seemed sleepy as same as me.
"What's you are gonna do when you get home after this war, kid?" - Planta asked me when he was disassembling his M16A4 Assault Rifle out to clean it
"To study until graduate and then join the Marine Corps, later join the Navy SEALS, what's about you?"
"Well, return home and then find a job, that's all, good luck on your journey, kid."
"You too, Planta."
"Remember don't be struck down by that dick mountain, I was surprised to know you came from Virginia." - Planta patted me and then cleaned his rifle
I kept looking around while checking my M4's magazine, I didn't shoot a bullet for 2 weeks. I hope today I would not shoot too, it was very scary to fight, I looked around and noticed that I didn't see Jimmy anywhere.
Where the fuck did he go? I asked myself...wait, I saw a soldier who came in here with a plate with food, that was Jimmy.
"Eh yo, where did you get those stuff?" - A black soldier asked Jimmy
"Well, I felt hungry and the villagers suddenly give me food, they are kind, this native food is not so tasty but worth eating." - Jimmy ate very freely while talking to us
"Isn't that too suspicious?" - Greg said to Jimmy, some of the soldiers in my platoon were curious about the food so they took some from the plate
"Dudes, fuck you guys." - Jimmy grabbed the last food on the plate and ate with a frustrated face
"Jimmy, answer me!" - Greg talked loud to Jimmy
"Ah, about that, Greggy! The guy who knew English that we talked to earlier said this village is very hospitable, don't worry, the food is still much."
"How did you know?" - I asked Jimmy
"Well, look over there, there are food bags right there, enough to feed hundreds of guys." - Jimmy pointed his hand to a corner of the room we were sitting
I looked in the direction that Jimmy pointed and saw a bunch of bags that carried food inside the room. The food bags were quite much, this village was wealthy to have enough food to feed the villagers?
I turned around and saw some US soldiers were still staring at the food bags, only me and Greg stared at Jimmy.
"Hey, did that Afghan say to you this house is a food stock?" - Greg asked Jimmy cautious, he raised his M4 as if he was about to fight
"No, this room is not a food stock, what's wrong?" - How the fuck can you say so freely, Jimmy?
"How many people are there in the village?" - I asked Jimmy
"Well, I went outside and saw maybe 20 to 30 people, that's all."
"You also sensed that too, Rig?" - Greg asked me when both of us have already loaded our rifles
I nodded to Greg and then looked around cautiously, the other US soldiers hadn't known anything yet but some of them had grabbed their guns. I pointed my rifle outside and saw some villagers talking to each other, they were very near the house we were staying in.
But the villagers wore long clothes as if they were hiding something inside their clothes, I felt very nervous. I looked behind and saw Jimmy had an M67 grenade down his belt so I snatched it when he didn't notice and then pulled the pin.
"John! What the fuck!" - Jimmy yelled when he saw me throw the grenade toward the villagers
When the grenade touched the ground, I immediately hid behind the door and waited for a few seconds later.
"Boom!" - The grenade had exploded, the US soldiers in my platoon had finally stood up with their loaded rifles
"Enemy ambush!" - I yelled to the soldiers and then pointed my rifle out of the door to shoot
I saw that the villagers that hit the grenade had finally died with their corpses on the ground, blood kept draining out. I didn't see any Taliban, not a bit of feeling to know which position they would come out to attack us.
"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" - Many gunshots came out from a house nearby, very close to us and also struck our house with a lot of bullets so I was so scared, I got away from the door
I immediately stepped away from the door and only dare to point my M4 out to shoot the enemy. The other soldiers were pointing their rifles to the other corners such as the windows to shoot outside.
"Bang! Bang! Bang!" - I shot blindly outside and then my rifle fastly ran out of ammo so I changed my magazine and stopped shooting
I pointed my head out to see the enemy and the Taliban shot again, the gunshots were about to hit my head, luckily that Jimmy pulled me down. I looked around and saw that Greg was still bravely pulling his rifle out of the door and kept shooting at the Taliban outside.
I was about to peek my head out the door again to shoot my rifle and I noticed something had gotten inside our room at a very fast speed. I looked at the object that had gotten into our room and noticed its shape seemed very similar to a grenade.
"Enemy grenade!" - I yelled and then grabbed the grenade and threw it away from the door
"Boom!" - The grenade exploded at the time I threw it outside, luckily that no one was wounded
I hid behind the wall and checked my M4's chamber to make sure the bullets had been loaded and were about to point my rifle outside to shoot. I raised my head and was about to fight but I saw Jimmy, who was standing at the door and was shooting outside, he was quite odd.
Jimmy's belly had 3 holes which were now draining out a lot of red things like the blood, the blood drained out non-stop and even drained to the ground. Only I was the one who noticed that scene, the other US soldiers were now fighting so they hadn't noticed, Jimmy had been shot 3 times.
"Wha...what?" - Jimmy turned around and talked to me normally as if he hadn't known that he had been shot
"You have been shot!"
Jimmy seemed panicked when he heard me say that, Jimmy touched around his body and then touched his belly. Jimmy later raised his hand which had been covered by the blood to see, he later looked on the ground to see his blood, the blood was draining out non-stop.
"Oh my god..." - Jimmy fell on the floor so I ran toward him and pulled him away from the door
"Medic! We need a medic! One man wounded!" - I yelled to the other US soldiers and took out Jimmy's combat uniform
I took out Jimmy's combat uniform and then took some bandages in my military bag and then bandaged Jimmy's wound. Two more soldiers came to my position to aid me to bandage Jimmy but his blood kept draining out like a river, it even wet my uniform, my hands were covered with full of blood.
"Hold him tight, we will give him morphine!" - A soldier yelled at me to tell me to hold Jimmy tight to let them give him a morphine
I kept holding Jimmy when he was crying and was saying sad words, he kept yelling during his cry. A few seconds later, the soldiers had finally injected Jimmy morphine but his condition kept worsening.
"Mama! Papa! Versa! I want to go home! I want to go home!" - Jimmy kept yelling while crying so I held both of his bloody hands to comfort him
"I'm here with you, Jimmy! I'm here with you!"
"I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I want to go home! I must see my kids, my wife, mama! Papa!" - Jimmy's tears kept tearing out non-stop
"I want to go home! I want to go home! Mama! Papa! I want to go home! I must go home! I want to go homeeeeee!"
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" - I saw myself in a dark place after seeing Jimmy's death
"Ahhhhhhh! Where the fuck is this place!" - I kept yelling and was trying to find a light to turn on, where the fuck have I gone to!
"John! Please calm down!" - A woman's voice called, that must be a woman Taliban, I was now unarmed, I would surely be killed by that woman!
"Get out! Don't kill me!" - I pushed the woman very rough to a wall nearby
"Arrghhhh!" - The woman yelled in pain when she hit the wall, I must do some before she can kill me!
I later noticed that...this place looked familiar, it had a bed that had enough size for two people. Around the bed were the wooden cabinets, out there was a...curtain!
Wait...then the woman I pushed ro the wall earlier was...Shera, my wife! I hurt my wife!
I panicked and looked around to find the hand brake, I later found it so I pulled the hand brake up and our bedroom had been lighted up by the crystal light. I looked at Shera who was now standing on the wall with a painful posture with her painful face, she kept holding her pregnant belly.
My wife was pregnant, her pregnancy was on its 6th baby! Did my baby get hurt! What if my wife loses our baby because I pushed my wife so hard to the wall!
I got PTSD previously and woke up in a panic, I thought Shera was a Taliban, what the fuck have I done! What if my baby dies, arrrrrggghhhh!
"Aahhhhhhhhh!" I yelled and cried while covering my face
"John...please calm down...I'm fine, our baby is still fine." - Please, Shera please! Don't get close to me!
"Please don't come close, Shera! I'm not fine... please stay away from me, I don't want to hurt our baby!" - I stepped away from Shera in panic while my wife was nervous
"Please calm down and come here, husband...our baby is now kicking in my belly, our child is still fine." - Please don't come close, I don't want to hurt you!
"I don't hate you, John...please come here, I didn't know what has happened to you but as your wife, I will do my best to help you."
"Please stay away from me, Shera! I will lock myself in the food stock room to keep the safety of you and our baby! Please stay away!"
Shera slowly came closer so I cowered my hands, I didn't want ro hurt my wife, Shera later slowly hugged me a warm hug. I slowly breathed to keep myself calm down, Shera later kissed me a sweet so I fastly calmed down full of regrets.
Though my wife said my baby was still fine but I was very scared that our child would have problems when it was born. What the fuck have I done to my wife and my baby! I hugged Shera tight and cried while pressing my face to her chest, please forgive me, my wife, my child!
"That's okay, John...I'm fine, our baby is still fine, but please don't hug me so tight, our baby will be hurt, you know?"
You are reading story A Marine Got Lost In Another World at
"Uhh...I'm sorry." - I kept holding Shera but less tight
Both of us later slowly headed to the bed and sat on it, Shera's voice was so cute, she was not just my wife but an angel. But I was still scared about what happened to my baby, what if...what if my child get hurt...what have I done!
"Shera...I'm sorry, sometimes, the scenes of war keep appearing in my head when I'm sleeping."
"Our child...our child is alright but if there are problems when it is born? I'm scared, I'm not just a bad dad but also a bad husband."
I stopped hugging Shera and covered my face to cry again, Shera kept patting my head to comfort me. I later noticed that Shera pulled out my right hand and pressed it to her pregnant belly, I'm sorry, my wife!
"Shera...what if our baby didn't show any problems this time but when it's born, it will have problems."
"I'm scared, my wife...I shoved you hard so that must have affected our child."
"John...our baby is very healthy, our child is now kicking because it's mad at you, please apologize to it." - Shera said to me with a warm voice so I pressed my ear to her pregnant belly to hear my baby
"Kick! Kick!" - I heard sounds of kicking inside Shera's pregnant belly, my child was still healthy...I'm glad, my baby is still alive!
"My child...I"m sorry, this papa sorry...I won't hurt you or your mom again, I swear." - My tears kept coming out and Shera patted me warmly again
I hugged Shera for a few minutes, I hope my baby would be alright when it was born. I must stay away from Shera and my child or I would make them in danger if I get PTSD in my sleep again.
"What are you doing, John?" - Shera held my hand tight when I stood up and was about to head outside of the bedroom to lock myself in the food stock room
"I think you and our child won't be fine if I keep sleeping here, I will lock myself in another room to make you two safer."
"Our child will be unhappy if you leave it, John... please stay here."
"I will heal you, John...though I cannot have sex with you when I'm pregnant but I will heal you by all ways to not let you see bad things in your dream anymore."
"But I think..."
"Come here...kiss!" - Shera kissed me again and my body felt in melted in happiness ao both of us later lay on the bed
Shera held my body tight to comfort me, I would do my best to not hurt my wife and my child. I looked outside of the curtain and wondered if Shera and my child could live well in this dangerous place or not.
I hadn't patrolled around my house for two weeks, the number of monsters around the border must have increased. I was scared if somedays of those monsters break into my house and harm my wife and my child, I go outside tomorrow.
"What's wrong, John? You look so sad." - Shera, I love you...I love our baby too, I was wondering if you would give birth to a little Prince or a little Princess
"I haven't patrolled for 2 weeks, I'm scared that the monsters would increase and harm you and our child, my wife."
"I don't want to see you or our child die, Rivia died for protecting us...I'm scared that somedays you and my child would die painfully."
"Kiss...we will be fine, John...I love you." - Shera, kissing would not make the monsters disappear
"Please let me go outside tomorrow, Shera...only two hours, I will go out for only two hours."
"I don't want to let you go outside...but if you wish to go out then I will approve, John."
"Thank you, Shera." - I hugged Shera and sniffed her breast, I would not have affairs anymore! I love you the most, my wife!
"Please return here less than two hours, John...this wife will make a big breakfast tomorrow, I and you must be healthy to welcome our baby."
"Yeah, I will return soon, Shera...I love you." - Shera held my hand tight, we would be together forever, only the three of us happy together
"Good night, husband...kiss!" - Shera kissed my cheek with her warm kiss
"Good night, my wife." - I pressed my face to Shera's breast and then closed my eyes to sleep
I slowly opened my eyes and saw Shera was now lying beside me on the bed, I have returned to the present. The dream I had gone through earlier was both heartbreaking and warmth in love, I love Shera very much.
"John...we are late, you know? It's our lesson time, husband." - Shera said to me with her warm voice and then both of us got up
I looked around and saw that the room had been dark, outside was nighttime already. Shera pulled out from a drawer two candle lights and she used fire magic to light up the candle lights.
The candles lighted up the room brightly and Shera put those things on her study table. I forgot to bring my teaching schedule document and subjects books that I took from the library, I only brought my pistol so maybe I would teach Shera without books tonight.
Shera suddenly headed toward me and then patted my head, my wife made me relieved and made my heart warm. I also hugged Shera and then pressed my face to her breast to sniff her, I love my wife's smell the most.
Do you feel better now, master? This wife is here with you..." - Shera, I love you!
"John, don't be scared, if you have any problems, please meet me, I will cure you...I will heal you." - Thank you, my wife!
"John...I don't want to disturb you but...may this wife give you a blowjob?" - Shera pressed her face to my chest while saying to me
"You always leave me here so...I always have a madly jealous feeling if you follow any girls outside though I think you wouldn't do that, John."
"But I'm still very jealous when Reimi keeps hanging around with you though she hasn't done anything to you...can I relieve you before we head to study, husband?"
"If you want to...Shera, do what you like."
"Kiss!" - Both of us kissed a sweet kiss, Shera slowly pulled out my pants and slowly stroked my lowered cock
Shera slowly stroked my cock to make it happy, we slowly exposed our tongues and licked, which made our kiss lewd. My cock had been very hard after being cared for well by Shera, we kissed a sweet kiss and Shera slowly lowered her head down and was about to suck my dick.
"John...this wife will make you forget about the painful, please let me fill you in happiness, husband." - Shera said to me while stroking my cock slowly, I was so happy!
"Kiss!" - Shera kissed my dickhead, which made my cock get harder because of excitement, my wife later sucked my dick with her hot mouth
Our lesson occurred a bit late because Shera sucked my dick twice, she later washed her mouth and we headed on to study. Shera was a very hard learner, she concentrated more than usual today, maybe having oral sex with me made her have more mood to be happy.
Anyway, having sex could make our stress go away, both of us were very happy to be with each other.
After studying, Shera kept hugging me and sniffing me non-stop. I was wondering if I should invite Shera and Reimi ro join my uprising forces or not, this would be a good time for me to persuade both of them to join me.
"Shera, call Reimi head inside here, I have an important thing to talk to both of you."
Shera seemed confused about what I said but she later turned her head out of the door.
"Reimi, get inside!"
"Yes, my Highness."
The door later opened and Reimi walked inside after bowing to both of us, she later grabbed a makeup chair, put it in my position and sat beside me and Shera.
I must be wise, I would ask Shera and Reimi to join my uprising forces with only the role to persuade the lords and the officials, must not reveal to them about Sarah and Hatano.
"What do you want to tell us, John?" - I must tell the truth first to earn my wife's trust though she has already trusted me madly
"Please speak, Sir Rigen." - I hope Reimi would not be against me showing her devotion to her homeland
"You two please hear, please stay silent and hear me." - I took a breath and was about to speak
"I'm John Rigen, Sergeant rank from the United States Marines Corps, my homeland is named United States of America."
"I was in a patrol mission with my subordinates, Private Sarah Hatano and Private Shizuka Hatano on the Sword mountain."
"We got trapped under the Sword mountain, in the area named the Sword cave during a lightning strike that struck the mountain."
"We went all around the cave to find a way out and somehow a white light appeared and sucked us inside it and all of us got here."
"I and my subordinates got here in different locations, when I was away from you two, I reunited with them."
"Shera, Reimi...the things I told you about, magic, my lost memory and even my noble rank are all lies, I'm very sorry."
"I came from another world, a commoner, my homeland didn't have magic or a noble system..."
"Please help me to become the King by overthrowing your brother, Shera."
A long silence occurred, both Reimi and Shera lowered their heads as if they were disappointed in me, Reimi later raised her head with an angry expression.
"You dare to fool us and now you dare to declare your dirty goal to use us to overthrow our ruler, I will kill you, filthy commoner!" - Reimi kicked the chair away and drew her sword out
I didn't stand up or draw my pistol, I would not want to harm my lovers, Reimi drew her sword but she seemed very hesitant to attack me. Shera looked at me also with her angry face but she later calmed down and looked straight at me.
"Stop, not harm John, never harm him, protect him at all costs."
Reimi was very mad at Shera's decision but she later put her sword back in its scabbard and kept looking at me as if I was her biggest threat.
"John...I'm very mad at you but I believe you, a person who can tell the truth is trustworthy, you lied to us before but now you revealed the truth."
"I didn't care if you are a commoner or you came from another world, John! You are my loved one, I love you whoever you are."
"But why did you want to overthrow my brother, John?"
"Your brother is lack of skill to be a ruler, I will fit than him, the Prime Minister is the one who will be the enemy, not me, Shera."
"What do you mean by the Prime Minister, John?"
"That man is the one that caused two of your homeland's coups, you can ask Reimi for more details when I return to the Palace alone."
"Reimi, I want you to stay with me tonight to have more explanation." - Shera turned toward Reimi and talked to her
"Yes, my Highness."
"John, what is your true purpose for overthrowing my brother?" - I didn't have a clear purpose but I mainly thought about Shera, my harem and my future children, I want all of them to live in happiness
"For you and our future children, Shera...I need you and Reimi to persuade the officials and the lords to vote me to become their ruler when I see the right time comes."
"I swear when I become Warsaw's King, I would kill the Prime Minister and rule well, I will take care of you and our children well, all of us will live in happiness."
Shera after hearing my words, she pressed her face to my shoulder and then hugged me tightly.
"I would join you to overthrow my brother...but please, let my brother alive, don't harm him, John." - I slowly held Shera tight
"I will, I swear... your brother will be spared and alive, all of us will live in happiness, Shera." - It depends, Shera! I would kill your brother if he is annoying to me, you will slowly forgive me and forget your pathetic brother
Reimi suddenly kneeled one leg toward me and then bowed toward me, she seemed to force herself to do that, her face was still full of anger.
"I, Reimi Frieden will remain devoted and only bow before are my only ruler alongside Her Highness, Sir Rigen." - Reimi's voice was so hard and unnatural, sigh! I would take care of you and Shera well
After that invitation, I returned to the Palace alone when Reimi and Shera were staying in school. I walked into my room and turned off Advisor and then put it on a table near the window, I would take a good sleep to have a good meeting with my subordinates tomorrow.
"Knock! Knock! Commander, may I come in?" - Sarah called me when she was outside
"Get in, Sarah."
Sarah opened the door and walked into my room, she wore a simple blue dress that seemed to be a sleep dress. Sarah's face was quite shy for some reason, she was holding a pillow in her hands.
"May I sleep with you tonight, Commander?" - Sarah was so shy, so cute!
"My sis hasn't stayed with me so I want to have someone to sleep with to have less bored."
"You don't feel shy when you are about to sleep with a man, Sarah?"
"I always sleep with my sis so I think sleeping with a man like you will be normal, Commander." - Dumb, absolutely dumb!
"Alright, you can sleep with me if you want, don't snore when you are sleeping, that's my condition."
Sarah after hearing my words, she immediately jumped on my bed, placed her pillow on it and then slept freely as if nothing strange had happened.
"Thank you very much, Commander." - Sarah talked to me and then slept freely
I also wanted to sleep right now so I got on my bed and lay beside Sarah.
"Do not touch me, hentai!" - Sarah said to me and then slept freely again
"Okay, okay, brown-haired Princess! Only the dumb dare to touch you." - I lay on the bed and then closed my eyes to sleep
Note: Well, maybe I will let my laptop rest for days, I have checked my laptop well so I make sure it didn't get a virus but just simply overheated after days of writing and charging non-stop.
Another chapter that's written and edited by my phone, enjoy the chapter, guys! I'm very sorry for the late update because I didn't use the noon to write but to sleep :)